Vivid Journal of Language and Literature
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Writing a Blog Script to Promote Instant Cuko as Culinary Innovation from Palembang
This final report aims to know how to write a blog script to promoteinstant cuko as culinary innovation from Palembang using Research andDevelopment (R&D) Method by Sukmadinata (2017). The method hasthree stages: (1) preliminary study; (2) model development; (3) finalproduct testing. The techniques of collecting the data were literature studyand interview. Then, the data was analyzed by classifying data, writing,and uploading the blog script. After collecting the information from theliterature study and field survey, the first draft of the blog script wasdeveloped based on Balkhi (2015) about the stages of structures in writinga blog script. The script of the blog contains the title, the introduction,the main body, and the conclusion. The blog script entitled “Instant Cukoas Culinary Innovation from Palembang” is a medium to promote instantcuko. The script is put in a blog and uploaded on Blogger. The blog helpstourists get information about instant cuko and aims to make it easy to bringcuko from Palembang. This research was conducted using the Research& Development approach with the Preliminary Study, Model Draft, andFinal Product Testing and Dissemination stages. Data was collectedthrough interviews, observations, and questionnaires. The research wasconducted in July-November 2023. The outputs of this research are finalreport, proceeding FIRST, scientific article published journals accreditedby SINTA, Blog Script, and partnership
Language Barrier: Theory of Truth in Intercultural EFL
This paper elaborates the explanation of an incorrect and misconceptionunderstanding of meaning in teaching English as a foreign language inIndonesia. This research is conducted with a discussion consisting of logicalreasoning about the detailed explanation as a method to deal with the issue.It was done by cross-checking and reviewing eclectically from dissimilarsources in the related field of study as well. Moreover, the discussion andresult are affirmed and evaluated by utilizing the relevant existing studiesand research. The scoop and limitation in this study are that the subject isreferring to the Indonesian students that learn the English language as aforeign language in formal education school.The study found that this phenomenon is happening because of thepedagogical need based on the standard formal education school curriculumin Indonesia that focusing English as a communication language rather thananything else. A teacher neither needs nor bother to explain the languagein a deeper sense of meaning and only teaches what is necessary for thestudent requirement. This makes the English language used in Indonesianschools lose its true meaning and understanding because of the differencein intercultural understanding. This mostly happens in a school that useslocalized English that has been adapted in our culture and habits as foreignspeakers. Hence some vocabularies and phrases end up being simplified toreduce teacher time effort to explain further about language meaning andtruth
Violence Suffered by Christians, Jews, and Muslims Portrayed in Dan Brown’s Origin: Sociological Approach
Religion is always interesting to discuss. Almost nothing is so intenselydiscussed from time to time other than discourse on religion. However, withthe development of technological and scientific advances, people began toshift their orientation to technology and science and leave religious beliefs.It is undeniable that as a result of this, religious people are discredited,isolated, and often become objects of violence, especially by atheists andliberalists. Origin by Dan Brown depicts many incidents and religiousviolence perpetrated by atheists and liberalists. The conflict betweenatheist and religious people makes the novel complicated and interested toread and study. The purpose of this study is to (1) determine the kinds ofviolence, and (2) to determine the causes of violence in the Origin by DanBrown. In conducting this study, the writer employs the violence theory byJohan Galtung and the analysis concept of violence causes by Moghadam.Moreover, the sociological approach is used as a knife to peel and findout the correlation between literary works and social life. The results ofthis study indicate that there are three types of violence depicted in thenovel, namely direct violence, structural violence, and cultural violence.In addition, the causes of violence in the novel are analyzed through threefactors: individual, organizational, and environmental factor. Finally,religious violence is behavior that must be eliminated from the earth.Violence essentially violates human nature as creatures that are createddifferently, whether the race, language, culture, and even religion
Metaphors of Human-Flora-Fauna Symbiosis: Eco-Critical Discourse Expositions in Yorùbá Proverbial Analysis
