492 research outputs found

    Ruling factors in cinnamaldehyde hydrogenation: Activity and selectivity of pt-mo catalysts

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    To obtain selective hydrogenation catalysts with low noble metal content, two carbon-supported Mo-Pt bimetallic catalysts have been synthesized from two different molybdenum precursors, i.e., Na2MoO4 and (NH4)6Mo7O24. The results obtained by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) combined with the presence and strength of acid sites clarified the different catalytic behavior toward cinnamaldehyde hydrogenation. After impregnating the carbon support with Mo precursors, each sample was used either as is or treated at 400 °C in N2 flow, as support for Pt nanoparticles (NPs). The heating treatment before Pt deposition had a positive effect on the catalytic performance. Indeed, TEM analyses showed very homogeneously dispersed Pt NPs only when they were deposited on the heat-treated Mo/C supports, and XPS analyses revealed an increase in both the exposure and reduction of Pt, which was probably tuned by different MoO3/MoO2 ratios. Moreover, the different acid properties of the catalysts resulted in different selectivity

    Biodegradable All-Polymer Field-Effect Transistors Printed on Mater-Bi

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    The growing demand of disposable electronics raises serious concerns for the corresponding increase in the amount of electronic waste, with severe environmental impact. Organic and flexible electronics have been proposed long ago as a more sustainable and energy-efficient technological platform with respect to established ones. Yet, such technology is leading to a drastic increase of plastic waste if common approaches for flexible substrates are followed. In this scenario, biodegradable solutions can significantly limit the environmental impact, actively contributing to eliminate the waste streams (plastic or electronic) associated with disposal of devices. However, achieving suitably scalable processes to pattern mechanically robust organic electronics onto largely available biodegradable substrates is still an open challenge. In this work, all-organic and highly flexible field-effect transistors, inkjet printed onto the biodegradable and compostable commercial substrate Mater-Bi, are demonstrated. Because of the thermal instability of Mater-Bi, no annealing steps are applied, producing devices with limited carrier mobility, yet showing correct n-type behavior and robustness to bending and crumpling. The degradation behavior of the final system shows unaltered biodegradability level according to ISO 14851. These results represent a promising step toward sustainable flexible and large-area electronics, combining energy and materials efficient processes with largely available biodegradable substrates

    La difesa dai terremoti in Lombardia: stato dell’arte e prospettive

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    L’INGV (http://www.mi.ingv.it/) svolge in Lombardia ricerche nel campo della mitigazione del rischio sismico, mediante studi mirati al miglioramento delle conoscenze sulla storia sismica, sul modello strutturale legato al regime tettonico in atto e alla definizione del moto del suolo atteso. Accanto alle indagini necessarie alla caratterizzazione sismogenetica e dei possibili effetti dello scuotimento sismico, si pone l’attività di monitoraggio sismico, che la Sezione di Milano-Pavia espleta mediante la rete accelerometrica (RAIS, http://rais.mi.ingv.it/) che consta di 20 postazioni distribuite in prevalenza sul territorio regionale. In un recente lavoro di sintesi - di studi pluriennali su fonti storiche e di revisioni critiche di materiali pubblicati - si è tentato di colmare l’evidente carenza conoscitiva sulle caratteristiche della sismicità storica dell’area lombarda. Tale carenza è particolarmente evidente se si rapportano le informazioni oggi disponibili sui terremoti del passato in quest’area con quelle relative al settore veneto-friulano. La regione analizzata, compresa tra il bacino del fiume Adda e il Lago di Garda, è stata caratterizzata da alcuni terremoti con Mw>5.5 (es., 1117, Veronese; 1222, Brescia; 1901, Salò) e vari eventi con Mw compresa fra 4.8 e 5.5 (es., 1065, Brescia; 1396, Monza; 1642, Bergamo). Per molti degli eventi sismici fino al 1700 le informazioni sono desumibili soltanto da scarse fonti storiche. La determinazione epicentrale e l’attribuzione della magnitudo per tali eventi sono da considerarsi, pertanto, con una certa cautela al fine di definire le caratteristiche sismiche del territorio. I terremoti del 1117 e del 1222, in tale contesto, rappresentano un’eccezione rispetto ai dati generalmente disponibili. E tuttavia vari problemi tuttora aperti rendono assai difficile l’utilizzo della distribuzione del danno attribuibile a questi eventi nella prospettiva di un’affidabile parametrizzazione. Le indagini geologico-strutturali e di geologia del Quaternario, finalizzate a definire un quadro strutturale compatibile con il regime tettonico in atto, sono necessarie per giustificare la storia sismica e, in sostanza, per definire il comportamento sismogenetico della regione. Le geometrie dei sistemi di faglia attivi alpini sono ora sufficientemente noti. Le conoscenze permettono di formulare ipotesi sismotettoniche relative all’origine dei terremoti dell’area gardesana e del Bresciano. In via di definizione sono invece le geometrie dei fronti appenninici, cui sono attribuibili i terremoti al di sopra della soglia nel settore padano. Le ricerche attuali sono altresì indirizzate ad una migliore caratterizzazione del complesso settore compreso tra la parte meridionale del Lago di Garda (area di Sirmione), Verona e Mantova, all’interno del quale potrebbe collocarsi l’area epicentrale del terremoto del 1117 (o una delle aree epicentrali, qualora si considerasse questo evento come rappresentato da una sequenza sismica). Uno dei settori regionali con maggiore frequenza di eventi sismici è l’area gardesana occidentale, per questo motivo la rete di monitoraggio presenta una notevole densità di postazioni nel Bresciano e se ne è pianificato l’addensamento nel Veronese. Nel corso del 2007, la rete ha consentito la registrazione di 516 forme d’onda relative a 28 eventi locali e regionali (di cui una decina localizzati nell’area citata) con magnitudo da 1.3 a 4.2, di cui sono stati calcolati i parametri di interesse ingegneristico. L’analisi delle registrazioni ha permesso di ricavare informazioni utili per il calcolo di scenari di scuotimento. Un esempio di taali applicazioni è rappresentato dallo scenario realizzato utilizzando come terremoto di riferimento l'evento del 24 Novembre 2004 (M 5.2)

