88 research outputs found

    Peer Group Support Increase Self Concept on Post-radical Hysterectomy Patients

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    Introduction: Cervical cancer is one of the disease that can be found among women in all over the world, including in Indonesia. This disease remains a significant problem as the primary cause of death among other cancer diseases in women. Cervical cancer may influence all aspects of human life, whether it is physiological, psychological or social. Stress in patients with cervical cancer is generally increasing due to the rejection of their degrading health condition. The aimed of this study was to analyze the influence of peer group support on the improvement of self concept in patients with post-radical hysterectomy cervical cancer in Obstetric Wards, Dr Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya. Method: A quasy experimental with static group comparison and consecutive sampling design was used in this study. Population in this study was patients with post radical hysterectomy cervical cancer treated in Obstetric Wards, Dr Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya. There were 20 respondents divided into each 10 respondents for control group and treatment group. The independent variable was peer group support and the dependent variable was self concept. Data for self concept were collected by using questionaire then analyzed by using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Mann Whitney U Test with significance level α≤0.05. Result: The results revealed that peer group support had significance influence to the improvement of self concept in post-radical hysterectomy patients (p=0.000). Discussion: It,s can be concluded that peer group support increase of self concept in post-radical hysterectomy patients

    The Increase of Family’s Health Belief in Mental Disorder with Spiritual Approach

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    Mental disorder is the problem with cognitive and mal-adaptive behavior. A family who have a member with mental disorder, will experience continually objective and subjective burden, serious stress for a lifetime, that cause ineffective family’s health belief and choice of treatment. The intervention in this study was to improve family’shealth belief with spiritual approach. This study was designed by pre-post test control group design.The population was every family of patient with mental disorder, lived in Surabaya, there are 13 persons in each group. Data analysis was done using paired t-test and independent t-test. This study showed that there was significant change in total of family’s health belief (p=0,004), significantly change in aspects of (1) perceptions about benefits (p=0,009), (2) perception about barriers(p=0,035) and perception about self efficacy(p=0,002). There was no significant changing in perception about susceptibility and severity (p=0,052). There was an increase of average difference between pre and post test among the treatment group, about 0,69, and about 0,47 among control group. Family therapy with spiritual approach can increase family’s health beliefaboutmental disorder


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    Introduction: Pain of postoperative Sectio Caesarea is a pain from surgery to deliverthe fetusby openingthe abdominal wallandthe wall ofthe uterus. The effects can make a mother not do her dailyactivitiesas soon asthe normal giving one. Mozart'smusiccan be useduse as a therapybecause it has atempoabout 60beatsper minutewhichisrelaxing. This musiccan giveneuroendocrineeffectsthat are usefulfor patients. According to experts, music candistractpatientsfrompain. Musicis playedto the patients by earphone. The purposeofthis study is todetermine the effect ofMozart'smusicto decrease ofpostoperativepainin patientswithsectiocaesareasurgery by anesthesia SAB(Sub-arachnoid block) inShofa 2 RSU Haji Surabaya.Method:The designis a quasy-experimental with pre-post controlgroupdesign. The populationin this study isallpatients withpostoperativesection caesareafrom12 December to 12 January2012 in ward Shofa 2 RSU Haji Surabaya. The technical sampling is purposive sampling with 14 respondents appropriatewith criteriainclusi. The independent variableismusic therapyentitledMozartClarinetConserto(K.622) andthe dependentvariableis apain scaleaccording toBourbonais. Technical of gathering data is observation. The data analysisis performedbyWilcoxonandMann Whitneytest.Result:The result of Wilcoxon test on the level ofpainin the treated groupshowsp= 0.0140.05.The result of Mann Whitney test shows there are differences result between controlled group and treated group with p =0.037<0.05.Discussion:The conclusion of this research isMozart'smusictherapycan reducepostoperativepainin patientswithsectiocaesareasurgery by anesthesia SAB(Sub-arachnoid block) in Shofa 2 RSU Haji Surabaya. Keywords: pain, Sectio Caesarea, Mozart'smusi

    Marketing Strategy to Increase Bed Occupancy Rate

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    Introduction: A hospital is an institution for health care providing treatment by specialized staff and equipment, more often but not always providing for longer-term patient stays. Today, hospitals are very complex institution, not only survive in dynamic environment but also make a profit based on their services. The aimed of this research was to know marketing mix concept (product, price, place, promotion, people, process and provision of customer service) in formulating marketing strategy to increased Bed Occupancy Rate of Obstetric Gynecology Ward 2. Method: The population are health care personnel including midwife, midwife associate, administrator and also client or consumer. The variable were product, price, place, promotion, people, process and provision of customer service. Data were collected by using structured questionnaire. Result: The result showed that product (type of services, infrastructure and facility), relative price, comfortable and safe place, targeted promotion, trained human resources, standard process and provision of customer service are an important aspect to implement strategy marketing to increase Bed Occupancy Rate. Analysis: The result of this study has enlightened the importance of strategy marketing in health care services based on seven principle of marketing mix. Discussion: Implementation of marketing mix in obstetric gynecology ward 2 need to be considered


