131 research outputs found

    Presente y futuro de nuevas estrategias en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje en la formación universitaria

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    Este informe presenta el contenido y las conclusiones alcanzadas en la mesa de comunicaciones número 12, que tuvo lugar el jueves, día 2 de julio de 2015, de 16.30 a 20.00 horas en el Aulario II en el aula A2/E01 de la Universidad de Alicante y que forma parte de las actividades programadas para las XIII Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria 2015, organizadas por el Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación y el Vicerrectorado de Estudios, Formación y Calidad de la Universidad de Alicante. Las aportaciones giraron en torno al análisis de metodologías apropiadas y adaptadas al actual proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje universitario. A través de ellas se han aportado para su debate a la comunidad universitaria los resultados de los trabajos de investigación desarrollados básicamente en dos áreas de conocimiento las filologías inglesa y catalana, y la histología. Aunque en apariencia dos áreas de conocimiento muy dispares, la realidad es que al analizar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje con perspectivas de futuro, la unidad temática ha quedado garantizada y los debates posteriores a las respectivas exposiciones, fueron altamente significativas

    The Significance of the Mystery Play of Elche for the Local Community

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    This study explores the distinctive collective attitudes among the local community associated with the Mystery Play of Elche, which was designated a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO on 18 May 2001. A qualitative, exploratory and descriptive methodology was adopted via in-depth interviews to identify how the local community perceives and experiences this medieval liturgical drama. The results confirm that the fundamental aspects maintaining the relationship between the Mystery Play and the local population involve several factors, such as the type of transmission and how the performance is experienced by different audiences within the community, bearing in mind that it is a dynamic social phenomenon

    Investigating Press Coverage of Protest Songs During the 2003 Iraq War

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    The 2003 Iraq War was a landmark for real-time news dissemination, with news broadcast by journalists embedded with U.S. troops. The literature indicates that mainstream media reflected the viewpoints of those in power, giving little coverage to anti-war sentiment. This study focuses on press coverage relating to a specific aspect of dissent—protest songs against the 2003 Iraq War. After analyzing the content of articles sourced from mainstream newspapers from both sides of the Atlantic, namely, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, and the Telegraph, the results indicate that from the beginning of this war, anti-war songs were perceived by journalists to be in decline for reasons that were reported to have been linked to the period’s sociopolitical and economic context. The conclusions of the study underscore the value of analyzing news type articles and opinion pieces from newspapers of record

    La evaluación formativa y el rendimiento académico en Música en la Educación Primaria

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    La adaptación de la universidad española al EEES -Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior- ha supuesto la transformación de ésta sobre todo a través de los nuevos planes de estudio de acuerdo al crédito europeo o ECTS -European Credit Transfer System-. Estos factores han modificado el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje centrándolo en el alumno como protagonista. En este contexto la evaluación no se considera sólo como una manera de valorar la asunción de competencias por parte del alumno, sino como un recurso para mejorar la calidad de la enseñanza y los aprendizajes (Zabalza Beraza, 2001). El objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar la influencia de la aplicación de la evaluación formativa en los resultados del alumnado en la asignatura Música en la Educación Primaria. La muestra está formada por el alumnado que ha cursado esta materia en los últimos tres cursos. Para el análisis de los resultados se han aplicado estadísticos descriptivos y ANOVAS. Los resultados muestran cómo los estudiantes que siguen el sistema de evaluación formativa obtienen mejores resultados frente aquellos que optan por la vía del examen final

    Women's Songs. The Lullaby in the Spanish Autonomous Region of Valencia

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    A lullaby is a song performed almost exclusively by women in all cultures to make children fall asleep. But traditional lullaby singing has declined due to social change. This study analyzes its structure and content thoroughly and aspects of this tradition providing information on usage, customs, themes and types of melody, and reflecting the importance of this form of cultural expression

    High Academic Self-Efficacy and Dispositional Empathy in Future Teachers

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    High perceived academic self-efficacy influences both subject performance and emotions of the subject. In turn, dispositional empathy implies a social and emotional adaptability towards the subject itself and those around them. This study aimed to analyze the differences in the mean dispositional empathy factors (i.e., perspective taking, fantasy, empathic concern and personal distress) between future teachers with high and low perceived academic self-efficacy, as well as the predictive capacity of dispositional empathy on high perceived academic self-efficacy, and the correlations between both dimensions. For this, a sample of 805 Spanish students of the Faculties of Education of the Universities of Alicante and Murcia was recruited. The Escala de Autoeficacia Percibida Específica de Situaciones Académicas was used to assess perceived academic self-efficacy and the Interpersonal Reactivity Index was used to analyze the dimensions of dispositional empathy. It was observed that high academic self-efficacy is more likely to present in people with a high level of perspective taking and fantasy (OR = 1.06 and 1.09, respectively) and less for those with personal discomfort (OR = 0.86). The other analyzes provided the same conclusions. In conclusion, it is important to develop perceived academic self-efficacy in undergraduates and future teachers due to the consequences that can lead to their classrooms

