175 research outputs found

    Sazonador a base de vegetales y especias deshidratadas de bajo contenido en sodio

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    La sal común (cloruro de sodio) es ampliamente utilizada por los individuos como forma de condimentación básica, pero la misma predispone al desarrollo de la hipertensión arterial (HTA) en individuos sensibles. Hay en el mercado otras alternativas como las sales dietéticas a base de cloruro de potasio, que no han tenido buena aceptación por su sabor artificial o metálico. La posibilidad de contar con una alternativa para sazonar con bajo contenido en sodio sería importante a la hora de prevenir enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles, otorgando a las comidas sabores naturales aportados por vegetales y especias que también contienen sustancias nutritivas como minerales, fitoquímicas, etc. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en desarrollar una mezcla en polvo para aliño, a base de vegetales y especias deshidratadas con bajo contenido de sodio, con el fin de que sea usado como reemplazo del agregado de sal en preparaciones culinarias, y utilizada por individuos que padecen hipertensión arterial y otras patologías que requieran la restricción de sodio o como prevención de HTA y enfermedades cardiovasculares en personas sanas

    Cómo influyen las prácticas culinarias en la calidad nutritiva de los alimentos

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    RESUMEN DE PROYECTO: Los alimentos están formados por sistemas químicos complejos que reaccionan de diferente modo ante las distintas combinaciones de elaboración. Al ser sometidos a diferentes métodos de cocción, puede verse modificada la composición nutricional de los mismos. Algunas cocciones actúan sobre el alimento en forma benéfica, en otros casos disminuyendo el valor nutricional. Por todo ello el objetivo del presente proyecto es determinar la variación nutricional de alimentos al ser sometidos a diferentes métodos de cocción. Para ello se eligen diferentes alimentos de consumo tradicional en nuestro medio, y se los someten, en la medida que la matriz alimenticia lo permita, a diferentes cocciones tales como: vapor, hervido, microondas, fritura, horneado, entre otras. Luego se les determina cambios sensoriales, pérdida o ganancia de peso, pérdida o ganancia de nutrientes y composición química, a través de técnicas oficiales. Los datos obtenidos se relacionan comparativamente con tablas de composición de química, o con el propio rotulado del alimento; según los casos. Existe la necesidad de disponer de mayor información acerca de las transformaciones físico químicas que sufren los alimentos, modificaciones de peso y volumen, cambios organolépticos, pérdidas de ciertos principios nutritivos, como así mismo la composición química que define el perfil nutricional (contenido de agua, proteínas, grasas, hidratos de carbono, fibras, colesterol, minerales) de alimentos de consumo habitual en nuestro medio. Los resultados obtenidos serán transferidos al sector salud, recomendando las mejores técnicas de cocción, que mantengan el nivel nutricional de los alimentos. Y al público en general a través de medios masivos de comunicación como diarios, o bien organizando charlas para la comunidad

    Variaciones en la composición química y nutricional de diferentes preparaciones típicas argentinas a base de carne de pollo

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    Comunicación científica en formato ORAL, realizada en las III Jornadas Internacionales de Investigación, Ciencia y Universidad y las XII Jornadas de Investigación UMaza, en el Simposio: "INVESTIGACIÓN EN NUTRICIÓN: AVANCES CIENTÍFICOS ACTUALES", el mismo fue moderado por la Dra. EMILIA RAIMONDO, el Lic. PABLO MEZZATESTA, y la Lic. JÉSICA DÍAZ. Las jornadas se llevaron adelante desde 19 al 23 de octubre del 2020 en formato totalmente virtual bajo plataforma Zoom y fueron transmitidas por el canal YouTube de la UMaza y el Facebook del Área de Ciencia y Técnica UMaza (Somos Ciencia y Técnica UMaza)

    Variation of the Nutritional Composition of Quinoa According to the Processing Used

