490 research outputs found


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    Seismic Explosive Energy Sources and the Possible Impact on Groundwater Quality in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria

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    The possible impact of the use of seismic explosive energy sources on groundwater quality in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria was investigated. A 3-Dimensional seismic survey was carried in OML X in the Niger Delta area using dynamite as the energy source. A total of 116,349.2 kg of dynamite was detonated in 60,398 source points in an area of 771.26 square kilometres, an equivalent of explosive densification of 150.85 kg/km2. Each shot point was loaded with a charge of 2kg of dynamite and a piece of electrical detonator. The possible impact of these dynamite shots on the groundwater was monitored using 7 boreholes evenly distributed in the area. The average coefficient of permeability of the soil of the area collected from the depths of 25m and 50m were 0.019cm/s and 0.55cm/s respectively. Water samples from the boreholes were analysed using standard methods. Control samples were taken from the borehole stations a day before detonation of dynamite. Another sampling was carried out 10 days after dynamites detonation. During the study there was regular rainfall and 10 days was considered sufficient for any pollutant resulting from the detonation of the explosives to travelled to the commonly exploited aquifers in the area considering the permeability of the soil. A comparison of the analyses results showed that the detonation of dynamite did not have any noticeable impact on the groundwater quality of the area.Keywords: seismic, explosive, groundwater contamination, Niger Delt

    Normative ultrasound values of renal parenchymal thickness among adults in Enugu, South-East Nigeria.

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    Background: Reduction in renal length was found to be an insufficient independent indicator of chronic renal disease.Objective: To determine the ultrasound normative values of renal parenchymal thickness (RPT) among adults and correlate them with age and somatometric parameters.Methods: This was a prospective clinic based study involving 310 normal adults (135 males and 175 females) scanned at University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu between August 2003 and November 2004. The RPT measurements were made from the outer renal cortical margin to the outer margin of the sinus echoes at the three major poles. The age, height, weight and body mass index were recorded for each subject.Results: The average RPT are 1.85 + 0.20 cm for the right kidney and 1.95 + 0.19 cm for the left kidney. RPT exhibited strong positive correlation with height, weight and body mass index and significant negative correlation with age. No significant difference in mean RPT of both kidneys between genders (p > 0.05). The mean RPT of the left kidney was found to be statistically higher than that of the right kidney (p < 0.05).Conclusion: Normal values of RPT are important in the evaluation of patients with chronic renal disease.Keywords: Adult, Kidney, Parenchymal thickness, 1Ultrasound

    Postnatal probiotic supplementation can prevent and optimize treatment of childhood asthma and atopic disorders: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials

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    Background: Although several randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published over the past 5 years show that prenatal or postnatal probiotics may prevent or optimize the treatment of childhood asthma and atopic disorders, findings from the systematic reviews and meta-analyses of these studies appear inconsistent. More recent RCTs have focused on postnatal probiotics, and linked specific probiotic strains to better disease outcomes. Objective: This systematic review aimed to determine if postnatal probiotics are as effective as prenatal probiotics in preventing or treating childhood asthma and atopic disorders. Methods: We searched the PubMed, Medline, Google Scholar, and EMBASE databases for RCTs published within the past 5 years (from 2017 to 2022). We included only full-text RCTs on human subjects published in or translated into the English language. We retrieved relevant data items with a preconceived data-extraction form and assessed the methodological quality of the selected RCTs using the Cochrane Collaboration's tool for assessing the risk of bias in randomized trials. We qualitatively synthesized the retrieved data to determine any significant differences in study endpoints of the probiotic and placebo groups. Results: A total of 1,320 participants (688 and 632 in the probiotic and placebo groups) from six RCTs were investigated. One RCT showed that early Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) led to a reduction in the cumulative incidence rate of asthma. Another study demonstrated that mixed strains of Lactobacillus paracasei and Lactobacillus fermentum could support clinical improvement in children with asthma while one trial reported a significant reduction in the frequency of asthma exacerbations using a mixture of Ligilactobacillus salivarius and Bifidobacterium breve. Three trials showed that a combination of LGG and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp lactis, Lactobacillus rhamnosus alone, and a probiotic mixture of Lactobacillus LOCK strains improved clinical outcomes in children with atopic dermatitis and cow-milk protein allergy. Conclusions: Postnatal strain-specific probiotics (in single or mixed forms) are beneficial in preventing and treating atopic dermatitis and other allergies. Similarly, specific strains are more effective in preventing asthma or improving asthma outcomes. We recommend more interventional studies to establish the most useful probiotic strain in these allergic diseases

    An Assessment of Adherence to Professional Ethics and Practices among Medical Radiographers in Lagos State, Nigeria.

