11 research outputs found


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    Abstract. The article describes the differential diagnosis of chronic pelvic pain in women, discussesterminology and the scheme of non-specific pelvic pain diagnosis. Non-specific pelvic pain (NsPP) is a type of chronic pelvic pain. It occurs in the absence of actual somatic pathology by analogy with the term “non-specific back pain”. The causes of NsPP are the trigger zones of skeletal muscles and ligaments of the pelvis. The authors examined 50 women with NsPP at the age of 20-40 years and revealed myogenic trigger zones in all women: in pelvic floor muscles, in the gluteal muscles, in femoral adductor muscles, in oblique abdominal muscles. Traditionally, these problems are diagnosed as pelvic floor syndrome or coccygodynia with the priority of vertebrogenic etiology of the disease. Althoughthe current literature does not indicate the cause of non-specific pain in the back, it should be recognized that the term includes myogenic (myofascial) pain, as myofascial component plays a key role in NsPP along with central sensitization. In European countries NsPP syndrome is usually treated by urologists, and recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pelvic pain include a modern description of pathophysiology and psychosocial aspects, as well as classification, diagnosis and treatment. In Russia it is usually treated by urologists and manual therapists. The diagnosis includes psychometric tests such as Visual Analogue Scale, Menstrual Distress Questionnaire,Pelvic Pain Questionnaire for Girls and Women, Vaginal Laxity Questionnaire, Dismenorrhea Daily Diary etc. The implementation of these tests in the Republic of Tatarstan requires creation of Tatar-language and linguistic validation of Russian-language diagnostic materials.Keywords: pelvic pain, non-specific pelvic pain pain diagnosis,clinical linguistics,neurology, gynecology

