15 research outputs found

    西之島の海底の溶岩を採る : 「TAIRIKUプロジェクト」大陸生成の新しい仮説と西之島における検証

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    西之島は東京の1000 km南、父島の130 km西に位置しており,伊豆小笠原海洋島弧の火山島に数えられ,水深3 000 mから立ち上がる巨大火山である.また,西之島周辺の地殻は20 kmに満たず,伊豆小笠原弧で最も地殻が薄い“マントルに近い島”であり初期地球のアナログと見なせる重要な研究対象である.2013年11月に西之島の噴火活動が40年ぶりに再開して以降,現在も活動を続けている.40年前の噴火で発生した噴出物や溶岩は採取されており,それらは大陸を形成する安山岩であることが確認された.そこで今回は,なぜ海洋の真ん中で安山岩が噴出するのかを調べるために,深海曳航体(ディープ・トウ)を潜航させ箱形ドレッジ(ドレッジ)による溶岩の採取を行った.海洋理工学会平成27年度秋季大会(2015年10月29日~30日, 京都大学

    Resistance of Hydrogenated Titanium-Doped Diamond-Like Carbon Film to Hyperthermal Atomic Oxygen

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    The effect of irradiation by a hyperthermal-atomic-oxygen beam on hydrogenated titanium-doped diamond-like carbon (hydrogenated Ti-DLC) films, applied as a solid lubricant for equipment used in low-earth orbit was investigated. Unlike the film thickness of hydrogenated non-doped DLC films, that of hydrogenated Ti-DLC films was found to be constant after the films were exposed to atomic oxygen. In addition, bulk composition of the hydrogenated Ti-DLC film stayed constant, and in particular, hydrogen content in the film did not decrease. These results indicate that a hydrogenated Ti-DLC film can keep its low friction properties under vacuum. Surface chemical analysis showed that a titanium-oxide layer is form on the film by exposure to atomic oxygen. The thickness of the titanium oxide layer was estimated to be about 5 nm from the element distribution in the depth direction of the hydrogenated Ti-DLC films. The titanium-oxide layer was interpreted to protect the bulk film from erosion by hyperthermal atomic oxygen