11 research outputs found


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    Keterampilan membaca pemahaman merupakan hal yang penting dikuasai oleh siswa di Sekolah Dasar. Ketidakmampuan membaca pemahaman menyebabkan siswa tertinggal untuk memperoleh informasi maupun dalam mengikuti pembelajaran di sekolah. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi adanya permasalahan siswa di kelas tinggi yang umumnya dapat membaca dengan lancar, namun mereka tidak paham apa yang mereka baca. Kesulitan tersebut terjadi karena siswa kelas tinggi sudah berada pada tahapan membaca yang harus mengutamakan makna dari sebuah bacaan. Untuk dapat memahami sebuah bacaan, siswa kelas tinggi dituntut harus memiliki kompetensi linguistik dalam kemampuan tata bahasa (sintaksis). Kemampuan dalam tata bahasa (sintaksis) tersebut yang akan menentukan makna kata (semantik) dari sebuah kalimat bahkan sebuah bacaan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor prediktor yang mempengaruhi kesulitan membaca pemahaman pada siswa yang mengalami kesulitan membaca pemahaman pada aspek kompetensi linguistik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui angket tidak langsung dan tertutup dengan check list, sehingga responden tinggal memilih jawaban yang sesuai pada kolom yang tersedia. Responden dalam penelitian ini yakni guru-guru yang memiliki pengalaman dalam mengajar siswa kesulitan membaca pemahaman. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yakni teknik analisis faktor, di mana dari faktor-faktor yang jumlahnya sangat banyak direduksi menjadi faktor yang lebih sedikit tetapi masih memuat informasi dari faktor atau variabel asli. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis, mengenai faktor-faktor prediktor yang mempengaruhi kesulitan membaca pemahaman dilihat dari aspek kompetensi linguistik, maka terbentuk empat faktor yang mempengaruhi kesulitan membaca pemahaman pada siswa kesulitan membaca pemahaman yaitu: (1) faktor kosakata, (2) faktor makna kata, (3) faktor gramatikal, (4) faktor pembeda kalimat. Dengan ditemukannya faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi membaca pemahaman tersebut, maka upaya memecahkan permasalahan tersebut, yakni salah satunya dengan penerapan strategi pembelajaran yang tepat, misalnya memanfaatkan apa yang telah siswa ketahui tentang suatu topik dan mengintegrasikan dengan pelajaran baru, menjelaskan kosakata baru yang asing bagi siswa. Kata Kunci: kesulitan membaca pemahaman, faktor-faktor prediktor Reading comprehension skill is an important matter that primary school students must master. Their inability in reading comprehension will make them left behind to get information and follow the learning process at school. This research is motivated by the problem that the students in high class generally can read fluently but do not comprehend what they read. Such a problem persists because the students in high class have been in the phase of reading which prioritizes meanings of a reading passage. To comprehend a reading passage, they are demanded to bear a linguistic competency i.e. syntax. This grammar ability will determine the meanings of words in a sentence and even in a passage. The objective of this research is to investigate the predictor factors affecting the reading comprehension difficulty of the students with reading comprehension difficulty on the aspect of linguistic competency. This research employed the quantitative approach with the descriptive method. The data of research were collected through indirect and closed questionnaire with checklist in which the respondents were required to choose the intended options in the appropriate columns. The respondents were teachers with experiences in teaching the students with reading comprehension difficulty. The data were analyzed by using the factor analysis technique. The factors which were in a highly great number were reduced into a smaller number, but still contained or bore the original factors or variables. The result of analysis shows that in term of linguistic competency there are four factors that affect the reading comprehension difficulty of the students with reading comprehension difficulty, namely: (1) vocabularies, (2) word meanings, (3) grammars, and (4) sentence differentiators. With the finding of such factors, the aforementioned problem can be solved with the application of appropriate learning strategies such as utilizing what the students already knew about a topic and integrating it with the lesson delivered by the teacher and explaining the strange new vocabularies to the students. Keywords: Reading comprehension difficulty, predictor factor

    The Need for Accessibility of Public Infrastructure for People with Physical Disabilities in Pelambuan, Banjarmasin City

