26 research outputs found


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    Postural control (PC) represents a basic aspect in the life of individuals and requires complex interaction between several factors that can be divided into extrinsic and intrinsic factors. In the case of the extrinsic factors, an example is the force of gravity, which acts on all bodies and, due to the unequal distribution of mass and the shape of the body, can interfere in the center of mass (CoM) of the body. Like the CoM, the center of pressure (CoP) is accurate to detect changes in PC. A fall occurs when the CoM is very distant from the support base of a body. This regulation is performed by the intrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors are those related to the neurophysiological and sensory components of the individual, e.g., the sensory and neural systems. The sensory systems that capture specific stimuli and send them to the CNS are the visual, vestibular, and somatosensory systems. The visual system captures information from the environment to aid in spatial orientation. The vestibular system informs about linear and angular accelerations of the head, and the somatosensory system detects touch stimuli, body position, temperature, and pain. The neurophysiological aspects include structures that act directly and indirectly, for example, the cerebellum and the hypothalamus, respectively. Thus, it is concluded that PC is a complex skill that involves the integration of cortical and subcortical structures, and sensory systems, which are constantly exposed to various forces acting on the body. Postural control (PC) represents a basic aspect in the life of individuals and requires complex interaction between several factors that can be divided into extrinsic and intrinsic factors. In the case of the extrinsic factors, an example is the force of gravity, which acts on all bodies and, due to the unequal distribution of mass and the shape of the body, can interfere in the center of mass (CoM) of the body. Like the CoM, the center of pressure (CoP) is accurate to detect changes in PC. A fall occurs when the CoM is very distant from the support base of a body. This regulation is performed by the intrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors are those related to the neurophysiological and sensory components of the individual, e.g., the sensory and neural systems. The sensory systems that capture specific stimuli and send them to the CNS are the visual, vestibular, and somatosensory systems. The visual system captures information from the environment to aid in spatial orientation. The vestibular system informs about linear and angular accelerations of the head, and the somatosensory system detects touch stimuli, body position, temperature, and pain. The neurophysiological aspects include structures that act directly and indirectly, for example, the cerebellum and the hypothalamus, respectively. Thus, it is concluded that PC is a complex skill that involves the integration of cortical and subcortical structures, and sensory systems, which are constantly exposed to various forces acting on the body.

    Avaliação da massa corporal, taxa de sudorese e percepção de sede em atletas de brazilian jiu jitsu de diferentes idades

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    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a high intensity combat sport practiced in conditions that promote excessive water loss, impairing the athlete's performance and health. The aim of the study was to evaluate body mass, sweating rate and perception of thirst in athletes of different ages submitted to a single experimental protocol. This experimental study had the participation of 16 participants distributed in 2 groups with an average age difference of 9,4 years; G1: (30.86 ±3.58) years, and G2: (40.33 ±2.92) years. The athletes underwent a specific training protocol lasting 60 minutes without consuming liquids. Pre and post body mass was collected, and weight loss percentage (PPP) and sweating rate (TR) parameters were calculated. G1 presented PPP of 1.05 ± 0.36 and TR of 14.7 ±4.45. G2 obtained PPP of 0.81 ±0.43 and TS of 11.8 ±6.08. Regarding the sensation of thirst, no difference was observed between the groups at the end of the protocol. We conclude the BJJ training protocol reduced body mass in both groups, and PPP and TR although no statistical differences were found, the values ​​were absolutely lower in middle-aged athletes. Training even with water restriction did not cause thirst in all athletes. It is recommended that fighting sports athletes perform fluid replacement during sports practice.O Brazilian Jiu Jitsu é um esporte de combate de alta intensidade praticado em condições que promovem perda hídrica excessiva prejudicando a performance e saúde do atleta. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a massa corporal, taxa de sudorese e percepção de sede em atletas de diferentes idades submetidos a único protocolo experimental. Este estudo teve participação de 16 atletas distribuídos em 2 grupos com diferença média de idade de 9,4 anos; G1: (30,86 ±3,58) anos, e G2: (40,33 ±2.92) anos. Os atletas foram submetidos a protocolo de treinamento específico com duração de 60 minutos sem consumo de líquidos. Coletou-se massa corporal pré e pós, e calculou-se parâmetros de percentual de perda de peso (PPP) e taxa de sudorese (TS). O G1 apresentou PPP de 1,05 ±0,36 e TS de 14,7 ±4,45. O G2 obteve PPP de 0,81 ± 0,43 e TS de 11,8 ±6,08. Em relação a sensação de sede não foi observado diferença entre os grupos ao término do protocolo. Conclui-se o protocolo de treinamento de BJJ reduziu a massa corporal em ambos os grupos, e o PPP e a TS embora não tenha sido encontrado diferenças estatísticas, de forma absoluta os valores foram menores nos atletas de meia idade. O treinamento mesmo com restrição hídrica não provocou sede em todos os atletas. Recomenda-se que atletas de esportes de lutas realizem reposição de líquidos durante a prática esportiva

