296 research outputs found

    Ibrahim Badr, Jean Giono: l'esthétique de la violence

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    ABSTRAK Essar Fachri M. Kesesuaian Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) Terhadap Pembelajaran di Kelas Berbasis Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2018 Pada Mata Pelajaran Mekanika Teknik di SMK DKI Jakarta. Skripsi. Jakarta. Program Studi S1 Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, 2020. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesesuaian rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP) berbasis kurikulum 2013 revisi 2018 pada mata pelajaran Mekanika Teknik di SMK DKI Jakarta. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatatif. Pengambilan data mengunakan metode wawancara dan observasi dengan Populasi dan Sampel sebanyak tujuh (7) orang guru Mata Pelajaran Mekanika Teknik di wilayah DKI Jakarta dengan Kompotensi Keahlian Desain Pemodelan Informasi Bangunan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, kesesuaian RPP terhadap pembelajaran di kelas pada mata pelajaran Mekanika Teknik di SMK DKI Jakarta adalah sesuai seperti Kompetensi Inti (KI), Kompetensi Dasar (KD), Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi, Materi, Metode, Media, Sumber Belajar dan Kegiatan Inti. Adapun yang tidak sesuai dengan isi RPP terhadap pembelajaran di kelas antara lain menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran, kegiatan awal dan kegiatan penutup. Kata Kunci: RPP, kesesuaian, kurikulum 2013 ABSTRACT Essar Fachri M. Suitability of The Implementation of Learning Plan (Lesson Plan) to Curriculum 2013 Revised 2018 on Technical Mechanics at SMK DKI Jakarta. Essay. Jakarta. Education of Building Engineering Program, Faculty of Engineering, State University Jakarta, 2020. This study aims to find out the suitability level of the 2013 revised 2018 curriculum-based learning plan (Lesson Plan) for Technical Mechanics subjects in SMK DKI Jakarta. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Retrieval of data using interviews and observation methods with Population and Samples as many as seven (7) teachers of Techanical Mechanics Subjects in the area of DKI Jakarta with the Computing Design Skills in Building Information Modeling. Based on the results of the analysis, the suitability of the lesson plan to learning in the classroom in Technical Mechanics Subjects in DKI Jakarta Vocational Schools is appropriate such as Core Competencies, Basic Competencies), Competency Achievement Indicators, Materials, Methods, Media, Learning Resources and Core Activities. The other is not in accordance with the contents of the lesson plan for learning in classrooms are convey the learning objectives, initial activities and closing activities Keyword: Lesson Plan, Suitability,Curriculum 201

    Situación financiera en la toma de decisiones de las empresas de fabricación de pallets, Villa el Salvador, 2020

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar la influencia de la situación financiera en la toma de decisiones de las empresas de fabricación de pallet, villa el salvador lima 2020.Las estrategias metodológicas utilizadas han sido enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental de corte transversal, nivel explicativo causal tipo aplicada y método hipotético deductivo. La población estuvo conformada por 30 trabajadores, para la recolección de datos se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta, como instrumento un cuestionario, conformado por 17 ítems con una alta confiabilidad. De acuerdo a la prueba de hipótesis el resultado obtenido tiene un coeficiente de correlación Rho de Spearman 0.709; información que permite afirmar que existe influencia positiva considerable; Por lo que se concluye que la situación financiera tiene una influencia en la toma de decisiones de las empresas

    Hijab or Niqab interacts with facemasks usage at healthcare settings in Kabul, Afghanistan: a multi-center observational study

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    We aimed to understand the extent of facemask usage resulting from the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in an Afghan context. In Afghanistan, new COVID-19 variants, low vaccination rates, political turmoil, and poverty interact not only with the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic but also with facemask usage. Methods: We collected data (n = 1970) by visually observing the usage and type of facemasks used among visitors entering healthcare facilities in Kabul. We conducted an observational study observing the use of facemasks among 1279 men and 691 women. Results: While 71% of all participants adhered to wearing facemasks, 94% of these users wore surgical masks, and 86% wore all types of facemasks correctly. Interestingly, women adhered to wearing facemasks more than men. Specifically, of all the participants who were not wearing masks, 20% were men, and only 8% were women. Even though men were more in number in our study (64.9%), women have a higher adherence rate to wearing facemasks than men. Conclusions: We conclude that gender socialization and expectations of women to wear the niqab or hijab interact with their adherence to wearing facemasks. Additionally, since Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world, which has witnessed a considerable period of political turmoil, we spotlight that our findings are rare in scholarship as they represent a distinct non-Western Islamic society with a low scale of COVID-19 vaccination. Therefore, more research is needed to assess the general population’s socioeconomic and geopolitical barriers to facemask use, given that Afghanistan is an underrepresented social context. Our findings are expected to aid health policymakers in developing novel prevention strategies for the country

