36 research outputs found

    Quantum buoyancy, generalized second law, and higher-dimensional entropy bounds

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    Bekenstein has presented evidence for the existence of a universal upper bound of magnitude 2πR/ℏc2\pi R/\hbar c to the entropy-to-energy ratio S/ES/E of an arbitrary {\it three} dimensional system of proper radius RR and negligible self-gravity. In this paper we derive a generalized upper bound on the entropy-to-energy ratio of a (D+1)(D+1)-dimensional system. We consider a box full of entropy lowered towards and then dropped into a (D+1)(D+1)-dimensional black hole in equilibrium with thermal radiation. In the canonical case of three spatial dimensions, it was previously established that due to quantum buoyancy effects the box floats at some neutral point very close to the horizon. We find here that the significance of quantum buoyancy increases dramatically with the number DD of spatial dimensions. In particular, we find that the neutral (floating) point of the box lies near the horizon only if its length bb is large enough such that b/bC>F(D)b/b_C>F(D), where bCb_C is the Compton length of the body and F(D)∌DD/2≫1F(D)\sim D^{D/2}\gg1 for D≫1D\gg1. A consequence is that quantum buoyancy severely restricts our ability to deduce the universal entropy bound from the generalized second law of thermodynamics in higher-dimensional spacetimes with D≫1D\gg1. Nevertheless, we find that the universal entropy bound is always a sufficient condition for operation of the generalized second law in this type of gedanken experiments.Comment: 6 page

    Point massive particle in General Relativity

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    It is well known that the Schwarzschild solution describes the gravitational field outside compact spherically symmetric mass distribution in General Relativity. In particular, it describes the gravitational field outside a point particle. Nevertheless, what is the exact solution of Einstein's equations with ÎŽ\delta-type source corresponding to a point particle is not known. In the present paper, we prove that the Schwarzschild solution in isotropic coordinates is the asymptotically flat static spherically symmetric solution of Einstein's equations with ÎŽ\delta-type energy-momentum tensor corresponding to a point particle. Solution of Einstein's equations is understood in the generalized sense after integration with a test function. Metric components are locally integrable functions for which nonlinear Einstein's equations are mathematically defined. The Schwarzschild solution in isotropic coordinates is locally isometric to the Schwarzschild solution in Schwarzschild coordinates but differs essentially globally. It is topologically trivial neglecting the world line of a point particle. Gravity attraction at large distances is replaced by repulsion at the particle neighbourhood.Comment: 15 pages, references added, 1 figur

    Radiation from a D-dimensional collision of shock waves: first order perturbation theory

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    We study the spacetime obtained by superimposing two equal Aichelburg-Sexl shock waves in D dimensions traveling, head-on, in opposite directions. Considering the collision in a boosted frame, one shock becomes stronger than the other, and a perturbative framework to compute the metric in the future of the collision is setup. The geometry is given, in first order perturbation theory, as an integral solution, in terms of initial data on the null surface where the strong shock has support. We then extract the radiation emitted in the collision by using a D-dimensional generalisation of the Landau-Lifschitz pseudo-tensor and compute the percentage of the initial centre of mass energy epsilon emitted as gravitational waves. In D=4 we find epsilon=25.0%, in agreement with the result of D'Eath and Payne. As D increases, this percentage increases monotonically, reaching 40.0% in D=10. Our result is always within the bound obtained from apparent horizons by Penrose, in D=4, yielding 29.3%, and Eardley and Giddings, in D> 4, which also increases monotonically with dimension, reaching 41.2% in D=10. We also present the wave forms and provide a physical interpretation for the observed peaks, in terms of the null generators of the shocks.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures; v2 some corrections, including D dependent factor in epsilon; matches version accepted in JHE

    Skyrmions, Skyrme stars and black holes with Skyrme hair in five spacetime dimension

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    We consider a class of generalizations of the Skyrme model to five spacetime dimensions (d = 5), which is de fined in terms of an O (5) sigma model. A special ansatz for the Skyrme field allows angular momentum to be present and equations of motion with a radial dependence only. Using it, we obtain: 1) everywhere regular solutions describing localised energy lumps (Skyrmions); 2) Self-gravitating, asymptotically flat, everywhere non-singular solitonic solutions (Skyrme stars), upon minimally coupling the model to Einstein's gravity; 3) both static and spinning black holes with Skyrme hair, the latter with rotation in two orthogonal planes, with both angular momenta of equal magnitude. In the absence of gravity we present an analytic solution that satisfies a BPS-type bound and explore numerically some of the non-BPS solutions. In the presence of gravity, we contrast the solutions to this model with solutions to a complex scalar field model, namely boson stars and black holes with synchronised hair. Remarkably, even though the two models present key differences, and in particular the Skyrme model allows static hairy black holes, when introducing rotation, the synchronisation condition becomes mandatory, providing further evidence for its generality in obtaining rotating hairy black holes

    Black ringoids: spinning balanced black objects in d >= 5 dimensions - the codimension-two case

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    We propose a general framework for the study of asymptotically flat black objects with k+1 equal magnitude angular momenta in d >= 5 spacetime dimensions (with 0 0 are dubbed black ringoids. Based on the nonperturbative numerical results found for several values of (n, k), we propose a general picture for the properties and the phase diagram of these solutions and the associated black holes with spherical horizon topology: n = 1 black ringoids repeat the k = 0 pattern of black rings and Myers-Perry black holes in 5 dimensions, whereas n > 1 black ringoids follow the pattern of higher dimensional black rings associated with 'pinched' black holes and Myers-Perry black holes

    Quantum gravity effects in Myers-Perry space-times

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    We study quantum gravity effects for Myers-Perry black holes assuming that the leading contributions arise from the renormalization group evolution of Newton's coupling. Provided that gravity weakens following the asymptotic safety conjecture, we find that quantum effects lift a degeneracy of higher-dimensional black holes, and dominate over kinematical ones induced by rotation, particularly for small black hole mass, large angular momentum, and higher space-time dimensionality. Quantum-corrected space-times display inner and outer horizons, and show the existence of a black hole of smallest mass in any dimension. Ultra-spinning solutions no longer persist. Thermodynamic properties including temperature, specific heat, the Komar integrals, and aspects of black hole mechanics are studied as well. Observing a softening of the ring singularity, we also discuss the validity of classical energy conditions

    Hawking Radiation from Higher-Dimensional Black Holes

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    We review the quantum field theory description of Hawking radiation from evaporating black holes and summarize what is known about Hawking radiation from black holes in more than four space-time dimensions. In the context of the Large Extra Dimensions scenario, we present the theoretical formalism for all types of emitted fields and a selection of results on the radiation spectra. A detailed analysis of the Hawking fluxes in this case is essential for modelling the evaporation of higher-dimensional black holes at the LHC, whose creation is predicted by low-energy models of quantum gravity. We discuss the status of the quest for black-hole solutions in the context of the Randall-Sundrum brane-world model and, in the absence of an exact metric, we review what is known about Hawking radiation from such black holes