543 research outputs found

    Determination of physicomechanical properties of velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens) from South Eastern Nigeria

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    Selected physical and mechanical properties of velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens) were studied at two moisture content levels of 13% and 20% (db). Compression strength characteristics were conducted under quasi-static compressive force at longitudinal and latitudinal (lateral) loading positions and the rupture forces, compressive strength, modulus of deformability, toughness, stiffness and force at bio-yield point determined as the mechanical properties at varying loading positions. Results indicated that volume (7.398 - 9.416 mm3), surface area (73.289 - 111.782 mm2), geometric mean diameter (9.18 - 11.68mm), and weight (0.872 - 1.055 g) of the velvet bean seed increased linearly with increase in moisture content. Also, the bulk density, specific gravity (0.118 - 0.112 g/mm3), sphericity (0.737 - 0.704) and aspect ratio (0.776 - 0.719) decreased linearly with increase in moisture content. These indicate that Velvet beans have wide size ranges and no single sample of the grains can effectively represent the other. In the case of the force-deformation characteristics, result indicates that the force and corresponding deformation to rupture of velvet bean seeds were found to vary from 525N, 5mm in longitudinal loading position to 800N, 7mm in lateral loading position at 13% moisture content and 131.25N, 3mm in longitudinal loading to 237.5N, 4.75mm in lateral loading at 20% (wb) moisture content. The bio-yield force, compressive strength, stiffness and toughness of the velvet bean seeds varied from 375 N, 14.412 N/mm2, 105 N/mm and 354.836 J/mm3respectively in longitudinal loading position to 475 N, 21, 961 N/mm2, 114. 286 N/mm2 and 756.961 N/mm2respectively in lateral loading position at 13% moisture content and 112.5N, 3.53N/mm2, 43.75 N/mm and 41.817 J/mm3respectively in longitudinal loading and 175 N, 6.388 N/mm2, 50 N/mm and 119.809 J/mm3respectively in lateral loading at 20% (wb) moisture content. Generally, the compressive strength of the velvet bean seeds is higher at lateral loading position than at the longitudinal loading position.Key Words: Physical Properties, Mechanical Properties, Velvet Bean, Moisture content, Loading Positions

    Determination of Slope of Enugu for Erosion Models

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    Slope in soil erosion models (soil loss equations) refer to slope components known as the LS factor. Generating the LS values poses the largest problem in using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). This work gives the practical solution to slope determination using two methods; the direct field measurement and the topomap techniques. From direct field measurement technique, slope was ascertained by excavation of the study area and measurement of the selected vertical distance (rise) over a selected horizontal distance (run), which was used for the determination of the slope length and gradient (angle) using the general slope equations. Using the topomap method, point A and B were identified on the map sheet, the elevations of point A and B were obtained from the contour lines while the distance of the two points were obtained from the map using a meter rule and the map scale. The values of their elevations (rise) over their distances (run) were used to compute slope length which was useful in obtaining slope angle. Either way, the values of L and S were multiplied together to generate a single value known as the LS factor which is applicable in the Universal soil loss equation and other erosion models to be developed in the area in future years. These models can be used to calculate and predict soil erosion occurrence in the study area; Enugu State of Nigeria. Slope management techniques to minimize erosion were also prescribed as a prevention strategy rather than remediation of eroded soil

    Material Losses and Garri Recovery Rate during the Processing of Varieties of Cassava into Garri

