19 research outputs found

    Persepsi Wisatawan Dalam Pengembangan Wisata Pendidikan Berbasis Konservasi Gajah Sumatera (Elephas Maximus Sumatranus) (Perception of Tourist Development Based Tourism Conservation Education of Sumatran Elephant (Elephas Maximus Sumatra

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    The perception of tourists is one of the most important aspects in the development of a tourist area, especially tourism that emphasizes the aspects of education and conservation. This study aims to find information on the perception of tourists in the development of conservation-based education tourism. The method used is survey method and the sample in this research is the tourists and related stakeholder in development. Determination of the number of samples in the population using Slovin formula, so the result at least 100 tourists. Data analysis is descriptively quantitative. The location of the study was conducted at the Elephant Conservation Center (PKG) Way Kambas National Park (TNWK). The results of interviews to 200 respondents known as 98% of respondents who come to PKG aims to travel elephants, 1% doing research and 1% work visit activities and other activities. Perceptions of elephant attractions are classified as Good (44%), 18% is not good. Besides, there were also perception study on service at Elephant Conservation Center (PKG), 53% stated good service, 53% stated facilities good enough, 55% said tourism tourism in PKG quite good, while 57% accessibility to tourism object is not good, and 90% agreed if in the PKG developed into educational tours bebasis konsevasi.Hasil this study is expected to be a reference for managers in developing PKG TNWK become one of the elephant conservation tourism destination in Lampung Province

    Bound by Debt: Nutmeg Trees and Changing Relations Between Farmers and Agents in a Moluccan Agroforestry Systems

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    Agroforestry is a land management system long practiced by communities in the Moluccas. The practice is commonly known as "Dusung", where one cash crop in particular, nutmeg, is interspersed throughout farmer groves. Farmers have faced a number of challenges in recent years, especially concerning a system of debt bondage inflicting undue losses upon them. This study aims to explain the involvement of farmers within the debt bondage system, otherwise known as the tree mortgage system. We utilize a case study methodology, whereby data were collected through interviews and participant observation and results analyzed using principal agent theory. Findings highlight that nutmeg farmers, what we call the Principal, incur high risks when debt bondage is applied by an Agent that has the increasing ability to deny and change the terms of an agreement. This occurs when Agents exploit information unavailable to farmers about nutmeg marketing prospects, which weakens farmer negotiating positions. Improving institutional support for contracts in the tree mortgage system could help to ensure a more equitable arrangement, improving the terms for nutmeg farmers, meanwhile also encouraging the continued preservation of the dusung system, which has long helped to manage forest resources sustainably

    Perubahan Tutupan Lahan Pada Daerah Aliran Sungai Sekampung Hulu, Lampung Menggunakan Data Pengindraan Jauh

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    Land cover in the upstream watershed area is changing rapidly due to anthropogenic activity. This study aims to determine the dynamics of land cover change in the Sekampung Hulu watershed. The survey used Landsat satellite imagery data for 2008, 2015, and 2021 obtained from the United States Geological Survey and analyzed it using guided classification with the Object Oriented Classification algorithm using Ecognition and ArcGIS 10.3 software. The study's results obtained a kappa accuracy test of 95.85%, which showed a trend of land cover change for the 2008-2015 and 2015-2021 periods. Land cover change trends are classified into seven classes. In the 2008-2015 period, cloud cover decreased by 158.01 ha, water bodies rose by 1,630.03 ha, forests decreased by 2,298.83 ha, mixed gardens increased by 497.92 ha, coffee stands increased by 692.49 ha, open land decreased by 1,112.39 ha and shrubs increased by 760.79 ha. The 2015-2021 period, namely clouds rose by 649.65 ha, water bodies rose by 137.48, forests fell by 1,788.49 ha, mixed gardens fell by 648.95 ha, coffee stands rose by 593.41 ha, open land increased by 694.68 ha and shrubs increased by 1,766.18 ha. Forest cover, coffee stands, and shrubs are the highest fluctuating cover compared to another cover, and mixed forest and plantation cover is the dominating cover in the upstream Sekampung watershed


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    Visitor perception is essential in the development of tourist destinations. This study aimed to measure visitors' perceptions of Anglo Waterfall nature tourism in Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province. Data collection was carried out through observation and interviews using a questionnaire. Visitor perception data were analyzed descriptively and quantitatively using a Likert Scale. The study results show that visitors' perceptions of aspects of tourist attraction are in the reasonably good category with unspoiled environmental conditions. Visitors' perceptions of the promotion and information aspects are classified as not good because promotional activities on social media still need to be improved. Aspects of facilities, in general, are categorized as quite good with some additions and physical maintenance; the quality of the waterfall is classified as quite good, but the cleanliness of the tourist sites needs attention. Managers must add promotional activities and tourist information, add and maintain physical facilities visitors require, and conduct evaluations for optimal tourism development


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    Salah satu aspek penting dari pembangunan berkelanjutan adalah partisipasi masyarakat lokal yang mengikuti. Di daerah perkotaan, partisipasi seperti itu diperlukan dalam konservasi hutan mangrove untuk mendukung pengembangan daerah pesisir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan upaya konservasi yang dilakukan hutan bakau oleh masyarakat lokal yang berada di daerah perkotaan. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus, di mana pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam dan observasi partisipan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat menerapkan  pengetahuan  ekologi traisional dan  mendirikan  institusi  sehingga  pelestarian  mangrove tetap  terjaga. Pemerintah kota dan perusahaan lokal juga memainkan peran dengan mendukung upaya-upaya dibuat oleh komunitas loka

    Metode Alternatif Penyimpanan Benih Damar Mata Kucing (Shorea Javanica K.&v.)