    Alternative binders for immobilization of liquid organic radioactive waste

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    Проєкт отримав фінансування за програмою досліджень та навчання Євратому на 2019–2020 роки за грантовою угодою № 945098 1. Технологические и организационные аспекты обращения с радиоактивными отходами. МАГАТЭ, ВЕНА, 2005, IAEA-TCS-27 2. LIN, M., MACKENZIE, D.R., Tests of Absorbents and Solidification Techniques for Oil Wastes, Rep. BNL-NUREG-51589, Brook haven National Lab, Upton, NY (1983). 3. Патент РФ2317605 С1 МПК G21F 9/16. Способ цементирования жидких радиоактивных отходов, содержащих минеральные масла и/или органические жидкости, и устройство для его осуществления / ГУП Мос НПО «Радон», Варлаков А.П., Невров Ю.В., Горбунова О.А. и др., заявл. 04.07.2006 №2006] 2 3654/06] 4. Патент РФ 2437178, МПК G21F 9/20. Способ цементирования отработанных радиоактивных масел / ФГУП ПО «Маяк», Слюнчев О.М., Козлов П.В., Иванов И.А., заявл. 07.10.2010, опубл. 20.12.2011. 5. P. Duxson, A. Fernandez-Jimenez, J. L. Provis, G. C. Lukey, A. Palomo, J. S. J. van Deventer. Geopolymer technology: the current state of the art. J. Mater. Sci. 2007. 42(9). р. 2917–2933. 6. J.L. Provis, and J.S.J. Van Deventer, eds. Introduction to geopolymers. Structure, processing, properties and industrial applications, ed. J.L. Provis and J.S.J. Van Deventer. Woodhead Publishing in Materials : Cambridge, UK, 2009. 7. V. Cantarel, F. Nouaille, A. Rooses, D. Lambertin, A. Poulesquen, F. Frizon, Solidification/stabilisation of liquidoil waste in metakaolin-based geopolymer, J NucMat. 2015. 464. р. 16–19. 8. V. Cantarel, D. Lambertin, A. Poulesquen, F. Leroux, G. Renaudin, F. Frizon, Geopolymeras sembly by emulsion templating: emulsion stability and hardening mechanisms, Ceram. Int. 2018. 44. р. 10558–10568. 9. Charles Reeb, Christel Pierlot, Catherine Davy , David Lambertin “Incorporation of organic liquids in to geopolymer materials, A review o fprocessing, properties and applications”/ Ceramics International, 2021. Vol. 47, n. 6, p. 7369–7385. 10. Naqi J. Jang, recent progress in green cement technology utilizing low-carbon emission fuels and raw materials: a review, Substainability-Basel 11(2) (2019) 537, https://doi.org/10.3390/sull1020537 11. Глуховский В.Д. Пахомов В.А. Шлакощелочные цементы и бетоны. Киев : Будiвельник, 1978. 184 с. 12. Сhemistry and applications. 3rd eddition. France, Saint-Quentin: Institute Geopolymer, 2011. 614 p. 13. J.L. Provis, S.A. Bernal, Geopolimers and related alkali-activated materials, Annu. Rev. Mater. Rec. 2014. 44(1). р. 299–327, https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-matsci-070813-113515 14. C. Shi, B.Qu, J.L. Provis, Recentprogressinlow-carbonbinders, Cem. Concr. Res. 2019. 122. р. 227–250, https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.cemconres.2019.05.009 15. C. Li, H. Sun, L. Li, A review: the comparison between alkali-activated slash(Si+Ca) and metakaolin (Si+Al) cement, Cem. Concr. Res. 2010. 40(9). p. 1341–1349, https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.cemconres.2010.03.020 16. Кривенко П.В., Пушкарьова К.К., Гоц В.І., Ковальчук Г.Ю. Цементи та бетони на основі паливних зол і шлаків. Київ : видавництво ТОВ «ІПК Експрес-Поліграф», 2012. 258 с. 17. Федоренко Ю.Г., Ольховик Ю.О., Розко А.М., Павлишин Г.П. Вплив компонентів геополімерних зв’язуючих на властивості компаундів при цементуванні борвміщуючих РРВ. Ядерна енергетика та довкілля. 2021. 2(21). С. 71–77. http:// doi.org/10.31717/2311 – 8253.21.2.6 18. Задвернюк Г.П. Поглинання нафти і нафтопродуктів глинами Черкаського родовища. Зб. наук. праць ІГНС. 2011. Вип. 19. С. 109–114.Під час експлуатації або при знятті з експлуатації енергоблоків АЕС утворюються рідкі органічні радіоактивні відходи, поводження з якими вимагає брати до уваги їхню природу і притаманні їм специфічні властивості. Більшість органічних відходів несумісні з навколишнім середовищем, тому варіант “розведення та скидання” не може бути застосовано до рідких органічних радіоактивних відходів. Крім іммобілізації радіонуклідів, органічні компоненти відходів повинні бути зруйновані або переведені в стабільну нетоксичну форму. Розглянуто і систематизовано технологічні особливості іммобілізації рідких органічних радіоактивних відходів (РОРВ) у геополімерну матрицю, яка може становити основу упаковки радіоактивних відходів та відповідати вимогам радіаційної безпеки для розміщення у сховищах для захоронення. Запропоновано застосування відповідних компонентів для покращення ефективності синтезу композиційних матеріалів з іммобілізованими РОРВ залежно від використаного технологічного регламенту та виду сировини. Розглянуто особливості механізму синтезу геополімерів в залежності від кількості CaO у сировині. Розглянуто переваги і недоліки різних способів кондиціонування РОРВ геополімерними зв’язуючими – пряме цементування, цементування емульсії та цементування насиченого маслом адсорбента. Для синтезу геополімерів з різними механізмами утворення застосовано метакаолін, золу виносу Дарницької ТЕС та шлак Маріупольського металургійного комбінату. Синтезовано зразки з безпосереднім введенням масла у геополімер, а також з застосуванням попередньої емульгації і неорганічних адсорбентів. Отримано компаунди з межею міцності на стиск більше 10 МПа, що відповідає вимогам для захоронення радіоактивних відходів у приповерхневих сховищах. Найбільшу міцність мають зразки на основі матеріалу з високим вмістом СаО – шлак з додаванням метакаоліну.During the operation or decommissioning of NPP units, liquid organic radioactive waste (LORW) is generated, the management of which requires taking into account their nature and their specific properties. Most organic waste is incompatible with the environment, so the “dilution and disposal” option cannot be applied to liquid organic radioactive waste. Technological features of immobilization of liquid organic radioactive waste (LORW) into a geopolymer matrix, which can form the basis of radioactive waste packaging, and meet the requirements for placement in storage facilities for disposal are considered and systematized. Several ways to condition LORW with geopolymer binders are used in the work. This is the so-called direct method, when the oil is introduced into the geopolymer before it hardens; the method by which the oil is previously converted into an emulsion by means of surfactants, which is then mixed into the geopolymer, and the method of pre-saturation of solid adsorbents with oil. The use of appropriate components to improve the efficiency of synthesis of composite materials with immobilized LORW depending on the used technological regulations and the type of raw materials is proposed. The peculiarities of the mechanism of geopolymer synthesis depending on the amount of CaO in the raw material are considered. The advantages and disadvantages of several methods of conditioning RORV with geopolymer binders are considered. Metakaolin, ash from the Darnytsya TPP and slag from the Mariupol Metallurgical Plant were used for the synthesis of geopolymers with different formation mechanisms. Samples with direct introduction of oil into the geopolymer, as well as with the use of preemulsification and inorganic adsorbents were synthesized. Сompounds with a compressive strength of more than 10 MPa are obtained. Samples based on a material with a high content of CaO – slag with the addition of metakaolin have the greatest strengt