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    Materials losses and garri yield during garri processing on different cassava varieties; TMS/92/0057, TMS/30572, TME/419 and Vitamin A: 01/1368 were conducted. The results showed that there were variations within the different processing unit as well as the cassava varieties during garri processing. Losses were recorded highest at grating, dewatering and fermentation processes with the values of 9kg from TMS/92/0057 recording the highest loss, 8.5kg from Vitamin A: 01/1368, 7.7kg from TMS/30572 and 7kg from TME/419. On roasting processes, TMS/30572 had 3.2kg loss, Vitamin A: 01/1368, had 2.5kg loss, while TME/419 and TMS/92/0057 had 2kg loss respectively. Material losses at peeling showed that Vitamin A: 01/1368 recorded 4.5kg loss being the highest, TMS/92/0057 and TME/419 recorded 3kg loss each, while TMS/30572 recorded 2.5kg loss. Sifting losses indicated that vitamin A: 01/1368 and TME/419 had 1kg loss each, whereas TMS/30572 had 0.8kg loss and TMS/92/0057 had 0.5kg loss. Overall material loss for each cassava variety based on fresh weight of 20kg and maturity age of 14 weeks was determined, which vitamin A: 01/1368 recorded the highest loss of 16.5kg, TMS/92/0057 had 14.5kg loss, TMS/30572 had 14.2kg loss and TME/419 recorded 13kg loss. The total garri yield from each variety was also determined with TME/419 having 7kg yield, TMS/30572 had 5.8kg yield, TMS/92/0057 had 5.5kg yield and Vitamin A: 01/1368 recorded 3.5kg yield. Percentage losses from the tested varieties showed that vitamin A: 01/1368 had the highest percentage of 82.5% loss, TMS/92/0057 had 72.5% loss, TMS/30572 had 71% loss and TME/419 recorded 65% loss. Percentage yield of garri was also determined on the cassava varieties, this showed that TME/419 had 35% yield being the maximum, TMS/30572 had 29% yield, TMS/92/0057 had 27.5% yield and Vitamin A: 01/1368 recorded 17.5% yield

    Impact of internet use on students and lecturers in higher institutions of learning

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    The study investigated the impact of the internet on carrying academic activities in higher institutions of learning in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. The study adopted survey research design. Three research questions guided the study. Data were collected with questionnaire. The population of the study comprises of all the students and lecturers in Ebonyi State higher institutions of learning. Purposeful sampling technique was used to select 250 respondents for the study. Data collected were analysed using mean scores. The study found that internet has positive impact on students’ performance in assignment and research project as well as lecturers’ lecture notes and research activities.Keywords: Internet; Academic Activities, Higher Education, Teaching and Learnin

    Use Of Informatıon And Communıcatıon Technology (Ict) Devıces For Instructıonal Delıvery In Secondary Schools In Ebonyı State Of Nıgerıa

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    The study examined teachers perceptions on the use of information and communication technology (ICT) devices for instructional delivery in secondary schools in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Four research questions guided the study. The population of the study comprised of all the three thousand two hundred and eighty-five (3,285) teacher in the two hundred and twenty-one (221) public secondary schools in Ebonyi State. Simple random sampling technique was used to select (8) teachers each from ninety schools used for the study to give a sample of seven hundred and twenty (720) respondents. The instrument used for data collection was structured questionnaire. Pearson’s Moment Correlation Co-efficient was used to calculate the reliability co-efficient of the pilot tests to get established reliability value of 0.79. The data collected were analysed using mean scores. It was found among other things that ICT devices are not adequately available, most available ICT devices are not in good working condition in schools studied, hence they are not adequately used and above all trained personnel are not also adequately available to operate the functional ones. Government through her appropriate agencies should as a matter of urgency procure and distribute the necessary ICT devices to secondary schools, more trained personnel should be recruited but for the interim the available ones could be retrained through short term holiday programmes, workshops and conferences to ensure adequate use and maintenance of these ICT devices as this will go a long way in improving instructional delivery in Ebonyi State Secondary Schools

    Perspectives and practices of cancer screening among workers at a tertiary health facility in Nigeria: indications for adaptation and integration of best practices

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    Objectives: This study identified correlates of good screening performance for three common cancers, while weighing them against the backdrop of existing knowledge, to enable policy makers and healthcare providers focus appropriately to close the gaps that exist in cancer screening in our locale.Study design: Cross-sectional designSetting: Tertiary health facilityParticipants: Workers at Delta State University Teaching Hospital, NigeriaResults: Females had significantly better knowledge of cervical cancer, p<0.001; their knowledge of the other two cancers studied did not differ significantly from that of males. Staff members with less than 2 years of service, consistently had significantly better knowledge of all 3 cancers than others, p<0.05. Staff with good knowledge of all 3cancers also decreased significantly with increasing number of years since graduation, p<0.001. Workers in clinical departments generally had better attitude towards screening for all 3 cancers compared to their counterparts in the non-clinical departments, p<0.001. Tertiary education, being in a clinical department, and Christianity were associatedwith a better attitude and practice of screening. The practice of screening was generally poor, as 54.9% and 89% of females had never screened for breast cancer and cervical cancer respectively; while almost all (93.5%) males 40 years and over had never screened for prostate cancer.Conclusion: Overall, knowledge of cancer screening was fair for all cancers; attitude to screening was good towards all cancers. However, significant gaps in compliance with screening were identified for all cancers. Setting up screening facilities and programmes in the work place could help to close these gaps.Keywords: Cancer; screening; perspectives; practices; health workersFunding: None declare


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    ABSTRACT The study assessed the application of ICT in tertiary institutions in Ebonyi State. Three research questions guided the study. A survey research design was adopted for the study. 160 respondents constituted the population for the study. The study was conducted in 3 tertiary institutions in Ebonyi State of Nigeria. There was no sampling because the population was small. Structured questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. Weighted mean was used to analyze the research questions. The findings of the study revealed lack of ICT facilities, and lack of trained personnel in schools to operate ICT facilities in tertiary institutions in the State. It was recommended that government should provide among other things, ICT facilities, constant workshops and in-service training for lecturers and other staff to train them on the application of ICT facilities in order to improve teaching and learning in higher institutions in the state

    Phytochemical analysis and antifungi activity of aloe vera leaves

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    The medicinal and other claimed uses of Aloe vera, the “wonder plant”, are endless. The extract for phytochemical analysis was collected in three different solvents, diethyl ether, ethanol and distilled water. The anti-fungal activities of the leaf extract were investigated on selected fungi organisms; Trycophytum rubrum, Penicillum notatum, Trycophytum vericophytum, Trycophytum soundanense, Claudosporium and Trycophytum mentagrophytis collected from Mycology Laboratory, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu, Nigeria. The plant extract was collected crude without solvent and agar-well diffusion method employed for the determination of antifungal activities on the test organisms using 200 mg ketoconazole drug as standard. The phytochemical constituents of aloe vera leaf include alkaloids, flavonoids, saponin, phenol, glycosides and tannins. Both undiluted and half diluted crude extract showed different zones of inhibition on the test organisms. The undiluted crude extract of Aloe vera had larger zone of inhibition on Trycophytum rubrum and Trycophytum mentagrophytis than the diluted crude extract while the diluted crude extract showed larger zone of inhibition on Trycophytum vericopytum than the undiluted crude extract.Keywords: Aloe vera, Phytochemicals, Constituents, Antifungal propertie

    The Role of Epigenetic Alterations in Papillary Thyroid Carcinogenesis

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    Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) accounts for over 80% of all thyroid malignancies. The molecular pathogenesis remains incompletely clarified although activation of the RET fusion oncogenes, and RAS and BRAF oncogenes, has been well characterized. Novel technologies using genome-wide approaches to study tumor genomes and epigenomes have provided great insights into tumor development. Growing evidence shows that acquired epigenetic abnormalities participate with genetic alterations to cause altered patterns of gene expression/function. It has been established beyond doubt that promoter cytosine methylation in CpG islands, and the subsequent gene silencing, is intimately involved in cancer development. These epigenetic events very likely contribute to significant variation in gene expression profiling, phenotypic features, and biologic characteristics seen in PTC. Hypermethylation of promoter regions has also been analyzed in PTC, and most studies have focused on individual genes or a small cohort of genes implicated in tumorigenesis

    Separation of oil palm kernel and shell mixture using soil and palm ash slurries

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    This study investigated the possibility of separating oil palm kernel and shell mixture using media other than clay in wet separation. The separation efficiency of each medium ["Ikwube" (anthill), palm ash and sandy loam soil] was compared with that of clay. The effect of media type, specific gravity of the slurry, pH and slurry viscosity on the efficiency of separation were studied. The media/water ratio of 0.20:1, 0.30:1, 0.40:1, and 0.50:1 by weight were prepared in four aluminum pots for each medium at a time and each used to separate 20kg of cracked nut (palm kernel and shell mixture). The specific gravity and viscosity increases with increase in media/water ratio while the pH decreases. Higher slurry viscosity resulted in a better separation but there is decrease in the efficiency when viscosity is above 3.5 and 5.5 cP for clay and "Ikwube" respectively. The suitable media slurries were found to have specific gravities between 1.04 and 1.12. The optimum condition in which separation efficiency was found in the media/water ratio of 0.30:1. Among the media used, "Ikwube" was found to be comparable to clay at a medium-to-water ratio of 0.30:1 giving 98.93% efficiency. Thus, it is recommended that "Ikwube" can be used in place of clay for wet separation.Key words: Oil Palm Kernel, Kernel Shell, Separation, Clay Soil, “Ikwube” (anthill)