1,136 research outputs found

    Italian Standardization of teacher and parent screenings for Identifying Gifted and Talented Children aged from 6 to 13

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    The present standardization study is based on a published paper titled “Identifying Giftedness: Validation of an Italian Language Giftedness Checklist for Teachers and Parents” by Fabio and Buzzai (2019). The purpose of the present study is to show the Italian Adaptation of the Giftedness Checklist of Sommer, Fink and Neubauer (2008), in both the versions for teachers and parents. The present screening can help to cope with multidimensional definitions of giftedness, and to cope also with the usefulness of information provided by parents and teachers. More in depth, the specific aims are: 1) to show an easy administration of the screening test for identifying of gifted and talented children aged from 6 to 13; 2) to show how to sum the scores obtained and 3) to indicate how to easily compare them with z-scores. Italian language screening and scoring rules are presented in the tables 1, 2, 3 and 4

    From Controlled to Automatic Processes and Back Again: The Role of Contextual Features

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    In cognitive psychology, classical approaches categorize automatic and controlled processes from a dichotomous point of view. Automatic processes are believed to be rigid, whereas controlled processes are thought to be flexible. New theories have softened this dichotomous view. The aim of the present study is to examine the possibility of implementing flexibility in automatic processing through reliance on contextual features. One hundred and twenty subjects (mean age 22.4, SD = 4.2), 60 male and 60 female, participated in this study. An automatic sequence task (with and without contextual features) was used to test flexibility in automatic processing. Results showed that the use of contextual cues can increase flexibility in automatic processes. The results are discussed in light of new theories on softened automaticity

    Simple and complex images: Operationalization and first calibration

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    The aim of this study is to operationalize the construction of the complexity related to images. In particular, we want to calibrate the judgments of complexity related to colourful images and black and white images who belong to different categories (animals, fruit, transports, technological tools and faces) and examine the parameters related to the different levels of their categorical complexity.The first part of this composition put forward a definition of the construction, a comparison between the various theories of the complexity of the images and an analysis of the various fields of application.In the second part, the purpose is to operationalize the construction, together with the method, the procedures used, and the sample that are described in detail.The article ends with a debate about the results and some thoughts about the importance to operationalize the construct of the complexity.The added value of this study is to provide, for the first time, a contribution to the operationalization of the construct of complexity. The complex and simple images can be used by the scientific community as a catalog that could be used in different fields of application (for example clinical/experimental, marketing/advertising, etc.)

    Adult listening behaviour, music preferences and emotions in the mobile context. Does mobile context affect elicited emotions?

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    After the introduction of mobile computing devices, the way people listen to music has changed considerably. Although there is a broad scientific consensus on the fact that people show music preferences and make music choices based on their feelings and emotions, the sources of such preferences and choices are still debated. The main aim of this study is to understand whether listening in ecological (mobile) contexts differs from listening in non-mobile contexts in terms of the elicited emotive response. A total of 328 participants listen to 100 classical music tracks, available through an ad-hoc mobile application for mobile devices. The participants were asked to report their self-evaluation of each of the tracks, according to the Pleasure-Arousal-Dominance model and filled out a questionnaire about their listening behaviour. Our findings show that the same factors that affect music listening in non-mobile contexts also affect it in a mobile context

    The executive functions in a sample of Italian adults with ADHD: attention, response inhibition and planning/organization

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    Adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) show an impaired functioning in multiple cognitive domains: executive functioning (EF), attention, response inhibition, planning and organization, reward and timing. However, the neuropsychological profile of these patients is unclear. Investigations of neuropsychological functioning in a sample of Italian adults with ADHD are currently lacking. The present study aimed at examining neuropsychological performance on tasks measuring executive functioning, attention response inhibition, planning and organization, comparing adults with ADHD (N= 23, mean age 19,7; SD= 3,27) and healthy adults (N= 23, mean age 19,7; SD= 3,27) matched for age and gender. Results showed that adults with ADHD present impaired EF, response inhibition and disorganization/planning. By contrast, they didn’t exhibit attention deficits. This study supports the persistence of cognitive impairments in subjects with ADHD also in adulthood

