17 research outputs found

    A taxonomic backbone for the global synthesis of species diversity in the angiosperm order Caryophyllales

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    The Caryophyllales constitute a major lineage of flowering plants with approximately 12500 species in 39 families. A taxonomic backbone at the genus level is provided that reflects the current state of knowledge and accepts 749 genera for the order. A detailed review of the literature of the past two decades shows that enormous progress has been made in understanding overall phylogenetic relationships in Caryophyllales. The process of re-circumscribing families in order to be monophyletic appears to be largely complete and has led to the recognition of eight new families (Anacampserotaceae, Kewaceae, Limeaceae, Lophiocarpaceae, Macarthuriaceae, Microteaceae, Montiaceae and Talinaceae), while the phylogenetic evaluation of generic concepts is still well underway. As a result of this, the number of genera has increased by more than ten percent in comparison to the last complete treatments in the Families and genera of vascular plants” series. A checklist with all currently accepted genus names in Caryophyllales, as well as nomenclatural references, type names and synonymy is presented. Notes indicate how extensively the respective genera have been studied in a phylogenetic context. The most diverse families at the generic level are Cactaceae and Aizoaceae, but 28 families comprise only one to six genera. This synopsis represents a first step towards the aim of creating a global synthesis of the species diversity in the angiosperm order Caryophyllales integrating the work of numerous specialists around the world

    10Be records of sediment cores from high northern latitudes

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    The 10Be records of four sediment cores forming a transect from the Norwegian Sea at 70°N (core 23059) via the Fram Strait (core 23235) to the Arctic Ocean at 86°N (cores 1533 and 1524) were measured at a high depth resolution. Although the material in all the cores was controlled by different sedimentological regimes, the 10Be records of these cores were superimposed by glacial/interglacial changes in the sedimentary environment. Core sections with high 10Be concentrations ( >1 * 10**9 at/g) are related to interglacial stages and core sections with low10Be concentrations ( <0.5 * 10**9 at/g) are related to glacial stages. Climatic transitions (e.g., Termination II, 5/6) are marked by drastic changes in the 10Be concentrations of up to one order of magnitude. The average 10Be concentrations for each climatic stage show an inverse relationship to their corresponding sedimentation rates, indicating that the 10Be records are the result of dilution with more or less terrigenous ice-rafted material. However, there are strong changes in the 10Be fluxes (e.g., Termination II) into the sediments which may also account for the observed oscillations. Most likely, both processes affected the 10Be records equally, amplifying the contrast between lower (glacials) and higher (interglacials) 10Be concentrations. The sharp contrast of high and low 10Be concentrations at climatic stage boundaries are an independent proxy for climatic and sedimentary change in the Nordic Seas and can be applied for stratigraphic dating (10Be stratigraphy) of sediment cores from the northern North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean

    AAV8-mediated in vivo overexpression of miR-155 enhances the protective capacity of genetically-attenuated malarial parasites

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    Malaria, caused by protozoan Plasmodium parasites, remains a prevalent infectious human disease due to the lack of an efficient and safe vaccine. This is directly related to the persisting gaps in our understanding of the parasite&#39;s interactions with the infected host, especially during the clinically-silent yet essential liver stage of Plasmodium development. Previously, we and others showed that genetically-attenuated parasites (GAP) that arrest in the liver induce sterile immunity, but only upon multiple administrations. Here, we comprehensively studied hepatic gene and miRNA expression in GAP-injected mice, and found both a broad activation of IFN&gamma;-associated pathways and a significant increase of murine microRNA-155 (miR-155), that was especially pronounced in non-parenchymal cells including liver-resident macrophages (Kupffer cells). Remarkably, ectopic upregulation of this miRNA in the liver of mice using robust hepatotropic Adeno-associated virus 8 (AAV8) vectors enhanced GAP&#39;s protective capacity substantially. In turn, this AAV8-mediated miR-155 expression permitted a reduction of GAP injections needed to achieve complete protection against infectious parasite challenge from previously three to only one. Our study highlights a crucial role of mammalian miRNAs in Plasmodium liver infection in vivo and concurrently implies their great potential as future immune-augmenting agents in improved vaccination regimes against malaria and other diseases

    Raman spectroscopic analysis of skin as a diagnostic tool for Human African Trypanosomiasis

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    Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) has been responsible for several deadly epidemics throughout the 20th century, but a renewed commitment to disease control has significantly reduced new cases and motivated a target for the elimination of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense-HAT by 2030. However, the recent identification of latent human infections, and the detection of trypanosomes in extravascular tissues hidden from current diagnostic tools, such as the skin, has added new complexity to identifying infected individuals. New and improved diagnostic tests to detect Trypanosoma brucei infection by interrogating the skin are therefore needed. Recent advances have improved the cost, sensitivity and portability of Raman spectroscopy technology for non-invasive medical diagnostics, making it an attractive tool for gambiense-HAT detection. The aim of this work was to assess and develop a new non-invasive diagnostic method for T. brucei through Raman spectroscopy of the skin. Infections were performed in an established murine disease model using the animal-infective Trypanosoma brucei brucei subspecies. The skin of infected and matched control mice was scrutinized ex vivo using a confocal Raman microscope with 532 nm excitation and in situ at 785 nm excitation with a portable field-compatible instrument. Spectral evaluation and Principal Component Analysis confirmed discrimination of T. brucei-infected from uninfected tissue, and a characterisation of biochemical changes in lipids and proteins in parasite-infected skin indicated by prominent Raman peak intensities was performed. This study is the first to demonstrate the application of Raman spectroscopy for the detection of T. brucei by targeting the skin of the host. The technique has significant potential to discriminate between infected and non-infected tissue and could represent a unique, non-invasive diagnostic tool in the goal for elimination of gambiense-HAT as well as for Animal African Trypanosomiasis (AAT)