7,728 research outputs found

    Characterization of neurospora circadian rhythms in space

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    To determine whether the circadian rhythm of conidiation in neurospora crassa is endogenously derived or is driven by some geophysical time cue, an experiment was conducted on space shuttle flight STS-9, where inoculated race tubes were exposed to the microgravity environment of space. The results demonstated that the rhythm can persist in space. However, there were several minor alterations noted; an increase in the period of the oscillation and the variability of the growth rate and a diminished rhythm amplitude, which eventually damped out in 25% of the flight tubes. On day seven of the flight, the tubes were exposed to light while their growth fronts were marked. It appears that some aspects of this marking process reinstated a robust rhythm in all the tubes which continued throughout the remainder of the flight. It was hypothesized that the damping found prior to the marking procedure on STS-9 may have been a result of the hypergravity pulse of launch and not due to the microgravity of the orbital lab; furthermore, that the marking procedure, by exposing the samples to light, had reinstated rhythmicity. To test this, an investigation was conducted into the effects of acute and chronic exposure to hypergravity

    Photon subtracted states and enhancement of nonlocality in the presence of noise

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    We address nonlocality of continuous variable systems in the presence of dissipation and noise. Three nonlocality tests have been considered, based on the measurement of displaced-parity, field-quadrature and pseudospin-operator, respectively. Nonlocality of twin beam has been investigated, as well as that of its non-Gaussian counterparts obtained by inconclusive subtraction of photons. Our results indicate that: i) nonlocality of twin beam is degraded but not destroyed by noise; ii) photon subtraction enhances nonlocality in the presence of noise, especially in the low-energy regime.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    The optical companion to the binary millisecond pulsar J1824-2452H in the globular cluster M28

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    We report on the optical identification of the companion star to the eclipsing millisecond pulsar PSR J1824-2452H in the galactic globular cluster M28 (NGC 6626). This star is at only 0.2" from the nominal position of the pulsar and it shows optical variability (~ 0.25 mag) that nicely correlates with the pulsar orbital period. It is located on the blue side of the cluster main sequence, ~1.5 mag fainter than the turn-off point. The observed light curve shows two distinct and asymmetric minima, suggesting that the companion star is suffering tidal distortion from the pulsar. This discovery increases the number of non-degenerate MSP companions optically identified so far in globular clusters (4 out of 7), suggesting that these systems could be a common outcome of the pulsar recycling process, at least in dense environments where they can be originated by exchange interactions.Comment: accepted for publication on ApJ, 17 pages, 5 figure

    The giant, horizontal and asymptotic branches of galactic globular clusters. I. The catalog, photometric observables and features

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    A catalog including a set of the most recent Color Magnitude Diagrams (CMDs) is presented for a sample of 61 Galactic Globular Clusters (GGCs). We used this data-base to perform an homogeneous systematic analysis of the evolved sequences (namely, Red Giant Branch (RGB), Horizontal Branch (HB) and Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB)). Based on this analysis, we present: (1) a new procedure to measure the level of the ZAHB (V_ZAHB) and an homogeneous set of distance moduli obtained adopting the HB as standard candle; (2) an independent estimate for RGB metallicity indicators and new calibrations of these parameters in terms of both spectroscopic ([Fe/H]_CG97) and global metallicity ([M/H], including also the alpha-elements enhancement). The set of equations presented can be used to simultaneously derive a photometric estimate of the metal abundance and the reddening from the morphology and the location of the RGB in the (V,B-V)-CMD. (3) the location of the RGB-Bump (in 47 GGCs) and the AGB-Bump (in 9 GGCs). The dependence of these features on the metallicity is discussed. We find that by using the latest theoretical models and the new metallicity scales the earlier discrepancy between theory and observations (~0.4 mag) completely disappears.Comment: 51 pages, 23 figures, AAS Latex, macro rtrpp4.sty included, accepted by A

    Cluster Abundance in f(R) Gravity Models

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    As one of the most powerful probes of cosmological structure formation, the abundance of massive galaxy clusters is a sensitive probe of modifications to gravity on cosmological scales. In this paper, we present results from N-body simulations of a general class of f(R) models, which self-consistently solve the non-linear field equation for the enhanced forces. Within this class we vary the amplitude of the field, which controls the range of the enhanced gravitational forces, both at the present epoch and as a function of redshift. Most models in the literature can be mapped onto the parameter space of this class. Focusing on the abundance of massive dark matter halos, we compare the simulation results to a simple spherical collapse model. Current constraints lie in the large-field regime, where the chameleon mechanism is not important. In this regime, the spherical collapse model works equally well for a wide range of models and can serve as a model-independent tool for placing constraints on f(R) gravity from cluster abundance. Using these results, we show how constraints from the observed local abundance of X-ray clusters on a specific f(R) model can be mapped onto other members of this general class of models.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Reconstruction with velocities

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    Reconstruction is becoming a crucial procedure of galaxy clustering analysis for future spectroscopic redshift surveys to obtain subper cent level measurement of the baryon acoustic oscillation scale. Most reconstruction algorithms rely on an estimation of the displacement field from the observed galaxy distribution. However, the displacement reconstruction degrades near the survey boundary due to incomplete data and the boundary effects extend to ∼100 Mpc/h within the interior of the survey volume. We study the possibility of using radial velocities measured from the cosmic microwave background observation through the kinematic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect to improve performance near the boundary. We find that the boundary effect can be reduced to ∼30 − 40 Mpc/h with the velocity information from Simons Observatory. This is especially helpful for dense low redshift surveys where the volume is relatively small and a large fraction of total volume is affected by the boundary

    Simulating Nonholonomic Dynamics

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    This paper develops different discretization schemes for nonholonomic mechanical systems through a discrete geometric approach. The proposed methods are designed to account for the special geometric structure of the nonholonomic motion. Two different families of nonholonomic integrators are developed and examined numerically: the geometric nonholonomic integrator (GNI) and the reduced d'Alembert-Pontryagin integrator (RDP). As a result, the paper provides a general tool for engineering applications, i.e. for automatic derivation of numerically accurate and stable dynamics integration schemes applicable to a variety of robotic vehicle models

    Selective cloning of Gaussian states by linear optics

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    We investigate the performances of a selective cloning machine based on linear optical elements and Gaussian measurements, which allows to clone at will one of the two incoming input states. This machine is a complete generalization of a 1 to 2 cloning scheme demonstrated by U. L. Andersen et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. vol. 94, 240503 (2005)]. The input-output fidelity is studied for generic Gaussian input state and the effect of non-unit quantum efficiency is also taken into account. We show that if the states to be cloned are squeezed states with known squeezing parameter, then the fidelity can be enhanced using a third suitable squeezed state during the final stage of the cloning process. A binary communication protocol based on the selective cloning machne is also discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure
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