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    ARTÍCULO PUBLICADO EN REVISTA EXTERNA. Quinoa is consumed as a seed, flour, expanded, sprout (germinated) and activated (hydrated). The objective of this work was to determine the nutritional composition of the different preparations. The same batch of quinoa seeds was processed as flour, expanded, hydrated and germinated. It showed that there is a statistically significant difference of nutrients between all groups. For proteins, it varies from 12.78 ± 0.02 g/100 g in whole seed to 5.25 ± 0.01 g/100 g in the hydrated seed. In total fats, it varies from 7.80 ± 0.02 g/100 g in flour to 0.72 ± 0.01 g/100 g in sprouts. For fiber, the germinated quinoa provides the highest content (23.50 ± 0.01 g/100 g), whereas the hydrated quinoa the lowest content (8.71 ± 0.02 g/100 g). This shows how different preparations influence the nutritional contribution of quinoa. With this information, one can recommend different types of preparations depending on the type of nutrient that is wanted for consumption

    Variation of the nutritional composition of quinoa according to the processing used

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    PRE-PRINTS (VERSIÓN FINAL DE AUTOR PARA PUBLICACIÓN). In Mendoza, Argentina, quinoa is grown with a very good yield, and its consumption is becoming widespread. It is consumed as a seed, flour, expanded, sprout (germinated) and activated (hydrated). The popular belief is that all these forms have the same nutritional contribution. Taking into account this belief, the objective of this work was to determine the nutritional composition of the different preparations. The same batch of quinoa seeds was processed as flour, expanded, hydrated and sprout. It was analyzed by triplicate, applying conventional laboratory techniques. For the statistical analysis, a multiple comparison test was applied, and to discriminate between the means, the honestly significant difference procedure (HSD) of Tukey was applied. It showed that there is statistically significant difference of nutrients between all groups, with a level of 95.0% confidence. For proteins, it varies from 12.78±0.02 g/100g in whole seed to 5.25±0.01 g/100g in the hydrated seed. In total fats, it varies from 7.80±0.02 g/100g in flour to 0.72±0.01 g/100g in sprouts. For fiber, the germinated quinoa provides the highest content (23.50±0.01 g/100g), whereas the hydrated quinoa the lowest content (8.71±0.02 g/100 g). The energy value in 100 g was as follows: whole seed 1299 kcal, flour 1430 kcal, germinated 291 kcal, hydrated 594 kcal and expanded 1368 kcal. This shows how different preparations influence the nutritional contribution of quinoa. With this information, one can recommend different types of preparations depending on the type of nutrient which is wanted for consumption

    Development of Jams with Ancestral Seed Aggregates

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    ARTÍCULO PUBLICADO EN REVISTA EXTERNA. Small-scale food producers have been negatively impacted by the present pandemic and have been forced to use innovations with low-risk products as a means to increase sales. The object was to determine variations in the nutrient profile of peach jam with the introduction of amaranth or quinoa seeds, the latter having been rinsed beforehand to reduce saponin content. Three varieties of the jam were made, and these were subjected to a sensory evaluation by a panel of 30 untrained judges (consumers) and analysed to determine the variation in their composition as a result of the addition of the seeds. To the basic preparation, which consisted of peaches and sugar (PJ), 20% of quinoa seeds were added (QJ) at the bottling stage. To the third jam preparation, amaranth seeds were added in the same proportion (AJ). Official analytical techniques were used to determine their nutrient profile. The protein content increased from 0.23 g% (PJ) to 2.52 g% (QJ) and 3.38 g% (AJ). Total fat increased from 0.35 g% (PJ) to 0.74 g% (QJ) and 1.72 g% (AJ). Fibre increased from 2.13 g% (PJ) to 4.24 g% (QJ) and 2.86 g% (AJ). The incorporation of amaranth and quinoa improved protein profile, fibre and total fat intake and also resulted in a jam with a better nutrient profile, although there was only a slight reduction in carbohydrates, from 68 g% to 66 g%, after the seeds were added. Plum and apricot jam were also tested, and in all instances, the results were similar

    Modificaciones en la calidad nutritiva, composición química y sensorial de alimentos sometidos a diferentes procedimientos de cocción