    Efeitos Comportamentais e Imunológicos da Fluoxetina em Ratos Submetidos ao Nado Forçado

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    In the present study, behavioral and immunomodulatory effects of fluoxetine were evaluated with the forced swim test, an animal model of depression. In this model, floating behavior is responsive to antidepressants and is used as a behavioral index of despair. During 12 days, three times a day, two groups were treated intraperitoneally with saline or fluoxetine. Additionally, the humoral immune response to immunostimulation (sheep red blood cells) was evaluated. The animals treated with fluoxetine floated longer, showed decreases in body mass and had lower total production of antibodies. The results indicate simultaneous modulation of behavior and antibody production by fluoxetine.Evidências sugerem que a depressão envolve alterações imunológicas. No presente trabalho, os efeitos comportamentais e imunomoduladores de um antidepressivo, a fluoxetina, são avaliados num modelo animal de depressão, o nado forçado. Nesse modelo, o comportamento de flutuar é usado como índice de desespero comportamental. Ratos foram tratados por 12 dias com fluoxetina (10mg/kg) três vezes ao dia ou com salina; e, nos mesmos dias, foram submetidos a sessões de nado forçado. Adicionalmente, a resposta imune humoral a uma imunoestimulação foi avaliada. Os animais tratados com fluoxetina apresentaram menor produção total de anticorpos e queda de massa corporal, além de passarem mais tempo flutuando. Os resultados sugerem que o desespero comportamental e a produção de anticorpos são simultaneamente atenuados pela fluoxetina

    Relação da força de preensão com a composição corporal e indicadores laboratoriais de diabéticos e hipertensos

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    Introduction: The change in handgrip strength (HGS) is an indicator of the emergence of some chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus (DM) and systemic arterial hypertension (SAH). Objective: Analyze the relationship between HGS and body composition and laboratory indicators of diabetic and hypertensive patients assisted in Primary Health Care. Methods: The sample consisted of 185 users of a Basic Health Unit in the city of Santarém, Pará, distributed into two groups: control (CTL) – users without a diagnosis of DM and/or SAH (n=66); and DM/SAH (n=119) – users with DM or SAH or both diseases. Data collection involved sociodemographic, clinical, anthropometric, biochemical, and HGS information. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, adopting p<0.05. Results: It was noted that low HGS in the DM/SAH group was associated with high values of body mass index, abdominal circumference, fat percentage, fat mass, total cholesterol, and triglycerides and with more factors for metabolic syndrome (p<0.05). The CTL group, in relation to DM/SAH for the same HGS classification, demonstrated significance for lower blood pressure values, body mass index, abdominal circumference, fat percentage, and fat mass, as well as a lower chance of developing metabolic syndrome (p<0.05). Conclusion: According to the study proposal, it is concluded that the evaluation and follow-up of HGS in individuals with chronic diseases,especially DM and SAH, is relevant to monitor body adiposity and dyslipidemia and avoid the aggravation of existing diseases or the emergence of new ones.Introdução: A alteração na força de preensão (FP) manual é indicador para surgimento de algumas doenças crônicas, como a diabetes mellitus (DM) e hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS). Objetivo: Analisar a relação da FP com a composição corporal e indicadores laboratoriais de diabéticos e hipertensos assistidos na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Métodos: A amostra foi composta por 185 usuários de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde na cidade de Santarém,Pará, sendo distribuídos em dois grupos: controle (CTL) – usuários sem o diagnóstico para DM e/ou HAS (n=66); e DM/HAS (n=119) – usuários com DM ou HAS ou as duas doenças. A coleta de dados envolveu informações sociodemográficas, clínicas, antropométricas, bioquímicas e FP. Os dados foram analisados por estatística descritiva e inferencial, adotando-se p<0,05. Resultados: Notou-se que a FP baixa no grupo DM/HAS apresentou associaçãocom valores elevados do índice de massa corporal, circunferência abdominal, percentual de gordura, massa gorda, colesterol total, triglicerídeos e com mais fatores para a síndrome metabólica (p<0,05). Já o grupo CTL, em relação do DM/HAS para uma mesma classificação de FP, demonstrou significância para menores valores pressóricos, do índice de massa corporal, da circunferência abdominal, percentual de gordura, massa gorda, bem como menor chance para o desenvolvimento da síndrome metabólica (p<0,05). Conclusão: Conclui-se, conforme a proposta do estudo, que é relevante a avaliação e acompanhamento da FP em indivíduos com doenças crônicas, em especial a DM e a HAS, a fim de monitorar a adiposidade corporal e a dislipidemia, evitando o agravo das doenças instaladas ou o surgimento de novas