    Redressing COVID-19 vaccine inequity amidst booster doses: charting a bold path for global health solidarity, together

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    BACKGROUND: With large swathes of the world's population-majority clustered in low- and middle-income countries-still yet to receive the minimum of two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine; The need to address the failures of international solidarity to equitably distribute COVID-19 vaccines is now more urgent than ever to help curb the pandemic and prevent future variants. However, many high-income countries have adopted a "me first" approach, proceeding to offer COVID-19 booster doses to their entire populations, including those at least risk of severe illness, whilst the rest of the world is left unvaccinated or partially vaccinated with one dose for even their most vulnerable communities. MAIN BODY: COVID-19 vaccine inequity places the health of the global population at risk and exacerbates socio-economic repercussions, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Initiatives launched to combat vaccine inequity such as the Fair Allocation Framework for the COVID-19 Vaccines (COVAX) have been unsuccessful as several governments, primarily from high-income countries, have scaled down their contributions to the initiative. Furthermore, COVAX has not seriously engaged with the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Health Systems Connector, as was originally intended, leading to crucial health systems components critical to vaccine delivery to be overlooked. Several strategies can be employed to help achieve the desired global immunization goals, such as Intellectual Property waivers, increased donations, and activation of new COVID-19 vaccine manufacturing hubs. In addition, continued advocacy for vaccine equity by all involved and affected stakeholders, as well as critical amendments to existing or upcoming legislation and funding mechanisms will help address the shortcomings of current inequitable vaccine distribution. CONCLUSIONS: Global solidarity and collective action through pandemic governance mechanisms are urgently needed to ensure vaccine equity. These interventions are vital to rapidly mitigate ongoing health and humanitarian crises and ultimately curb the pandemic, sooner rather than later

    Nomophobia (No-mobile-phone Phobia) Among the Undergraduate Medical Students

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    Nomophobia (no-mobile-phone phobia) is the fear and anxiety of being without a mobile phone. This study pioneers the investigation of nomophobia in Afghanistan using the Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q), addressing a crucial gap in the field. We collected statistical data from 754 undergraduate medical students, comprising men (56.50%) and women (43.50%), and analyzed the dimensions of nomophobia. While results revealed that all but two participants were nomophobic, they identified three significant dimensions affecting the level of nomophobia among participants: (a) gender, (b) age, and (c) marital status. The study's contributions are precious, given the peculiarity of Afghan political turmoil, security, and human rights issues, especially for women. For example, the study's data collection was abruptly halted in December 2022 due to the Taliban regime's decision to make it illegal for women to enroll in universities as students. Therefore, while examining the characteristics of nomophobia across societies is imperative, it is also vital to investigate what is true of one society, Afghanistan, at one point in time and space. The study concludes by emphasizing the need to broaden participants' scope in future studies to better understand the prevalence of nomophobia across broader societal contexts and forces

    Cystic fibrosis–adapted Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing lasR mutants cause hyperinflammatory responses

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    Cystic fibrosis lung disease is characterized by chronic airway infections with the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa and severe neutrophilic pulmonary inflammation. P. aeruginosa undergoes extensive genetic adaptation to the cystic fibrosis (CF) lung environment, and adaptive mutations in the quorum sensing regulator gene lasR commonly arise. We sought to define how mutations in lasR alter host-pathogen relationships. We demonstrate that lasR mutants induce exaggerated host inflammatory responses in respiratory epithelial cells, with increased accumulation of proinflammatory cytokines and neutrophil recruitment due to the loss of bacterial protease–dependent cytokine degradation. In subacute pulmonary infections, lasR mutant–infected mice show greater neutrophilic inflammation and immunopathology compared with wild-type infections. Finally, we observed that CF patients infected with lasR mutants have increased plasma interleukin-8 (IL-8), a marker of inflammation. These findings suggest that bacterial adaptive changes may worsen pulmonary inflammation and directly contribute to the pathogenesis and progression of chronic lung disease in CF patients