
Art Undefined


The purpose of my research project is to determine whether or not the Contemporary Art Movement has affected teaching in The College of Fine and Applied Arts at the University of Illinois at Urban Champaign. My paper will focus primarily upon the effect that the style of teaching has upon the students and if the methods used contribute to the stereotyping of art students on campus. The stereotyping in consideration is one of a student who has few social or moral boundaries and who is not very well educated. As an art student at UIUC I have found that the current style of teaching has greatly changed. There is a much broader definition of art and what is considered ???good??? art. I have also found that as a student, I am often viewed from a negative stereotype, which includes gender, race and educational background. I will be drawing much of my information from surveys that I will be giving out. I plan to interview several of the teachers in the College of Fine and Applied Arts as well as several art students, making sure all surveys are confidential and that the voluntary participation of the participants is protected. The surveys will allow me to find and pinpoint the change in teaching in the college as well as a view of art students on campus, through ethnic and personal stereotyping

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