It has been emphasized that metaphors in general are crucial forcomprehending and interpreting ecological discourse. Numerous studieson Yorùbá proverbs have been conducted (Jelili et al., 2022; Akanbi, 2020;Anyachebelu, 2019; Olofinsao, 2018; Faleye, 2018; Ojo, 2015; Akanbi,2015, etc.), but insufficient research has been done on human-flora-faunasymbiosis, particularly in Yorùbá proverbs. This study uses ecocriticalmetaphor analysis to look at the symbiosis of humans, plants, and faunain Yorùbá proverbs. The study focuses on how, according to the Yorùbáworldview, particular plants and animals are used to symbolise varioushuman experiences, actions, and traits in Yorùbá proverbs. We use thetransitivity system from the Systemic Functional Linguistics approach toeco-critical discourse analysis, along with Lakoff and Johnson’s ConceptualMetaphor Theory (CMT) to explore human experiences with naturethrough process types and illustrate the metaphorical “mapping” acrossthe conceptual domain. Other human experiences are conceptualised asthe target domain through the lens of flora and animals, which serve as thesource domain. Both primary and secondary sources of information werecarefully selected for this article. The study discovers that Yorùbá proverbsuse metaphors of animals such as dogs, cows, chameleons, doves, andeagles as well as woods and trees like iróko and mahogany, to warn peopleagainst negative attitudes towards the ecosystem, like destruction, laziness,intolerance, and impatience among others. For harmonious coexistence inthe ecosystem, the proverbs urge humans to behave well toward nature.According to the results of the transitivity analysis, the detected processchoices in the data can be seen as a positive discourse that motivates peopleto conserve the environment
Cultural Transmission through the TikTok Application, Study on Pop Minang as a Local Language Song
This article aims to explain how cultural transmission occurs in the flowof globalization through the TikTok application. The culture is referred toas Minangkabau culture. People identifying themselves as Minangkabaupopulate the contemporary Indonesian province of West Sumatra and arefound in immigrant communities throughout the archipelago, Malaysia,Australia, and further afield, and they are known for their Islamic piety,matrilineal kinship system, astute trading abilities, proclivity to migrate,democratic practices, and spicy food (Fraser J. A., 2015, p. 3). Thisresearch focuses on Pop Minang, a genre of regional language songs usedin content on the TikTok application. Songs that are broadcast on the socialmedia application TikTok also become transmitters of traditional culturefor the younger generation in that culture and even the cultures of otherpeoples. The results of this study are in contrast to previous studies, whichclaim that TikTok and globalization have a negative impact on the youngergeneration (Kurniawan, 2018; Sairin, 2004) and support the opinion thatglobalization is a process of glocalization or the interaction and mergerbetween local cultures and global processes (Turner, 2015, p. 5)
The Analysis of Metaphors of Modality in The Book Into the Magic Shop: A Neurosurgeon Quest to Discover the Mysteries of the Brain and the Secrets of the Hearts by James R Doty, MD
The metaphor of modality is a language variation in the expression ofmodality. Analyzing the metaphor of modality is important to see thedegree of certainty of utterances in communication. The theory by M.A.KHalliday (1994), specifically the metaphor of modality, was applied to seethe use of the metaphor of modality in the autobiography book. This studyaimed to find the types and values of the metaphor of modality used by thewriter in the book. The method of this study was a descriptive qualitativemethod. The data collected were labeled based on the mental processelements and mood elements in the box. This research found that thereare 110 data containing metaphors of modality found in the book IntoThe Magic Shop. All of the data is categorized into types and values ofmetaphors of modality. The types are probability with 56 (50.91%) data,usuality 2 (1.82%) data, the type of obligation has 38 (34.55%) data, andlastly, inclination with 14 (12.73%) data. Then, the value of metaphor ofmodality found which are high with 51 (46.36%) data, median value with41 (32.27%) data, and low value with 18 (16.36%) data. The most occurredtype found in the book is the probability type of metaphor of modality, andfollowed with the most dominant value of metaphor of modality is highvalue of metaphor of modality
Emotions vs Colours: A Semiotics Study
This study aims to determine the meaning and relationship of colourwith five human emotions in the film entitled Inside Out. Inside Out is anAmerican animated film directed by Pete Docter and produced by JonasRivera, released in 2015. The qualitative method is used to evaluate thisresearch because it can be used to focus on an interpretive, naturalisticapproach to its subject matter. The primary data is taken from the filmInside Out. Secondary data would be gathered from any sources related tosemiotics theory on the relationship between colour and human emotions,as well as to eliminate unnecessary data and solidify the research. RileyAndersen, the main character, was born in Minnesota, and the fivemanifestations of emotion in her mind are Joy (yellow), Sadness (blue),Anger (red), Disgust (green), and Fear (purple). These emotions reside inRiley’s mind’s Headquarters, where they set Riley’s state of action andturn it into a memory.Therefore, each character with a specific color ischallenging to be studied further.It begins with an overview of each colorand emotion before delving into the specifics of the relationship betweenthese emotions and the colors associated with them. This study employsRoland Barthes’ semiotic theory, which has three aspects containingdenotation, connotation, and myth, interpreting signs. To learn more, it isnecessary to dig into the changing history of society’s association of thesecolors with these five emotions. Finally, this study is hoped to inspire theanimators to use specific colors to describe the characters’ emotions
Translation Quality in Translating Abstract in Thesis from the Economics Field
A scientific research report should provide abstract at the beginning of themanuscript. Students who learn English as a foreign language in Indonesiais also provided with the translation skill, including in translating abstract.This study aims to analyze the translation quality of the thesis abstracttranslated by the English literature students of UNP. This research usedthe descriptive method as the research design. The population of thisstudy consisted of sixth-semester English literature students of UNP,and the purposive sampling method was used to select 25 students as thesample. A translation test was used to collect data. Based on the resultsof the analysis of the translation quality, the researcher concludes thatthe students’ accuracy, acceptability, and readability of the abstract in thethesis for students of English Literature who have studied translation is lessaccurate, less acceptable, and has a high readability translation level. Thelevel of accuracy is at an average of 2.14. The level of acceptability is at anaverage of 2.34. Moreover, the level of readability is at an average of 2.71
Enhancement of Early Childhood Education (ECE) through Professional Development: Sri Lankan ECE Teachers’ Perceptions
This study examined the influence of teacher Professional Development onthe quality of learners’ cognitive development, behavior management, andthe overall effectiveness of Early Childhood Education. A questionnairewas administered among 285 Early Childhood Education (ECE) teachersserving at private educational institutions in Sri Lanka to gather data. Thestratified sampling method was applied to select the respondents and thefindings were analyzed using descriptive statistics, reliability analysis,correlation, and regression analysis. The study results demonstratethat teacher Professional Development has a positive and significantimpact on the quality of the ECE classroom, young learners’ cognitivedevelopment, behavior management, and the overall effectiveness ofthe ECE. The current study provides important insights into the role ofteacher Professional Development in enhancing the quality of ECE inSri Lanka. The study underscores the critical significance of ProfessionalDevelopment in reinforcing the quality of ECE in Sri Lanka. It advocatesfor continuous investment in teacher Professional Development initiatives,recognizing their potential to raise the standards of ECE classrooms, fostercognitive development among young learners, and facilitate positivebehavior management techniques. Furthermore, the research emphasizesthe necessity for future investigations to explore deeper into the correlationbetween teacher Professional Development and the efficacy of ECE. Suchinquiries could uncover insights and explain strategies aimed at optimizingthe effectiveness of ECE across diverse contexts
Transformation of The Giver Novel into Film by Phillip Noyce
There are numerous ways to adapt a literary work. One of them is adaptingliterary work from the novel into the film. This article is about LoisLowry’s novel The Giver, which was adapted into a film with the sametitle by Phillip Noyce. During the adaptation process, transformations inthe intrinsic elements were discovered. This transformation can occur dueto differences in media, which was originally in the form of text (novel) toaudiovisual (film). This article aims to discover the transformations thatoccurred during adaptation as well as the motive of the adapter. Severalsteps were taken to accomplish this goal. The first step is to classify thediscovered differences into tables. The transformations are then analyzedin the second step to determine the visible ideology. Third, the adapter’smotives can be identified using the ideology that has been discovered. Thetheory of adaptation and mythology is the one employed in this article.In order to identify ideology, the mythology theory is used to analyzedifferences. Afterward, using the identified ideology, the adapter’s motivesare discovered using the adaptation theory. The final result of the adaptationof The Giver novel depicted several ideologies including totalitarianism,liberalism, and freedom. The visible motives are personal and politicalmotives and economic lures