    Impact of interaction between chronic variable stress and moderate intensity physical exercise on antibody production in Wistar rats

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    Stress in its chronic form has been an important factor in the onset of depression. In addition, it can lead to immunosuppression. On the other hand, physical exercise has a protective action on the immune system and reduces the signs and symptoms of stress. Studies on the effects of chronic variable stress (CVS) and moderate intensity physical exercise (MIPE) on humoral immunity are scarce. Thus, in this study, we investigated the interaction between the effects of CVS and MIPE on antibody production. Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control (C); physical exercise (P); stress (S); and physical exercise and stress (PS). The P and PS groups were trained in MIPE for six weeks. From the fourth week of the study, concomitant with the MIPE, the S and PS groups were subjected to CVS. To evaluate the production of antibodies, all groups were immunized. Regarding antibody production, it was observed that females in the C and S groups presented higher IgM antibody production in relation to males. Furthermore, the production of IgM was potentiated in males of the PS group. On the other hand, no significant differences were observed in relation to the production of IgG1 and IgG2a. We conclude that CVS prevented the increase in IgM production in male rats and MIPE was effective in reversing the effects of stress on the production of IgM in male rats. On the other hand, the production of IgG1 and IgG2a was not affected by MIPE or CVS

    Tempo de uso da terapia antirretroviral e nível de atividade física no hiv/aids: impacto no perfil morfológico / Time of use of antiretroviral therapy and physical activity level in hiv/aids: impact on morphological profile

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    Introdução: o avanço da terapia antirretroviral (TARV) foi importante para a longevidade e qualidade de vida do paciente infectado pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV). Objetivo: analisar a associação do tempo de uso da TARV e do nível de atividade física na composição corporal e lipodistrofia de pacientes infectados pelo HIV. Método: A amostra foi composta por 219 pacientes infectados pelo HIV distribuídos em dois grupos: G1 (tratados com TARV por até 12 meses; n=85) e G2 (tratados com TARV por mais que 12 meses; n=134). Os pacientes foram avaliados quanto às suas características sociodemográficas, clínicas, composição corporal, nível de atividade física e lipodistrofia. Os dados foram analisados por estatística descritiva e inferencial, por meio dos programas Graphpad Prism e BioEstat 5.0, adotando-se o p0.05. Resultados: encontrou-se maior frequência para homens, escolaridade de 12 anos ou mais, pardos e renda de 1-2 salários, tanto no G1 como G2. A faixa etária predominante para G1 foi de 18 a 37 anos (75%) e para G2 de 28 a 47 anos (64%). Pacientes com diagnóstico de Aids no G2 foi maior (66% vs 28%), bem como, para o uso de inibidor de protease (IP; 37% vs 14%). A lipodistrofia estava presente em 34% da amostra (G1 – 18%; G2 – 44%), sendo o tipo predominante no G1 a lipoatrofia (47%) e no G2 a mista (51%). Em ambos os grupos predominou a inatividade física (G1 – 70%; G2 - 66%). Conclusão: a inatividade física foi elevada nos dois grupos, contudo, o G2 obteve maior frequência para pacientes com Aids, lipodistrofia e uso de IP. Além disso, o G2 apresentou associação para a presença de Aids, da lipodistrofia e para o uso de inibidor de protease. Já o nível de atividade física não apresentou associação com índice de massa corporal, circunferência abdominal, percentual de gordura, lipodistrofia, situação de imunodeficiência e com o uso de IP.

