159 research outputs found

    ”Pikkutyttöjen ahdistelijat vaarattomiksi!”

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    Tutkimme suomalaista kastraatiopolitiikkaa pakkokastraation voimassaoloaikana 1935–1970. Vuoden 1935 sterilointilaki mahdollisti sukupuoliviettinsä voiman tai suuntautumisen takia vaarallisten seksuaalirikollisten pakkokastraation. Vuoden 1950 erillinen kastraatiolaki kiristi ja tehosti menettelyä. Kysymme, miten lainsäädäntö sai alkunsa, muovautui ja mitä sanottiin tavoiteltavan sekä millaisia rikoksia tehneisiin sitä sovellettiin. Käytämme arkistolähteitä, aikalaiskirjallisuutta ja lainsäädäntölähteitä. Tekstiaineisto analysoidaan historiantutkimuksen keinoin. Pakkokastraatiopäätösten syyt analysoidaan muodostamalla vuoden 1950 lainsäädännön ja kastraatiokortiston pohjalta aineistolähtöinen luokittelu, joka analysoidaan tilastollisesti. Pakkokastraation ensisijainen kohde oli lapseen seksuaalirikoksen suunnannut. Vuonna 1950 kohteisiin lisättiin henkisen tilan takia rangaistukseen tuomitsematta jätetyt. Lisäksi säädettiin, että nimettyihin seksuaalirikoksiin tuomitusta piti aina tehdä kastraatioesitys. Tämä nosti kastraatioesitysten määrää huomattavasti verrattuna aiempaan. Pakkokastraatio oli voimassa vuoteen 1970, mutta Lääkintöhallitus lopetti lain toimeenpanon: viimeinen kastraatiomääräys annettiin vuonna 1958. Kaikkiaan annettiin 233 pakkokastraatiomääräystä. Määräysten ”kulta-aika” oli vuosina 1951–1955, jolloin annettiin kolme neljästä määräyksestä. Määräysten peruste oli alaikäiseen kohdistunut seksuaalirikos (73 %) ja täysi-ikäisen raiskaus (17 %). Homoseksuaalisuus sinänsä ei ollut kastraatioperuste. Kastraatiopolitiikka kohdistui voimakkaasti älyllisesti vajaisiin. Heitä koskevista esityksistä 71 prosenttia esityksistä johti määräykseen, muiden kohdalla 12 prosenttia


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    The foundation of the medieval Dominican Convent of St Olaf in Turku, South-West Finland, marked the connection of the country to an international network of contacts with the Latin West, and the establishment of taught education in Finland. However, the chronology of its construction has been a subject of scholarly debate since the early 20th century. The archaeological material from the convent is scant, and the only properly datable finds are a sample of timber from the structures and a collection of bricks recovered from the site. In this article we present the results of a wiggle-match dating of the timber, and OSL dating of eight bricks. The bricks were also analysed by pXRF. The building phase of brick masonry seems to date to the second half of the 14th century or around 1400AD

    Genetic testing for familial hypercholesterolemia in a Finnish cohort of patients with premature coronary artery disease and elevated LDL-C levels

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    BackgroundBased on Finnish LDLR-founder variations, the prevalence of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) in Finland is estimated to be at least 1:600. Patients with FH have increased risk of premature coronary artery disease (CAD) and thus the prevalence of FH is expected to be higher in this subgroup.ObjectiveTo assess the prevalence of monogenic FH in a Finnish cohort of patients with premature CAD and elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels.MethodsAmong 28,295 patients undergoing angiography at Heart Hospital at Tampere University Hospital between 2007 and 2017, we identified 162 patients diagnosed with premature CAD (men aged <55 years and women aged <60 years) and history of high LDL-C (≥5 mmol/L) levels without secondary causes of hypercholesterolemia. Clinical probability of FH was estimated, and genetic testing of FH was carried out in 80 patients with informed consent.ResultsOf the 80 patients with premature CAD and history of high LDL-C levels, 70% were men; the age at diagnosis of CAD for male and female patients was 48 and 53 years, respectively. In total, 58 (73%) patients had probable (n = 54) or definite (n = 4) FH based on Dutch Lipid Clinic Network criteria. A pathogenic variant of FH was found in five (6%) patients. Prevalence of the genetically verified FH was 1:16. The FH variant was found in 75% of patients with definite FH.ConclusionsThe prevalence of genetically verified FH was 1:16 among patients with premature CAD and elevated LDL-C level, which is 38 times higher than the estimated prevalence of 1:600 in the general Finnish population

    Outcome of all-comers with STEMI based on the grade of ischemia in the presenting ECG