    Setting up an earthquake forecast experiment in Italy

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    We describe the setting up of the first earthquake forecasting experiment for Italy within the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability (CSEP). CSEP conducts rigorous and truly prospective forecast experiments for different tectonic environments in several forecast testing centers around the globe; forecasts are issued for a future period and also tested only against future observations to avoid any possible bias. As such, experiments need to be completely defined. This includes exact definitions of the testing area, of learning data for the forecast models, and of observation data against which forecasts will be tested to evaluate their performance. Here we present the rules, as taken from the Regional Earthquake Likelihood Models experiment and extended or changed for the Italian experiment. We also present characterizations of learning and observational catalogs that describe the completeness of these catalogs and illuminate inhomogeneities of magnitudes between these catalogs. A particular focus lies on the stability of earthquake recordings of the observational network. These catalog investigations provide guidance for CSEP modelers for developing earthquakes forecasts for submission to the forecast experiment in Italy

    Using HoloLens Mixed Reality to research correlations between language and movement: a case study

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    Communication can be defined as the understanding and exchanging of meaningful messages. The role of communication is central to the lives of human beings as, everyday, we use language to interact with the world around us. Linguistic skills play a fundamental role in this scenario and Language Disorders (LD) are impairments that limit the processing of linguistic information. Early and accurate identification of LD is thus essential to promote lifelong learning and well-being. From an evolutionary perspective, some human language constructs evolved from an ancestral motor system and share the same neural pathways in the Broca’s area of the brain. This suggests a correlation between action and language. If such a relationship is well established and reliable, it would be possible to use the former as a marker of the latter. The hypothesis of our work, in a nutshell, is that movement can be a predictor of language. To study this correlation, we developed C(H)o(L)ordination, a Mixed Reality (MR) application for HoloLens 2. The application offers several activities based on visual stimuli involving motor movements, which tap on the same skills needed to perform some language tasks. We performed an exploratory study with N=22 users to test the application usability and user experience. The results suggest that C(H)o(L)ordination is a usable and powerful tool to gather insights on the ongoing debate about language evolution and language disorders