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    Background: Radiography practice integrates scientific knowledge and technical skills which has to be complemented by regular exercise of sound professional and ethical judgment in order to ensure qualitypatient care and acquisition of useful diagnostic information. This study investigated the extent of adherence to professional ethics and practices by practicing radiographers in Lagos state, Nigeria.Methodology: A structured, self administered questionnaire was randomly distributed to two hundred practicing radiographers in various public and private healthcare facilities in Lagos state. The respondents were broadly assessed on ethical handling of patients, adherence to continuous professional development & training, and participation in other professional responsibilities. The completed questionnaires were verified and corroborated by substantiated proof of claim by each respondent. Data analysis was by a statisticalsoftware Epi-Info.3.5.1 version.Results: Majority (85%) of the respondents rated ethical handling of patients excellent. However, none of the respondents had regular implementation of quality assurance on their equipments while only 28.8% of the respondents attended at least one mandatory continuous professional development programme within the past one year. The adherence of the participants to other evaluated professional and ethical issues was found to be 51.6%.Conclusion: The adherence of Radiographers to professional ethical handling of patients was rated excellent. However, implementation of quality assurance programmes on equipments and adherence to continuous professional development were grossly low. It is recommended that efforts towards increased emphasis on the importance of practitioner adherence to professional/ethical issues during training in continuous development programmes, conferences, seminars and short courses or direct enrolment in further postgraduate degrees, be intensified

    Longitudinal changes of blood parameters and weight in inoperable stage III NSCLC patients treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy followed by maintenance treatment with durvalumab

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    Background Investigating dynamic changes in blood-parameters and weight in patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) receiving durvalumab maintenance therapy after chemoradiotherapy (cCRT). Laboratory outcomes were determined based on the number of durvalumab administrations received. Methods Twenty-two patients completed platinum-based cCRT followed by maintenance treatment with durvalumab. Different parameters such as hemoglobin (Hb), leukocytes, Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), C-reactive protein (CRP), body weight and albumin were analyzed before cCRT, after cCRT, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after starting durvalumab maintenance. Results Sixteen (72.7%) patients were male; twelve (54.5%) and fifteen (68.2%) patients had non-squamous histology and Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) stage IIIB-C disease, respectively. Median follow-up time was 24.4 months; 12- and 18-months- progression-free and overall-survival rates were 55.0% and 45.0 as well as 90.2 and 85.0%, respectively. During maintenance treatment Hb increased by 1.93 mg/dl (17.53%) after 9 months ( p < 0.001) and 2.02 mg/dl (18.46%) after 12 months compared to the start of durvalumab ( p < 0.001). LDH decreased by 29.86 U/l (− 11.74%) after 3 months ( p = 0.022). Receipt of at least 12 cycles of durvalumab was beneficial in terms of Hb-recovery (Hb 6 months: 12.64 vs. 10.86 [mg/dl]; Hb 9 months: 13.33 vs 11.74 [mg/dl]; ( p = 0.03)). Median weight change [kilogram (kg)] was + 6.06% (range: − 8.89 − + 18.75%) after 12 months. The number of durvalumab cycles significantly correlated with total weight gain [kg] (Spearman-Rho-correlation: r = 0.502*). Conclusion In the investigated cohort, no severe hematologic toxicity occurred by laboratory blood tests within 1 year of durvalumab maintenance therapy after cCRT for unresectable stage III NSCLC. Receiving at least 12 cycles of durvalumab appears to have a significant effect on recovery of hemoglobin levels and body weight

    Comparative Evaluation of Batch and Continuous Anaerobic Digesters in Biogas Production from Municipal Solid Waste using Mathematical Models

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    An investigation was conducted into the suitability of either of the batch or continuous (CSTR) digesters for anaerobic degradation of municipal solid waste (MSW) in the production of biogas. Mathematical models were developed for the design and evaluation of the two systems. The development of the models was based upon a material balance analysis of the digesters'operation. A Microsoft Visual Basic Version 6.0 Programme was developed for the solution ofthe model equations, and the digesters' operations simulated over a range of percentage total solids (PTS) concentration of 4-10% for the CSTR and 4-30% for the batch digester, and fractional conversion of 0.2-0.8. The results of the simulation show that although the amount of methane (0.0764m3) produced per unit volume of the batch digester is about 4 times less than the amount (0.284m3) per unit volume of the CSTR, the cost per unit volume of the batch digester (5.98)is6timeslessthanthatoftheCSTR(5.98) is 6 times less than that of the CSTR (33.8), suggesting that the overall cost of producing gas with the batch digester would be more economical. So, it was deduced that the batch digester is better suited for the digestion of MSW for biogas production, compared to the CST

