15 research outputs found


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    Abstrak. Berdasarkan pengalaman peneliti dalam proses belajar mengajar di kelas, pembelajaran menulis dongeng masih cenderung kurang menggembirakan, padahal dongeng merupakan salah satu kekayaan sastra di Indonesia yang patut untuk dijaga dan dilestarikan dari generasi ke generasi. Hasil yang kurang menggembirakan dari menulis dongeng ini dapat dilihat dari ketika dilakukan uji tugas menulis dongeng secara perorangan di kelas ketika mata kuliah Kajian Sastra Anak Indonesia sedang berproses.Satu mahasiswa menulis satu judul dongeng.Hasilnya mengejutkan, ternyata mahasiswa masih belum mampu menulis dongeng sesuai nilai yang diharapkan.  Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menawarkan satustrategi pembelajaran yang dapat diterapkan oleh timteaching untuk menghasilkan tulisan sastra anak berupa dongeng yang bersifat berkemajuan dan menggembirakan sesuai dengan harapan perguruan tinggi Muhammadiyah se-Indonesia. Strategi pembelajaran itu bernamathe power of two. Strategi ini dipilih karena dinilai dapat membantu menciptakan keaktifan mahasiswa dalam menulis dongeng karena sifat dari strategi ini menulis dongeng tidak secara sendiri, namun berdua dengan teman, sehingga ide-ide dapat bersatu membentuk dongeng yang lebih baik. Berpikir berdua akan menghasilkan karya yang lebih baik daripada berpikir sendiri atau dengan istilah dua kepala lebih baik daripada satu kepala.Kata Kunci: Eksperimental, The Power Of Two, Menulis Dongeng Abstract.Based on the experience of researchers in the teaching and learning process in the classroom, fairytale learning still tends to be less encouraging, even though fairy tales are one of the riches of literature in Indonesia that deserve to be preserved and preserved for generations. The less encouraging results of writing this fairy tale can be seen from when testing the task of writing fairy tales individually in the classroom when the Indonesian Child Literature Study courses are proceeding. One student wrote a fairy tale title. The result was surprising, it turned out that students were still not able to write fairy tales according to the expected value.In this study, researchers offered a learning strategy that could be applied by the teaching team to produce children's literary writings in the form of tales that were progressive and encouraging in accordance with the expectations of Muhammadiyah universities throughout Indonesia. The learning strategy was named the power of two. This strategy was chosen because it was considered to be able to help create students' activeness in writing fairy tales because the nature of this strategy was to write not fairy tales themselves, but both with friends, so ideas could unite to form a better tale. Thinking together will produce works that are better than thinking alone or in terms of two heads better than one head.Keywords: Experimental. The power of two, writing a fairy tal


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    Abstrak.Berdasarkan pengalaman peneliti dalam proses belajar mengajar di kelas,  pembelajaran menulis dongeng masih cenderung kurang menggembirakan, padahal dongeng merupakan salah satu kekayaan sastra di Indonesia yang patut untuk dijaga dan dilestarikan dari generasi ke generasi. Hasil yang kurang menggembirakan dari menulis dongeng ini dapat dilihat dari ketika dilakukan uji tugas menulis dongeng secara perorangan di kelas ketika mata kuliah Kajian Sastra Anak Indonesia sedang berproses.Satu mahasiswa menulis satu judul dongeng.Hasilnya mengejutkan, ternyata mahasiswa masih belum mampu menulis dongeng sesuai nilai yang diharapkan.  Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menawarkan satustrategi pembelajaran yang dapat diterapkan oleh timteaching untuk menghasilkan tulisan sastra anak berupa dongeng yang bersifat berkemajuan dan menggembirakan sesuai dengan harapan perguruan tinggi Muhammadiyah se-Indonesia. Strategi pembelajaran itu bernamathe power of two. Strategi ini dipilih karena dinilai dapat membantu menciptakan keaktifan mahasiswa dalam menulis dongeng karena sifat dari strategi ini menulis dongeng tidak secara sendiri, namun berdua dengan teman, sehingga ide-ide dapat bersatu membentuk dongeng yang lebih baik. Berpikir berdua akan menghasilkan karya yang lebih baik daripada berpikir sendiri atau dengan istilah dua kepala lebih baik daripada satu kepala.Kata Kunci: Eksperimental, The Power Of Two, Menulis DongengAbstract.Based on the experience of researchers in the teaching and learning process in the classroom, fairytale learning still tends to be less encouraging, even though fairy tales are one of the riches of literature in Indonesia that deserve to be preserved and preserved for generations. The less encouraging results of writing this fairy tale can be seen from when testing the task of writing fairy tales individually in the classroom when the Indonesian Child Literature Study courses are proceeding. One student wrote a fairy tale title. The result was surprising, it turned out that students were still not able to write fairy tales according to the expected value.In this study, researchers offered a learning strategy that could be applied by the teaching team to produce children's literary writings in the form of tales that were progressive and encouraging in accordance with the expectations of Muhammadiyah universities throughout Indonesia. The learning strategy was named the power of two. This strategy was chosen because it was considered to be able to help create students' activeness in writing fairy tales because the nature of this strategy was to write not fairy tales themselves, but both with friends, so ideas could unite to form a better tale. Thinking together will produce works that are better than thinking alone or in terms of two heads better than one head.Keywords: Experimental. The power of two, writing a fairy tal


