11,330 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal and Wavenumber Resolved Bicoherence at the Low to High Confinement Transition in the TJ-II Stellarator

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    Plasma turbulence is studied using Doppler reflectometry at the TJ-II stellarator. By scanning the tilt angle of the probing beam, different values of the perpendicular wave numbers are probed at the reflection layer. In this way, the interaction between zonal flows and turbulence is reported with (a) spatial, (b) temporal, and (c) wavenumber resolution for the first time in any magnetic confinement fusion device. We report measurements of the bicoherence across the Low to High (L--H) confinement transition at TJ-II. We examine both fast transitions and slow transitions characterized by an intermediate (I) phase. The bicoherence, understood to reflect the non-linear coupling between the perpendicular velocity (zonal flow) and turbulence amplitude, is significantly enhanced in a time window of several tens of ms around the time of the L--H transition. It is found to peak at a specific radial position (slightly inward from the radial electric field shear layer in H mode), and is associated with a specific perpendicular wave number (k612k_\perp \simeq 6-12 cm1^{-1}, kρs0.82k_\perp \rho_s \simeq 0.8-2). In all cases, the bicoherence is due to the interaction between high frequencies (1\simeq 1 MHz) and a rather low frequency (50\lesssim 50 kHz), as expected for a zonal flow.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Probing the infrared quark mass from highly excited baryons

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    We argue that three-quark excited states naturally group into quartets, split into two parity doublets, and that the mass splittings between these parity partners decrease higher up in the baryon spectrum. This decreasing mass difference can be used to probe the running quark mass in the mid-infrared power-law regime. A measurement of masses of high-partial wave Delta* resonances should be sufficient to unambiguously establish the approximate degeneracy. We test this concept with the first computation of excited high-j baryon masses in a chirally invariant quark model.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. submitted to Phys Rev Letter

    Using highly excited baryons to catch the quark mass

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    Chiral symmetry in QCD can be simultaneously in Wigner and Goldstone modes, depending on the part of the spectrum examined. The transition regime between both, exploiting for example the onset of parity doubling in the high baryon spectrum, can be used to probe the running quark mass in the mid-IR power-law regime. In passing we also argue that three-quark states naturally group into same-flavor quartets, split into two parity doublets, all splittings decreasing high in the spectrum. We propose that a measurement of masses of high-partial wave Delta* resonances should be sufficient to unambiguously establish the approximate degeneracy and see the quark mass running. We test these concepts with the first computation of the spectrum of high-J excited baryons in a chiral-invariant quark model.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, To appear in the proceedings of the 19th International IUPAP Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics; added acknowledgment, hyphenized author nam

    Two-meson cloud contribution to the baryon antidecuplet self-energy

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    We study the self-energy of the SU(3) antidecuplet coming from two-meson virtual clouds. Assuming that the exotic Theta+ belongs to an antidecuplet representation with N(1710) as nucleon partner, we derive effective Lagrangians that describe the decay of N(1710) into N pi pi with two pions in s- or p-wave. It is found that the self-energies for all members of the antidecuplet are attractive, and the larger strangeness particle is more bound. From two-meson cloud, we obtain about 20 % of the empirical mass splitting between states with different strangeness.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, Talk given at the 10th International Conference on Baryons (Baryons04), Palaiseau (France), October 25-29, 200

    Causality detection and turbulence in fusion plasmas

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    This work explores the potential of an information-theoretical causality detection method for unraveling the relation between fluctuating variables in complex nonlinear systems. The method is tested on some simple though nonlinear models, and guidelines for the choice of analysis parameters are established. Then, measurements from magnetically confined fusion plasmas are analyzed. The selected data bear relevance to the all-important spontaneous confinement transitions often observed in fusion plasmas, fundamental for the design of an economically attractive fusion reactor. It is shown how the present method is capable of clarifying the interaction between fluctuating quantities such as the turbulence amplitude, turbulent flux, and Zonal Flow amplitude, and uncovers several interactions that were missed by traditional methods.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figure

    A new approach to detect coherent modes using microwave reflectometry

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    Macroscopic limit of a kinetic model describing the switch in T cell migration modes via binary interactions

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    Experimental results on the immune response to cancer indicate that activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) through interactions with dendritic cells (DCs) can trigger a change in CTL migration patterns. In particular, while CTLs in the pre-activation state move in a non-local search pattern, the search pattern of activated CTLs is more localised. In this paper, we develop a kinetic model for such a switch in CTL migration modes. The model is formulated as a coupled system of balance equations for the one-particle distribution functions of CTLs in the pre-activation state, activated CTLs and DCs. CTL activation is modelled via binary interactions between CTLs in the pre-activation state and DCs. Moreover, cell motion is represented as a velocity-jump process, with the running time of CTLs in the pre-activation state following a long-tailed distribution, which is consistent with a Lévy walk, and the running time of activated CTLs following a Poisson distribution, which corresponds to Brownian motion. We formally show that the macroscopic limit of the model comprises a coupled system of balance equations for the cell densities, whereby activated CTL movement is described via a classical diffusion term, whilst a fractional diffusion term describes the movement of CTLs in the pre-activation state. The modelling approach presented here and its possible generalisations are expected to find applications in the study of the immune response to cancer and in other biological contexts in which switch from non-local to localised migration patterns occurs

    Oddballs and a Low Odderon Intercept

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    We report an odderon Regge trajectory emerging from a field theoretical Coulomb gauge QCD model for the odd signature JPC (P=C= -1) glueball states (oddballs). The trajectory intercept is clearly smaller than the pomeron and even the omega trajectory's intercept which provides an explanation for the nonobservation of the odderon in high energy scattering data. To further support this result we compare to glueball lattice data and also perform calculations with an alternative model based upon an exact Hamiltonian diagonalization for three constituent gluons.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl