4,405 research outputs found

    Newly identified lines in NeI isoelectronic sequences

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    Grazing-incidence spectrometer and low inductance spark source used to study lines of high degrees of ionization of Sc, Ti, and

    Conserving and gapless approximations for the composite bosons in terms of the constituent fermions

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    A long-standing problem with the many-body approximations for interacting condensed bosons has been the dichotomy between the ``conserving'' and ``gapless'' approximations, which either obey the conservations laws or satisfy the Hugenholtz-Pines condition for a gapless excitation spectrum, in the order. It is here shown that such a dichotomy does not exist for a system of composite bosons, which form as bound-fermion pairs in the strong-coupling limit of the fermionic attraction. By starting from the constituent fermions, for which conserving approximations can be constructed for any value of the mutual attraction according to the Baym-Kadanoff prescriptions, it is shown that these approximations also result in a gapless excitation spectrum for the boson-like propagators in the broken-symmetry phase. This holds provided the corresponding equations for the fermionic single- and two-particle Green's functions are solved self-consistently.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    The X-ray spectrum of Fe XVII revisited with a multi-ion model

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    The theoretical intensities of the soft X-ray Fe XVII lines arising from 2l-3l' transitions are reexamined using a three-ion collisional-radiative model that includes the contributions to line formation of radiative recombination (RR), dielectronic recombination (DR), resonant excitation (RE), and inner-shell collisional ionization (CI), in addition to the usual contribution of collisional excitation (CE). These additional processes enhance mostly the 2p-3s lines and not the 2p-3d lines. Under coronal equilibrium conditions, in the electron temperature range of 400 to 600 eV where the Fe XVII line emissivities peak, the combined effect of the additional processes is to enhance the 2p-3s lines at 16.78, 17.05, and 17.10 A, by ~ 25%, 30%, and 55%, respectively, compared with their traditional, single-ion CE values. The weak 2p-3d line at 15.45 A is also enhanced by up to 20%, while the other 2p-3d lines are almost unaffected. The effects of DR and RE are found to be dominant in this temperature range (400 - 600 eV), while that of CI is 3% at the most, and the contribution of RR is less than 1%. At lower temperatures, where the Fe XVII / Fe XVIII abundance ratio is high, the RE effect dominates. However, as the temperature rises and the Fe XVIII abundance increases, the DR effect takes over. The newly calculated line powers can reproduce most of the often observed high values of the (I17.05 + I17.10) / I15.01 intensity ratio. The importance of ionization and recombination processes to the line strengths also helps to explain why laboratory measurements in which CE is essentially the sole mechanism agree well with single-ion calculations, but do not reproduce the astrophysically observed ratios.Comment: Submitted to Ap

    No quasi-long-range order in strongly disordered vortex glasses: a rigorous proof

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    The paper contains a rigorous proof of the absence of quasi-long-range order in the random-field O(N) model for strong disorder in the space of an arbitrary dimensionality. This result implies that quasi-long-range order inherent to the Bragg glass phase of the vortex system in disordered superconductors is absent as the disorder or external magnetic field is strong.Comment: 3 pages, Revte

    Hubble Space Telescope Ultraviolet Imaging and High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Water Photodissociation Products in Comet Hyakutake (C/1996 B2)

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    Comet Hyakutake (C/1996 B2) provided a target of opportunity for performing a systematic study of water photodissociation products in which we obtained data from three instruments on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The HST Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) was used to measure the line profile of hydrogen Lyα (H Lyα) at six locations around the coma of the comet, ranging from the nucleus to a displacement of 100,000 km, and covering different directions compared with the comet-sun line. GHRS yielded line profiles with a spectral resolution (FWHM ~4 km s^(-1)) that was a factor of 2-3 better than any previous H Lyα or Hα ground-based measurements. The Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) and the Woods filter were used to obtain H Lyα images of the inner coma. The faint object spectrograph (FOS) was used to determine the OH production rate and monitor its variation throughout the HST observing sequence. The GHRS H Lyα line profiles show the behavior of a line profile that is optically thick in the core for positions near the nucleus (<5000 km) and gradually becoming more optically thin at larger displacements and lower column abundances. A composite H Lyα image constructed from four separate WFPC2 exposures is consistent with the relative fluxes seen in GHRS observations and clearly shows the dayside enhancement of a solar illuminated optically thick coma. These data were analyzed self-consistently to test our understanding of the detailed physics and chemistry of the expanding coma and our ability to obtain accurate water production rates from remote observations of gaseous hydrogen (H) and hydroxyl (OH), the major water dissociation products. Our hybrid kinetic/hydrodynamic model of the coma combined with a spherical radiative transfer calculation is able to account for (1) the velocity distribution of H atoms, (2) the spatial distribution of the H Lyα emission in the inner coma, and (3) the absolute intensities of H and OH emissions, giving a water production rate of (2.6 ± 0.4) × 10^(29) s^(-1) on 1996 April 4

    Newly identified lines of Ni xviii, Cu xix, and Zn xx in the sodium I isoelectronic sequences

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    Newly identified lines of highly ionized nickel, copper, and zinc in sodium I isoelectronic sequence

    What Is The Neon Abundance Of The Sun?

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    We have evolved a series of thirteen complete solar models that utilize different assumed heavy element compositions. Models that are based upon the heavy element abundances recently determined by Asplund, Grevesse, and Sauval (2005) are inconsistent with helioseismological measurements. However, models in which the neon abundance is increased by 0.4-0.5 dex to log N(Ne) = 8.29 +- 0.05 (on the scale in which log N(H) = 12) are consistent with the helioseismological measurements even though the other heavy element abundances are in agreement with the determinations of Asplund et al. (2005). These results sharpen and strengthen an earlier study by Antia and Basu (2005). The predicted solar neutrino fluxes are affected by the uncertainties in the composition by less than their 1sigma theoretical uncertainties.Comment: Accepted for publication by ApJ. Minor editorial change

    The Chandra Iron-L X-Ray Line Spectrum of Capella

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    An analysis of the iron L-shell emission in the publicly available spectrum of the Capella binary system, as obtained by the High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer on board the Chandra X-ray Observatory, is presented. The atomic-state model, based on the HULLAC code, is shown to be especially adequate for analyzing high-resolution x-ray spectra of this sort. Almost all of the spectral lines in the 10 - 18 Angstrom wavelength range are identified. It is shown that, for the most part, these lines can be attributed to emission from L-shell iron ions in the Capella coronae. Possibilities for electron temperature diagnostics using line ratios of Fe16+ are demonstrated. It is shown that the observed iron-L spectrum can be reproduced almost entirely by assuming a single electron temperature of kTe= 600 eV. This temperature is consistent with both the measured fractional ion abundances of iron and with the temperature derived from ratios of Fe16+ lines. A volume emission measure of 1053 cm-3 is calculated for the iron L-shell emitting regions of the Capella coronae indicating a rather small volume of 1029 cm3 for the emitting plasma if an electron density of 1012 cm-3 is assumed.Comment: Accepted to Ap