1,236 research outputs found

    Dynamically Slow Processes in Supercooled Water Confined Between Hydrophobic Plates

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    We study the dynamics of water confined between hydrophobic flat surfaces at low temperature. At different pressures, we observe different behaviors that we understand in terms of the hydrogen bonds dynamics. At high pressure, the formation of the open structure of the hydrogen bond network is inhibited and the surfaces can be rapidly dehydrated by decreasing the temperature. At lower pressure the rapid ordering of the hydrogen bonds generates heterogeneities that are responsible for strong non-exponential behavior of the correlation function, but with no strong increase of the correlation time. At very low pressures, the gradual formation of the hydrogen bond network is responsible for the large increase of the correlation time and, eventually, the dynamical arrest of the system and of the dehydration process.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Hydrogen-Bonded Liquids: Effects of Correlations of Orientational Degrees of Freedom

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    We improve a lattice model of water introduced by Sastry, Debenedetti, Sciortino, and Stanley to give insight on experimental thermodynamic anomalies in supercooled phase, taking into account the correlations between intra-molecular orientational degrees of freedom. The original Sastry et al. model including energetic, entropic and volumic effect of the orientation-dependent hydrogen bonds (HBs), captures qualitatively the experimental water behavior, but it ignores the geometrical correlation between HBs. Our mean-field calculation shows that adding these correlations gives a more water-like phase diagram than previously shown, with the appearance of a solid phase and first-order liquid-solid and gas-solid phase transitions. Further investigation is necessary to be able to use this model to characterize the thermodynamic properties of the supercooled region.Comment: 7 pages latex, 3 figures EP

    Effect of hydrogen bond cooperativity on the behavior of water

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    Four scenarios have been proposed for the low--temperature phase behavior of liquid water, each predicting different thermodynamics. The physical mechanism which leads to each is debated. Moreover, it is still unclear which of the scenarios best describes water, as there is no definitive experimental test. Here we address both open issues within the framework of a microscopic cell model by performing a study combining mean field calculations and Monte Carlo simulations. We show that a common physical mechanism underlies each of the four scenarios, and that two key physical quantities determine which of the four scenarios describes water: (i) the strength of the directional component of the hydrogen bond and (ii) the strength of the cooperative component of the hydrogen bond. The four scenarios may be mapped in the space of these two quantities. We argue that our conclusions are model-independent. Using estimates from experimental data for H bond properties the model predicts that the low-temperature phase diagram of water exhibits a liquid--liquid critical point at positive pressure.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Softness dependence of the Anomalies for the Continuous Shouldered Well potential

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    By molecular dynamic simulations we study a system of particles interacting through a continuous isotropic pairwise core-softened potential consisting of a repulsive shoulder and an attractive well. The model displays a phase diagram with three fluid phases, a gas-liquid critical point, a liquid-liquid critical point, and anomalies in density, diffusion and structure. The hierarchy of the anomalies is the same as for water. We study the effect on the anomalies of varying the softness of the potential. We find that, making the soft-core steeper, the regions of density and diffusion anomalies contract in the T - {\rho} plane, while the region of structural anomaly is weakly affected. Therefore, a liquid can have anomalous structural behavior without density or diffusion anomalies. We show that, by considering as effective distances those corresponding to the maxima of the first two peaks of the radial distribution function g(r) in the high-density liquid, we can generalize to continuous two-scales potentials a criterion for the occurrence of the anomalies of density and diffusion, originally proposed for discontinuous potentials. We observe that the knowledge of the structural behavior within the first two coordination shells of the liquid is not enough to establish the occurrence of the anomalies. By introducing the density derivative of the the cumulative order integral of the excess entropy we show that the anomalous behavior is regulated by the structural order at distances as large as the fourth coordination shell. By comparing the results for different softness of the potential, we conclude that the disappearing of the density and diffusion anomalies for the steeper potentials is due to a more structured short-range order. All these results increase our understanding on how, knowing the interaction potential, we can evaluate the possible presence of anomalies for a liquid

    Structural behavior and dynamics of an anomalous fluid between attractive and repulsive walls: Templating, molding, and superdiffusion

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    Confinement can modify the dynamics, the thermodynamics, and the structural properties of liquid water, the prototypical anomalous liquid. By considering a generic model for anomalous liquids, suitable for describing solutions of globular proteins, colloids, or liquid metals, we study by molecu- lar dynamics simulations the effect that an attractive wall with structure and a repulsive wall without structure have on the phases, the crystal nucleation, and the dynamics of the fluid. We find that at low temperatures the large density of the attractive wall induces a high-density, high-energy structure in the first layer ('templating' effect). In turn, the first layer induces a 'molding' effect on the second layer determining a structure with reduced energy and density, closer to the average density of the system. This low-density, low-energy structure propagates further through the layers by templating effect and can involve all the existing layers at the lowest temperatures investigated. Therefore, al- though the high-density, high-energy structure does not self-reproduce further than the first layer, the structured wall can have a long-range influence thanks to a sequence of templating, molding, and templating effects through the layers. We find that the walls also have an influence on the dynamics of the liquid, with a stronger effect near the attractive wall. In particular, we observe that the dy- namics is largely heterogeneous (i) among the layers, as a consequence of the sequence of structures caused by the walls presence, and (ii) within the same layer, due to superdiffusive liquid veins within a frozen matrix of particles near the walls at low temperature and high density. Hence, the partial freezing of the first layer does not correspond necessarily to an effective reduction of the channel's section in terms of transport properties, as suggested by other authors

    A discrete model of water with two distinct glassy phases

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    We investigate a minimal model for non-crystalline water, defined on a Husimi lattice. The peculiar random-regular nature of the lattice is meant to account for the formation of a random 4-coordinated hydrogen-bond network. The model turns out to be consistent with most thermodynamic anomalies observed in liquid and supercooled-liquid water. Furthermore, the model exhibits two glassy phases with different densities, which can coexist at a first-order transition. The onset of a complex free-energy landscape, characterized by an exponentially large number of metastable minima, is pointed out by the cavity method, at the level of 1-step replica symmetry breaking.Comment: expanded version: 6 pages, 7 figure

    More than one dynamic crossover in protein hydration water

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    Studies of liquid water in its supercooled region have led to many insights into the structure and behavior of water. While bulk water freezes at its homogeneous nucleation temperature of approximately 235 K, for protein hydration water, the binding of water molecules to the protein avoids crystallization. Here we study the dynamics of the hydrogen bond (HB) network of a percolating layer of water molecules, comparing measurements of a hydrated globular protein with the results of a coarse-grained model that has been shown to successfully reproduce the properties of hydration water. With dielectric spectroscopy we measure the temperature dependence of the relaxation time of protons charge fluctuations. These fluctuations are associated to the dynamics of the HB network of water molecules adsorbed on the protein surface. With Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and mean--field (MF) calculations we study the dynamics and thermodynamics of the model. In both experimental and model analyses we find two dynamic crossovers: (i) one at about 252 K, and (ii) one at about 181 K. The agreement of the experiments with the model allows us to relate the two crossovers to the presence of two specific heat maxima at ambient pressure. The first is due to fluctuations in the HB formation, and the second, at lower temperature, is due to the cooperative reordering of the HB network
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