    Nephrotic syndrome in the horse: 2 case reports

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    Introduction - The nephrotic syndrome (NS), defined as the concurrent presence of proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, systemic hypertension and extravascular fluid accumulation, is a rare but well-recognized complication of glomerular disease in small animals and humans. NS in horses is not well documented, because alterations in blood pressure in cases of chronic kidney disease (CKD) with proteinuria are not routinely evaluated. Because NS is an important factor leading to the progression of CKD, medical treatment of proteinuria and hypertension has become an important aspect in the management of CKD in small animals and humans. In particular, the administration of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) is widely used to slow the progression of CKD. There are no reports of the use of ACEIs in horses with CKD and proteinuria, possibly due the elevated cost of daily treatment. Description of the case - Two 7 year-old French warmblood horses, a female (case 1) and a male (case 2) were referred to our Unit for progressive weight loss, poor athletic performance and ventral edema (case 1) and polyuria-polydipsia arising after a previous episode of hematuria (case 2). Physical examination in case 1 revealed a poor body-condition score (2/5) and a moderate ventral edema; a cardiac murmur, (intensity III/VI) was detected with the point of maximum intensity located on the tricuspid area. Both patients showed pale mucous membranes. Laboratory examinations showed moderate anemia (6.03 and 6.46 x 106 /\u3bcL in case 1 and 2 respectively), hypokaliemia (3.0 and 2.5 nmol/L), marked hypoprotidemia (3.4 and 4.8 gr/dL) and hypoalbuminemia (1.8 and 2.1 gr/dL); serum protein electrophoresis revealed a marked increase in the alpha-2 globulin region in both cases. Urinalysis showed proteinuria (307 and 106 mg/dL) with normal specific density but with a high urine proteine/creatinine ratio (2.15 and 2.34). Electrolyte clearance ratio of Na+ and K+ was altered in both horses; urine GGT-index and GGT-activity were markedly elevated in case 1 only (60.8 and 87 U/L respectively). SDS-agarose gel electrophoresis allowed the qualitative evaluation of the proteinuria; case 1 showed a mixed glomerular and tubular pattern (protein with high and low molecular weight), while case 2 was characterized by a glomerular pattern only (molecular weight > 80KDa). Transabdominal ultrasonography was performed and both kidneys in case 1, and left kidney in case 2 were enlarged, with normal echogenicity between cortex and medulla but abnormal cortical thickness. Color Doppler was performed in case 2, and an increase in the renal vascular flow was detected. In case 1, echocardiography revealed a mild (II/IV) tricuspid regurgitation jet. Resting systemic blood pressure was measured indirectly with the use of an ultrasonic Doppler device with an inflatable cuff placed on the coccygeal artery. Systolic and diastolic pressure readings were increased (153 and 127 mmHg in case 1 and 182 and 161 mmHg in case 2). According to the results of the above mentioned procedures, a diagnosis of early CKD and nephrotic syndrome was made. To minimize further loss of renal function, both nutritional and pharmacological managements were recommended, and the exclusion of the horses from athletic activity was suggested. A treatment with ACEIs benazepril (0.5 mg/kg, PO, sid) was suggested, and the horses were discharged to continue home therapy. The owner of case 1 entered the treatment, unlike the owner of case 2, whose athletic activity was prolonged during the following four months. The follow up of case 1 was performed every 4 months for the following year, with good results regarding renal function; furthermore, the horse was able to perform some limited work. On the opposite, the clinical condition of case 2 worsened in the next 3 months, developing azotemia. A further hospitalization allowed to monitor and stabilise the renal function with a dosage of 1 mg/kg of benazepril. Conclusion - The clinical features observed in our two cases are specific and characteristic of nephrotic syndrome. The prevalence of this condition in the horse is unknown, and investigation on the relationship between renal impairment and alteration in blood pressure in the horse is still lacking. Proteinuria in small animals and humans is a negative prognostic factor for CKD, and is associated with progressive worsening of azotemia to End-Stage-Kidney Disease; for this reason this feature must be considered as a warning in the equine species in the same way. The ACEIs Benazepril seems a valid therapeutic option in reducing proteinuria and hypertension, since it doesn\u2019t seem to have any adverse effect. Future investigations are recommended to identify the minimal dose that results to be effective and the frequency of administration to decrease the costs related to its use. Bibliography - Reed SM et al., \u201cEquine Internal Medicine\u201d 4th Ed., 2018, St. Louis, Saunders Elsevier; Schott H.C., Vet. Clin. North Am. Equine Pract. 2007, 23, 596-612; Vaden L.S., Elliott J., Vet. Clin. North Am. Small Anim. Pract. 2016 Nov;46(6); King J.N. et al., J.Vet. Int. Med. 2017, 31 (1113-1122); Afonso T. et al., Equine Vet. Journal 2017 (49)3, 358-36

    A Clinical, Epidemological, Laboratorial, Histological And Ultrasonographical Evaluation Of Anti-hcv Eia-2 Positive Blood Donors.