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    This research’s background is from the needs of people with disabilities in Pelambuan regarding the accessibility of public infrastructure. The large number of physical disability people in Pelambuan who experience mobility difficulties demands an inclusive area. The need for accessibility of public infrastructure includes: pedestrian paths, parking areas, stairs and ramp for physical disabilities must be well provided. The purpose of this research in Pelambuan is to determine accessibility of public infrastructure for physical disability, such as pedestrian paths, parking areas, stairs and ramps. This research type is quantitative descriptive. The data sources are 50 people with physical disability and 10 non-disabled people. Data collection techniques in this research are questionnaire, observation & documentation. The validity of the data using source triangulation techniques & method triangulation. Data analysis techniques consist of data collection, data reduction, data presentation & conclusions. The results of this research showed that public infrastructure in Pelambuan is less accessible for physical disabilities, because it comes out with 55,4%. The condition of pedestrian paths in Pelambuan still bumpy, there are no handrails, broken stairs, broken resting seat, broken guiding block and there is no ramp. Pelambuan doesn’t have parking area for disabilities people. The stairs are not fully accessible yet because some of stairs are already fragile, slippery material, the height of the stairs is not up to ideal standars for accessibility. Then, majority of ramps are steep and have no handrails

    Neurological Disorders Detection Based on Computer Brain Interface Using Centralized Blockchain with Intrusion System

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    A brain-computer interface (BCI) would afford real-time communication, pointedly refining the standard of lifespan, brain-to-internet (B2I) connection, and interaction between the external digital devices and the brain. This assistive technology invents information and transmission advancement patterns, like directly linking the brain and multimedia gadgets to the cyber world. This system will convert brain data to signals which is understandable by multimedia gadgets without physical intervention and exchanges human-related languages with external atmosphere control protocols. These progressive difficulties would limit security severely. Hence, the rate of ransomware, attacks, malware, and other types of vulnerabilities will be rising radically. On the other hand, the necessity to enhance conventional processes for investigating cyberenvironment security facets. This article presents a Neurological Disorders Detection based on Computer Brain Interface Using Centralized Blockchain with Intrusion System (NDDCBI-CBIS). The projected NDDCBI-CBIS technique focuses on the identification of neurological disorders and epileptic seizure detection. To attain this, the presented NDDCBI-CBIS technique pre-processes the biomedical signals. Next, to detect epileptic seizures, long short-term memory (LSTM) model is applied. The experimental evaluation of the NDDCBI-CBIS approach can be tested by making use of the medical dataset and the outcomes inferred from the enhanced outcomes of the NDDCBI-CBIS technique


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    The purpose of this study is to determine the increase in intensive reading skills through the implementation of the strategy KWL (Know-Want to know-Learned) Class III student learning disabilities, SD N Manahan Surakarta, academic year 2011/2012. The research use approaches Classroom Action Research / Action Research. Subjects who obtained the students' classroom learning disabilities of class III SD Negeri Manahan Surakarta, amounting to 4 students. Data collection techniques used were observation technique, interview, test and document review. To test the validity of the data, the authors use the triangulation method, triangulation of data (source) and review informan.Technic analysis used is a critical analysis and comparative descriptive analysis. Qualitative data were analyzed with the techniques of critical analysis of the data while the test is classified as a form of quantitative data. Data were analyzed using descriptive comparative, ie, comparing test scores between cycles with indicators of achievement. The results showed an increase in reading ability is significantly intensified by applying the strategy KWL (Know-Want to know-Learned), from the initial conditions which amounted to 75% in cycle I and cycle II by 25% of cycle I. Based on the research results can be concluded that the implementation of the strategy KWL (Know-Want to know-Learned) can improve the reading skills of students disabilities intensively studied class III of SD Negeri Manahan Surakarta in the academic year 2011/2012. Key word:KWL, Intensive reading,learning disability Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan membaca intensif melalui penerapan strategi KWL (Know-Want to know-Learned) siswa berkesulitan belajar kelas III SDN Manahan Surakarta tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Classroom Action Research/ Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Subyek yang memperoleh perlakuan adalah siswa berkesulitan belajar kelas III SD Negeri Manahan Surakarta yang berjumlah 4 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik observasi, wawancara, tes dan kajian dokumen. Untuk menguji validitas data, penulis menggunakan triangulasi metode, triangulasi data (sumber) dan review informan.Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis kritis dan analisis deskriptif komparatif. Data kualitatif dianalisis dengan teknik analisis kritis sedangkan data yang berupa tes diklasifikasikan sebagai data kuantitatif. Data tersebut dianalisis secara deskriptif komparatif, yakni membandingkan nilai tes antar siklus dengan indikator pencapaian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan kemampuan membaca intensif yang signifikan dengan menerapkan strategi KWL (Know-Want to know-Learned) ,dari kondisi awal yakni sebesar 75 % pada siklus I dan pada siklus II sebesar 25 % dari siklus I. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan strategi KWL (Know-Want to know-Learned) dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca intensif siswa berkesulitan belajar kelas III SD Negeri Manahan Surakarta tahun ajaran 2011/2012

    Pola Kerjasama Guru Dan Orangtua Dalam Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Pada Anak Tunarungu Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di SLB Paramita Graha Banjarmasin

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi adanya Pembelajaran jarak jauh di masa pandemi Covid-19 mengharuskan orangtua untuk berperan aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran untuk anak tunarungu dengan demikian dibutuhkannya kerjasama antara guru dan orangtua. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan lebih dalam terkait bagaimanakah pola kerjasama guru dan orangtua dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh pada anak tunarungu di masa pandemi Covid-19 di SLB Paramita Graha Banjarmasin. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola kerjasama yang telah dilakukan pada anak tunarungu dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh sebagai berikut: 1) kerjasama sebagai guru pendamping, guru memiliki peran dalam memberikan arahan dan peran orangtua menjalankan proses pembelajaran di rumah, 2) kerjasama sebagai fasilitator, guru dan orangtua mengikuti situasi dan kondisi masing-masing, 3) kerjasama dalam menciptakan Friendly E-Learning, guru dan orangt tua menyepakati untuk menggunakan aplikasi Whatsapp, 4) kegiatan parenting, Guru dan orangtua menyelenggarakan kegiatan parenting melalu offline dan online. Kendala yang dihadapi diantaranya: 5) kerjasama sebagai guru pendamping, orangtua sulit mendisplinkan anak di rumah, 6) kerjasama sebagai fasilitator, orangtua kurang memahami dalam mengoperasikan handphone, 7) kerjasama dalam menciptakan Friendly E-Learning, anak lebih memilih belajar dengan guru dibandingkan dengan orangtuanya, 8) kegiatan Parenting, pihak sekolah menerapkan pembatasan sosial dilingkungan sekolah

    Analysis of the Influence of Culture, Policy, and Practice Index on the Quality of Inclusive School Education in South Kalimantan

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    This study aims to measure the effect of the index of policy, culture, and teaching practice on the quality of inclusive education in South Kalimantan. This study uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. The population in this study were Special Education Teachers, Classroom Teachers, Staff, Principals, and Parents providing inclusive education in South Kalimantan. The sampling technique used non-probability sampling with incidental sampling using the Slovin formula. Primary data was obtained by using a closed questionnaire. The data were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling analysis tool from the AMOS statistical software package through two techniques, namely Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Regression Weight. The results showed that the index of developing inclusive practices had a significant effect on the quality of inclusive education. while the index of creating an inclusive culture and producing inclusive policies has no significant effect on the quality of inclusive education

    Identification of Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Schools

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    This study aims to analyze the types and characteristics of children with special needs, especially children who experience obstacles in the academic field. This research was motivated by various cases where there were limitations of teachers in identifying children with special needs. This research method is descriptive with the technique of collecting data from a literature review of various references that are relevant to the observed symptoms. The data collected were analyzed descriptively qualitatively so that we could recognize the types and characteristics of children with special needs, especially children who experience obstacles in the academic field. The results of the literature review reveal that children with special needs, especially children who experience obstacles in the academic field, are divided into three types, which is intellectual disability, learning disability, and slow learner

    KAMUBISAKUL application to Facilitate students with hearing impairments to follow the lecture process