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    Los alimentos están formados por sistemas químicos complejos que reaccionan de diferente modo ante las distintas combinaciones de elaboración. A través de los procedimientos mecánicos, físicos, químicos y biológicos a los cuales pueden ser sometidos los alimentos se abre un abanico de posibilidades por experimentar. No existen en nuestra región estudios científicos, que avalen las profundas modificaciones que sufren los alimentos al ser sometidos a diferentes métodos de cocción, y cómo esto afecta a la composición nutricional de los mismos. Sólo existen algunas tesis de la facultad de Nutrición de la UMaza, que han abordado esta temática en forma aislada, siendo necesario un abordaje más integral sobre esta temática. Las prácticas culinarias a las que se someten los alimentos antes de ser consumidos cotidianamente, no siempre permiten un aprovechamiento de la calidad nutritiva de los mismos. En general, a medida que aumenta el grado de trasformación de un alimento, mayores suelen ser las modificaciones de su valor nutritiv

    Planejamento de Marketing Utilizando a Matriz Boston Consulting Group: Uma Análise em Instituições Educacionais

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    As Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) particulares vêm enfrentando inúmeras dificuldades nos últimos anos. A partir dessa perspectiva, o presente trabalho trata da implantação do Planejamento Estratégico de Marketing na Administração Educacional Superior e tem como principal objetivo, mostrar como a Matriz Boston Consulting Group (BCG) pode auxiliar o gestor educacional em sua função. A metodologia foi baseada num estudo exploratório em duas Universidades, uma Faculdade e um Centro Universitário, localizados no interior do Estado de São Paulo. Como resultado, o estudo fornece para a Instituição de Ensino Superior uma ferramenta analítica que classifica seus cursos, a fim de que ela possa melhor planejar a distribuição de seus recursos nos aspectos mercadológicos e financeiros. Ao final conclui-se que a Matriz BCG pode ser utilizada como ferramenta de gestão das IES auxiliando-as na eliminação e/ou reposição de Cursos

    Global DNA Methylation in Dental Implant Failure Due to Peri-Implantitis: An Exploratory Clinical Pilot Study

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    [Abstract] Background: Peri-implantitis (PIT) is highly prevalent in patients with dental implants and is a challenging condition to treat due to the limited outcomes reported for non-surgical and surgical therapies. Therefore, epigenetic therapeutics might be of key importance to treat PIT. However, developing epigenetic therapeutics is based on understanding the relationship between epigenetics and disease. To date, there is still scarce knowledge about the relationship between epigenetic modifications and PIT, which warrants further investigations. Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the level of global DNA methylation associated with implant failure (IF) due to PIT compared to periodontally healthy (PH) patients. Material and Methods: A total of 20 participants were initially enrolled in this pilot, exploratory, single-blinded, cross-sectional clinical human study in two groups: 10 in the PH group and 10 in the IF group. In the participants who have completed the study, gingival tissue and bone samples were harvested from each participant and were used to perform global DNA methylation analysis. The percentage of global DNA methylation (5-mC%) was compared (1) between groups (PH and IF); (2) between the subgroups of gingival tissue and bone separately; (3) in the whole sample, comparing gingival tissue and bone; (4) within groups, comparing gingival tissue and bone. Demographic, periodontal, and peri-implant measurements as well as periodontal staging, were also recorded. All statistical comparisons were made at the 0.05 significance level. Results: Out of the initially enrolled 20 patients, only 19 completed the study and, thus, were included in the final analysis; 10 patients in the PH group and 9 patients in the IF group, contributing to a total of 38 samples. One patient from the IF group was excluded from the study due to systemic disease. The mean implant survival time was 10.8 years (2.17–15.25 years). Intergroup comparison, stratified by group, indicated a similar 5-mC% between the PH and IF groups in both gingival tissue and bone (p = 0.599), only in bone (p = 0.414), and only in gingival tissue (p = 0.744). Intragroup comparison, stratified by the type of sample, indicated a significantly higher 5-mC% in gingival tissue samples compared to bone in both the PH and IF groups (p = 0.001), in the PH group (p = 0.019), and in the IF group (p = 0.009). Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study, higher global DNA methylation levels were found in gingival tissue samples compared to bone, regardless of the study groups. However, similar global DNA methylation levels were observed overall between the IF and PH groups. Yet, differences in the global DNA methylation levels between gingival tissues and bone, regardless of the study group, could reflect a different epigenetic response between various tissues within the same microenvironment. Further studies are necessary to elucidate the present findings and to evaluate the role of epigenetic modifications in IF due to PIT.Hjalmar Svensson Foundation (Sweden); HJSV202101