42 research outputs found
Akses kepada keadilan dalam komuniti pelbagai agama
Latar belakang: Kebelakangan ini sistem kehakiman negara sedang berada di persimpangan berikutan dari keputusan kes Indira Gandi yang mendapat liputan meluas di akhbar perdana tempatan dan laman sosial negara ini.Kebimbangan yang berbangkit dari kes beliau ialah perasaan ragu yang ditimbulkan oleh Indira Gandi terhadap peluang untuk beliau mendapat pengadilan yang adil dan saksama di bawah sistem keadilan negara ini. Persoalan yang dibangkitkan oleh beliau dan banyak pihak ialah adakah terdapat mahkamah yang kompeten, adil dan sesuai untuk membicarakan kes-kes yang melibatkan pihak dari pelbagai agama sepertimana yang berlaku dalam kes Indira Gandhi ini.Polemik yang timbul dari kes Indira Gandhi dan beberapa kes sebelumnya dikatakan timbul akibat dari Perkara (Per) 121(1A) yang difahami sebagai memberikan bidang kuasa eksklusif kepada Mahkamah Syariah untuk membicarakan kes-kes yang melibatkan orang Islam dan mengenepikan orang bukan Islam.
Kertas kerja ini bertujuan untuk melihat adakah benar Per 121(1A) menyebabkan akses kepada keadilan menjadi terhad dan apakah pilihan yang ada untuk memastikan semua rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira etnik dan agama mempunyai akses kepada
keadilan.Artikel ini mendapati Per 121(1A) memerlukan sokongan dari pelbagai u pihak untuk merealisasi tujuan peruntukan tersebut diadakan dan pihak bertikai boleh mendapatkan akses yang efektif terhadap keadilan.Kedua-dua Mahkamah Sivil dan Mahkamah Syariah perlu membantu pihak-pihak untuk mendapatkan keadilan dan dalam masa yang sama dihormati bidangkuasanya
Judicial accountability : a study of Malaysia
This study aims to look into the practice of judicial accountability in Malaysia and at the same time contributes to the current debate calling for judicial accountability in political trials. The thesis investigates the nature of accountability on the part of the judiciary via court structure and jurisdiction, manner of appointment of judges, removal and discipline and decision-making which is named ‘adjudicative accountability’. Evaluation of adjudicative accountability is conducted in cases tried under preventive detention and security law, and criminal prosecution to eliminate political opposition involving Anwar Ibrahim, the former Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia. The study has six chapters. The first chapter deals with the concept of judicial accountability, both theoretically and conceptually. The second chapter discusses the evolution of the concept of judicial independence in the judiciary and the position of judicial power under the constitution. It also evaluates the process of appointment and removal of Malaysian judges. The discussion of judicial accountability begins in this chapter. Chapter Three and Chapter Four look into adjudicative accountability, beginning with Chapter Three, which discusses the development of preventive detention and security law in Malaysia and the judicial approach in dealing with such cases. Chapter Four focuses on the trial of Anwar Ibrahim and comprehensive examination is conducted of the dilemma of the judiciary when having to try a case arising out of a political vendetta. Chapter Five looks at the mechanisms of supervising judicial conduct that comprise the code of ethics, parliamentary discussion and public intervention. The final chapter identifies the judiciary as accountable to the executive, compared with other forms of accountability, and offers suggestions on how to minimise executive domination and make judges accountable to the law as well as to the public
Non-Adherence to Human Rights and Humanitarian Laws in the Conduct of Armed Conflict in Yemen
To protect the properties, lives, and dignity of human persons worldwide, the International Humanitarian Law seeks to uphold and promote Human Rights Law and other international frameworks regulating the rights of civilians and parties to armed conflict. The conduct of parties to the armed conflict who have grossly violated the combined provisions of International Human Rights Law and the International Humanitarian Law resulted in the persistence of armed conflict and warfare in Yemen, thereby crossing every access road to humanitarian rights and privileges. The researchers adopt the doctrinal methodology to investigate the status of warfare in Yemen, the provisions of the law on International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, and the extent to which the parties to the armed conflict in Yemen break such laws. The International Humanitarian Law and the International Human Rights Law regulate the conduct of actors and parties in the armed conflict both in Yemen and the world at large. The finding of this studydemonstrates that all the participants in the conflict in Yemen violate the International Humanitarian Law. Therefore, they are accountable for such violations.The research recommends strict adherence and compliance to both the International Human Rights Law and the Humanitarian Law throughout the armed conflict in Yemen to have lasting peace. Furthermore, accountability for violations committed should be identified, and all actors in the armed conflict should be punished accordingly
Kebebasan beragama: gambaran Malaysia