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    Introduksi: Resiliensi pasien kanker serviks yang masih rendah akibat efek samping kemoterapi menyebabkan pengobatan tidak tuntas dan keganasan muncul kembali. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini menyusun pengembangan model asuhan keperawatan koping berbasis teori adaptasi Roy dalam upaya meningkatkan resiliensi pasien kanker serviks post Radikal Hysterectomy + BSO yang mendapat kemoterapi Metode: Analisis korelatik desain tahap 1 adalah eksplanasi. Tahap 2 adalah Quasy experiment. Populasi seluruh pasien kanker serviks post Radikal Hysterectomy + BSO dengan kemoterapi di Irna Obgyn RSUD dr Sutomo Surabaya. Besar sampel tahap satu 150 responden dipilih dengan consequtive sampling. Besar sampel Tahap dua 20 responden dipilih dengan metode consequtive sampling. Variabel penelitian adalah stimulus internal, stimulus eksternal, dukungan keluarga, koping, resiliensi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Structural Equation model (SEM) dengan amos 5 dan t-Test. Hasil dan analisis penelitian: stimulus internal berpengaruh signifikan terhadap mekanisme koping dengan nilai p = 0,047 dengan besar pengaruh 0,150. Stimulus eksternal tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap mekanisme koping dengan nilai p= 0,246. Dukungan keluarga berpengaruh signifikan terhadap mekanisme koping dengan nilai p = 0,00 dengan besar pengaruh 0,743. Stimulus internal tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap resiliensi dengan nilai p = 0,335. Stimulus eksternal tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap resiliensi dengan nilai p=0,167. Dukungan keluarga berpengaruh signifikan terhadap resiliensi dengan nilai p = 0,00 dengan besar pengaruh 0,501. Mekanisme koping berpengaruh signifikan terhadap resiliensi dengan nilai p = 0,00 dengan besar pengaruh 0,480. Uji t-test menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap meningkatnya resiliensi pasien kanker serviks post Radikal Hysterectomy + BSO yang mendapat kemoterapi. Kelompok perlakuan terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan jika dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol. Diskusi: Temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah Resiliensi pasien kanker serviks post Radikal Hysterectomy + BSO dengan kemoterapi bisa ditingkatkan dengan membangun koping yang adaptif terlebih dahulu. Faktor yang memberikan kontribusi terbesar dalam membangun koping adalah faktor dukungan emosional keluarga. Komponen Indikator dalam membentuk Resiliensi pasien kanker serviks post Radikal Hysterectomy + BSO dengan kemoterapi adalah meaningfulness, perseverance, existential aloneness. Kata Kunci: Resiliensi, Pasien Kanker Serviks post Radikal Hysterectomy + BSO, Asuhan Keperawatan , Kemoterap


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    Background: Cervical cancer is one of the most serious problem in woman’s life. Estimated that more than one million women worldwide have cervical cancer. In developing countries 12 percent of all cancer cases is cervical cancer. Screening is the most proven method to prevent cervical cancer. The aim of this review was to determine the barriers that prevent women from undergoing cervical cancer screening in developing countries. Method: We searched the two major databases, PubMed and ProQuest. This review included for papers published in English up to 2013 until 2018, with keywords: "barrier", and "cervical screening", or “Pap smear“, or ”cervical control“, combined with (ie. AND) ”developing country”. Results: from 851 studies, finally 16 included for review. Seven from sixteen studies are cross sectional, seven qualitative study, one descriptive study and one is integrative review. Conclusion: There are some barriers that prevent women's participation cervical cancer screening, such as personality, religious culture, and health facility. Most studies found that the barrier that prevents women from cervical cancer screening are personal factors such as fear, anxiety, embarrassment, shame


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    Introduction: A hospital is an institution for health care providing treatment by specialized staff and equipment, more often but not always providing for longer-term patient stays. Today, hospitals are very complex institution, not only survive in dynamic environment but also make a profit based on their services. The aimed of this research was to know marketing mix concept (product, price, place, promotion, people, process and provision of customer service) in formulating marketing strategy to increased Bed Occupancy Rate of Obstetric Gynecology Ward 2. Method: The population are health care personnel including midwife, midwife associate, administrator and also client or consumer. The variable were product, price, place, promotion, people, process and provision of customer service. Data were collected by using structured questionnaire. Result: The result showed that product (type of services, infrastructure and facility), relative price, comfortable and safe place, targeted promotion, trained human resources, standard process and provision of customer service are an important aspect to implement strategy marketing to increase Bed Occupancy Rate. Analysis: The result of this study has enlightened the importance of strategy marketing in health care services based on seven principle of marketing mix. Discussion: Implementation of marketing mix in obstetric gynecology ward 2 need to be considered


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    Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi peran pasangan usia subur dalam menggunakan kontrasepsi, perilaku kesehatan yang masih rendah dianggap sebagai salah satu faktor penyebab rendahnya penggunaan kontrasepsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor yang berhubungan dengan penggunaan kontrasepsi berbasis teori Health Belief Model. Penelitian dilakukan pada tanggal 14 juni -19 juni 2023. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh pasangan usia subur di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kebomas Gresik yang berjumlah11.397.  Terdapat 60 responden sebagai sample penelitian diperoleh dengan teknik proportional stratified random sampling. Variabel independen adalah kerentanan yang dirasakan, keseriusan yang dirasakan, manfaat yang dirasakan, rintangan yang dirasakan, efikasi diri, dan faktor pendorong. Variabel dependen adalah penggunaan kontrasepsi. Data dikumpulkan memakai kuesioner serta analisisnya memakai chi-square dengan derajat kemaknaan ?&lt;0,05 dan uji regresi logistik. Hasil pada penelitian menunjukkan jika variabel kerentanan yang dirasakan (p=0,031), keseriusan yang dirasakan (p=0,012), manfaat yang dirasakan (p=0,011), rintangan yang dirasakan (p=0,006), efikasi diri (p=0,022), dan faktor yang paling dominan dalam penggunaan kontrasepsi adalah keseriusan yang dirasakan. Kerentanan yang dirasakan, keseriusan yang dirasakan, manfaat yang dirasakan, rintangan yang dirasakan, efikasi diri, dan faktor pendorong menjadi faktor pendukung penggunaan kontrasepsi. Faktor paling dominan dalam menyebabkan peningkatan penggunaan kontrasepsi adalah keseriusan yang dirasakan
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