744 research outputs found

    Structural Effects of Urea and Tmo on Lipid Bilayers

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    Effect of urea and tmao on lipid bilayers

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    Abstract We study the effect of the osmolytes, Urea and trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) on POPE (1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3- phosphoethanolamine) lipid membranes using SAXS/WAXS and DSC. Their antagonist effect is observed with TMAO stabilizing and Urea destabilizing the lipid bilayer, as seen by others in earlier researches

    Participatory Archaeology And Community Empowerment In Brazil

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    Can material culture change people's perception and empower communities? This question, which has been at the center of our reflections over the last few decades, also guides the present text. What follows here is fruit of an intellectual partnership that raises the issue of the importance of collaborative work between universities and communities. The aim of this paper is to show how, through collective research in the historical center of the city of Curitiba, where the Parana State Museum is located, and using museum material, the principles of public archeology can guide us in the construction of more pluralist narratives on the city's past, raising issues of memory, exclusion and empowerment. Through these reflections, we seek to contribute to a contemporary debate on the importance of material culture in the construction of spaces for dialogue and human rights guarantees.27228129

    Un'introduzione al linguaggio HTML e alla creazione di una pagina Web

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    I "vincitori in etica": valutazione multicriteriale di fondi socialmente responsabili

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    A fronte della crescita nell'offerta di fondi socialmente responsabili che si è registrata nel mercato internazionale nell'ultimo decennio, diviene significativo riuscire a distinguere i diversi fondi etici sulla base dei criteri di responsabilità sociale adottati dai gestori. Per tale motivo recentemente si è iniziato a parlare di rating etico di fondi di investimento, intendendo con tale termine sistemi di classificazione di fondi etici che considerano aspetti legati alla responsabilità sociale e sostenibile dei fondi. Nella prima parte di questo lavoro si presentano alcune esperienze nazionali ed internazionali di rating etico e viene calcolato un punteggio di rating per i fondi di investimento socialmente responsabili presenti sul mercato italiano. Successivamente si sviluppa un modello multicriteriale di supporto alle decisioni di investimento, in grado di valutare la performance complessiva dei fondi socialmente responsabili e in grado di ottenere la miglior soluzione di compromesso in presenza di una molteplicità di obiettivi perseguiti dagli investitori etici

    Constant and variable returns to scale DEA models for socially responsible investment funds

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    In order to evaluate the performance of socially responsible investment (SRI) funds, we propose some models which use data envelopment analysis and can be computed in all phases of the business cycle. These models focus on the most crucial elements of an investment in mutual funds. In the literature both constant and variable returns to scale DEA models have been used to evaluate the performance of mutual funds. An empirical investigation carried out on European SRI equity funds indicates that for the funds analyzed the returns to scale are constant. Another aspect taken into account by the empirical investigation is the measurement of the degree of social responsibility of SRI equity funds in the various European countries. In addition, we have analyzed the performance of the funds considered with the different DEA models proposed, which differ in the way the ethical objective is taken into account. Moreover, the paper focuses on another crucial issue regarding socially responsible investing: the comparison of the performances between SRI and non SRI funds; the empirical study suggests that the ethical objective can be pursued without having to renounce financial rewards
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