    Implications of Indoor Air Pollution in Business Buildings in Nigeria

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    &nbsp;Globally, the majority of individuals spend 90 percent of their daily routine time indoors. Outside air pollution adds to the toxins created in interior spaces owing to heating and cooling, which has a substantial impact on person healthiness (illness that results in mortality and morbidity) and productiveness. This study investigates the implications of air pollution on interior air quality in commercial buildings such as event centres in Kogi State, Nigeria. Descriptive research approach was used with a questionnaire administered to 120 participants chosen through a random sampling procedure in business buildings. Findings indicated that inadequate window and tiny door size, including absence of mechanical cooling devices linked favourably with higher temperature in the interior but negatively with its moistness. The results show that indoor air quality has negatively impacted on the workforce performance and productivity of the customers, and also on the efficiency of their activities in the event centres. Implication for practice is that designs of apertures should be large enough to allow for cross ventilation while mechanical cooling systems should be included in the design for optimal interior air quality. The study recommends synergistic interventions from academics, policymakers, and occupational practitioners to improve national standard and its implementation for the management and regulation of indoor air quality in inside settings in Nigeri

    Is meat inspection suitable for the surveillance of animal health (AH) in the pig sector?

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    In England & Wales, ante and post-mortem (PM) data for lesions observed during meat inspection at the abattoir are recorded in the Food Standards Agency (FSA) Collection and Communication of Inspection Results (CCIR) system. FSA data are reported to livestock producers but are not used systematically to monitor trends of specific conditions, nor to detect changes in disease syndromes. An advantage of using FSA data for AH surveillance purposes is the high population coverage; a disadvantage is the lack of accuracy. The voluntary BPEX Pig Health Scheme, BPHS, provides more accurate reports from standardised abattoir assessments of 12 PM lesions that reflect disease and welfare conditions of economic significance. FSA data were compared with BPHS data, for respiratory and tail bite lesions, from the same period (June 2008 - May 2012). There were approximately 900,000 BPHS pigs (from 2,543 premises) and 19 million pigs (31,578 premises) in CCIR. Generalised linear mixed models were used to examine the data to detect significant differences in trends and seasonality. Additionally, specific batches were compared in three abattoirs during four trials in 2013. Agreement between the two datasets, in the four trials, was evaluated using the correlation coefficient and the Kappa value, while significance was assessed using McNemar and paired t-test. National temporal trend analysis showed an increase in respiratory disease in both datasets but seasonality and prevalence differed. For tail bite lesions, the temporal trend and seasonal patterns were completely different. In the four trials, 332 batches of pigs were compared. The correlation of respiratory disease was low between the datasets as was the identification of positive batches for conditions such as tail bite. These results lead to the conclusion that, although routine meat inspection data has potential for AH surveillance purposes, it needs significant improvement to replace the BPHS

    Assessment of Selected Physico Chemical Properties of Soil for Site Suitability for Waste Disposal in Abakaliki, Southeast, Nigeria

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    An assessment of the physicochemical properties of soil for site waste disposal was carried out in Abakaliki urban, southeastern Nigeria. Three sites namely: Waterworks road (WR), Hill top (HT) and Azuiyiokwu (AZ) were randomly selected. Soil samples were collected from 0-15 cm and 15-30 cm depths from the sites. The soil samples were analyzed for physicochemical properties. The results showed variations in soil properties of the three sites which indicate suitability of the different sites or otherwise for waste disposal. The relationship between  percent sand  moisture content on dry mass basis and total porosity was generally highly significant (P&gt;0.01). Similarly, the relationship between percent sand and saturated hydraulic conductivity was also highly significant. Available P highly correlated with total porosity and saturated hydraulic conductivity. The sites with high sand percentage are good for refuse disposal while the ones with high clay percentage have problems of water logging and  build up of pollution for ground water. Dumpsites Water works road (WR) and Hilltop (HT) are better for waste disposal than dumpsite Azuiyiokwu (AZ). Keywords: Dumpsites, physicochemical, refuse, soil