4,350 research outputs found

    From Memphis, with Love: A Model to Protect Protesters in the Age of Surveillance

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    In 1978, after two years of contentious litigation, the City of Memphis entered into a unique agreement with its citizens: it signed a consent decree, stipulating that it would halt its interference with First Amendment–protected activities. More specifically, the Consent Decree barred the City from surveilling protesters—the very conduct that triggered litigation. Fast forward forty years. In 2018, narratives of police brutality dominated the nation’s headlines. Consequently, protesters demonstrated from the streets of Ferguson, Missouri to Oakland, California. And in Memphis, Tennessee, those who protested were often met with an all-too-familiar response—surveillance by the Memphis Police Department. That is until the Western District of Tennessee found that the City had violated the terms of its own agreement. The court’s message was undeniably clear—the Memphis Consent Decree is alive and well. Memphis is by no means an outlier in police–civilian relations. After all, police departments across the country surveil protesters. But Memphis is an outlier in terms of the method it has chosen to address this issue. As the surveillance of protesters and the capacity to surveil protesters grow, the Memphis Consent Decree offers a model for future legislation that better safeguards First Amendment values. This Note accordingly narrates the story of Memphis, its successes and failures, and the lessons it holds for hundreds of cities, for decades to come


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    Purpose Porang flour from porang tubers (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) has a soluble food fiber content whose structure and function are similar to pectin called glucomannan. The content of glucomannan contained in porang tubers is very large namely as a gelling agent, which can be one of the alternative thickeners or stabilizers in solution and dough and can replace gelatin milling on pannacotta cake vegan. This research aims to find out the usefulness and success rate of porang flour in replacing gelatin in the manufacture of vegan Pana cotta Cake. It also aims to find new alternative gelatin substitutes on the market that many use pig base materials in the manufacture of gelatinDesign/methodology/approach —.. This research uses qualitative descriptive methods, intending to know the process of making Pana cotta Cake with porang flour and knowing the quality of Pana cotta Cake with gelatin substitution with porang flour from perspective experts in the field of food product to conformity with panna cotta cake standards.Not only that, the glucomannan content in porang tubers can also be an alternative thickener or stabilizer in solutions and doughs and can replace the use of gelatinFindings — Based on the overall results of the study, reviewed from the quality aspects of the foods studied, the researchers concluded that Panna Cotta Vegan with porang flour was favored by the panelists and had good value. Then, porang flour proved to be a substitute alternative to gelatin in the manufacture of Panna Cotta especially Panna Cotta Vegan.Practical implications — For advice, it should be noted during the process of making Panna Cotta which is stirred slowly until boiling, then be sure to discard the froth that is on top of the panna cotta and use the technique of placing a spoon on top of the mold in an upside down position to avoid creating froth. For further research, researchers hope to be able to develop a wide range of processed products by using additional ingredients of porang flour and focus on raising awareness using existing local potentialKeywords — Food Inovation, Pannacota, Dairy fre

    The State of Marketing in Leading MNC’s and their Local Competitors in Pakistan : Findings of a Baseline Survey

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    The objective of this research is to assess the state of marketing practices in leading multi-national companies operating in the country and their local competitors. This paper presents the findings of the first phase of the study. These findings are based on personal interviews with forty-three MNCs. The findings reveal that companies varied significantly with regard to marketing practices and processes --- both in terms of engaging in different practices and processes but also in terms of the level of marketing sophistication. This difference was found in companies within as well as across industry sectors. While such differences were expected, the extent of such differences was deemed to be significant, given that the participating firms were leading MNCs. Based on the framework for documenting marketing practices and processes, profiles were developed for the best company in each of the chosen industry sectors. The basis for identifying the top companies was the breadth and depth of marketing practices and processes reported. Five profiles of top companies (one from each sector) were developed. These profiles show the level of marketing sophistication and could represent a benchmark for other companies.Marketing Practices in Pakistan, Marketing Sophistication, Marketing Benchmarking, Marketing Practices in Multinational Companies (MNCs) in Pakistan

    Spitzer IRS observations of k plus a galaxies: a link between polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emission properties and active galactic nucleus feedback?