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    Three areas of the process based on the literature review of the issue of adaptation to the educational and the professional activities are identified: adaptation to the educational group, adaptation to educational activities and adaptation to the professional activities in the system of practices. External and internal indicators of success of this process are distinguished:[indicators of adaptation to the educational group are: sociometric status of the student; participation in public life (external indicators), satisfaction with their position in the group, emotional comfort in communication (internal indicators); indicators of adaptation to the educational activities are: academic achievement, activity in the classroom (external indicators), educational motivation, emotional comfort in educational activities (internal indicators); indicators of adaptation to the professional activities in the system of practices are: professional competence – professional use, the implementation of professional duties in accordance with the plan of psycho-pedagogical practices (external indicators), focus on the acquisition of the profession, emotional comfort for the period of practical training (internal indicators)];На основе обзора литературы по проблеме адаптации к учебно-профессиональной деятельности выделены три направления данного процесса: адаптация к учебной группе, адаптация к учебной деятельности и адаптация к условиям профессиональной деятельности в системе практик. Выделены внешние и внутренние показатели успешности этого процесса: [показателями адаптации к учебной группе являются: социометрический статус студента; участие в общественной жизни (внешние показатели), удовлетворенность своим положением в группе, эмоциональный комфорт в общении (внутренние показатели); показателями адаптации к учебной деятельности являются: академическая успеваемость, активность на аудиторных занятиях (внешние показатели), учебная мотивация, эмоциональный комфорт в учебной деятельности (внутренние показатели); показатели адаптации к условиям профессиональной деятельности в системе практик: профессиональная компетентность – решение профессиональных задач, реализация профессиональных функций в соответствии с планом психолого-педагогической практики (внешние показатели), направленность на приобретение профессии, эмоциональный комфорт в период прохождения практики (внутренние показатели)].Цель: теоретическое обоснование показателей адаптации студентов к учебно-профессиональной деятельности

    Test of the Thermal-Hydro-mechanical Behaviors of Cherkasy Bentonite as Buffer Material of HLW Repository

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    The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 847593. 1. Zlobenko, B., Movchan, N., Vovk, I., Litovchenko, A., Plastinina, M.: Studies of clays from deposits in Ukraine as a barrier material for radioactive waste repositories. In: Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on Nuclear Waste Management and Environmental Remediation, ICEM’ 95, vol. 1, pp. 857–861 (1995) 2. International Atomic Energy Agency: Characterization of Swelling Clays as Components of the Engineered Barrier System for Geological Repositories, IAEA-TECDOC-1718. IAEA, Vienna (2014) 3. Zlobenko, B., Fedorenko, Y.: Ukrainian programme on characterization and evaluation of swelling clays for use in engineered barrier system of the geological repository. International meeting “Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement”. Tours, France (2005) 4. Villar, M.V., Armand, G., Conil, N., De Lesquen, Ch., Herold, Ph., Simo, E., Mayor, J.C., Dizier, A., Li, X., Chen, G., Leupin, O., Niskanen, M., Bailey, M., Thompson, S., Svensson, D., Sellin, P., Hausmannova, L.: D7.1 HITEC. Initial state-of-the-art on THM behaviour of i) Buffer clay materials and of ii) Host clay materials. Deliverable D7.1 HITEC. EURAD project, Horizon 2020 No. 847593 (2020) 5. Leupin, O.X. (ed.), Birgersson, M., Karnland, O., Korkeakoski, P., Sellin, P., Mäder, U., Wersin, P.: Montmorillonite Stability Under Near-Field Conditions. NAGRA TR14-12. Wettingen (2014) 6. Valter, M., Plötze, M.: New observations in behaviour of clays after their long-term thermal treatment. In: Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive WasteConfinement, Abstracts, p. 515. Andra, Nantes (2010) 7. Valter, M., Plötze, M.: Characteristics of variably saturated granular bentonite after long-term storage at near-field relevant temperatures. Clay Miner. 48(2), 343–361 (2013) 8. Johnson, L., Gaus, I., Wieczorek, K., Mayor, J.C., Sellin, P., Villar, M.V., Samper, J., Cuevas, J., Gens, A., Velasco, M., Turrero, M.J., Montenegro, L., Martín, P.L., Armand, G.: Integration of the short-term evolution of the engineered barrier system (EBS) with the long-term safety perspective (Deliverable D4.1 of the PEBS project). NAGRA Arbeitsbericht NAB 14-079 (2014) 9. Dueck, A.: Laboratory studies on stress-strain behavior. PEBS Deliverable D2.2-12 (2014) 10. Karnland, O., Olsson, S., Sandén, T., Fälth, B., Jansson, M., Eriksen, T.-E., Svärdström, K., Rosborg, B., Muurinen, A.: Long-term test of buffer material at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, LOT project. Final report on The A0 Test Parcel. SKB report TR-09-31, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB, Stockholm (2009) 11. Pusch, R.: Permanent crystal lattice contraction—a primary mechanism in thermally induced alternation of Na-bentonite. In: Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management, pp. 791–802. Material Research Society (1986) 12. ISO/TS 17892-5:200: GOST 12248-2010 Geotechnical investigation and testing—laboratory testing of soil (2010) 13. Kuligiewicz, A., Derkowski, A., Szczerba, M., et al.: Revisiting the infrared spectrum of the water—smectite interface. Clays Clay Miner. 63, 15–29 (2015) 14. ASTM standard D 5084-03: Standard test methods for measurement of hydraulic conductivity of saturated porous materials using a flexible wall permeameterThe project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 847593.The principle of HLW disposal is based on the multiple-barrier system consisting of two basic components—a natural and an engineering barrier. The most common buffer material for engineering barrier systems (EBS) is compacted bentonite, which features low permeability and high retardation of radionuclide transport (Zlobenko et al. in Studies of clays from deposits in Ukraine as a barrier material for radioactive waste repositories, pp 857–861 [1]; International Atomic Energy Agency in Characterization of swelling clays as components of the engineered barrier system for geological repositories [2]; Zlobenko and Fedorenko in Ukrainian programme on characterization and evaluation of swelling clays for use in engi-neered barrier system of the geological repository [3]). The bentonite barrier should prevent the potential migration of radionuclides from the radioactive waste into the surrounding biosphere. Establishing the thermal limit for bentonite in a nuclear waste repository is potentially important, as the thermal limit plays on a major financial challenge requiring long-term strategic planning for used fuel management. Char-acterization of long-term mineralogical changes for EBS concerning the long-term geological evolution is needed for safety assessment purposes. To test the suitability and predicted functions of bentonite-based buffers under simulated repository condi-tions and to assess geochemical changes in minerals and porosity variations, thermal dehydration studies of bentonite were carried out at the temperature of 150 °C in “dry” and “wet” conditions. Commercial calcium bentonite (PBA-22 «Extra») was chosen as a clay component of the buffer materials as less sensitive to mineralized rock water. The connection between the structural peculiarities of bentonite and processes of heat treatment is considered. The montmorillonite shows changes induced by dehydration with temperature, there are changes and a decrease of the XRD profile intensity with heating to 150 °C. The predicting evolution of bentonite behaviour so as the degree of montmorillonite hydration is a very important parameter for cation behaviour as a function of the thermal load