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    Background: Grade 3 ischemia (G3I) in the 12 lead electrocardiogram (ECG) predicts poor outcome in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). The outcome of G3I in "real-life" patient cohorts is unclear. Methods: The aim of the study was to establish the prognostic significance of grade 2 ischemia (G2I), G3I and the STEMI patients excluded from ischemia grading (No grade of ischemia, NG) in a real-life patient population. We assessed in-hospital, 30-day and 1-year mortality as well as other endpoints. Results: The NG patients had more comorbidities and longer treatment delays than the two other groups. Shortterm and 1-year mortality were highest in patients with NG and lowest in patients with G2I. Maximum troponin level was highest in G3I, followed by NG and G2I. In logistic regression multivariable analysis, NG was independently associated with 1-year mortality. Conclusions: NG predicted poor outcome in STEMI patients. G2I predicted relatively favorable outcome. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Comparison of the prognostic role of Q waves and inverted T waves in the presenting ECG of STEMI patients

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    Background Both Q waves and T-wave inversion (TWI) in the presenting ECG are associated with a progressed stage of myocardial infarction, possibly with less potential for myocardial salvage with reperfusion therapy. Combining the diagnostic information from the Q- and T-wave analyses could improve the prognostic work-up in ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients. Methods We sought to determine the prognostic impact of Q waves and TWI in the admission ECG on patient outcome in STEMI. We formed four groups according to the presence of Q waves and/or TWI (Q+TWI+; Q-TWI+; Q+TWI-; Q-TWI-). We studied 627 all-comers with STEMI derived from two patient cohorts. Results The patients with Q+TWI+ had the highest and those with Q-TWI- the lowest 30-day and one-year mortality. One-year mortality was similar between Q-TWI+ and Q+TWI-. The survival analysis showed higher early mortality in Q+TWI- but the higher late mortality in Q-TWI+ compensated for the difference at 1 year. The highest peak troponin level was found in the patients with Q+TWI-. Conclusion Q waves and TWI predict adverse outcome, especially if both ECG features are present. Q waves and TWI predict similar one-year mortality. Extending the ECG analysis in STEMI patients to include both Q waves and TWI improves risk stratification.Peer reviewe

    Incidence of stroke and mortality due to stroke after acute coronary syndrome

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    Objectives: Stroke is a known complication after myocardial infarction (MI) and it is associated with increased mortality. We aimed to establish the true cumulative incidence of stroke and its subtypes and the associated mortality in a contemporary setting among patients treated for acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Materials and methods: A retrospective registry study based on the data of 8,049 consecutive patients treated for ACS in a sole provider of specialized cardiac and neurologic care for a catchment area of over 0.5 million residents between 2007 and 2018. Incident strokes and their subtypes were identified by in-depth review of written hospital records, hospital discharge registry data and causes of death registry data maintained by Statistics Finland up until December 31st 2020. Results: During a median follow-up of 5.8 years (IQR 3.2-9.0) 570 ACS patients suffered a stroke. The cumulative incidences of stroke for first week, first month, first year and at thirteen years were: 0.8 %, 1.1 %, 2.2 % and 10.3 %. In long-term, patients with different ACS subtypes had similar cumulative incidence of strokes, although the incidence of in-hospital strokes was highest among myocardial infarction patients. Stroke mortality rate was 32.5 % (n=185/570). The majority (88.8 %) of strokes were ischemic with the proportion being most substantial for in-hospital strokes (95.6 %). Conclusions: The risk of stroke among patients treated for ACS and the related mortality are still notable in a contemporary setting. A distinctive majority of strokes following ACS were ischemic especially early on after ACS.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Solunsalpaajahoidon aiheuttama sepelvaltimotautikohtaus

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    Kapesitabiini on mm. paksusuoli- ja rintasyövän hoidossa laajasti käytetty 5-fluorourasiiliksi metaboloituva suun kautta otettava solunsalpaaja. Sen sydämeen kohdistuvien haittavaikutuksien on ajateltu olevan harvinaisia. Kuvaamme neljä potilasta, joille ilmaantui sepelvaltimotautikohtaus kapesitabiinihoidon aikana sepelvaltimospasmin pohjalta. Tämä haittavaikutus kannattaa muistaa kapesitabiinia käyttävän potilaan rintakipuoireiden yhtenä syynä, ja lääkkeen käyttö tulee tätä epäiltäessä lopettaa. English summary: Coronary artery disease attack caused by cytotoxic chemotherapy Capesitabine is a orally administered cytotoxic drug metabolized to 5-fluorouracil and is widely used in large intestine cancer and breast cancer therapy. Its adverse effects against the heart have been considered to be rare. We describe four patients, who were diagnosed with an attack of coronary artery disease during capesitabine therapy on the basis of coronary spasm. This adverse effect should be kept in mind as a cause of chest pain symptoms and the medication discontinued in a suspected case

