141 research outputs found

    Antagonism of the prostaglandin D(2 )receptor CRTH2 attenuates asthma pathology in mouse eosinophilic airway inflammation

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    BACKGROUND: Mast cell-derived prostaglandin D(2 )(PGD(2)), may contribute to eosinophilic inflammation and mucus production in allergic asthma. Chemoattractant receptor homologous molecule expressed on TH(2 )cells (CRTH2), a high affinity receptor for prostaglandin D(2), mediates trafficking of TH(2)-cells, mast cells, and eosinophils to inflammatory sites, and has recently attracted interest as target for treatment of allergic airway diseases. The present study involving mice explores the specificity of CRTH2 antagonism of TM30089, which is structurally closely related to the dual TP/CRTH2 antagonist ramatroban, and compares the ability of ramatroban and TM30089 to inhibit asthma-like pathology. METHODS: Affinity for and antagonistic potency of TM30089 on many mouse receptors including thromboxane A(2 )receptor mTP, CRTH2 receptor, and selected anaphylatoxin and chemokines receptors were determined in recombinant expression systems in vitro. In vivo effects of TM30089 and ramatroban on tissue eosinophilia and mucus cell histopathology were examined in a mouse asthma model. RESULTS: TM30089, displayed high selectivity for and antagonistic potency on mouse CRTH2 but lacked affinity to TP and many other receptors including the related anaphylatoxin C3a and C5a receptors, selected chemokine receptors and the cyclooxygenase isoforms 1 and 2 which are all recognized players in allergic diseases. Furthermore, TM30089 and ramatroban, the latter used as a reference herein, similarly inhibited asthma pathology in vivo by reducing peribronchial eosinophilia and mucus cell hyperplasia. CONCLUSION: This is the first report to demonstrate anti-allergic efficacy in vivo of a highly selective small molecule CRTH2 antagonist. Our data suggest that CRTH2 antagonism alone is effective in mouse allergic airway inflammation even to the extent that this mechanism can explain the efficacy of ramatroban

    RXFP1 Receptor Activation by Relaxin-2 Induces Vascular Relaxation in Mice via a Gαi2-Protein/PI3Kß/γ/Nitric Oxide-Coupled Pathway

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    Background: Relaxins are small peptide hormones, which are novel candidate molecules that play important roles in cardiometablic syndrome. Relaxins are structurally related to the insulin hormone superfamily, which provide vasodilatory effects by activation of G-protein-coupled relaxin receptors (RXFPs) and stimulation of endogenous nitric oxide (NO) generation. Recently, relaxin could be demonstrated to activate Gi proteins and phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathways in cultured endothelial cells in vitro. However, the contribution of the Gi-PI3K pathway and their individual components in relaxin-dependent relaxation of intact arteries remains elusive.Methods: We used Gαi2- (Gnai2-/-) and Gαi3-deficient (Gnai3-/-) mice, pharmacological tools and wire myography to study G-protein-coupled signaling pathways involved in relaxation of mouse isolated mesenteric arteries by relaxins. Human relaxin-1, relaxin-2, and relaxin-3 were tested.Results: Relaxin-2 (∼50% relaxation at 10-11 M) was the most potent vasodilatory relaxin in mouse mesenteric arteries, compared to relaxin-1 and relaxin-3. The vasodilatory effects of relaxin-2 were inhibited by removal of the endothelium or treatment of the vessels with N (G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) inhibitor) or simazine (RXFP1 inhibitor). The vasodilatory effects of relaxin-2 were absent in arteries of mice treated with pertussis toxin (PTX). They were also absent in arteries isolated from Gnai2-/- mice, but not from Gnai3-/- mice. The effects were not affected by FR900359 (Gαq protein inhibitor) or PI-103 (PI3Kα inhibitor), but inhibited by TGX-221 (PI3Kβ inhibitor) or AS-252424 (PI3Kγ inhibitor). Simazine did not influence the anti-contractile effect of perivascular adipose tissue.Conclusion: Our data indicate that relaxin-2 produces endothelium- and NO-dependent relaxation of mouse mesenteric arteries by activation of RXFP1 coupled to Gi2-PI3K-eNOS pathway. Targeting vasodilatory Gi-protein-coupled RXFP1 pathways may provide promising opportunities for drug discovery in endothelial dysfunction and cardiometabolic disease

    Leanness and Low Plasma Leptin in GPR17 Knockout Mice Are Dependent on Strain and Associated With Increased Energy Intake That Is Not Suppressed by Exogenous Leptin