    ULF Activity in the Earth Environment: Penetration of Electric Field from the Near-Ground Source to the Ionosphere under Different Configurations of the Geomagnetic Field

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    The problem with the penetration of electric fields from atmospheric near-Earth electric current sources to the ionosphere is investigated both within the dynamic simulations of the Maxwell equations in the frequency domain and within the simplified quasi-electrostatic approach. Two cases of the geomagnetic field lines are considered. The first case is the penetration of the geomagnetic field lines deeply into the magnetosphere (open field lines), whereas the second one is the return of these lines into the Earth’s surface (closed field lines). The proper boundary conditions are formulated. It is demonstrated that in the case of the open field lines the results of the dynamic simulations differ essentially from the quasi-electrostatic approach, which is not valid there. In the case of the closed field lines, the results of simulations are practically the same both within the dynamic approach and within the quasi-electrostatic one. From realistic values of the densities of atmospheric electric currents ~0.1 µA/m2, the values of the electric fields within the ionosphere F-layer may reach about 1–10 mV/m

    Spectral Analysis and Information Entropy Approaches to Data of VLF Disturbances in the Waveguide Earth-Ionosphere

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    Very low frequency (VLF) signals are considered as an important tool to study ionosphere disturbances. We have studied variations in signal amplitude of the Japanese JJI transmitter received by a network of eight Japan stations. The distinctions between characteristics of daytime and nighttime disturbances are considered. Signal processing based on spectral analysis is used to evaluate typical periodicities in the VLF signals in the time range from minutes to hours. In particular, we have retrieved quasi-wave oscillations of the received signal with periods of 4–10 and 20–25 min, which can be associated with atmospheric gravity waves excited by the solar terminator, earthquakes or other reasons. In addition, oscillations at periods of 3–4 h are observed, probably, caused by long-period gravity waves. We also calculate the information entropy to identify main details in daily VLF variations and influence of solar flares. It is shown that the information entropy increases near sunrise and sunset with seasonal variation, and that solar flares also lead to the growth in information entropy. A theoretical interpretation is given to the typical features of ultra-low frequency modulation of VLF electronagnetic wave spectra in Waveguide Earth-Ionosphere, found by processing the experimental data