8 research outputs found

    Associer la bière à un mets : principes d'association, mécanismes sous-jacents et focus sur la similarité aromatique

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    Pairing between beer and dishes emerges as a new trend in France. Beer promoters or gastronomy professionals need to offer high-quality advices in terms of beer and food pairing to their customers. Within this context, the objective of the research was to identify pairing principles and to better understand the underlying perceptual mechanisms. Determinants of food and beverage pairing were first analysed from experts’ discourses. Results showed that food and beverage pairings are governed by perceptual, conceptual and affective features, related to physio-chemical, perceptual and cognitive processes. Experts often mentioned “Aromatic Similarity” as one of the main pairing principles. This “Aromatic similarity” principle consists in matching two products sharing similar aromas. Underlying perceptual mechanisms were then investigated. Results showed that aromatic similarity in food and beverage generally increases harmony and homogeneity and decreases complexity of the match. These effects can be reinforced by orientating the attentional focus on the shared aroma. From a theoretical point of view, this work concludes that beer and food pairing includes sensory dimensions with the search for harmony, as well as symbolic and contextual dimensions. From an applied point of view, this work provides useful information to gastronomy professionals with recent knowledge on perceptual mechanisms underlying food and beverage pairing principles.L’association de la bière avec les mets apparaît comme une nouvelle tendance en France. Il est donc nécessaire pour les promoteurs de bière et les professionnels de la gastronomie de fournir à leurs clients des conseils de qualité en terme d’accord bière et mets. Au vu de ce contexte, l’objectif de la thèse était d’identifier les principes d’association et de mieux comprendre les mécanismes perceptuels qui les sous-tendent. Les déterminants des accords mets et boissons ont, dans un premier temps, été identifiés à partir du discours d’experts. Les résultats ont montrés que les associations mets et boissons sont régies par des caractéristiques perceptuelles, conceptuelles et affectives, liées à des mécanismes physico-chimiques, perceptuels et cognitifs. Les experts ont souvent mentionné la «similarité aromatique» comme l'un des principaux principes d'association. Ce principe consiste à associer deux produits partageant des arômes similaires. Les mécanismes perceptuels sous-jacents à ce principe ont été investigués. Les résultats ont montrés qu’une similarité aromatique entre un mets et une boisson augmente le niveau d’harmonie et d’homogénéité de leur association et diminue sa complexité. Ces effets peuvent être renforcés en orientant l’attention du dégustateur sur l’arôme partagé. D’un point de vue théorique, cette thèse conclut que l’association bières et mets inclut des dimensions sensorielles avec une recherche d’harmonie, mais aussi des dimensions symboliques et contextuelles. D’un point de vue plus appliqué, cette thèse fournit aux professionnels de la gastronomie, de nouvelles informations concernant les mécanismes perceptifs sous-tendant les principes d’associations

    From beverage to companion food: Experts' principles for pairing wines and beers with food

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    Projet "Associations entre bières et mets : de la perception au jugement des consommateurs en situation réelle de consommation".Pairing beverages and dishes is part of culinary tradition. The objective is to identify the principles used by experts for pairing. Ten sommeliers and ten beer experts were presented with the description of a drink, either beer or wine. They were asked to suggest dishes to match the drink and explaining their choices. They performed the task with two beers and two wines. Both perceptual and conceptual principles are reported, the former being the most often used. Overall, 10 perceptual principles were identified. They intend to either reinforce the quality of the food and the drink both being perceived individually or to create a harmony within the food-drink pair, being perceived as a whole. Conceptual principles mainly relate to products region or quality level

    Matching beer with food: pairing principles, underlying mechanisms and a focus on aromatic similarity

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    Pairing between beer and dishes emerges as a new trend in France. Beer promoters or gastronomy professionals need to offer high-quality advices in terms of beer and food pairing to their customers. Within this context, the objective of the research was to identify pairing principles and to better understand the underlying perceptual mechanisms. Determinants of food and beverage pairing were first analysed from experts’ discourses. Results showed that food and beverage pairings are governed by perceptual, conceptual and affective features, related to physio-chemical, perceptual and cognitive processes. Experts often mentioned “Aromatic Similarity” as one of the main pairing principles. This “Aromatic similarity” principle consists in matching two products sharing similar aromas. Underlying perceptual mechanisms were then investigated. Results showed that aromatic similarity in food and beverage generally increases harmony and homogeneity and decreases complexity of the match. These effects can be reinforced by orientating the attentional focus on the shared aroma. From a theoretical point of view, this work concludes that beer and food pairing includes sensory dimensions with the search for harmony, as well as symbolic and contextual dimensions. From an applied point of view, this work provides useful information to gastronomy professionals with recent knowledge on perceptual mechanisms underlying food and beverage pairing principles.L’association de la bière avec les mets apparaît comme une nouvelle tendance en France. Il est donc nécessaire pour les promoteurs de bière et les professionnels de la gastronomie de fournir à leurs clients des conseils de qualité en terme d’accord bière et mets. Au vu de ce contexte, l’objectif de la thèse était d’identifier les principes d’association et de mieux comprendre les mécanismes perceptuels qui les sous-tendent. Les déterminants des accords mets et boissons ont, dans un premier temps, été identifiés à partir du discours d’experts. Les résultats ont montrés que les associations mets et boissons sont régies par des caractéristiques perceptuelles, conceptuelles et affectives, liées à des mécanismes physico-chimiques, perceptuels et cognitifs. Les experts ont souvent mentionné la «similarité aromatique» comme l'un des principaux principes d'association. Ce principe consiste à associer deux produits partageant des arômes similaires. Les mécanismes perceptuels sous-jacents à ce principe ont été investigués. Les résultats ont montrés qu’une similarité aromatique entre un mets et une boisson augmente le niveau d’harmonie et d’homogénéité de leur association et diminue sa complexité. Ces effets peuvent être renforcés en orientant l’attention du dégustateur sur l’arôme partagé. D’un point de vue théorique, cette thèse conclut que l’association bières et mets inclut des dimensions sensorielles avec une recherche d’harmonie, mais aussi des dimensions symboliques et contextuelles. D’un point de vue plus appliqué, cette thèse fournit aux professionnels de la gastronomie, de nouvelles informations concernant les mécanismes perceptifs sous-tendant les principes d’associations