    Pessoas vivendo com HIV/Aids no Sudoeste Goiano: caracterização sociodemográfica, clínica e laboratorial no ano de 2018

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    Introdução: É significativo o número de pessoas vivendo com HIV (PVHIV) no Brasil, não se restringindo aos grandes centros, o que torna necessário entender as características clinicoepidemiológicas de cada região para que políticas públicas sejam estabelecidas de forma realística, prática e aplicável às suas peculiaridades. Objetivo: Caracterizar o perfil sociodemográfico, clínico e laboratorial das PVHIV que tiveram seu primeiro atendimento em um ambulatório do município de Jataí, Goiás, no ano de 2018. Método: Coletaram-se dados sociodemográficos, clínicos e laboratoriais de uma amostra de 80 prontuários de PVHIV atendidas em um ambulatório de Jataí, Goiás, no ano de 2018. Os dados foram analisados por estatística descritiva e inferencial. Resultados: Houve predomínio de homens (71,3%), idade de 16-35 anos (61,3%), solteiros (68,8%), heterossexuais (43,8%), com vínculo empregatício (70,0%) e o meio de exposição ao HIV foi pela relação sexual (97,5%). A herpes zoster se destacou como infecção oportunista (27,8%), a sífilis (76,9%) como outras infecções e o transtorno de ansiedade (30,0%) como comorbidade. Os homens, em relação às mulheres, associaram-se positivamente com o diagnóstico de outras infecções (p=0,0250) e com valores alterados para aspartato aminotransferase (p=0,0410). Já as PVHIV com atendimento por diagnóstico, em relação as por transferência/abandono, apresentaram associação positiva com a presença de carga viral detectável (p=0,0001) e circunferência abdominal adequada (p=0,0304). Conclusão: Em 2018, o atendimento para o recém diagnóstico predominou, bem como de adultos, homens, solteiros, heterossexuais e com vínculo empregatício. A herpes zoster e a sífilis foram as infecções mais presentes, o tipo de exposição ao HIV foi a relação sexual e os homens apresentaram alteração para a aspartato aminotransferase e maior presença de outras infecções. A carga viral detectável e a circunferência abdominal adequada estiveram mais presentes nos recém diagnosticados..Introduction: The number of people living with HIV (PLHIV) in Brazil is significant, and not restricted to large centers, which makes it necessary to understand the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of each region so that public policies can be established in a realistic, practical, and applicable way to the peculiarities of this disease. Objective: To characterize the sociodemographic, clinical, and laboratory profile of PLHIV who had their first consultation at an outpatient clinic in the city of Jataí, Goiás, in 2018. Methods: Sociodemographic, clinical, and laboratory data were collected from the medical records of a sample of 80 PLHIV attended at an outpatient clinic in Jataí, Goiás, in 2018. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: There was a predominance of men (71.3%), aged 16-35 years (61.3%), single (68.8%), heterosexual (43.8%), employed (70.0%), and the route of exposure to HIV was through sexual intercourse (97.5%). Herpes zoster stood out as an opportunistic infection (27.8%), and syphilis (76.9%) as well as other infections and anxiety disorder (30.0%) as comorbidities. Men, compared to women, were positively associated with the diagnosis of other infections (p=0.0250) and with altered values for aspartate aminotransferase (p=0.0410). On the other hand, the PLHIV attended due to diagnosis, in relation to those due to transfer/abandonment, showed a positive association with the presence of detectable viral load (p=0.0001) and adequate abdominal circumference (p=0.0304). Conclusion: In 2018, consultations for newly diagnosed patients predominated, as well as for adults, men, single people, heterosexuals, and employed individuals. Herpes zoster and syphilis were the most common infections, the route of exposure to HIV was sexual intercourse, and men showed alterations in aspartate aminotransferase and a greater presence of other infections. Detectable viral load and adequate abdominal circumference were more present in newly diagnosed PLHIV

    The effects of oat bran and soy flour on humoral immune response in rats fed hypercholesterolaemic diets

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    Previous studies have demonstrated the immunological and hypercholesterolaemic effects of soluble dietary fibre and soy protein in rats. In this study, we evaluated the effects of oat bran and soy flour on humoral immune response in Wistar rats fed hypercholesterolaemic diets. Animals (6 groups) fed with different diets for 6 wks were inoculated twice with antigen (IgY). Plasma samples were collected after each inoculation and anti-IgY antibody (IgM, IgG1 and IgG2a) levels were evaluated by ELISA. Animals receiving 1% cholesterol presented an increase in anti-IgY IgG1 and a reduction in anti-IgY IgM and IgG2a relative to control animals. These effects were abrogated in animals fed 1% cholesterol and oat bran or oat bran+soy protein, but not in animals fed 1% cholesterol and soy protein. Diets containing 1% cholesterol resulted in hepatic lesions and higher liver and spleen relative weights, but did not affect lipid profile, weight gain, food intake, or food conversion efficiency. In conclusion, a high-cholesterol diet influences classes of antibodies produced in response to an antigen in a way that can be reversed by oat bran