191 research outputs found

    Women’s Rights and Colonization in The Short Story of The Jakarta Post

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    Right after the fall of Suharto’s regime, Indonesia has undergone tremendous changes in almost all aspects of life: political, economic, social, cultural, and possibly ideological lives. The changes bring new breaths to Indonesian future, especially in the area of women’s rights. This article discusses the issue of women’s rights in Indonesia based on a textual analysis. The purpose of this writing is to investigate the representation of women’s rights issues in some stories of The Jakarta Post, one of the most popular media which has also played an important role in popularizing and spreading such issues. Postcolonial criticism is used to see how the stories portray the issues of women’s rights, particularly gender equality and marginality. To study the issues, this analysis looks at two short stories: “Gender Equality” by Iwan Setiawan and “Street Smart Mom” by Eric Musa Piliang.  The two stories represent the fact that Indonesian women fight against colonization for their rights in some different ways, as a smart wife and a poor street mother. The stories signal that Indonesian women struggle to escape from colonization through some actions such as moving forward to the center of power by maintaining superiority against men and living their lives as they wish in spite of being poor

    Terror Narrative: Representing State Violence in Modern Indonesian Literature

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    Literature and society are a way of looking at problems in society. Literature not only functions as entertainment, but it may also represent socio-political problems. Some literary works even carry more roles as both a reflection of such issues and a means of protest against them, including human rights violations. This paper examines how Indonesian literature has reflected human rights breaches, such as oppression in Indonesia during the New Order era. This qualitative research was conducted through direct documentation. The research revealed that the regime punished any individuals, groups, or institutions which tried to challenge its policy by the name of national stability. Some writers, such as Putu Wijaya, used anecdotes to protest against such oppression. He was a prolific Indonesian writer whose works often expose socio-political issues, such as human rights violations in Indonesia. His writings suggest his disagreement with such abuses. The three short stories investigated here "Sket," "Mulut," and "Rakyat" represent Putu Wijaya's dissent with the violence performed by the apparatus of the regime. Playing his role as a literary activist, Putu uses these stories to remind rights perpetrators that such cases as seen in the stories have taken place and might take place somewhere in Indonesia

    Rural Life in "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain

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    This research studies rural life as the setting in Mark Twain’s masterpiece, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. This research investigates rural life employed by Mark Twain as the setting in the novel. Besides, it highlights the kinds of rural settings intertwined in the story. Finally, this research also investigates how far the settings function to deliver the theme of the novel. In analyzing the work, the study applies a formalist approach that focuses on the text’s intrinsic elements, in this case, the settings. It also utilizes the qualitative method and library research as the method of the study. Finally, it is found that the settings of place are the most dominant setting that carries the novel’s rural aspect compared to the time and social settings. Mississippi River and the villages as the settings of place also play an essential role in delivering one of the story’s themes, the conflict between natural life and civilized life

    Membaca dan Berwisata: AntologiEsaiWisataSastradiBerbagaiNegara

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    Buku MEMBACA DAN BERWISATA : Antologi Esai Wisata Sastra di Berbagai Negara ini adalah realisasi komitmen dosen dan mahasiswa program studi Magister Ilmu Sastra Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Andalas Padang. Di dalamnya terkandung tulisan 8 orang mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah Sastra dan Industri. Drs. Ferdinal, M.A., Ph.D, salah seorang dosen mata kuliah ini, mengajak mahasiswa berkarya melalui tulisan dari hasil tugas akhir mata kuliah. Buku ini diharapkan dapat memberikan konten yang lebih bervariasi baik dari segi karakter, isi, dan keluasanmaknanya

    ST Reviewer (Pewancara) BPI

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    Prosiding: Seminar Nasional Perkembangan Terkini Sains Farmasi & Klinis ke-8 dan Seminar Nasional Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia Ke-56, Padang 4-5 April 2019

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    Seminar Nasional Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia ke 56 merupakan Seminar yang dilaksanakan dua kali dalam setahun yang diprakarasai oleh Kelompok Kerja Nasional Tanaman Obat dan Obat Tradisional dan B2P2TOOT (Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Obat dan Obat Tradisional) Tawangmangu. Pada seminar ini memaparkan perkembangan penggunaan dan pengembangan tanaman dalam pengobatan. Universitas Andalas dalam hal ini Fakultas Farmasi mendapat kepercayaan sebagai penyelengara untuk kedua kalinya setelah tahun 2006. Sedangakan Seminar Nasional Perkembangan Terkini Sains Farmasi dan Klinis merupakan agenda tahunan Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Andalas yang bertransformasi dari awalnya dikenal sebagai Seminar Nasional dengan tajuk “Perkembangan Terkini Sains Farmasi dan Klinik” yang dilaksanakan untuk pertama kalinya pada tahun 2011. Pada tahun ini bertepatan dengan ulang tahun Farmasi yang ke 55 sehingga menjadi rangkaian acara Lustrum Farmasi yang ke 11.&nbsp

    Buku Pulling the Curtain n Staring at the World-Ferdinal

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    Artikel_ICED-QA 2020

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    Introduction to Literary Studies

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