20 research outputs found

    Breughel Again, Brussels

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    Moyo Vol. V N 2

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    Fiden, Dan. The Almighty Dollar (Why Our Student Government Scares the Shit Out Of Me) . 2. Fair, Adrienne. From Toulouse-Lautrec to Tabatha Gash (A Look at Prostitution in Paris . 4 Kellie, Megan. Mommy, What is a Caucus? (Three Days in the Life of a Republican). 8. Fiden, Dan. Denison\u27s Red-Headed Stepchild (An interview with Ann Magnuson) . 10. Kahlenberg, Michelle. Dorm, Sweet Dorm (Where The Hell Can I Live Next Year?) . 14. Moncrief, Lyn. From Socialism to Santeria (An American Experiences Life in Cuba) . 16

    Exile Vol. XLII No. 2

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    40th Year Title Page i Epigraph by Ezra Pound ii Table of Contents ii Editorial Board iii frying fritters by Liz Bolyard \u2796 1 For Katherine by Carl Boon \u2796 1 poem paint by alex e blazer \u2797 2-3 Leftover Roses by Melissa Bostrom \u2796 4-12 O.J. (artwork) by Todd Gys \u2799 13 Untitled by Adrienne Fair \u2796 14-15 Hills by Liz Bolyard \u2796 16 A Serious Discussion with Ed Shim by Carl Boon \u2796 17 Untitled by David Kendall \u2796 18-19 Brave River by Nikole Hobbs \u2799 20-21 a wavy wail by alex e blazer \u2797 22-23 Misplaced by Tyler Smith \u2797 24 Imogene by Erin Lott \u2796 25-26 Why I can\u27t sleep at night by Colin Bossen \u2798 27 A Lovesong Never Realised by Matthew Rump \u2798 28 Contributors\u27 Notes 29-30 Special thanks to EPI Printing of Livonia, Michigan and Graphic Concepts Unlimited of Okemos, Michigan for helping to make this issue possible. -iii Cover art The Longest Neck by Todd Gys -ii

    Exile Vol. XLII No. 1

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    40th Year Title Page by Sakura Yamamoto \u2797 i Epigraph by Ezra Pound ii Table of Contents iii / Untitled (artwork) by Gretchen Hambly \u2796 iv Breughel Again, Brussels by Adrienne Fair \u2796 1 for play with whitman by alex e blazer \u2797 4 Saeta Sunday by Carl Boon \u2796 5 An Abbreviated Life by Mike Westmoreland 6 Anthem of Governor\u27s Bay by Jamey Hein \u2796 7-10 Time is everywhere, yet nowhere (artwork) by Susanne Ducker \u2796 11 Crosses by Liz Bolyard \u2796 12 Raccoons at the Cats\u27 Food by Jennifer Rudgers \u2796 13-14 Father Federico by Trish Klei \u2797 15 Dream Poem I by Colin Bossen \u2798 16 Virgin Mary in Kentucky by Amy Ard \u2796 17 the jig is up by alex e blazer \u2797 18-20 Visiting Uncle Ernie by Liz Bolyard \u2796 21-22 A Capuchin Monk by Linda Fuller-Smith 23 Sunday, October 15, 1995 by Carl Boon \u2796 24 Old Man and the Marriage Party by Trish Klei \u2797 25 Untitled (artwork) by Gretchen Hambly \u2796 26 Cowboy Up by J. Murdoch Be Matheson \u2796 27-34 Fragments by Colin Bossen \u2798 35 meditation (artwork) by alex e blazer \u2797 36 Palazzo Rezzonico by Linda Fuller-Smith 37 A Poem About The Photographic Imprint I Would Leave If A Nuclear Bomb Hit Nearby As I Took Out The Trash One Night by Trish Klei \u2797 38 The Crazies I\u27ve Called by Julie Johnston \u2796 39-46 Contributors\u27 Notes 47-48 Editorial Board 49 Editorial decisions are shared equally among the Editorial Board. -49 Cover art by alex emmons -4

    Exile Vol. XXXIX No. 1

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    Title Page by Ellen Gurley \u2793 i Epigraph by Ezra Poind ii Table of Contents iii-iv Remaining a Soldier by Kristin Kruse \u2793 1-2 Vietnam War Memorial by Brooke MacKaye 3 We both ride in back by Chris Macaluso \u2793 4 Artwork by Jamie Oliver \u2794 5 Liberal Dirge #1 by Charis Brummitt \u2796 6-7 Artwork (anonymous) 7 Two ex-lovers and a dirty glass door by Chris Macaluso \u2793 8 The Salt of the Air by Kristen Padden \u2793 9-12 Artwork (anonymous) 13 Artwork by Ellen Gurley \u2793 14 Sun-Child by Jen Rudgers \u2796 15 Crazy Horse by Kevin Nix \u2794 16 The Fall of the Western Field by Rich Croft \u2793 17 In the Closet by Beth Widmaier \u2795 18 Winter Strawberries by Katy Rudder \u2793 19 Still Life (anonymous) 19 For This and Much Beyond This Poem by Matt Wanat \u2795 20-21 Artwork by Peggy Ryan \u2793 22 The Cycle Repeats: Apathy by Ishak Kang \u2793 23 The Judge by Ellen Gurley \u2793 24 Pear Colored by Erin Dempsey \u2793 25-26 4-Square by Trey Dunham \u2794 27 Artwork by Jamie Oliver \u2794 28 Ink & Heroine by Rich Croft \u2793 29 Figments by Craig Bowers \u2793 30-31 Malfi Coast (anonymous) 31 Suzanne (anonymous) 32 Hey Stella by Carey Chistie \u2795 33 Turning Leaves by Erin Lott \u2796 34-35 Reclining Nude (anonymous) 35 Blazon by Matt Wanat \u2795 36-37 Artwork by Holly Aikens \u2793 38 Awake by A. Fair \u2796 39 Dell the Barber by Kevin Nix \u2795 40 Artwork by Holly Aikens \u2793 40 Tree House by Katy Rudder \u2793 41-46 Jailbait by Ellison J. Stind \u2795 47 Mother by Charis Brummitt \u2796 48-49 Artwork by Bess Hammer \u2795 49 Private Origami by Trey Dunham \u2794 50 Among the Tendrils of Sleep by J. Trevett Allen \u2795 51 Poet of the Unforgiven by Carey Christie \u2795 52 Stuntman Steve by Andrew Zobay \u2793 53 sculpture by Lily Streett \u2794 53 Wonderings of an Adopted Son by Andy Heckert \u2793 54-55 Artwork by Holly Aikens \u2793 55 Odd Binge by C. N. Polumbus \u2793 56-57 Artwork by Holly Aikens \u2793 57 Artwork by Peggy Ryan \u2793; untitled by Jennifer Wendell \u2794 (superimposed) 58 Shadows of Pearl by Travis Brady \u2793 59-60 October/Rt. 161 by Annette Gallagher 61 Artwork by Jamie Oliver \u2794 61 The Influx by Craig Bowers \u2793 62 Artwork by Michael Norpell \u2794 63 editorial board 64 Editorial decision is shared equally among the Editorial Board. -64 Cover: Jamie Oliver -64 NOTE: With the exeption of Malfi Coast , all artwork listed as anonymous in the published table of contents appears to be signed by Ellen Gurley. 37th Yea

