
Abstract. The article describes the differential diagnosis of chronic pelvic pain in women, discussesterminology and the scheme of non-specific pelvic pain diagnosis. Non-specific pelvic pain (NsPP) is a type of chronic pelvic pain. It occurs in the absence of actual somatic pathology by analogy with the term “non-specific back pain”. The causes of NsPP are the trigger zones of skeletal muscles and ligaments of the pelvis. The authors examined 50 women with NsPP at the age of 20-40 years and revealed myogenic trigger zones in all women: in pelvic floor muscles, in the gluteal muscles, in femoral adductor muscles, in oblique abdominal muscles. Traditionally, these problems are diagnosed as pelvic floor syndrome or coccygodynia with the priority of vertebrogenic etiology of the disease. Althoughthe current literature does not indicate the cause of non-specific pain in the back, it should be recognized that the term includes myogenic (myofascial) pain, as myofascial component plays a key role in NsPP along with central sensitization. In European countries NsPP syndrome is usually treated by urologists, and recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pelvic pain include a modern description of pathophysiology and psychosocial aspects, as well as classification, diagnosis and treatment. In Russia it is usually treated by urologists and manual therapists. The diagnosis includes psychometric tests such as Visual Analogue Scale, Menstrual Distress Questionnaire,Pelvic Pain Questionnaire for Girls and Women, Vaginal Laxity Questionnaire, Dismenorrhea Daily Diary etc. The implementation of these tests in the Republic of Tatarstan requires creation of Tatar-language and linguistic validation of Russian-language diagnostic materials.Keywords: pelvic pain, non-specific pelvic pain pain diagnosis,clinical linguistics,neurology, gynecology

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