531 research outputs found

    Velocity and density measurements in forced fountains with negative buoyancy

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    In fluid mechanics, fountains take place when a source fluid is driven by its own momentum into a surrounding ambient fluid, and it is counterbalanced by buoyancy. These phenomena are largely encountered in nature and human activities. Despite the numerous studies on the subject, few experimental data are available about the internal structure of turbulent fountains. Here, we present a set of laboratory experiments with the aim to (i) get direct velocity and density measurements of fountains in a controlled environment and (ii) obtain insights about the basic physics of the phenomenon. The results concern the characteristics of the mean and turbulent flow: we report the analysis of the turbulent kinetic energy, the velocity skewness, and the Reynolds stresses, including a quadrant analysis of the fluctuating velocities. For some tests, the correlation between density and vertical velocity is investigated for both mean and fluctuating values. We have quantified the momentum transport, which is mainly out-downward at the nozzle axis with peaks at the mean rise height, where also maximum levels of the buoyancy and mass fluxes are present. The ability of acoustic Doppler current profilers to identify the rise height of the fountain and to measure the velocity field is also discussed

    Use of a Raspberry-Pi Video Camera for Coastal Flooding Vulnerability Assessment: The Case of Riccione (Italy)

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    Coastal monitoring is strategic for the correct assessment of nearshore morphodynamics, to verify the effects of anthropogenic interventions for the purpose of coastal protection and for the rapid assessment of flooding vulnerability due to severe events. Remote sensing and field surveys are among the main approaches that have been developed to meet these necessities. Key parameters in the assessment and prevision of coastal flooding extensions, beside meteomarine characteristics, are the topography and slope of beaches, which can be extremely dynamic. The use of continuous monitoring through orthorectified video images allows for the rapid detection of the intertidal bathymetry and flooding threshold during severe events. The aim of this work was to present a comparison of different monitoring strategies and methodologies that have been integrated into repeated surveys in order to evaluate the performance of a new camera system. We used a low-cost camera based on Raspberry Pi called VISTAE (Video monitoring Intelligent STAtion for Environmental applications) for long-term remote observations and GNSS-laser tools for field measurements. The case study was a coastal tract in Riccione, Italy (Northern Adriatic Sea), which is the seat of nourishment interventions and of different types of underwater protection structures to combat coastal erosion. We performed data acquisition and analysis of the emerged beach and of the swash zone in terms of the intertidal bathymetry and shoreline. The results show a generally good agreement between the field and remote measurements through image processing, with a small discrepancy of the order of ≈0.05 m in the vertical and ≈1.5 m in the horizontal in terms of the root mean square error (RMSE). These values are comparable with that of current video monitoring instruments, but the VISTAE has the advantages of its low-cost, programmability and automatized analyses. This result, together with the possibility of continuous monitoring during daylight hours, supports the advantages of a combined approach in coastal flooding vulnerability assessment through integrated and complementary techniques

    Investigation of early supplementation of nucleotides on the intestinal maturation of weaned piglets

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    Nucleotides are essential for the development of the gastrointestinal tract and immune function, but their intake with milk by piglets could be insufficient. The effect of nucleotides on growth and health was tested on 98 piglets divided into two groups: NU, orally administrated with 4 mL of a nucleotide-based product (SwineMOD® ) at 10, 15, 18, 21, 27 days, or not (CO). Blood and feces were sampled at weaning (26 d, T1), and at 38 d (T2). Per each group and time-point, eight piglets were slaughtered and jejunal Peyer’s patches (JPPs) were collected. NU increased hemoglobin content and hematocrit, but not growth. At weaning, the NU fecal microbiota was characterized by the abundance of Campylobacteraceae, more typical of the growing phase, compared to CO, with a greater abundance of Streptococcaceae. For the blood transcriptome, an initial greater inflammatory activation was seen in CO, while at T2, NU enriched gene sets related to erythropoiesis. The activation of gene groups ranging from epigenetic response to transcriptional regulation evidenced an intense proliferative activity in NU JPPs. NU supplementation did not influence the growth performance of piglets but could have expressed a positive effect on pig microbiota anticipating its maturation at weaning. This immunostimulant activity in the JPPs could moderate the inflammation in the immediate pre-weaning

    Inclusive Human Intention Prediction with Wearable Sensors: Machine Learning Techniques for the Reaching Task Use Case †

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    Human intentions prediction is gaining importance with the increase of human-robot interaction challenges in several contexts, like industrial and clinical. This paper compares Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Random Forest (RF) performance in predicting the intention of moving towards a target during reaching movements, on ten subjects wearing four electromagnetic sensors. LDA and RF prediction accuracy is compared with respect to observation-sample dimension and noise presence, training and prediction time. Both algorithms achieved good accuracy, which improves as the sample dimension increases, although LDA presents better results for the current dataset

    Evaluating Patient Engagement and User Experience of a Positive Technology Intervention: The H-CIM Case

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    The present chapter will provide an example of an intervention evaluation from the joint viewpoints of patient engagement and user experience. The authors evaluated H-CIM, a technological platform for the intelligent monitoring of physiological data of elderly patients performing physiotherapy exercises. Descriptive quantitative measures, behavioral observation, and qualitative interviews are integrated to evaluate H-CIM ability in (1) guaranteeing a positive experience to its users and (2) supporting them in advancing through a patient engagement development. This contribution would constitute a practical example of how these fundamental factors should be considered and evaluated when implementing positive technology for healthcare

    Beach monitoring and morphological response in the presence of coastal defense strategies at riccione (Italy)