This article will be discussing previous literature on the status of religious freedom concerning the right to change religion enshrined in the Malaysian
Constitution.Our aim is to understand the flow of the various opinions on the issue of religious freedom in Malaysia.From the discussions, hopefully we will be able to form an appropriate understanding for Malaysian community with regard to freedom to change religion in the spirit of the Federal Constitution
Dispute Resolution Model for Granting Hareuta Peunulang through the Customary Court in Pidie Regency, Aceh Province
Hareuta peunulang is a grant of immovable property from parents to their daughters before marriage in Pidie Regency, Aceh Province. Disputes are resolved through customary court, but the settlement that should have been settled at the mukim level was brought to the Mahkamah Shar'iyyah. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the causes of the hareuta peunulang practice disputes and find an effective and efficient model for resolving them through customary courts. Empirical juridical methods were used with data collected data through observation and interviews and analyzed using a qualitative descriptive approach. The results showed that disputes are caused by the lack of deliberation in the hareuta peunulang process. The social plurality of laws makes the dispute resolution model through customary courts ineffective and inefficient. Therefore, the role of the village head (keuchick) and head of mukim (imuem mukim) is needed to educate the community regarding customary justice procedures that should to conducted at the village (gampong) and mukim levels
Dispute Resolution Model for Granting Hareuta Peunulang through the Customary Court in Pidie Regency, Aceh Province
Hareuta peunulang is a grant of immovable property from parents to their daughters before marriage in Pidie Regency, Aceh Province. Disputes are resolved through customary court, but the settlement that should have been settled at the mukim level was brought to the Mahkamah Shar'iyyah. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the causes of the hareuta peunulang practice disputes and find an effective and efficient model for resolving them through customary courts. Empirical juridical methods were used with data collected data through observation and interviews and analyzed using a qualitative descriptive approach. The results showed that disputes are caused by the lack of deliberation in the hareuta peunulang process. The social plurality of laws makes the dispute resolution model through customary courts ineffective and inefficient. Therefore, the role of the village head (keuchick) and head of mukim (imuem mukim) is needed to educate the community regarding customary justice procedures that should to conducted at the village (gampong) and mukim levels
Masa hadapan kedudukan Mahkamah Adat dalam Sistem Mahkamah Negara Indonesia
Mahkamah Adat di Indonesia adalah merupakan mahkamah yang mempunyai peranan penting dalam lingkungan masyarakat Indonesia yang masih berpegang kepada peraturan adat. Walaupun mahkamah negara, adalah merupakan mahkamah utama dalam sistem mahkamah moden Indonesia, masyarakat tradisi, misalnya di Aceh, Papua serta Kalimantan masih merujuk kepada Mahkamah Adat dalam menyelesaikan pertikaian, terutamanya yang berbentuk kemasyarakatan. Ini adalah kerana masyarakat tersebut masih lagi berpegang kepada budaya bermuafakat dan perdamaian dalam menyelesaikan perbalahan. Sehubungan dengan itu, artikel ini melihat sejarah Mahkamah Adat di Indonesia, kedudukan dan peranan Mahkamah Adat di Indonesia dalam menyelesaikan pertikaian, peruntukan perundangan bagi menaiktaraf Mahkamah Adat serta mencadangkan kedudukan Mahkamah Adat di Indonesia pada masa hadapan. Kajian ini melihat dan menganalisis dokumen undang-undang pentadbiran Mahkamah Adat yang digubal semasa era penjajahan Belanda dan selepas Indonesia merdeka. Artikel ini mencadangkan supaya Mahkamah Adat dimasukkan sebagai sebahagian daripada sistem mahkamah negara di bawah lingkungan Mahkamah Agung, akan tetapi penyelesaian pertikaian di Mahkamah Adat perlu tetap menekankan penyelesaian secara perdamaian bukan kalah-menang seperti pada mahkamah formal
Tadbir urus universiti awam di Malaysia pascapindaan Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti 2009
Kerajaan telah mengambil langkah progresif apabila membawa cadangan pindaan Akta Universiti dan Kolej
Universiti 1971 [Akta 30] ke Parlimen pada akhir tahun 2008 yang kemudiannya diluluskan dan dikuatkuasakan
pada 1 Februari 2009. Kajian ini bertujuan meneliti perubahan-perubahan yang dibawa oleh pindaan Akta 30
tersebut dan kesannya kepada tadbir urus universiti awam hingga ke hari ini. Kajian ini berbentuk kualitatif
menggunapakai kaedah kajian perundangan dengan reka bentuk sejarah perundangan dan perbandingan
melalui pendekatan kajian perpustakaan. Dapatan menunjukkan bahawa pindaan Akta 30 tahun 2009 telah
membawa perubahan yang signifikan kepada tadbir urus dan autonomi universiti serta kebajikan dan hak asasi
pekerja dan pelajar universiti. Kajian ini akan membolehkan masyarakat mengetahui evolusi perubahan dasar
kerajaan dalam sektor pendidikan tinggi, dan boleh menjadi sumber rujukan kepada pentadbir dan pembuat
dasar bagi menambah baik tadbir urus dan autonomi universiti awam sedia ada