3,593 research outputs found

    Creation of electron-positron plasma with superstrong laser field

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    We present a short review of recent progress in studying QED effects of interaction of ultra-relativistic laser pulses with vacuum and ee+e^-e^+ plasma. The development of laser technologies promises very rapid growth of laser intensities in close future already. Two exawatt class facilities (ELI and XCELS, Russia) in Europe are already in the planning stage. Realization of these projects will make available a laser of intensity 1026\sim 10^{26}W/cm2^2 or even higher. Therefore, discussion of nonlinear optical effects in vacuum are becoming urgent for experimentalists and are currently gaining much attention. We show that, in spite of the fact that the respective field strength is still essentially less than ES=m2c3/e=1.321016E_S=m^2c^3/e\hbar=1.32\cdot 10^{16}V/cm, the nonlinear vacuum effects will be accessible for observation at ELI and XCELS facilities. The most promissory for observation is the effect of pair creation by laser pulse in vacuum. It is shown, that at intensities 51025\sim 5\cdot 10^{25}W/cm2^2, creation even of a single pair is accompanied by development of an avalanchelike QED cascade. There exists an important distinctive feature of the laser-induced cascades, as compared with the air showers arising due to primary cosmic ray entering the atmosphere. In our case the laser field plays not only the role of a target (similar to a nucleus in the case of air showers). It is responsible also for acceleration of slow particles. It is shown that the effect of pair creation imposes a natural limit for attainable laser intensity. Apparently, the field strength EESE\sim E_S is not accessible for pair creating electromagnetic field at all.Comment: To be published in digest "IZEST Scientific Case" in EPJ ST early 201

    Strong resonant tunneling, level repulsion and spectral type for one-dimensional adiabatic quasi-periodic Schr\"{o}dinger operators

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    In this paper, we consider one dimensional adiabatic quasi-periodic Schr\"{o}dinger operators in the regime of strong resonant tunneling. We show the emergence of a level repulsion phenomenon which is seen to be very naturally related to the local spectral type of the operator: the more singular the spectrum, the weaker the repulsion

    Exact analytical expression for the electromagnetic field in a focused laser beam or pulse

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    We present a new class of exact nonsingular solutions for the Maxwell equations in vacuum, which describe the electromagnetic field of the counterpropagating focused laser beams and the subperiod focused laser pulse. These solutions are derived by the use of a modification of the "complex source method", investigated and visualized.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, an extended version of the talk at the International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics (ICONO 2007

    Elliptical dichroism: operating principle of planar chiral metamaterials

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    We employ a homogenization technique based on the Lorentz electronic theory to show that planar chiral structures (PCSs) can be described by an effective dielectric tensor similar to that of biaxial elliptically dichroic crystals. Such a crystal is shown to behave like a PCS insofar as it exhibits its characteristic optical properties, namely, co-rotating elliptical polarization eigenstates and asymmetric, direction-dependent transmission for left/right-handed incident wave polarization.Comment: 3 pages, version as accepted in Optics Letters but before final shortening

    The scattering from generalized Cantor fractals

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    We consider a fractal with a variable fractal dimension, which is a generalization of the well known triadic Cantor set. In contrast with the usual Cantor set, the fractal dimension is controlled using a scaling factor, and can vary from zero to one in one dimension and from zero to three in three dimensions. The intensity profile of small-angle scattering from the generalized Cantor fractal in three dimensions is calculated. The system is generated by a set of iterative rules, each iteration corresponding to a certain fractal generation. Small-angle scattering is considered from monodispersive sets, which are randomly oriented and placed. The scattering intensities represent minima and maxima superimposed on a power law decay, with the exponent equal to the fractal dimension of the scatterer, but the minima and maxima are damped with increasing polydispersity of the fractal sets. It is shown that for a finite generation of the fractal, the exponent changes at sufficiently large wave vectors from the fractal dimension to four, the value given by the usual Porod law. It is shown that the number of particles of which the fractal is composed can be estimated from the value of the boundary between the fractal and Porod regions. The radius of gyration of the fractal is calculated analytically.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in J. Appl. Crys

    On the kinetic equation approach to pair production by time-dependent electric field

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    We investigate the quantum kinetic approach to pair production from vacuum by time-dependent electric field. Equivalence between this approach and the more familiar S-matrix approach is explicitly established for both scalar and fermion cases. For the particular case of a constant electric field exact solution for kinetic equations is provided and the accuracy of low-density approximation is estimated.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure