2,112 research outputs found

    Use of Microtome Sections to Determine the Effect of Retention Aid on Filler Distribution

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    Two-sidedness of paper is an all too common problem in the paper industry. Most of the undesirable results are due to the uneven distribution of filler in the sheet. An accurate, reproduceable, method is needed to study this distribution gradient in order to find the effect of certain variables on this distribution. Although the following method has been used before, its reproducibility has not been demonstrated to any great extent, nor has much work been done as to the effect of variables on the distribution. In this study, the reproducibility of this method is demonstrated and the effect of retention aid is studied

    Emulation is the most sincere form of flattery : retro videogames, rom distribution and copyright

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    The Internet has made it possible for amateur game creators to collaborate on projects irrespective of geographical location. The success of projects such as Minecraft, and even CounterStrike, demonstrates that ‘indie’ developers can create entertainment products just as popular and successful as mainstream developers with huge budgets. However, many individuals instead are more interested in the old than the new – reliving past experiences through the playing of old videogames that are no longer commercially sold. Through the creation of emulators, and the ripping of ROM images (data that allows for the playing of an emulated videogame, such as Super Mario Bros. on the Super Nintendo), games with nostalgic value can be easily distributed, played and replayed. In addition, this allows for the preservation of legacy content that may otherwise be consigned to the ‘dustbin of history’. However, irrespective of the effort and ingenuity that goes into the creation of emulation software, and the effort involved in ripping ROM data to make old games playable, are these pursuits entirely legal? The purpose of this paper is to consider the compatibility of such projects with pre-existing norms of intellectual property law, comparing and contrasting the approaches of US and EU IP regimes in their handling of emulators and ROMS. The paper will analyse the issue under pre-existing legislation and with regard to relevant case law, seeking to draw conclusions on whether the existing regimes in copyright law are compatible and satisfactorily balance the right of videogame publishers to seek fair remuneration for their work with the desire by enthusiasts to preserve and relive a form of creative culture

    Oxidation of basaltic tephras: Influence on reflectance in the 1 micron region

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    As part of a ongoing study into the products of hydrovolcanism, tuffs were examined from the Cerro Colorado and Pavant Butte tuff cones. The former resides in the northeastern corner of the Pinacate Volcanic Field in Sonara, Mexico and the latter is in the Black Rock Desert of southern Utah. Numerous samples were collected and many of these had their Vis/IR reflectance measured. It seems likely that in the palagonite tuffs there is a combination of nanocrystalline ferric oxide phases contributing to the UV absorption edge, but not to the 1 micron band, plus more crystalline ferric oxides which do contribute to that band as well as ferrous iron within unaltered sideromelane which is skewing the band center to longer wavelengths. This work has implications for the study of Mars. The present work indicates that when ferrous and ferric iron phases are both present, their combined spectral contribution is a single band in the vicinity of 1 micron. The center, depth, and width of that feature has potential to be used to gauge the relative proportions of ferrous and ferric iron phases

    Analysis of the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program in the Long Branch Lake Watershed

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    CREP will reduce non-point source pollution loads to streams, but may not significantly improve water quality in the reservoir

    La emulación es la forma de adulación más sincera: Videojuegos retro, distribución de ROM y derechos de autor