    Predicting sensory characteristics of complex dishes based on a formal model of culinary expert knowledge

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    Predicting sensory characteristics of complex dishes based on a formal model of culinary expert knowledge. 11. Pangborn sensory science symposiu

    The role of aromatic similarity in food and beverage pairing

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    International audienceAromatic similarity is often mentioned by culinary experts and Sommeliers as a basic principle for matching food and beverages. The aim of this study was to investigate how this pairing principle modulates consumers’ judgment of pairings. Two kinds of beverage-food pairing were considered: syrup based lemon soft drink paired with aromatized dairy product (experiment 1) and beer flavoured with either lemon or smoky aroma paired with savoury verrines (experiment 2). In each experiment the flavoured drinks were associated with food flavoured with either the same aroma or another one, leading to two contrasting levels of aromatic similarity. We hypothesized that aromatic similarity would increase the liking of the pairing by increasing perceived harmony and homogeneity and decreasing complexity. Pairings were assessed by a group of about 50 participants in a within experimental design. Experiment 1 confirmed our hypotheses. The pair that shared an aroma was preferred over the pair with different aromas. Aromatic similarity also increased the pairing’s perceived harmony and homogeneity and decreased the pairing’s complexity. Experiment 2 also supported our hypothesis but to a lesser extent. For lemon beer pairings, aromatic similarity induced an increase in harmony and homogeneity but did not affect complexity. In contrast, for smoky beer pairings, aromatic similarity did not affect harmony or homogeneity but induced a decrease in complexity. Moreover no effect or only a marginal effect was observed on liking. We suggest a model that could account for these results in which aromatic similarity would impact liking of the pair by modulating collative properties, specifically harmony and complexity, of the food-beverage pairing

    From expert knowledge and sensory science to a general model of food and beverage pairing with wine and beer

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    Conference: Gastro-Science-Chef International Symposium (GSC) on Science and CookingLocation: Taste Life & Sci & Cooking Harvard, Copenhagen, DENMARKDate: JUN 13-14, 2018International audiencePairing food and beverages is a traditional practice in French gastronomy. Culinary literature provides recommendations in terms of food and beverage pairing but identifying general strategies to create a match is still difficult.This work aims at identifying what makes a match between food and beverage according to experts and at investigating whether explanations are domain-specific or generalizable. Explanation interviews (or self-confrontation interviews) were conducted with sommeliers (n = 10) and beer experts (n = 10). They were asked to suggest food-beverage pairings and to explain why the pairs would or not would match.From these interviews, fifteen pairing principles were identified. They correspond to strategies and prerequisites to consider to create a match. They are related to perceptual, conceptual and affective categories and aim at creating pairing according to various objectives: creating a unique match experience, highlighting one of the two products, and enjoying the experience of each product in the pair. These principles are related to both perceptual and physiochemical underlying mechanisms. Generally the same pairing principles may be considered to match food with either wine or beer. However matches based on norms and conceptual association were more often mentioned for wine than beer. Some differences were also highlighted between experts of different domain: beer experts used more experiential discourse than sommeliers who more often referred to conceptual principles

    Semaine du cerveau du 12 au 18 mars: Actualités du site francetvinfo.fr sur l'<em>experimentarium spécial cerveau</em> au Centre des Sciences du Goût

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    Un atelier, dimanche 18 mars, de 14 h à 18 h, au centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation (CSGA) à Dijon. ... qui travaillent de près ou de loin sur le cerveau, les neurones, les sciences cognitives, attendent le public le dimanche 18 mars 2018 à Dijon, pour un "Expérimentarium spécial cerveau"

    CAMPUS UNIVERSITAIRE : Les questions autour du cerveau ont attisé les attentions et curiosités

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    Actualités sur le site infos-dijon.com concernant l'"expérimentarium spécial cerveau".Pour ponctuer la Semaine nationale du cerveau, un Expérimentarium était organisé sur ce thème dimanche dernier. Il a été un succès au Centre des sciences du goût et de l’alimentation