26 research outputs found

    Nuevos documentos para la historia de una villa de la Cataluña Vieja: Granollers 1288-1291

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    The aim of the present paper is to offer to historians of medieval towns an edition of some unknown documents specifically related to the villa of Granollers (Catalonia) but relevant for the comprehension of the medieval process of small scale urbanisation in a Mediterranean region

    Problemas cronológicos del movimiento de Paz y Tregua catalán del siglo XI.

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    Las fortificaciones medievales del Vallès (siglos IX-XIII). Un inventario a partir de las fuentes escritas

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    The present paper, based on research realised in Catalan archives, deals with the diffusion of strongholds in the western part of the medieval county of Barcelona from theninth until the twelfth century. The different types of strongholds (castrum, domus, turris) are considered together with their respective particularities in legal status

    Sobre la reorganización del señorío rural y la figura del baiulus en la Catalunya del Noreste de los siglos XII y XIII

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    The spatial reorganization of the greater rural estates and the establishment of the mansus as basic element of appropriation characterises the history of lordships in 12th and 13th centuries north-eastern Catalonia. These processes were accompanied by the creation of an original kind of official, the baiulus, who represented the lord in his estates. This paper deals with questions such as how this official exercised his duties, how he was rewarded by the lord and what was his social and political status.[fr] La réorganisation spatiale des grands domaines ruraux et l'établissement du mansus comme élément basique de l'appropriation seigneuriale caractérise l'histoire de la seigneurie foncière de la Catalogne du nord-est au XIIᵉ et XIIIᵉ siècle. Ces processus ont été acompagnés par la création d'une figure original d'un officiel, Ie baiulus. L'article a pour but d'étudier comment cet officiel exerçait ses devoirs, comment il a été rémunéré et quel était son statut social et politique

    Compraventa de tierras, circulación monetaria y sociedad campesina en los siglos X y XI. El ejemplo de Goltred de Reixac

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    The paper deals with the transactions related to the buying and selling of estates, and the social and economic effects this had on catalan peasant society of the late Xth and the early Xlth century. The subject focuses on a specific case study, that of Goltred, a peasant of Reixac del Vallès, a particularly well documented case since there is an abundance of documentary evidence preserved in the archives of the cathedral chapter of Barcelona.<br><br>[fr] L'article a pour but d'étudier la circulation des terres, les ventes et les achats des biens fonciers, ainsi que les effets de cette circulation sur la société paysanne catalane de la fin du Xe au début du Xle siècle. Le sujet est abordé a partir d'un cas concret, le paysan Goltred de Reixac del Vallès, un cas particulièrement bien etayé grâce aux nombreux documents conservés aux archives capitulaires de Barcelone

    La ferreria i el mas al nord-est català medieval

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    P. Bonnassie ha escrit que hasta el siglo X, el hierro se había destinado casi únicamente a cubrir las necesidades de la guerra, quedando limitado su uso por tanto a una pequeñísima clientela de aristócratas; a partir del siglo X, el hierro intervendría cada vez con mayor amplitud en la fabricación de los utensilios campesinos y empezaría a difundirse en el mundo agrario (BONNASSIE, 1983, pp. 100-103). Malgrat la incidència que aquesta difusió degué tenir en el desenvolupament de l’economia rural, hi ha encara, a Catalunya, pocs estudis dedicats a precisar les millores concretes que va aportar la metal·lúrgia medieval als habitants del camp