    The influence of cognitive factors on pathological gambling

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    The purpose of this study wasto examine the role of cognitive factors, such as superstition, locus of control, decision-making and unrealistic optimism,on gambling.Eighty-six subjects participated in this study. They were divided into four groups: non-players, social players, problem gamblers, and pathological gamblers. Groups were formed on the basis of South Oaks Gambling Screen  Scale. Results showed that pathological gamblers group obtained a high superstition index. With reference to unrealistic optimism, gambler groupbelieved that they had a better chance of success compared to non-gamblers. They also showed a higher impulsivity index in decision making than non-gamblers. This study supports the idea that cognitive factors such as superstition, unrealistic optimism, impulsivity and external locus of control are involved in gambling

    Attention, problem solving and decision making in adult subjects with ADHD

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    Although attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is clearly associated with executive dysfunctions, the neuropsychological profile of adults with ADHD is unclear. The present study aimed at examining neuropsychological performance on tasks measuring attention, problem solving and decision making, comparing adults with ADHD (N= 12, mean age 18.33; SD= 11.48) and healthy adults (N= 12, mean age 18.41; SD= 18.70) matched for age and gender. Results showed that adults with ADHD exhibit deficits in attention, problem solving and decision making. These findings warrant further examination of neuropsychological profile in adults with ADHD to improve the understanding of underlying neurocognitive mechanisms

    Pain treatment with high-dose, controlled-release oxycodone: an Italian perspective

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    To investigate the possible role and tolerability of high-dose (>160 mg/day) oxycodone controlled release (CR) for the treatment of cancer and non-cancer pain. 227 patients with cancer or non-cancer pain were enrolled in an open-label, multi-center, Italian study in order to assess the adequacy of their existing pain management (using a numerical rating scale [NRS]) and the possible benefit high-dose oxycodone CR may offer patients experiencing uncontrolled pain. Results: Pain was poorly controlled at baseline, with only 18.1% of patients reporting adequate pain relief (NRS <3.5). All other patients reported uncontrolled pain, with an average NRS of 7.81. At baseline assessment, 47.89% of patients had been in pain for up to 3 months, 32.82% for 3–6 months, and 19.19% for more than 6 months. After baseline assessment, patients were switched to oxycodone CR monotherapy. The starting dose was individualized to each patient and titrated up over a 3- to 4-day period until effective pain management was achieved. Treatment was continued for an average of 37.24 days during the study. Pain control (final mean NRS of 2.85) was attained with an average dose of oxycodone CR 221.84 mg/day. Standard adverse events (including constipations, nausea, and vomiting) were recorded in 39.64% of patients receiving high-dose oxycodone CR monotherapy. Side-effects tended to subside after the initial week of treatment and did not result in any participants leaving the study. High-dose oxycodone CR can achieve rapid and effective management of moderate to severe cancer and non-cancer pain with minimum side-effects

    Use of a low-tech tool in the improvement of social interaction of patients with Rett Syndrome: an observational study

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    IntroductionThe main aim of the present study was to examine whether the use of a low-tech tool, called click4all, inserted into cognitive and motor training can increase social interaction of patients with Rett Syndrome (RTT) with classmates in a school setting.MethodsTwenty-seven participants with RTT were randomly assigned to two groups: the experimental group received treatment with click4all, and the control group received traditional treatment without click4all. Parameters were measured before treatment (T1), 6 months after treatment (T2), 6 months after the second treatment phase (T3) and at the end of the third treatment phase (T4).ResultsThe results demonstrated an increase in levels of social interaction among classmates and patients with RTT in the experimental group, over time, compared to the control group, 95% CI [5.20–15.30]. Classmates also showed a higher level of knowledge related to participants of the experimental group, and this increased over time, 95% CI [24.98–63.52]. The level of knowledge related to the control group was stable over time and lower than the experimental group.DiscussionThis study demonstrated that the use of a low-tech tool can increase social interactions of patients with RTT in a school setting. This is important, as patients with RTT are often restricted in an isolation condition