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    There are 20 students with special needs at Lambung Mangkurat University, 9 of which are students with hearing impairments. The obstacles experienced by students with hearing impairments during the lecture process are mainly communication problems, especially receptive language (the ability to understand the interlocutor). Not all lecturers understand the needs and characteristics of students with hearing impairments and sign language skills. However, students with special needs are required to follow and succeed in meeting the learning targets set by the lecturer. Therefore we need assistive technology (assistive) that can help students with special needs. In this case, students with hearing impairments make it easier for them to learn and achieve the expected targets. This research aims to develop assistive technology for students with hearing impairments to attend the lecture process. This study used a descriptive method with a qualitative approach, and the type of research used in this study was the Research and Development (RnD) type. This study selected research subjects using the purposive sampling technique to select nine students with hearing impairments at Lambung Mangkurat University. The stages in this research begin with: (1) Literature Study; (2) Needs Analysis; (3) Assessment; (4) FGD or Application Design; (5) Making the KAMUBISAKUL Application; (6) Trial of KAMUBISAKUL Application; (7) Dissemination of the KAMUBISAKULl Application; and (8) Evaluation. Assistive technology development carried out by the research team resulted in an application called KAMUBISAKUL. Based on research, this application is helpful for students with hearing impairments in interpreting essential terms used in lectures. These terms relate to information about the course enrollment flow, UKT (Tuition Fee) payment, lectures, names of college’s rooms. This application is helpful for students with hearing impairments in interpreting essential terms used in lectures. These terms relate to information about the course enrollment flow, UKT payment, lectures, names of rooms in lectures. This application is helpful for students with hearing impairments in interpreting essential terms used in lectures. These terms relate to information about the course enrollment flow, UKT payment, lectures, names of rooms in lecturers

    KAMUBISAKUL application to Facilitate students with hearing impairments to follow the lecture process

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    There are 20 students with special needs at Lambung Mangkurat University, 9 of which are students with hearing impairments. The obstacles experienced by students with hearing impairments during the lecture process are mainly communication problems, especially receptive language (the ability to understand the interlocutor). Not all lecturers understand the needs and characteristics of students with hearing impairments and sign language skills. However, students with special needs are required to follow and succeed in meeting the learning targets set by the lecturer. Therefore we need assistive technology (assistive) that can help students with special needs. In this case, students with hearing impairments make it easier for them to learn and achieve the expected targets. This research aims to develop assistive technology for students with hearing impairments to attend the lecture process. This study used a descriptive method with a qualitative approach, and the type of research used in this study was the Research and Development (RnD) type. This study selected research subjects using the purposive sampling technique to select nine students with hearing impairments at Lambung Mangkurat University. The stages in this research begin with: (1) Literature Study; (2) Needs Analysis; (3) Assessment; (4) FGD or Application Design; (5) Making the KAMUBISAKUL Application; (6) Trial of KAMUBISAKUL Application; (7) Dissemination of the KAMUBISAKULl Application; and (8) Evaluation. Assistive technology development carried out by the research team resulted in an application called KAMUBISAKUL. Based on research, this application is helpful for students with hearing impairments in interpreting essential terms used in lectures. These terms relate to information about the course enrollment flow, UKT (Tuition Fee) payment, lectures, names of college’s rooms. This application is helpful for students with hearing impairments in interpreting essential terms used in lectures. These terms relate to information about the course enrollment flow, UKT payment, lectures, names of rooms in lectures. This application is helpful for students with hearing impairments in interpreting essential terms used in lectures. These terms relate to information about the course enrollment flow, UKT payment, lectures, names of rooms in lecturers

    Development of Sign Language Application PESAN KULIAH With Material Substance Modification Based on Student Characteristics with Hearing Impaired

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    Lack of mastery of receptive and expressive language in students with hearing impairments affects the ability to compose scientific papers. Assistive technology for writing scientific papers can support students with hearing impairments in completing scientific paper assignments at various semester levels. This research aims to develop assistive technology that can make it easier for students with hearing impairments to participate in learning in tertiary institutions to create accessible learning for students with hearing impairments. Sign language application “PESAN KULIAH” (Guidelines for Writing Scientific Papers) is made by adjusting the characteristics of hearing impairments to make it easier to understand how to write various kinds of scientific papers. The method used in this research is R&D with ADDIE type. The results of the study show that the “PESAN KULIAH” application which contains explanation features about the types of scientific papers, writing systematics, and examples of scientific papers and is equipped with sign language videos by Sign Language Interpreters is proven to support the understanding of students with hearing impairments in understanding writing procedures and terms. contained in the preparation of papers, scientific reports, scientific articles, and theses