60 research outputs found
Zgromadzenie wierzycieli w postępowaniu restrukturyzacyjnym
The article concerns Creditors’ meeting in Restructuring Proceedings. Creditors’ meeting in Restructuring Proceedings is collegiate creditors’ authority representing the interests of all members. The main competence granted to Creditors’ meeting is the vote by them on the arrangement. The Creditors’ meeting as authorities’ representing the interests of creditors should be convened in restructuring proceedings in any case when adoption of resolution regarding the interest of all creditors is required. The scope of their powers is regulated in Article 104 Restructuring Law. Due to the fact that the most important privilege granted to Creditors’ meeting is to vote on the arrangement, legislature established a system of separate regulations governing on both, convening the meetings and voting by the creditors’ meeting on the adoption or rejection of the agreement. An important novum introduced by the legislature based on the German Insolvency Law is the principle of voting on acceptance of the arrangement. For adoption by Creditors’ meeting, it is necessary that the system in each of the groups, which vote separately, obtains two majorities: most personal and most of the capital.Artykuł dotyczy zgromadzenia wierzycieli w prawie restrukturyzacyjnym. Zgromadzenie wierzycieli w postępowaniu restrukturyzacyjnym jest kolegialnym organem wierzycieli reprezentującym interesy wszystkich wierzycieli. Główną kompetencją przyznaną na rzecz zgromadzenia wierzycieli jest głosowanie przez zgromadzenie wierzycieli nad układem. Zgromadzenie wierzycieli, jako organ reprezentujący interesy wierzycieli, powinno być w postępowaniu restrukturyzacyjnym zwoływane w każdym przypadku, gdy jest wymagane podjęcie uchwały przez zgromadzenie wierzycieli w interesie wszystkich wierzycieli. Zakres kompetencji przyznanych na rzecz zgromadzenia wierzycieli został uregulowany w art. 104 prawa restrukturyzacyjnego. W związku z tym, że najważniejszym uprawnieniem przyznanym na rzecz zgromadzenia wierzycieli jest głosowanie nad układem, ustawodawca ustanowił odrębne przepisy regulujące kwestię dotyczącą zarówno zwołania posiedzenia, jak i głosowania przez zgromadzenie wierzycieli nad przyjęciem lub odrzuceniem układu. Istotnym novum wprowadzonym przez ustawodawcę, wzorowanym na niemieckim prawie insolwencyjnym, jest zasada głosowania nad przyjęciem układu. Do przyjęcia układu przez zgromadzenie wierzycieli niezbędne jest, aby układ w każdej z grup, które głosują oddzielnie, uzyskał dwie większości: większość osobową i większość kapitałową
Measurement of the t(t)over-bar production cross section in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV in dilepton final states containing a tau
The top quark pair production cross section is measured in dilepton events with one electron or muon, and one hadronically decaying tau lepton from the decay t (t) over bar -> (l nu(l))((sic)(h)nu((sic)))b (b) over bar, (l = e, mu). The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 2.0 fb(-1) for the electron channel and 2.2 fb(-1) for the muon channel, collected by the CMS detector at the LHC. This is the first measurement of the t (t) over bar cross section explicitly including tau leptons in proton- proton collisions at root s = 7 TeV. The measured value sigma(t (t) over bar) = 143 +/- 14(stat) +/- 22(syst) +/- 3(lumi) pb is consistent with the standard model predictions
Photon reconstruction with CMS
The performance of photon reconstruction and identification has
been studied at = 7 TeV. Reconstruction and identification
variables are compared between data and Monte Carlo
for signal and background. Level 1 Trigger and High Level Trigger
efficiencies have been measured. The implications for heavy-ion running will be presented as well
Hepatitis G virus: Molecular organization, methods of detection, prevalence, and disease association
AbstractThis article reviews data on hepatitis G virus (HGV) prevalence and possible disease associations in various groups of patients. An important fraction of acute or chronic hepatitis cases probably have a viral etiology and are not attributable to known hepatitis viruses. Therefore, researchers continually are looking for new hepatitis viruses. Among the agents found are members of GB hepatitis viruses, including GB-C virus, or HGV. This review presents the history of the discovery of HGV, its molecular biology and some methods of detection; results of clinical and molecular studies of HGV infection also are discussed
Effect of Different Doses of Phosgreen Fertilization on Chlorophyll, K, and Ca Content in Butterhead Lettuce (<i>Lactuca sativa</i> L.) Grown in Peat Substrate
Struvite is regarded as a promising phosphorus (P) fertilizer compared to commercial pristine mineral phosphorus fertilizers. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of Phosgreen fertilizer, with struvite as its phosphorus source, on the chlorophyll, potassium (K), and calcium (Ca) contents in lettuce grown in peat compared to superphosphate. The study was carried out as a pot experiment with different doses of P fertilization. The study presents the chlorophyll a, b, total (a + b) chlorophyll, and carotenoid contents of the lettuce plants. Significant differences in the chlorophyll a and b contents were observed between the different phosphorus applications, and this can have a direct impact on the crop yields. Significantly higher contents of both chlorophyll contents were observed under Phosgreen fertilization as well as the chlorophyll a + b content *. The results of the study on lettuce indicate a dependence of vitamin C content on phosphorus fertilizer, but with no significant increase under Phosgreen fertilization; the contents of K and Ca were not significantly dependent on the type of phosphorus fertilizer. Due to the favorable composition of Phosgreen, it may be recommended for use as a phosphorus fertilizer in the agriculture and horticulture sectors
Sex, lies and fMRI--gender differences in neural basis of deception.
Deception has always been a part of human communication as it helps to promote self-presentation. Although both men and women are equally prone to try to manage their appearance, their strategies, motivation and eagerness may be different. Here, we asked if lying could be influenced by gender on both the behavioral and neural levels. To test whether the hypothesized gender differences in brain activity related to deceptive responses were caused by differential socialization in men and women, we administered the Gender Identity Inventory probing the participants' subjective social sex role. In an fMRI session, participants were instructed either to lie or to tell the truth while answering a questionnaire focusing on general and personal information. Only for personal information, we found differences in neural responses during instructed deception in men and women. The women vs. men direct contrast revealed no significant differences in areas of activation, but men showed higher BOLD signal compared to women in the left middle frontal gyrus (MFG). Moreover, this effect remained unchanged when self-reported psychological gender was controlled for. Thus, our study showed that gender differences in the neural processes engaged during falsifying personal information might be independent from socialization
More intelligent extroverts are more likely to deceive
The tendency to lie is a part of personality. But are personality traits the only factors that make some people lie more often than others? We propose that cognitive abilities have equal importance. People with higher cognitive abilities are better, and thus more effective liars. This might reinforce using lies to solve problems. Yet, there is no empirical research that shows this relationship in healthy adults. Here we present three studies in which the participants had free choice about their honesty. We related differences in cognitive abilities and personality to the odds of lying. Results show that personality and intelligence are both important. People low on agreeableness and intelligent extroverts are most likely to lie. This suggests that intelligence might mediate the relationship between personality traits and lying frequency. While personality traits set general behavioral tendencies, intelligence and environment set boundaries
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