98 research outputs found

    Impactul politicilor de ocupare a fortei de munca in cazul romilor din Romania

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    This research offers a critical assessment of the national employment policy action plans, measures and tools used for promoting the employment situation of Roma EU ctizens in the EU. It focuses on both the old and new member states, paiticutarly Romania, and examines the legal employment tools and policiesthat can be used and implemented at the EU level

    Beberapa Faktor yang Mempengaruhi CSR Disclosure Pada Sektor Pertambangan yang Terdaftar di BEI Periode 2015-2018

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    Tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan merupakan bentuk kewajiban yang mendorong perusahaan untuk melakukan pengungkapan terkait pelaksanaannya sebagai bentuk transparansi perusahaan terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui beberapa faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi pengungkapan tersebut. Objek penelitian ini adalah perusahaan sektor pertambangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2015-2018. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik non probability sampling metode purposive judgement yang menghasilkan 12 perusahaan sampel dengan 48 data amatan. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik deskriptif, uji kesamaan koefisien, uji asumsi klasik, dan analisis regresi linear berganda yang diolah dengan program SPSS 25. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa komisaris independen dan komite audit berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap pengungkapan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan, sementara profitabilitas, leverage, dan kepemilikan manajerial tidak berpengaruh signifikan

    Flexicurity in the EU28 Countries: A Multiyear Composite Indicator Proposal

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    This study computes a flexicurity index for the EU28 countries for 2001-2019 following the European Commission’s four components of flexicurity model. The index allows the ex-post assessment of flexicurity efforts and efficiency. Following the computation of the index, we compare its values against the theoretical flexicurity typologies and against other empirical flexicurity groupings to assess their (dis)similarities. Even though Northern and Western countries generally have higher flexicurity scores than Southern and Eastern states, the study shows some countries deviate from their theoretical performance. Thus, some of the Continental and Mediterranean countries have flexicurity values like those of the Nordic group. Moreover, the flexicurity regimes are not static as the theoretical typology suggests: while Denmark and France are always in the top performers’ group, other countries change their performance throughout the 2001-2019 period. The flexicurity index correlates highly with empirical country groupings in the literature. The highest correlation is with country groupings using the European Commission’s four components of flexicurity model, followed by the Golden Danish Triangle, and lastly, the Wilthagen and Tros’ flexicurity matrix. In the end, we compare EU countries’ performance in the flexicurity index scores with their performance in selected employment and unemployment rates, labor productivity, and poverty rates. Results suggest that higher flexicurity performance correlates generally with better labor market and social outcomes, the highest correlations being in the case of labor productivity rates

    Access to finance and labor market performance in the EU 28

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    This paper examines the relationship between access to finance and labor market performance in the EU28 for the period 2003-2017. For this purpose, we first construct a composite indicator to measure access to finance by equal-weighting information about days needed to be paid, rejected loans, the willingness of banks to provide a loan, interest rate for small loans, venture capital, private equity, business angels, and public funding. Secondly, using a Two-Stage Least Squares (2SLS), we estimate the relationship between the employment and unemployment growth rates on our access to finance indicator while controlling for main macro-economic variables. Our results suggest that improved access to finance is likely to stimulate labor market performance - increased access to finance generates increased employment growth rates, and decreased unemployment growth rates respectively. Findings contribute to empirical literature and have important policy implications. Improving business environment conditions for SMEs through access to finance could improve labor market outcomes.JRC.I.1-Monitoring, Indicators & Impact Evaluatio

    Baba Cloantza, la Yaga édentée du folklore roumain

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    Presque toute histoire inspirée du folklore des Carpates met en scène le personnage d’une vieille sorcière, d’une femme âgée vivant en périphérie du village, Baba Cloanţa [Kloantza]. Pour tout lecteur roumain bercé par les contes, ce nom suggère une représentation corporelle singulière, dont le symbole qui se détache, riche en termes d’analyse littéraire et mythique, est l’absence de dents. Notre réflexion s’attache à explorer l’ambiguïté de la figure de la Baba (guérisseuse, oracle, guide, démon, ou simple caricature) à travers un ensemble de textes représentatifs (contes, poèmes et opérette).Nearly all the stories inspired by the Carpathian folklore feature the character of an old witch, an elderly woman living on the outskirts of the village, named Baba Cloanţa. For the Romanian reader, cradled by the ancient tales, this name suggests a singular (and symbolically charged) appearance marked by the absence of teeth. Our article examines the ambiguous nature of the Baba (as healer, oracle, spiritual guide, demon, or caricature) as presented in a number of edifying texts (tales, poems and an operetta)


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi keluarga broken home terhadap peran orang tua dalam pendidikan, kebutuhan, sosial dan pembentukan karakter anak dan dampak broken home di Desa Terkesi Kecamatan Klambu Kabupaten Grobogan, dengan rumusan masalah kondisi keluarga broken home di Desa Terkesi Kecamatan Klambu Kabupaten Grobogan dan dampak broken home di Desa Terkesi Kecamatan Klambu Kabupaten Grobogan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk sebagai tahapan dalam melaksanakan penelitian. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan di Desa Terkesi Kecamatan Klambu Kabupaten Grobogan, dengan mengambil subjek orang tua dan anak sebagai subjek penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data yang meliputi tahap observasi, wawancara mendalam, dokumentasi dan pencatatan. Analisis data yang digunakan merupakan analisis data interaktif. Dari hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa kondisi keluarga broken home di Desa Terkesi Kecamatan Klambu Kabupaten Grobogan berbeda- beda, ada yang masih tetap baik dan ada yang tidak bergantung tingkat kesadaran orang tua yang berperan memenuhi kebutuhan anak. Kemudian pada keluarga broken home memberikan dampak pada perkembangan  psikologi anak

    Aspects of chemosensitivity of etiological agents involved in severe sistemic infections

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    Excessive use of antimicrobial agents led to the development of important resistance mechanisms. The aim of the study was to observe the etiology and sensitivity of pathogen agents isolated from patients with sepsis. We have conducted a retrospective study on 60 patients with sepsis, hospitalized in the Infectious Diseases Clinic I from Targu Mures, over a period of 1 year (01.03.2009 - 01.03.2010). The incidence of sepsis and septic shock, the generating infection, the chemosensitivity of the etiological agent isolated from blood cultures, the therapy and patients evolution, have been closely examined. An increased incidence of sepsis has been noticed at patients aged over 50 (70%) predominantly male (66,66%). The pathogen agent has been identified at 38 patients (63,33%) as follows: gram-positive bacteria (33,33%), gram-negative bacteria (30%). Resistance of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) to the known antistaphylococcal drugs was shown, except for glycopeptides (15% of patients); resistance of pneumococci to the beta lactam drugs (6,66% of patients), resistance of gram-negative bacteria to the aminopenicillins, sulfonamides, aminoglycosides, third-generation cephalosporins (16,66% of patients), carbapenems (8,33% of patients), fluoroquinolones (5% of patients). In the etiology of sepsis an increased incidence of gram-positive bacteria has been noticed, as well as an increase in the resistance rate to the known antimicrobial agents of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), pneumococci, H influenzae, Đš pneumoniae, E coli, beta lactamase producing. Keywords: sepsis, etiological agent, sensibility, antimicrobial therapy
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