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    Penelitian ini berfoku pada masalah guru yang masih kurang inovatif dalam menerapkan model pembelajaran, sehingga siswa merasa bosan dan kurang tertarik dengan pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menguji model Mind Mapping berbasis Outdoor Learning untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis puisi siswa di kelas X SMK Negeri 6 Medan. Metode penelitian adalah PTK.  PTK memiliki tiga ciri pokok yaitu sebagai berikut: (1) Mind mapping, (2) Kolaboratif, (3) Reflektif. RPP guru menjelaskan materi mengenai unsur-unsur dari puisi berupa tema, tipografi, rima, majas, nada, rasa dan amanat. Penerapan metode mind mapping berbasis outdoor learning dapat meningkatkan kualitas proses pembelajaran menulis puisi. Peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran siswa dapat dilihat pada nilai rata-rata aktivitas siswa di dalam kelas. Pada siklus I dengan nilai rata-rata siswa 70, dan siklus 2 nilai rata-rata sebesar 86,32 dengan persentase keberhasilan pada siklus I sebesar 65% sedangkan siklus 2 meningkat hingga 100%. Peningkatan tersebut tidak terlepas dari kinerja guru dalam pembelajaran dengan memahami tingkat kecerdasan siswa, memberikan motivasi, merumuskan tujuan belajar, melaksanakan aktiviti pengajaran, melaksanakan penilaian, dan melaksanakan komunikasin interpersonal, sehingga memperoleh nilai pada siklus I sebesar 70 dengan kategori cukup, sedangkan pada siklus 2 mengalami peningkatan mencapai 86,32 dengan kategori sangat baik

    Analisis Pemerolehan Sintaksis Pada Anak Usia Dini (Studi Kualitatif Pada Rizky Ramadhan)

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    The purpose of this research is that researchers want to see language acquisition in the field of syntax for a 6-year-old child named Rizky Ramadhan. The source of the data that is the object of this research is the speech or oral utterance of a 6-year-old child named Rizky Ramadhan in the field of syntax. The method used in this research is descriptive research with qualitative data analysis. Data collection techniques carried out by researchers in this study used listening, interviewing and recording techniques. The results of this study indicate that a 6-year-old child named Rizky is able to produce words and sentences in every activity. This can be proven from his daily speech with his interlocutor, namely the researcher, biological mother, and also the child's brother. The theory used in analyzing Rizky's speech refers to Abdul Chaer about sentence classification which includes news sentences (declarative), interrogative sentences (interrogative), imperative sentences, and exclamation sentences (interjective). The results of this study are that Rizky has been able to utter 22 declarative sentences, 15 interrogative sentences, 9 imperative sentences, and 8 interrogative sentences. sentence form as shown in the results


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    Abstrak. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini bertujuan untuk: (1) meningkatkan kualitas proses pembelajaran menulis puisi dan (2) meningkatkan keterampilan menulis puisi melalui penerapan pendekatan kooperatif tipe explicit instruction berbasis media gambar. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru dan siswa kelas VII-B SMP Warga Surakarta. Data berupa RPP, foto, hasil tes, catatan lapangan, catatan hasil dan wawancara. Sumber data diperoleh dari informan, lokasi dan proses pembelajaran serta dokumen.  Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pengamatan, dialog dan wawancara, telaah dokumen, serta tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan pendekatan kooperatif tipe explicit instruction berbasis media gambar mampu meningkatkan kualitas proses pembelajaran menulis puisi siswa yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya keaktifan, perhatian, dan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa dengan menerapkan penerapan pendekatan kooperatif tipe explicit instuction berbasis media gambar dapat meningkatkan keterampilan menulis puisi siswa kelas VII-B SMP Warga Surakarta. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari hasil tindakan yang dilakukan selama dua siklus.  Pada pratindakan jumlah siswa memperoleh nilai di atas KKM (75) 3 siswa (10%) dengan nilai rata-rata 59,11. Pada Siklus I siswa tuntas meningkat menjadi 14 siswa (46,66%) dengan  nilai rata-rata 71,56. Pada siklus II siswa yang mencapai KKM sebanyak 25 siswa (83,33%) dengan nilai rata-rata 82,83.Kata Kunci:explicit instruction, media gambar, keterampilan menulis puisiAbstract. This classroom action research aims at: (1) improving the quality of writing poem learning process and (2) improving skill of writing poem through the implementation of explicit-instruction cooperative learning based on pictures media. There are five stages in conducting explicit-instruction method. They are (1) delivering and stipulating the learning objective(s); (2) demonstrating cognition or skill; (3) giving activities and guidance; (4) checking students’ understanding and giving feedback; and (5) giving independent activity. The research result showed that the implementation of explicit instruction by using pictures media was able to improve the students’ quality in writing poem. It was signified by the students’ improvement in terms of activeness, and attention as well as the fluency of learning-process. This research also showed that by implementing explicit instruction cooperative learning based on pictures media, students’ skill in writing poem can be improved. It can be seen from the scores resulted from conducting two cycles. In pre-research, there were only 3 students (10%) who passed the minimum score and the class’ average score was 59.11. In cycle I, the students passing the minimum score raised become 14 students (46.66%) and the class’ score average was 82.83. The more significant result can be seen in cycle II where the students’ both process and product scores passing the minimum score reached more than 80%. Accordingly, it can be concluded that students’ skill in writing poem can be improved by implementing explicit instruction cooperative learning based on pictures media.Keywords: explicit instruction, pictures media, and writing poem skill