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    The coastal area at Riccione, in the southern Emilia-Romagna littoral region, is exposed to erosive processes, which are expected to be enhanced by climate change. The beach, mostly composed of fine sand, is maintained through various defense strategies, including frequent nourishment interventions for balancing the sediment deficit and other experimental solutions for reducing coastal erosion. Artificial reshaping of the beach and \u201ccommon practices\u201d in the sediment management redefine the beach morphology and the sediment redistribution almost continuously. These activities overlap each other and with the coastal dynamics, and this makes it very difficult to evaluate their effectiveness, as well as the role of natural processes on the beach morphological evolution. Topo-bathymetric and sedimentological monitoring of the beach has been carried out on a regular basis since 2000 by the Regional Agency for Prevention, Environment and Energy of Emilia-Romagna (Arpae). Further monitoring of the emerged and submerged beach has been carried out in 2019\u20132021 in the framework of the research project STIMARE, focusing on innovative strategies for coastal monitoring in relation with erosion risk. The aim of this study is to assess the coastal behavior at the interannual/seasonal scale in the southern coastal stretch of Riccione, where the adopted coastal defense strategies and management actions mostly control the morphological variations in the emerged and submerged beach besides the wave and current regime. The topo-bathymetric variations and erosion/accretion patterns provided by multitemporal monitoring have been related to natural processes and to anthropogenic activities. The morphological variations have been also assessed in volumetric terms in the different subzones of the beach, with the aim of better understanding the onshore/offshore sediment exchange in relation with nourishments and in the presence of protection structures. The effectiveness of the adopted interventions to combat erosion, and to cope with future climate change-related impacts, appears not fully successful in the presence of an overall sediment deficit at the coast. This demonstrates the need for repeated monitoring of the emerged and submerged beach in such a critical setting

    Techno-Economic Analysis of ORC in Gas Compression Stations Taking Into Account Actual Operating Conditions

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    Abstract Gas compressor stations represent a huge potential for exhaust heat recovery, currently under-exploited. Typical installations consist of multiple gas turbine units in mechanical drive arrangement, operated, most of the time, at part-load conditions and with limited conversion efficiency. In this context, this paper investigates the energetic-economic potential of ORC application in typical gas compression facilities, as innovative contribution with respect to literature. The ORC is designed to convert the gas turbines wasted heat into useful power. Additional power output can be used either inside the compression facility, reducing the amount of consumed natural gas and, consequently, the environmental impact, or delivered to the electrical grid. Taking into account real operation of gas turbines in a natural gas compression station, located in North America, additional generated energy and CO 2 avoided, thanks to ORC operation, are quantified. Two ORC arrangements, namely with and without intermediate heat transfer fluid, are proposed and the design performance are identified. Influence of topper cycle part load operations on bottomer section are quantified through an off-design thermodynamic evaluation. The goal of the performed analysis is to obtain a detailed scenario of the integrated system operation on yearly basis. Results, for a reference 50 MW compression station, show that the direct heat exchange configuration guarantees up to 66 GWh/year of additional electrical energy, saving up to 36*10 3 tons/year of CO 2 , while ORC investment costs can be recovered within 7 years of operation. The performed comprehensive investigation assesses the ORC as a techno-economic profitable technology to recover wasted heat in natural gas compression facilities

    Analytical and clinical validation of a blood progranulin ELISA in frontotemporal dementias

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    Heterozygous mutations in the granulin (GRN) gene may result in haploinsufficiency of progranulin (PGRN), which might lead to frontotemporal dementia (FTD). In this study, we aimed to perform analytical and clinical validation of a commercial progranulin kit for clinical use. Analytical validation parameters including assay precision, selectivity, measurement range, dilution linearity, interferences and sample stability were tested according to previously described procedures. For clinical validation, PGRN levels were measured in plasma from 32 cognitively healthy individuals, 52 confirmed GRN mutation carriers, 25 C9orf72 mutation carriers and 216 patients with different neurodegenerative diseases of which 70 were confirmed as non-mutation carriers. Among the analytical validation parameters, assay precision and repeatability were very stable (coefficients of variation <7 %). Spike recovery was 96 %, the measurement range was 6.25-400 μg/L and dilution linearity ranged from 1:50-1:200. Hemolysis did not interfere with progranulin levels, and these were resistant to freeze/thaw cycles and storage at different temperatures. For the clinical validation, the assay was capable of distinguishing GRN mutation carriers from controls and non-GRN mutation carriers with very good sensitivity and specificity at a cut-off of 57 μg/L (97 %, 100 %, respectively). In this study, we demonstrate robust analytical and diagnostic performance of this commercial progranulin kit for implementation in clinical laboratory practice. This easy-to-use test allows identification of potential GRN mutation carriers, which may guide further evaluation of the patient. This assay might also be used to evaluate the effect of novel PGRN-targeting drugs and therapies

    A comparison of data mining approaches in the categorization of oral anticoagulation patients

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    Oral anticoagulation therapy, largely performed bywarfarin-based drugs, is commonly used for patientswith a high risk of blood clotting which can lead to stroke or thrombosis. The state of the patient, with respect to anticoagulation, is captured by the index INR, which is to be kept within a therapeutic range. The patients\u2019 response is marked by high interindividual and inter-temporal variability, which can lead to serious adverse events. Polymorphisms of two genes CYP2C9 and VKORC1, considered markers of lower dosage requirements, still account for a relatively minor part of this variability. In this work, authors show that classification methods can identify groups of patients homogeneous with respect to the dynamics of INR. In particular, authors use classification methods in order to characterize patients according to their warfarin metabolism and hence their sensitivity to different doses. Finally a Markov model to capture the dynamics of the patient\u2019sresponse over the years is propose
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