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    Internet ha permès als creadors de jocs amateurs col·laborar en projectes independentment de la seva situació geogràfica. L'èxit de productes com Minecraft, i fins i tot CounterStrike, demostra que els desenvolupadors «independents» poden crear productes de lleure tan populars i amb tant d'èxit com els desenvolupadors consolidats i amb grans pressupostos. Tanmateix, molts consumidors estan més interessats en productes vells que en els nous -reviure experiències passades jugant a videojocs antics que ja no són disponibles al mercat. Amb la creació d'emuladors, i la còpia d'imatges ROM (dades que permeten jugar a videojocs emulats, com Super Mario Bros. a  la Super Nintendo), es poden distribuir jocs amb valor nostàlgic i s'hi pot jugar i tornar a jugar fàcilment. A més, això permet la conservació de contingut antic (legacy content) que si no fos així podria acabar arxivat a la «paperera de la història». No obstant això, independentment de l'esforç i la inventiva que impliquen la creació de programari d'emulació, i l'esforç que implica copiar dades ROM per a poder jugar a jocs antics, són completament legals aquestes activitats? El propòsit d'aquest article és considerar la compatibilitat d'aquests projectes amb les normes preexistents de les lleis de propietat intel·lectual, comparant i contrastant els enfocaments dels règims de propietat intel·lectual dels EUA i la UE a l'hora de tractar emuladors i ROM. L'article analitzarà la qüestió sota la legislació preexistent i respecte a jurisprudència rellevant, amb la intenció d'arribar a conclusions sobre si els règims existents de legislació de drets d'autor són compatibles i concilien satisfactòriament el dret de les productores de videojocs de pretendre una remuneració justa pel seu treball amb el desig dels entusiastes de preservar i reviure una forma de cultura creativa.The Internet has made it possible for amateur game creators to collaborate on projects irrespective of geographical location.  The success of projects such as Minecraft, and even CounterStrike, demonstrates that 'indie' developers can create entertainment products just as popular and successful as mainstream developers with huge budgets.  However, many individuals instead are more interested in the old than the new - reliving past experiences through the playing of old videogames that are no longer commercially sold.  Through the creation of emulators, and the ripping of ROM images (data that allows for the playing of an emulated videogame, such as Super Mario Bros. on the Super Nintendo), games with nostalgic value can be easily distributed, played and replayed.  In addition, this allows for the preservation of legacy content that may otherwise be consigned to the 'dustbin of history'.   However, irrespective of the effort and ingenuity that goes into the creation of emulation software, and the effort involved in ripping ROM data to make old games playable, are these pursuits entirely legal?  The purpose of this paper is to consider the compatibility of such projects with pre-existing norms of intellectual property law, comparing and contrasting the approaches of US and EU IP regimes in their handling of emulators and ROMS.  The paper will analyse the issue under pre-existing legislation and with regard to relevant case law, seeking to draw conclusions on whether the existing regimes in copyright law are compatible and satisfactorily balance the right of videogame publishers to seek fair remuneration for their work with the desire by enthusiasts to preserve and relive a form of creative culture.Internet ha posibilitado a los creadores de juegos amateurs colaborar en proyectos independientemente de su localización geográfica. El éxito de productos como Minecraft, e incluso CounterStrike, demuestra que los desarrolladores «independientes» pueden crear productos de entretenimiento tan populares y exitosos como los desarrolladores consolidados y con grandes presupuestos. Sin embargo, muchos consumidores están más interesados en lo viejo que en lo nuevo -revivir experiencias pasadas, jugando a viejos videojuegos que ya no están disponibles en el mercado. Mediante la creación de emuladores, y la copia de imágenes ROM (datos que permiten jugar a videojuegos emulados, como Super Mario Bros, en la Super Nintendo), se pueden distribuir juegos con valor nostálgico y se puede jugar y volver a jugar con ellos fácilmente. Además, esto permite la conservación de contenido antiguo (legacy content) que de otro modo podría acabar archivado en la «papelera de la historia».   No obstante, independientemente del esfuerzo y la inventiva que implica la creación de software de emulación, y el esfuerzo que supone copiar datos ROM para poder jugar a juegos antiguos, ¿son estas actividades completamente legales? El propósito de este artículo es considerar la compatibilidad de estos proyectos con las normas preexistentes de propiedad intelectual, comparando y contrastando los enfoques de los regímenes de EE. UU. y la UE a la hora de tratar emuladores y ROM. El artículo analizará la cuestión bajo la legislación preexistente y en relación con la jurisprudencia relevante, con la intención de llegar a conclusiones en cuanto a si los regímenes existentes de derechos de autor son compatibles y concilian satisfactoriamente el derecho de las productoras de videojuegos de pretender una remuneración justa por su trabajo con el deseo de los entusiastas de preservar y revivir una forma de cultura creativa

    The effect of zoo visitors on the behaviour and welfare of zoo mammals

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    There is evidence that the presence of the visiting public affects the behaviour of zoo-housed mammals. Understanding the effect of visitors is important in improving animal welfare, achieving zoo conservation goals, increasing visitor education/entertainment, and facilitating interpretation of data on zoo animal biology. A series of studies and experiments focusing on the effect of zoo visitors on captive mammal behaviour is presented. The influence of visitor density on a range of primates and large carnivores is examined. Methodological concerns regarding the operational definition of visitor density in the literature are expressed and a clarification of terms which may be helpful when comparing previous research is provided. Visitor noise data, using an objective measure of the variable, and its relationship to visitor density are also presented. External and internal visual barriers between visitors and zoo animals were hypothesised to moderate the visitor effect and enrich the environment of the study groups. Camouflage nets mounted on the outside of enclosure viewing windows had little impact on primate or felid behaviour, with the exception of the Sumatran orangutan group, who showed a trend toward decreased social play in the presence of the external barrier. Polar bear behaviour showed evidence of an enriched environment, with trends toward increased levels of swimming and decreased levels of resting. An internal visual barrier, which prevented visitors from having visual contact with the golden lion tamarins when the nonhuman primates were behind it, was also tested and elicited more extensive trends toward behavioural change than did the nets. Both Sumatran orangutans and zoo visitors were provided with a similar puzzle feeder in an effort to enrich the orangutan enclosure, and improve the visitor experience. It was hypothesised that the orangutans might be stimulated by watching visitors manipulate the device, but this did not occur. Orangutan use of the puzzle feeder within their enclosure was also unaffected. Olfactory stimuli were introduced into primate and felid enclosures and visitor viewing areas to investigate the role olfaction may play in the visitor effect. Although olfactory stimuli had an extensive significant effect on the behaviour of the study groups when it was introduced into the enclosure, there was little change when visitors were associated with the olfactory stimuli which suggest there may not be an olfactory visitor effect in primates or felids. The effect of visitors on petting zoo-housed mixed-breed goats, llama, and Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs was studied and compared to their behaviour without the presence of visitors. The goats were unaffected and the llama showed only a trend toward decreased levels of sitting in the presence of visitors. The Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs were significantly affected by the presence of visitors, exhibiting decreased inactivity and social behaviour. The hypothesis that a sustained absence of visitors would result in a more intense visitor effect was tested and was not supported by the data. An additional experiment investigating the effect of visitor grooming on the petting zoo study species showed that, while visitors spent more time interacting with the animals in the grooming condition, xiv the behaviour of the study animals indicated that they did not find visitor grooming rewarding. Data on the interaction between visitor density and the various experimental techniques tested here indicate that visitor density may impact animal response to environmental enrichment, supporting previous findings in the literature. In the presence of visual barriers, foraging devices, and olfactory stimuli, the relationship between animal behaviour and visitor density changed significantly, both qualitatively and quantitatively. These results suggest that collecting visitor density data when testing environmental enrichment techniques could be helpful when assessing their effectiveness, ultimately improving the welfare of zoo-housed mammals. Based on the data presented here, in conjunction with the literature, a closing discussion outlines proposed refinements to the visitor effect research guidelines published by the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums (2005)