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    Between 1992 and 1997, 790 blood donors with anti-HCV EIA-2 strongly reagent (relationship between the sample optical density/cut-off > 3) detected at the blood bank serological screening, were evaluated in ambulatory environment. They were all negative for Chagas disease, syphilis, hepatitis B (HBsAg) and AIDS. Blood samples were collected at the first ambulatorial evaluation, for hemogram, biochemical tests and new serological tests for HCV (anti-HCV EIA-2). In blood samples of 226 repeatedly reagent anti-HCV EIA-2 blood donors, supplementary immunoblot test for HCV (RIBA-2) was used. In 209 donors, the presence of HCV-RNA was investigated by the PCR test. The abdominal ultrasonography was realized in 366 donors. In 269 patients liver biopsy was performed for the histopathological study. The follow-up of blood donors showed that 95.6% were repeatedly EIA-2 reagent, 94% were symptomless and denied any hepatitis history, with only 2% mentioning previous jaundice. In 47% of this population at least one risk factor has been detected for the HCV transmission, the use of intravenous drugs being the main one (27.8%). Blood transfusion was the second factor for HCV transmission (27.2%). Hepatomegaly was detected in 54% of the cases. Splenomegaly and signs of portal hypertension have seldom been found in the physical examination, indicating a low degree of hepatic compromising in HCV. Abdominal ultrasound showed alterations in 65% of the subjects, being the steatosis the most frequent (50%). In 83. 5% of the donors submitted to the liver biopsy, the histopathological exam showed the presence of chronic hepatitis, usually classified as active (89%) with mild or moderate grade in most of the cases (99.5%). The histopathological exam of the liver was normal in 1.5% of blood donors. The RIBA-2 test and the HCV-RNA investigation by PCR were positive in respectively 91.6 and 75% of the anti-HCV EIA-2 reagent donors. The HCV-RNA research was positive in 82% of the RIBA-2 positive subjects, in 37.5% of the indeterminate RIBA-2 donors and in 9% of the negative RIBA-2 donors. Chronic hepatitis has also been observed in 50% of the histopathological exams of the anti-HCV EIA-2 reagent donors which were indeterminate RIBA-2. Among 18 blood donors with minimal changes histopathological exam 11 (61%) were HCV-RNA positive. Our blood donors anti-HCV reagent generally had clinical, laboratorial and histopathological features observed in patients with chronic HCV hepatitis and a high proportion could be identified in interviews and medical evaluation realized in blood blanks. Generally, these HCV infected donors are identified and discharged only by the serological tests results.42147-5

    Asymmetric Ugi 3CR on isatin-derived ketimine: Synthesis of chiral 3,3-disubstituted 3-aminooxindole derivatives

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    An efficient Ugi three-component reaction of a preformed chiral ketimine derived from isatin with various isonitrile and acid components has been developed. The reactions proceeded smoothly and in a stereocontrolled manner with regard to the new center of the Ugi products due to the stereoinduction of the amine chiral residue. A wide variety of novel chiral 3,3-disubstituted 3-aminooxindoles were obtained, a selection of which were subjected to post-Ugi transformations, paving the way to application as peptidomimetics

    DBMI04, il database delle osservazioni macrosismiche dei terremoti italiani utilizzate per la compilazione del catalogo parametrico CPTI04

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    This paper describes the main features of the Macroseismic Database of Italy 2004, which for the first time put together in a critical way the macroseismic data used for the compilation of the CPTI04 (2004) parametric earthquake catalogue. Data come from varied main datasets: i) DOM4.1 (Monachesi e Stucchi, 1997); ii) CFTI version 2 (Boschi et al., 1997) and, for the time-window 1980-2002, CFTI version 3 (Boschi et al., 2000); iii) Bollettino Macrosismico ING (BMING); iv) Catalogo Macrosismico dei Terremoti Etnei, Azzaro et al. (2000; 2002). In addition, data from recent historical and field investigation were also used. DBMI04 contains 58146 macroseismic observations related to 1041 earthquakes and 14161 localities, 12943 of which in Italy. The input data used for the compilation of DBMI04 were not homogeneous with respect to the use of the intensity scale and, mainly, to geographical reference. One of the main task was the organisation of a reliable geographical reference, based on the previous ENEL-ISTAT catalogue of the Italian localities (ENEL, 1978), which was updated by means of new data. Another task consisted in correcting some mistakes performed when associating the placenames quoted by the historical sources and the geographical reference. Some problems were solved using ad hoc conventions for dealing with observations not expressed in terms of macroseismic intensity. This paper presents the adopted solutions and the results, together with the web-interface through which the database is made available to the public (http://emidius.mi.ingv.it/DBMI04/)
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