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    S. javanica K.&V. merupakan komoditi kehutanan penting penghasil damar yang berasal dari Krui, Lampung Barat. Sampai saat ini diketahui bahwa tegakan tanaman ini yang terbesar dan terluas terdapat di daerah tersebut. Namun, penggembangan lebih lanjut tanaman ini tidaklah mudah karena musim berbuahnya yang tidak teratur dan sifat bijinya yang rekalsitran. Biji rekalsitran bersifat mudah rusak dan tidak tahan lama bila disimpan. Oleh sebab itu dibutuhkan suatu usaha agar umur benih tanaman S. javanica dapat diperpanjang. Penggunaan media simpan merupakan salah satu cara untuk memperpanjang umur benih. Serbuk gergaji dan abu gosok merupakanjenis media simpan yang telah cukup banyak diujicobakan pada beberapa jenis Dipterocarpaceae. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) yang disusun secara faktorial dengan tiga jenis media simpan (tanpa media simpan, serbuk gergaji dan abu gosok) dengan tiga waktu simpan (4 minggu, 6 minggu dan 8 minggu). Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa abu gosok merupakan media simpan yang paling mampu menjaga kadar air benih, dan lama penyimpanan yang terbaik adalah tidak lebih dari empat minggu

    Agroforestry adoption studies about farmer’s decision making on tree planting have been conducted for many cases, but there was an important aspect that still had less concern about farmer views especially how they choose the plant species and planting pattern and why they do that.  The aim of this study was to explain the farmer’s reasons when they choose a plant species and planting pattern with different land tenure systems, state forest and private land.  Method used in this study was a case study through analyzing plant species and planting pattern selection, financial flow, and household revenue structure.  The results showed that: the farmer’s reasons were (1) cash income, (2) production continuity, (3) gestation period, (4) easy maintenance and harvest, (5) easy post harvest process, (6) tolerance to be planted with other plants, and (7) land tenure security (especially in state forest land); most farmers chose cacao species, with the main combination of planting patterns that consist of  cacao and banana in state forest land, cacao and petai, cacao and durian in private land; and all the planting pattern were financially feasible; the largest contribution was given by cacao at all planting patterns based on farmer household revenue structure.   Keywords: farmer’s decision making, crop and planting pattern selection, agroforestry

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    Agroforestry adoption studies about farmer’s decision making on tree planting have been conducted for many cases, but there was an important aspect that still had less concern about farmer views especially how they choose the plant species and planting pattern and why they do that.  The aim of this study was to explain the farmer’s reasons when they choose a plant species and planting pattern with different land tenure systems, state forest and private land.  Method used in this study was a case study through analyzing plant species and planting pattern selection, financial flow, and household revenue structure.  The results showed that: the farmer’s reasons were (1) cash income, (2) production continuity, (3) gestation period, (4) easy maintenance and harvest, (5) easy post harvest process, (6) tolerance to be planted with other plants, and (7) land tenure security (especially in state forest land); most farmers chose cacao species, with the main combination of planting patterns that consist of  cacao and banana in state forest land, cacao and petai, cacao and durian in private land; and all the planting pattern were financially feasible; the largest contribution was given by cacao at all planting patterns based on farmer household revenue structure.   Keywords: farmer’s decision making, crop and planting pattern selection, agroforestr

    Community Institutions On Rawa Danau Nature Preserve

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    The forest area has experienced a lot of pressure due to the increasing of encroachment activity over last decades. The existence of communities around forest areas plays an important role for the preservation effort because the function of these efforts strongly associated with interaction or society behavior. This study aimed to explain the community institutions that affect the function of forest management. The method used was a case study, in which data collection is done through in-depth interviews and participant observation. The results showed that the villagers of Cikedung knew the existence, meaning, functionality, and benefits of Rawa Danau Nature Preserve; also the rules that apply in the management of Rawa Danau Nature Preserve, as well as the status of the land that is in the nature reserve area of Rawa Danau Nature Preserve.Communities had developed some system of arable land, which is cultivated on their own system/heritage, maparo (profit-share system), pawn, and replace power. Economic factors became the main reason that caused encroachment activities being conducted by people in the area of Rawa Danau Nature Preserve. Various efforts have been made by stakeholders to overcome this encroachment activities, but it has not yet run optimally because they still tend to be project-basedHlm.143-14