32,890 research outputs found

    Morphisms, Symbolic sequences, and their Standard Forms

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    Morphisms are homomorphisms under the concatenation operation of the set of words over a finite set. Changing the elements of the finite set does not essentially change the morphism. We propose a way to select a unique representing member out of all these morphisms. This has applications to the classification of the shift dynamical systems generated by morphisms. In a similar way, we propose the selection of a representing sequence out of the class of symbolic sequences over an alphabet of fixed cardinality. Both methods are useful for the storing of symbolic sequences in databases, like The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. We illustrate our proposals with the kk-symbol Fibonacci sequences

    On the growth behaviour of Hironaka quotients

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    We consider a finite analytic morphism \phi = (f,g) : (X,p)\to (\C^2,0) where (X,p)(X,p) is a complex analytic normal surface germ and ff and gg are complex analytic function germs. Let π:(Y,EY)→(X,p)\pi : (Y,E_{Y})\to (X,p) be a good resolution of ϕ\phi with exceptional divisor EY=π−1(p)E_{Y}=\pi ^{-1}(p). We denote G(Y)G(Y) the dual graph of the resolution π\pi . We study the behaviour of the Hironaka quotients of (f,g)(f,g) associated to the vertices of G(Y)G(Y). We show that there exists maximal oriented arcs in G(Y)G(Y) along which the Hironaka quotients of (f,g)(f,g) strictly increase and they are constant on the connected components of the closure of the complement of the union of the maximal oriented arcs

    Complements on disconnected reductive groups

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    We present various results on disconnected reductive groups, in particular about the characteristic 0 representation theory of such groups over finite fields.Comment: This version takes into account improvements suggested by G. Mall

    Tunnel effect for semiclassical random walk

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    We study a semiclassical random walk with respect to a probability measure with a finite number n_0 of wells. We show that the associated operator has exactly n_0 exponentially close to 1 eigenvalues (in the semiclassical sense), and that the other are O(h) away from 1. We also give an asymptotic of these small eigenvalues. The key ingredient in our approach is a general factorization result of pseudodifferential operators, which allows us to use recent results on the Witten Laplacian

    Comment on "Fluctuation-dissipation relations in the nonequilibrium critical dynamics of Ising models"

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    Recently Mayer et al. [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 68}, 016116 (2003)] proposed a new way to compute numerically the fluctuation-dissipation ratios in nonequilibrium critical systems. Using well-known facts of nonequilibrium critical dynamics I show that the leading contributions of the quantities they consider are in fact one-time quantities which are independent of the waiting time. The ratio of these one-time quantities determines the slope of the straight lines observed in the fluctuation-dissipation plots of Mayer et al.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures included, shortened versio

    The space of unipotently supported class functions on a finite reductive group

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    We determine the Lusztig restrictions on the space of class functions with a unipotent support on a finite reductive group. In particular we give a simple expression for the Lusztig restrictions of the generalized Green functions and we describe the Lusztig restrictions of the generalized Gelfand-Graev representations. We make explicit computations for the Gelfand-Graev representations associated to the subregular unipotent class. In the case of SLn we show that the computations can be reduced to the case of GLn' for various n'.Comment: 21 page

    Limb-Darkened Radiation-Driven Winds from Massive Stars

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    We calculated the influence of the limb-darkened finite disk correction factor in the theory of radiation-driven winds from massive stars. We solved the 1-D m-CAK hydrodynamical equation of rotating radiation-driven winds for all three known solutions, i.e., fast, \Omega-slow and \delta-slow. We found that for the fast solution, the mass loss rate is increased by a factor \sim 10%, while the terminal velocity is reduced about 10%, when compared with the solution using a finite disk correction factor from a uniformly bright star. For the other two slow solutions the changes are almost negligible. Although, we found that the limb darkening has no effects on the wind momentum luminosity relationship, it would affect the calculation of synthetic line profiles and the derivation of accurate wind parameters.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 19 pages, 6 figure
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