    Profiles of Perfectionistic Ruminations in Undergraduates: Impact on the Spontaneous Use of Mental Images

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    Perfectionistic Automatic Thoughts (PAT) negatively affects people who present it. Hence the importance of their study to determine possible ways of reduction. The current study tried to identify PAT profiles and specify the statistically significant differences in the Spontaneous Use of Mental Imaging in 647 undergraduates. For this the Perfectionism Cognitions Inventory and the Spontaneous Use of Imagery Scale were used. The cluster analyses showed three groups of PATs; low (LPAT), moderate (MPAT) and high (HPAT). An analysis of variance revealed moderate size differences in the visual-spatial capacity as well as in the total of the Spontaneous Use of Mental Images for MPAT and LPAT. Implications for the training of future teachers related to the use of mental imagery that can reduce maladaptive PAT are discussed

    Vicente Requeno y su aproximación a la musicología

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    Vicente Requeno y Vives (Calatorao 1743 – Tívoli, 1811) fue un gran erudito que promovió la recuperación del saber grecorromano tamizado por la cultura humanista de raíz cristiana. Este postulado impregnó toda su obra, incluido el estudio del hecho musical. De ello se deprende que, si bien no alcanza en este campo las cotas de Antonio Eximeno (Valencia 26 de septiembre de 1729 – Roma, 9 de junio de 1808), sin duda, el gran musicólogo de la Escuela Universalista Española, sus trabajos transcienden más allá de la mera anécdota, a pesar de haber sido así considerados por algunos eruditos. Toda su producción de tipo musical es un ejemplo de cómo debe realizarse un análisis científico que responde a los postulados humanísticos producidos por los jesuitas españoles en el exilio tras la expulsión de 1767 bajo el reinado de Carlos III.Vicente Requeno y Vives (Calatorao 1743 - Tívoli, 1811) was a great scholar whose work promoted the rediscovery of Greco Roman knowledge that was filtered through Christian Humanist culture. This Christian-Humanist tenet permeates all his work, including the study of musical fact. Requeno’s work does not attain Antonio Eximeno’ level (Valencia 26 of September of 1729 - Rome, 9 of June of 1808); nevertheless, despite the opinions of some scholars, the work of this great musicologist from the Escuela Universalista Española transcends the merely incidental. In fact, Requeno’s musical work exemplifies a scientific analysis and fulfils the humanistic postulates generated by the exiled Spanish Jesuits following their expulsion in 1767 under the reign of Carlos III

    La educación musical y el comparatismo

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    Music education is one of the most recent subjects to be included in the respective school curricula of Spain’s compulsory education system —infant, primary and secondary— and it is where praxis finds its raison d’être. The problem lies in understanding what is involved in this procedure —praxis— as well as knowing the difficulties arising from its application. To this end, it is necessary to answer complex questions related to defining music and music education, as well as understanding the importance of relating music education to comparative education as a means by which to conduct valuable research in this subject.La educación musical en la enseñanza obligatoria en España —infantil, primaria y secundaria—, es una de las materias de más reciente incorporación al currículo escolar y donde la praxis tiene su razón de ser. El problema es entender qué significa este procedimiento, la praxis y saber su dificultad para su aplicación. Para ello hay que conocer la problemática inserta en responder qué es la música; qué es la educación musical y la importancia de relacionar educación musical y comparatismo como forma de realizar investigaciones valiosas para esta materia.

    Enhancing visual and plastic education training: a blended learning and flipped classroom approach

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    This article explores whether the implementation of the B-Learning (BL) and Flipped Classroom (FC) methodologies, using the ICT tool Edpuzzle, in the mandatory subject of Didactics of Plastic Expression in the Early Childhood Education teacher training programme leads to improvements in their education as future teachers. To address this investigation, two different pedagogical interventions were proposed: Unit 1 (U1), implementing BL, and Unit 2 (U2) through traditional lectures. For the analysis, a qualitative methodology using the focus group technique was employed. The results revealed high satisfaction among students regarding U1, implying that the use of ICT through the implementation of BL and FC methodologies has created a more dynamic and enriching educational environment, thereby enhancing their learning.This study was supported by a grant of 2,000€ funded by Vice-Rectorate for Digital Transformation, as part of the Quality, Innovation, and Research Networks in University Teaching Program, Call 2022–24 at the University of Alicante (Spain), with the Identifier: Network Code 5921