    Exile Vol. XL No. 2

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    38th Year Title Page by Carrie Horner \u2797 i Epigraph by Ezra Pound ii Table of Contents iii-iv Remembering Sundays by Allison Lemieux \u2795 1 Untitled by James Oliver \u2794 2 \u2778 Beige Chevy Malibu by Craig J. McDonough \u2794 3-4 Brushtown Road by Lelei Jennings \u2795 5 In Memoriam: River Phoenix, 1970-93 by Kirstin Rogers \u2794 6 Untitled by Kira Pollack \u2794 7 Checkmate by Kevin Nix \u2794 8 Anywhere in Ohio by Jen Hanysh \u2795 9 Untitled by Nicky Taylor \u2794 10 Under Your Influence by Katherine Anne Campo \u2794 11 Tulips by Tricia B. Swearingen \u2794 12 Untitled by Keith Chapman \u2795 12 December Storm by Erin Lott \u2796 13-19 On Meeting Phil Levine After a Reading at Denison University April 6, 1993 by Christopher Harnish \u2794 20 The 422 Bypass by Joel Husenits \u2795 21 Untitled by Ken Tyburski \u2794 22 Shakespeare\u27s Foreskin by Carey Christie \u2795 23 The Thaw by Chris Iven \u2794 24 The Rockbridge County Fair by Morgan Roper \u2794 25 Let it Drop Through by Carey Christie \u2795 26-27 Aladdin\u27s by Paul Rinkes \u2794 28-29 Untitled by Aileen Jones \u2794 30 The Tango by Hope Layne Morgan \u2794 31 Icarus by Carey Christine \u2795 32-33 fad by Jeremy Aufrance \u2795 34 Untitled by James Oliver \u2794 35 Desert Villanelle by Christopher Harnish \u2794 36 The Skull by Nicky Taylor \u2794 37 Rodeo Bar by Carl Jeffrey Boon \u2796 38 I, Mordred by Carey Christie \u2795 39-43 Between Centuries by Leslie Dana Wells \u2794 44-45 Untitled by Carrie Horner \u2797 45 Untitled by Alex Emmons \u2796 46 Coleridge\u27s Curse by Allison Lemieux \u2795 47 Untitled by Jenny Baker \u2794 48 five by Jeremy Aufrance \u2795 49 Untitled by James Oliver \u2794 50 Lobster Boy by Kirstin Rogers \u2794 51 Fire on the Mountain by Christopher Harnish \u2794 52-53 Yosemite by Morgan Roper \u2794 54 Untitled by Carrie Horner \u2797 54 Untitled by Ken Tyburski \u2794 55 Sleepless Nights Fades to Credits by Allison Lemieux \u2794 56 Dancing Days by Julie McDonald \u2794 57 Immobile by Adrienne Fair \u2796 58-59 Untitled by Kira Pollack \u2794 60 Dorm Fire by Lisa Marie Antonille \u2795 Untitled by Carrie Horner \u2797 61 The Book by Matt Wanat \u2795 62-63 Distance by Carl Jeffrey Boon \u2796 64 Untitled by Jenny Baker \u2794 65 Cover by Ken Tyburski \u2794 Editorial decision is shared equally among the Editorial Board. -6

    Art Undefined

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    The purpose of my research project is to determine whether or not the Contemporary Art Movement has affected teaching in The College of Fine and Applied Arts at the University of Illinois at Urban Champaign. My paper will focus primarily upon the effect that the style of teaching has upon the students and if the methods used contribute to the stereotyping of art students on campus. The stereotyping in consideration is one of a student who has few social or moral boundaries and who is not very well educated. As an art student at UIUC I have found that the current style of teaching has greatly changed. There is a much broader definition of art and what is considered ???good??? art. I have also found that as a student, I am often viewed from a negative stereotype, which includes gender, race and educational background. I will be drawing much of my information from surveys that I will be giving out. I plan to interview several of the teachers in the College of Fine and Applied Arts as well as several art students, making sure all surveys are confidential and that the voluntary participation of the participants is protected. The surveys will allow me to find and pinpoint the change in teaching in the college as well as a view of art students on campus, through ethnic and personal stereotyping