
Abstrak. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini bertujuan untuk: (1) meningkatkan kualitas proses pembelajaran menulis puisi dan (2) meningkatkan keterampilan menulis puisi melalui penerapan pendekatan kooperatif tipe explicit instruction berbasis media gambar. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru dan siswa kelas VII-B SMP Warga Surakarta. Data berupa RPP, foto, hasil tes, catatan lapangan, catatan hasil dan wawancara. Sumber data diperoleh dari informan, lokasi dan proses pembelajaran serta dokumen.  Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pengamatan, dialog dan wawancara, telaah dokumen, serta tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan pendekatan kooperatif tipe explicit instruction berbasis media gambar mampu meningkatkan kualitas proses pembelajaran menulis puisi siswa yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya keaktifan, perhatian, dan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa dengan menerapkan penerapan pendekatan kooperatif tipe explicit instuction berbasis media gambar dapat meningkatkan keterampilan menulis puisi siswa kelas VII-B SMP Warga Surakarta. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari hasil tindakan yang dilakukan selama dua siklus.  Pada pratindakan jumlah siswa memperoleh nilai di atas KKM (75) 3 siswa (10%) dengan nilai rata-rata 59,11. Pada Siklus I siswa tuntas meningkat menjadi 14 siswa (46,66%) dengan  nilai rata-rata 71,56. Pada siklus II siswa yang mencapai KKM sebanyak 25 siswa (83,33%) dengan nilai rata-rata 82,83.Kata Kunci:explicit instruction, media gambar, keterampilan menulis puisiAbstract. This classroom action research aims at: (1) improving the quality of writing poem learning process and (2) improving skill of writing poem through the implementation of explicit-instruction cooperative learning based on pictures media. There are five stages in conducting explicit-instruction method. They are (1) delivering and stipulating the learning objective(s); (2) demonstrating cognition or skill; (3) giving activities and guidance; (4) checking students’ understanding and giving feedback; and (5) giving independent activity. The research result showed that the implementation of explicit instruction by using pictures media was able to improve the students’ quality in writing poem. It was signified by the students’ improvement in terms of activeness, and attention as well as the fluency of learning-process. This research also showed that by implementing explicit instruction cooperative learning based on pictures media, students’ skill in writing poem can be improved. It can be seen from the scores resulted from conducting two cycles. In pre-research, there were only 3 students (10%) who passed the minimum score and the class’ average score was 59.11. In cycle I, the students passing the minimum score raised become 14 students (46.66%) and the class’ score average was 82.83. The more significant result can be seen in cycle II where the students’ both process and product scores passing the minimum score reached more than 80%. Accordingly, it can be concluded that students’ skill in writing poem can be improved by implementing explicit instruction cooperative learning based on pictures media.Keywords: explicit instruction, pictures media, and writing poem skill

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