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    This study aims to produce an innovative learning model based on Microblogging Edmodo.  This research was conducted through the application of Research and Development (R&D) methods which included several stages of research, it is started from designing SCL learning models based on microblogging edmodo, validation, and trials (small and large scale). The results of the study showed that the innovation of student-centered learning models based on edmodo e-learning microblogging was feasible to be applied in the learning process. It can be seen from the validation reaches 79.16%. The feasibility of the application is also strengthened by the increasing of the average percentage from audience validation. It results of 77.33% in small-scale trials and 91.30% in large-scale trials. This percentage shows that SCL learning models based on e-learning microblogging edmodo can be applied to student


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    Advertising is a form of communication that has an important role to introduce a product in the form of goods and services to the public. Various forms of attractive and creative advertisements in print and electronic media give rise to phenomena in advertising, giving rise to a new lifestyle. It can be interpreted as an advertising effort to always highlight the advantages of the advertised product. Therefore, advertisers try to convey advertisements well so that they can be accepted by consumers. The research method used in this study is a pragmatic study research method. This research is a descriptive study with qualitative data analysis. This study focuses on beauty advertising utterances that contain presuppositions. The data of this research is advertising speech in the best seller pricelist wardahedition beauty catalog which contains presuppositions. The data source of this research is advertisement speech from several advertisements in the best seller pricelist edition of Wardah beauty catalog. The research instrument is carried out in the form of documentation and notes. The results of the research data analysis used an informal presentation


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    ABSTRAK: Hal yang sering menjadi kendala dalam menulis adalah kurangnya penguasaan kosakata, padahal kosakata menentukan seberapa terampil seseorang dalam berbahasa. Semakin kaya kosakata yang kita miliki, maka semakin besar pula kemungkinan kita terampil berbahasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui  ada  atau  tidaknya  pengaruh  penguasaan  kosakata  terhadap  kemampuan menulis  eksposisi  siswa  SMA  Muhammadiyah   1 Medan;  (2)  mengetahui  ada  atau tidaknya  pengaruh  penguasaan  tata  bahasa  Indonesia  terhadap  kemampuan  menulis eksposisi  siswa kelas X SMA Muhammadiyah  se-Kota Medan; serta (3) mengetahui ada atau tidaknya pengaruh penguasaan kosakata dan tata bahasa Indonesia terhadap kemampuan menulis eksposisi siswa SMA Muhammadiyah  se-Kota Medan. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X SMA Muhammadiyah se-Kota Medan dengan mengambil sampel sebanyak 250 siswa. Teknik   pengambilan   sampel   menggunakan   teknik   stratified   random   sampling. Pengumpulan data kosa kata, tata bahasa, dan menulis eksposisi dilakukan dengan tes kemampuan.  Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis korelasi product moment dan analisis regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil yang di dapat ada 44 siswa (12,75%) siswa memiliki penguasaan kosa kata terhadap kemampuan menulis eksposis pada kategori tinggi, 251 siswa (72,72%) siswa berada pada kategori sedang dan 50 siswa (14.50%) siswa memiliki kemampuan rendah. Sementara untuk penguasaan tata bahasa Indonesia terhadap kemampuan menulis narasi di dapat data yaitu: 59 siswa (17.10%) kategori tinggi, 219 siswa (63,48%) siswa kategori sedang dan 67 siswa (19,42%) kategori rendah. KATA KUNCI: Eksposisi; Instagram; Kosakata; Tata Bahasa   INDONESIAN VOCABULARY WRITING ON INSTAGRAM USERS ON THE ABILITY TO WRITE EXPOSITION TEXT  ABSTRACT: The background of this research is that the 2013 curriculum was developed by improving individual and group learning patterns while still paying attention to the development of potential especially that of each student, one of which is the ability of students to write descriptive texts. The thing that often becomes an obstacle in writing is the lack of vocabulary mastery, even though vocabulary determines how skilled a person is in language. The richer the vocabulary we have, the more likely we are to be skilled at language. This study aims to: (1) determine whether or not there is an effect of vocabulary mastery on the ability to write exposition for students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Medan; (2) know whether or not there is an influence of mastery of Indonesian grammar on the ability to write an exposition of the tenth-grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah in Medan City; and (3) to find out whether or not there is an effect of mastery of Indonesian vocabulary and grammar on the ability to write an exposition of students of SMA Muhammadiyah in Medan. The research subjects were students of class X SMA Muhammadiyah in Medan City taking a sample of 250 students. The sampling technique used a stratified random sampling technique. Vocabulary, grammar, and writing exposition data were collected by means of an ability test. The data analysis technique used is product moment analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results obtained there are 44 students (12.75%) students have mastery of vocabulary on the ability to write exposure in the high category, 251 students (72.72%) students in the medium category and 50 students (14.50%) students have the ability low. Meanwhile, for the mastery of Indonesian grammar on narrative writing skills, the data obtained are 59 students (17.10%) in the high category, 219 students (63.48%) in the medium category and 67 students (19.42%) in the low category. KEYWORDS: Eksposition; Instagram; Vocabulary, Gramma