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    Previous studies have shown that agonists of GPR17 stimulate, while antagonists inhibit feeding. However, whole body knockout of GPR17 in mice of the C57Bl/6 strain did not affect energy balance, whereas selective knockout in oligodendrocytes or pro-opiomelanocortin neurons provided protection from high fat diet-induced obesity and impaired glucose homeostasis. We reasoned that whole body knockout of GPR17 in mice of the 129 strain might elicit more marked effects because the 129 strain is more susceptible than the C57Bl/6 strain to increased sympathetic activity and less susceptible to high fat diet-induced obesity. Consistent with this hypothesis, compared to wild-type mice, and when fed on either a chow or a high fat diet, GPR17 -/- mice of the 129 strain displayed increased expression of uncoupling protein-1 in white adipose tissue, lower body weight and fat content, reduced plasma leptin, non-esterified fatty acids and triglycerides, and resistance to high fat diet-induced glucose intolerance. Not only energy expenditure, but also energy intake was raised. Administration of leptin did not suppress the increased food intake in GPR17 -/- mice of the 129 strain, whereas it did suppress food intake in GPR17 +/+ mice. The only difference between GPR17 +/- and GPR17 +/+ mice of the C57Bl/6 strain was that the body weight of the GPR17 -/- mice was lower than that of the GPR17 +/+ mice when the mice were fed on a standard chow diet. We propose that the absence of GPR17 raises sympathetic activity in mice of the 129 strain in response to a low plasma fuel supply, and that the consequent loss of body fat is partly mitigated by increased energy intake

    The experimental power of FR900359 to study Gq-regulated biological processes

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    Despite the discovery of heterotrimeric αβγ G proteins ∼25 years ago, their selective perturbation by cell-permeable inhibitors remains a fundamental challenge. Here we report that the plant-derived depsipeptide FR900359 (FR) is ideally suited to this task. Using a multifaceted approach we systematically characterize FR as a selective inhibitor of Gq/11/14 over all other mammalian Gα isoforms and elaborate its molecular mechanism of action. We also use FR to investigate whether inhibition of Gq proteins is an effective post-receptor strategy to target oncogenic signalling, using melanoma as a model system. FR suppresses many of the hallmark features that are central to the malignancy of melanoma cells, thereby providing new opportunities for therapeutic intervention. Just as pertussis toxin is used extensively to probe and inhibit the signalling of Gi/o proteins, we anticipate that FR will at least be its equivalent for investigating the biological relevance of Gq. Pertussis toxin is used extensively for perturbing Gαi/o pathways in the study of physiology and disease, but an equivalent inhibitor of Gαq signalling is not currently available to the research community. Here the authors characterize FR900359 as a specific Gq inhibitor and demonstrate its utility to dissect GPCR signalling and its potential to inhibit melanoma cells

    Targeted inhibition of Gq signaling induces airway relaxation in mouse models of asthma

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    Obstructive lung diseases are common causes of disability and death worldwide. A hallmark feature is aberrant activation of Gq protein–dependent signaling cascades. Currently, drugs targeting single G protein (heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide–binding protein)–coupled receptors (GPCRs) are used to reduce airway tone. However, therapeutic efficacy is often limited, because various GPCRs contribute to bronchoconstriction, and chronic exposure to receptor-activating medications results in desensitization. We therefore hypothesized that pharmacological Gq inhibition could serve as a central mechanism to achieve efficient therapeutic bronchorelaxation. We found that the compound FR900359 (FR), a membrane-permeable inhibitor of Gq, was effective in silencing Gq signaling in murine and human airway smooth muscle cells. Moreover, FR both prevented bronchoconstrictor responses and triggered sustained airway relaxation in mouse, pig, and human airway tissue ex vivo. Inhalation of FR in healthy wild-type mice resulted in high local concentrations of the compound in the lungs and prevented airway constriction without acute effects on blood pressure and heart rate. FR administration also protected against airway hyperreactivity in murine models of allergen sensitization using ovalbumin and house dust mite as allergens. Our findings establish FR as a selective Gq inhibitor when applied locally to the airways of mice in vivo and suggest that pharmacological blockade of Gq proteins may be a useful therapeutic strategy to achieve bronchorelaxation in asthmatic lung disease

    Rational design of a heterotrimeric G protein α subunit with artificial inhibitor sensitivity

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    Transmembrane signals initiated by a range of extracellular stimuli converge on members of the Gq family of heterotrimeric G proteins, which relay these signals in target cells. Gq family G proteins comprise Gq, G11, G14, and G16, which upon activation mediate their cellular effects via inositol lipid– dependent and –independent signaling to control fundamental processes in mammalian physiology. To date, highly specific inhibition of Gq/11/14 signaling can be achieved only with FR900359 (FR) and YM-254890 (YM), two naturally occurring cyclic depsipeptides. To further development of FR or YM mimics for other G subunits, we here set out to rationally design G16 proteins with artificial FR/YM sensitivity by introducing an engineered depsipeptide-binding site. Thereby we permit control of G16 function through ligands that are inactive on the WT protein. Using CRISPR/Cas9-generated Gq/G11-null cells and loss- and gain-of-function mutagenesis along with label-free whole-cell biosensing, we determined the molecular coordinates for FR/YM inhibition of Gq and transplanted these to FR/YM-insensitive G16. Intriguingly, despite having close structural similarity, FR and YM yielded biologically distinct activities: it was more difficult to perturb Gq inhibition by FR and easier to install FR inhibition onto G16 than perturb or install inhibition with YM. A unique hydrophobic network utilized by FR accounted for these unexpected discrepancies. Our results suggest that non-Gq/11/14 proteins should be amenable to inhibition by FR scaffold– based inhibitors, provided that these inhibitors mimic the interaction of FR with G proteins harboring engineered FR-binding sites