    Exclusive J/psi : photoproduction in ultraperipheral Pb plus Pb collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider calculated at next-to-leading order perturbative QCD

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    We present the first next-to-leading-order (NLO) perturbative QCD (pQCD) study of rapidity-differential cross sections of coherent exclusive photoproduction of J/psi mesons in heavy-ion ultraperipheral collisions (UPCs) at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), d sigma /dy(Pb + Pb -> Pb + J/psi + Pb). For this, we account for the photon-nucleon NLO cross sections at the forward limit, the t dependence using a standard nuclear form factor, and the photon fluxes of the colliding nuclei. Approximating the generalized parton distributions with their forward-limit parton distribution functions (PDFs), we quantify the NLO contributions in the cross sections, show that the real part of the amplitude and quark-PDF contributions must not be neglected, quantify the uncertainties arising from the scale choice and PDFs, and compare our results with ALICE, CMS, and LHCb J/psi photoproduction data in Pb + Pb UPCs, exclusive J/psi photoproduction data from HERA, and LHCb data in p + p. The scale dependence in d sigma /dy(Pb + Pb & RARR; Pb + J/psi + Pb) is significant, but we can find a scale choice that reproduces the Pb + Pb UPC data at both 2.76 and 5.02 TeV collision energies. This process has traditionally been suggested to be a direct probe of nuclear gluon distributions. We show that the situation changes rather dramatically from LO to NLO: the NLO cross sections reflect the nuclear effects of both gluons and quarks in a complicated manner, where the relative signs of the LO and NLO terms in the amplitude play a significant role.Peer reviewe

    Poliisikoulutus muuttui korkeakoulututkinnoksi: Opinnäytetyön ohjaaminen ja opinnäyteprosessin tuottamat työelämätaidot tutkinnonuudistuksen alkuvaiheessa

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    Refereed article The job description of the police officer has transformed due to changes in the society and related new expert requirements; this new reality has, additionally, placed demands on the educational system calling for a re-evaluation and a structural change. Consequently, the police degree became a bachelor level degree in 2014 and now includes a 15 credit point thesis. This article aims to review the thesis process through the pilot thesis project that took place between 2011 and 2013, particularly, from a mentoring perspective. The data consists of the involved mentors’ interviews. According to the data, at the eve of the educational reform the police training culture is still typified by a fairly strong hierarchical structure. Among the future challenges identified was the augmentation of student responsibility and self-direction during both the thesis process and the studies on the whole. Furthermore, the teachers’ focus was mostly on the students’ timely progress and the final product, instead of the thesis process which had less emphasis. Although, the teachers acknowledged the potential for the thesis to develop some generic work life skills for example, the pilot project left room for improvement in this regard. In order for the thesis process to truly and significantly promote professional growth, its potential should be better acknowledged. It also requires a more systematic analysis of the process and a change in both the teacher’s role and in the teaching culture.Artikkeli on läpikäynyt referee-menettelyn Yhteiskunnallinen muutos ja sen myötä yhä enemmän asiantuntijatyöksi muuttuva poliisin ammatti ovat edellyttäneet poliisikoulutuksen uudelleen arviointia ja rakenteellista muutosta. Poliisin perustutkinto muuttui ammattikorkeakoulututkinnoksi vuonna 2014. Samalla opintojen osaksi tuli 15 opintopisteen laajuinen opinnäytetyö. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan Poliisiammattikorkeakoulussa 2011–2013 toteutetun opinnäytepilotin kautta poliisin perustutkinnon opinnäyteprosessia ohjaamisen näkökulmasta. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu ohjaajahaastatteluista. tutkimusaineiston perusteella poliisikoulutusta luonnehtii koulutusuudistuksen alkuvaiheessa melko hierarkkinen oppilaitoskulttuuri. Kehittämisen haasteiksi tunnistetaan muiden muassa opiskelijoiden oman vastuullisuuden ja itseohjautuvuuden lisääminen – myös opintojen ohjaamisen osalta. Opinnäytepilotissa ohjauksen painopiste oli prosessin ohjaamisen sijaan produktissa (so. valmiissa opinnäytteessä) ja opiskelijan edistymisen kontrollissa. Vaikka ohjaajat tunnistivat opinnäyteprosessin mahdollisuudet kehittää mm. tulevaisuuden yleisiä työelämätaitoja, pilottikokeilu jätti tämän tavoitteen osalta vielä toivomisen varaa. Opinnäyteprosessin mahdollisuuksien näkeminen laajemmin nimenomaan poliisin ammatillista kasvua tukevana prosessina näyttää edellyttävän opinnäyteprosessin systemaattisempaa analyysia, mutta osaltaan myös muuttuvan opettajan roolin arviointia ja jopa koulutuskulttuurin muutosta