    L’emulació és la forma d’adulació més sincera : videojocs retro, distribució de ROM i drets d’autor

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    The Internet has made it possible for amateur game creators to collaborate on projects irrespective of geographical location. The success of projects such as Minecraft, and even CounterStrike, demonstrates that 'indie' developers can create entertainment products just as popular and successful as mainstream developers with huge budgets. However, many individuals instead are more interested in the old than the new – reliving past experiences through the playing of old videogames that are no longer commercially sold. Through the creation of emulators, and the ripping of ROM images (data that allows for the playing of an emulated videogame, such as Super Mario Bros. on the Super Nintendo), games with nostalgic value can be easily distributed, played and replayed. In addition, this allows for the preservation of legacy content that may otherwise be consigned to the 'dustbin of history'. However, irrespective of the effort and ingenuity that goes into the creation of emulation software, and the effort involved in ripping ROM data to make old games playable, are these pursuits entirely legal? The purpose of this paper is to consider the compatibility of such projects with pre-existing norms of intellectual property law, comparing and contrasting the approaches of US and EU IP regimes in their handling of emulators and ROMS. The paper will analyse the issue under pre-existing legislation and with regard to relevant case law, seeking to draw conclusions on whether the existing regimes in copyright law are compatible and satisfactorily balance the right of videogame publishers to seek fair remuneration for their work with the desire by enthusiasts to preserve and relive a form of creative culture

    work | space (the laborer revealed)

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    There is always a moment, within the act of work, when the decision comes into question; the mind is aware of the goal, seeking out the destination, but the body brings the reality of the task to light, at first whispering its doubts, then speaking in full volume. The physical intensity of the creation of my work enlivens this debate between the consciousness of my intellect and the limitations of my being. The act of defining myself as an artist serves as a challenge to my body’s capabilities as a maker. Through this relationship with my work, I have become deeply intimate with the term labor. My thesis aims to contextualize my engagement with labor within the universal understanding that human beings possess an inherent need to work. While the interchangeable use of terms such as work and labor is highly disputed, I have found that my role as artist, actions as maker, and identity as worker persuade me to define my work as labor and my labors as work. This subsequent body of work serves as a record of the actions of the laborer. A floor sits; frozen in the process of installation, it awaits the return of the laborer to complete the work. Through the cyclical conversation between the workers’ voices embroidered upon the wall and the work being performed on the floor, the installation serves as the preserved space of the anonymous laborer

    Hugh Wynne, a Historical Novel

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    "The writer suggested to a class of advanced students in historical criticism at Stanford that a few weeks be spent upon the critical examination of some historical novel.

    Human embryonic stem cells and patent law in the EU and China : convergence in standards through divergence in institutions

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    While socio-cultural and historical differences in the EU Member States and China have resulted in two distinct regimes for human embryonic stem cell research, with the EU considered somewhat conservative and China significantly liberal in approach, the laws governing patenting of innovations derived from stem cell research in both legal regimes appear to be remarkably similar. How is it that two divergent systems have nevertheless converged on a restrictive approach to patenting in this field of research? This paper will demonstrate the way in which different institutional pressures and objectives have resulted in similar practices: - while deliberative decision-making within the context of representative liberal democracy resulted in the EU placing morality-based limitations on economically- driven hESC patenting, China’s elite-driven processes within the context of ‘authoritarian deliberation’ instead adopted morality-based limitations both as an indicator of demonstrating standards of best practice as a means of encouraging research and investment, and as the result of institutional learning. Therefore, despite different institutional designs and policy-making approaches, the EU and China have converged on remarkably similar hESC patent regimes