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    We have performed Spitzer InfraRed Spectrograph (IRS) low-resolution 5-12 mu m spectroscopy on a sample of galaxies selected to be at three distinct poststarburst evolutionary stages based on their optical spectral indices. The resulting IRS spectra show distinctive polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission line structures at 6.2, 7.7, 8.6, and 11.3 mu m and little silicate absorption, indicative of ongoing star formation. However, the PAH interline ratios, in particular the 11.3/6.2 mu m and 7.7/6.2 mu m ratio, show large variations. These variations are found to correlate with both time since the most recent starburst and active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity. We speculate that the evolution observed in these PAH ratios is related to an increase in AGN activity with time since starburst

    Analysis of Marta Christina Tiahahu Literacy Park as a New Tourism Object in Jakarta

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    This research discusses the readiness of Christina Martha Tiahahu's literacy park as a new tourist attraction in Jakarta. Public spaces in this capital city have an aesthetic architectural design, so they can be used as Instagramable photo spots and are expected to become new tourist attractions in urban areas. However, to become a tourist destination, the facilities that are owned still need to be studied to see whether this park is ready to become a new tourist object or needs additional equipment so that it is expected to increase the attractiveness of visitors. This research was designed with a descriptive method, namely research that leads to the disclosure of existing facts. Data collection was in the form of a literature review and direct observation to see the facilities and infrastructure owned by Blok M Literacy Park. Looking at its development and field facts the Martha Christina Tiahahu Literacy Park is currently not just a park, but its function as a tourist destination that has recreational functions, educational functions, the interaction function. As an indicator of tourism development, the level of facilities and infrastructure of the Martha Christina Tiahahu Literacy Park as a new tourist attraction has reached 80%, which includes, objects, access, accommodation, facilities, transportation, catering services, recreational activities, communication, shopping, security, cleanliness, religious facilities, and sports facilities. What is not yet available is the banking system and educational facilities. However, from this readiness, this Literacy Park is capable enough to become a new tourist destination for the community


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    ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PENAWARAN DAGING SAPI ACEH DI KABUPATEN ACEH UTARA Farrah Zaura / Agribisnis UnsyiahABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten aceh Utara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi penawaran daging sapi aceh di kabupaten Aceh Utara. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah penawaran daging sapi aceh. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah data time series yaitu dari dinas peternakan Aceh Utara. Penelitian ini merupakan data sekunder dengan rentang waktun selama 18 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil pengujian secara serempak (uji F) menunjukkan bahwa faktor harga daging sapi, harga pakan, jumlah populasi sapi, jumlah penduduk berpengaruh nyata terhadap penawaran daging sapi aceh di kabupaten Aceh Utara. Pengujian secara parsial (uji t) menunjukkan bahwa harga daging sapi dan harga pakan tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap penawaran daging sapi aceh di kabupaten Aceh Utara, sedangkan jumlah populasi dan jumlah penduduk berpengaruh nyata terhadap penawaran daging sapi aceh di Kabupaten Aceh Utara.Kata Kunci : Penawaran, Harga daging Sapi, Harga Pakan, Jumlah populasi sapi, Jumlah penduduk

    The impact of exchange rate volatility on real total export and sub-categories of real total export of Malaysia

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    This study aims to investigate the impact of exchange rate volatility on real export in Malaysia. The moving standard deviation with order three (MSD(3)) is used for the measurement of exchange rate volatility. The conventional and partially asymmetric autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) models are used in the estimations. This study finds exchange rate volatility to have significant impact on real total export and some sub-categories of real total export. Moreover, this study finds that the positive or negative exchange rate volatility tends to have positive or negative impact on real export. Exchange rate volatility can be harmful to export of Malaysia


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    ハミングにのせて : アドレイド・クラプシー序説

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