    ViolĂȘncia domĂ©stica e sexual em mulheres e suas repercussĂ”es na fase do climatĂ©rio

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    INTRODUCTION: domestic violence and, particularly, sex can result in higher incidence of comorbidities in the climacteric. OBJECTIVE: to assess the effects of menopause on sexual and domestic violence. METHODS: sectional study in 124 postmenopausal women between 40 and 65, who suffered domestic violence and / or sexual, and a control group (124) composed (climacteric women who did not suffer violence) (N=120). Those who exposed to violence were divided into three groups 1 violence experienced in childhood and adolescence 2- adult phase 3- both phases. Subsequently a questionnaire on domestic and sexual violence was applied.Correlation was established for the intensity of climacteric symptoms measured with Menopausal Kupperman Index (MKI), type of violence experienced, stage of life exposesd to violence comorbidities during menopause, and women's perceptions about the quality of assistance received from the various professionals after the traumatic events. In the control group MKI and number of comorbidities were evaluated. RESULTS: those who have experienced violence in childhood/adolescence have average of 5.1 comorbidities; adulthood 4.6, and 4.4 in both phases, with a median of 5.0 in all phases, without violence (control) 2.8. The victims of sexual violence have more comorbidities compared those who underwent other types of violence. There were significant associations between having suffered any kind of violence in both phases and MKI serious and have suffered sexual violence at any stage of life, and MKI at least moderate. CONCLUSION: women who have experienced domestic and sexual violence have more comorbidities and MKI high compared to the control group.INTRODUÇÃO: a violĂȘncia domĂ©stica e, particularmente, a sexual pode implicar em maior ocorrĂȘncia de comorbidades no climatĂ©rio. OBJETIVO: avaliar as repercussĂ”es no climatĂ©rio da violĂȘncia domestica e sexual. MÉTODO: estudo transversal em 124 mulheres menopausadas, entre 40 e 65 anos, que sofreram violĂȘncia domĂ©stica e/ou sexual, e um grupo controle (mulheres na menopausa que nĂŁo sofreram violĂȘncia n=120). As expostas Ă  violĂȘncia foram divididas em trĂȘs grupos: 1-violĂȘncia sofrida na infĂąncia e/ou adolescĂȘncia, 2-fase adulta, 3-ambas as fases, e aplicou-se questionĂĄrio sobre violĂȘncia domĂ©stica e sexual. Correlacionou-se a intensidade dos sintomas climatĂ©ricos medido pelo Índice Menopausal de Kupperman (IK), tipo de violĂȘncia sofrida, fase da vida exposta Ă  violĂȘncia, comorbidades apresentadas no climatĂ©rio e percepçÔes da mulher sobre a forma com que os diversos profissionais acolheram ou nĂŁo nos eventos traumĂĄticos. No grupo controle avaliamos IK e numero de comorbidades. RESULTADOS: aquelas que sofreram violĂȘncia na infĂąncia/adolescĂȘncia apresentam media de 5,1 comorbidades; na fase adulta 4,6; e em ambas as fases 4,4, com mediana de 5,0 em todas as fases; sem violĂȘncia (controle) 2,8. As que sofreram violĂȘncia sexual apresentam mais comorbidades em relação aquelas que sofreram outros tipos de violĂȘncia. Houve associaçÔes significativas entre ter sofrido qualquer tipo de violĂȘncia em ambas Ă s fases e IK grave e ter sofrido violĂȘncia sexual em qualquer fase da vida, e IK no mĂ­nimo moderado. CONCLUSÃO: mulheres que sofreram violĂȘncia domĂ©stica e sexual apresentam mais comorbidades e IK elevado em relação ao grupo controle