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    Abstrak. Berdasarkan pengalaman peneliti dalam proses belajar mengajar di kelas, pembelajaran menulis dongeng masih cenderung kurang menggembirakan, padahal dongeng merupakan salah satu kekayaan sastra di Indonesia yang patut untuk dijaga dan dilestarikan dari generasi ke generasi. Hasil yang kurang menggembirakan dari menulis dongeng ini dapat dilihat dari ketika dilakukan uji tugas menulis dongeng secara perorangan di kelas ketika mata kuliah Kajian Sastra Anak Indonesia sedang berproses.Satu mahasiswa menulis satu judul dongeng.Hasilnya mengejutkan, ternyata mahasiswa masih belum mampu menulis dongeng sesuai nilai yang diharapkan.  Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menawarkan satustrategi pembelajaran yang dapat diterapkan oleh timteaching untuk menghasilkan tulisan sastra anak berupa dongeng yang bersifat berkemajuan dan menggembirakan sesuai dengan harapan perguruan tinggi Muhammadiyah se-Indonesia. Strategi pembelajaran itu bernamathe power of two. Strategi ini dipilih karena dinilai dapat membantu menciptakan keaktifan mahasiswa dalam menulis dongeng karena sifat dari strategi ini menulis dongeng tidak secara sendiri, namun berdua dengan teman, sehingga ide-ide dapat bersatu membentuk dongeng yang lebih baik. Berpikir berdua akan menghasilkan karya yang lebih baik daripada berpikir sendiri atau dengan istilah dua kepala lebih baik daripada satu kepala.Kata Kunci: Eksperimental, The Power Of Two, Menulis DongengAbstract.Based on the experience of researchers in the teaching and learning process in the classroom, fairytale learning still tends to be less encouraging, even though fairy tales are one of the riches of literature in Indonesia that deserve to be preserved and preserved for generations. The less encouraging results of writing this fairy tale can be seen from when testing the task of writing fairy tales individually in the classroom when the Indonesian Child Literature Study courses are proceeding. One student wrote a fairy tale title. The result was surprising, it turned out that students were still not able to write fairy tales according to the expected value.In this study, researchers offered a learning strategy that could be applied by the teaching team to produce children's literary writings in the form of tales that were progressive and encouraging in accordance with the expectations of Muhammadiyah universities throughout Indonesia. The learning strategy was named the power of two. This strategy was chosen because it was considered to be able to help create students' activeness in writing fairy tales because the nature of this strategy was to write not fairy tales themselves, but both with friends, so ideas could unite to form a better tale. Thinking together will produce works that are better than thinking alone or in terms of two heads better than one head.Keywords: Experimental. The power of two, writing a fairy tal


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    This classroom action research aims to improve the ability of prospective teacher students in making learning implementation plans through the learning model of better teaching and learning with character. This research was conducted in four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection and was carried out in two cycles. The first cycle carried out by the researcher was observing student competence in making lesson plans. The results of the observation on the assessment of the learning implementation plan in the first cycle showed an average value of 74.2% with a good category. Furthermore, the average value of students in the second cycle increased by 87% in the very good category. The improvement of students' ability in making lesson plans for each cycle has increased significantly. This proves that the character of the better teaching and learning learning model is able to improve the competence of prospective teacher students in preparing learning implementation plans