93 research outputs found

    The Evaluation of Information System Performance in Higher Education Case Study with EUCS Model at Bandar Lampung University

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    Simperti has been used for about more than 10 years at the bandar Lampung university, but the system has'nt been done with the developing which it must be followed the bussiness need in UBL. Sometimes it arises the problem that give obstacles which will give impact to UBL's academy performance, the management has not been taking any actions to improve the simperti's performance, especially in terms of user satisfaction that indicate which parts need to be improved to meet the needs of the user, because it has not been done an analysis of the feasibility of the system in terms of the end user.Several models have been built to analyze and understand the factors that influence the acceptance of the use of computer technology, one of them is model developed by doll and torkzadeh(1998), the purpose of this research is to apply the model of end user computing satisfaction in evaluating the higher education information system (SIMPERTI) bandar Lampung university. So that evaluation results obtained by simperti based on EUCS dimension, content, accuracy, format, ease of user, topical, system speed, reliability

    Pengaruh Ablasi Mata terhadap Kecepatan Kematangan Gonad Kepiting Bakau (Sylla Serrata) Betina

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    Kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) merupakan jenis golongan Crustaceae yang mengandung protein hewani yang cukup tinggi dan memiliki nilai ekonomis yang tinggi. Ablasi mata merupakan salah satu cara untuk menghilangkan hambatan perkembangan telur (gonad) pada kepiting bakau. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) non factorial dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Adapun perlakuan dalam penelitian ini adalah perlakuan A (ablasi satu pasang mata), perlakuan B (ablasi mata kiri), C (ablasi mata kanan), D (tanpa ablasi). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kecepatan kematangan gonad tertinggi pada perlakuan C (ablasi mata kanan) yaitu pertumbuhan gonad mencapai 21,53% dan terendah terjadi D (tanpa ablasi) pertumbuhan gonad hanya 14,8%. Analisa statistik dengan uji F menunjukan bahwa ablasi mata berpengaruh terhadap kecepatan kematangan gonad kepiting bakau. Pertambahan bobot tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan C (ablasi mata kanan) yaitu sebesar 2,67 gr kemudian disusul oleh D (tanpa ablasi) sebesar 1,89 gr dan terakhir pada B (ablasi mata kiri) dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 0,77 gr. Tingkat kelangsungan hidup terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan D (tanpa ablasi) yaitu 100%, perlakuan B (ablasi mata kiri) 77,77%, perlakuan C (ablasi mata kanan) 66,66% dan kelansungan hidup terendah terjadi pada perlakuan A (ablasi satu pasang mata) 0%. Rata-rata kualitas air selama penelitian adalah suhu 27 0C dan Ph 7,65.Mangrove crab (Scylla serrata) have been classifying in Crustaceae clas that containing high animal protein and high economic value. Ablation of the eye is an solution to eliminate the egg development (gonads) barriers in the mangrove crab. The research design used a completely randomized design (CRD) non- factorial with 4 treatments and 3 replications. Treatment in this study were the treatment of A (ablation of the pairs of eyes), treatment B (left eye ablation), treatment C (right eye ablation), D (without ablation). The results showed that the highest rate of gonadal maturation was in treatment C (right eye ablation) where gonadal development growth reached 21.53 %, whereas the lowest was in treatment D (without ablation) where gonadal development growth was only 14.8 %. Statistical analysis by F test showed that ablation of the eye was affected the mud crab gonadal maturity. The Weight gain was found highest in the treatment C (right eye ablation) that reached 2.67 g and followed by treatment D (without ablation) 1.89 grams and the last in the treatment B (left eye ablation) with was an average value 0.77 grams. The higest survival rate was found in treatment D (without ablation) 100 %, treatment B (left eye ablation) 77.77 %, treatment C (right eye ablation) 66.66 % and the lowest survival rate was occurred in treatment A (ablation of the pairs of eyes) 0 %. The avarge values of water quality during the study showed that the temperature was reched 27 0C and pH was 7, 65

    Effect of Thyroxine and RGH Hormone Recombinant on Growth and Survival Goldfish Larvae, Carassius Auratus (Linnaeus, 1758)

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    Pertumbuhan yang lambat merupakan kendala dalam mencapai target produksi ikan maskoki (Carassius auratus auratus). Proses metabolisme dan pertumbuhan pada ikan dipengaruhi oleh faktor hormonal. Penelitian ini dilaksa-nakan pada bulan Februari-Maret 2016 di Laboratorium Pembenihan dan Teknologi Budidaya, Perairan Program Studi Budidaya Perairan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Malikussaleh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pe-ngaruh pemberian hormon tiroksin (T4) dan hormon rGH (recombinant Growth Hormone) melalui metode peren-daman dengan dosis yang berbeda terhadap pertumbuhan dan sintasan larva ikan maskoki. Metode penelitian ekspe-rimental dengan rancangan acak lengkap non faktorial dengan empat perlakuan tiga ulangan. Adapun perlakuannya adalah: A= Kontrol, B= T4 0,05 mgL-1+ rGH 5 mgL-1, C= T4 0,1 mgL-1+ rGH 10 mgL-1, D = T4 0,15 mgL-1+ rGH 15 mgL-1. Hasil penelitian dengan pemberian rekombinasi hormon T4 dan hormon rGH dengan dosis yang berbeda ber-pengaruh terhadap penurunan volume kuning telur, laju penyerapan kuning telur, pertumbuhan dan sintasan dengan nilai p< 0,05. Perlakuan terbaik terdapat pada perlakuan D (T4 0,15 mg L-1 + rGH 15 mgL-1) dengan hasil volume kuning telur dan laju penyerapan kuning telur selama 36 jam, pertumbuhan bobot : 3,09 mg, pertumbuhan panjang : 1,75 mm, dan sintasan : 81 %. Nilai kualitas air selama penelitian yaitu suhu 27-28 oC, pH 7,0-7,4, oksigen terlarut 5-6,1 mgL-1 dan amonia 0,1073-0,1793 mgL-1, masih mendukung pertumbuhan ikan yang optimal bagi ikan mas koki. Penelitian ini diharapkan mampu mempercepat proses pertumbuhan larva ikan mas koki dengan nilai sintasan yang sangat baik

    Pengaruh Lama Waktu Paparan Medan Listrik terhadap Pertumbuhan Benih Ikan Patin (Pangasius SP)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu paparan medan listrik pada media air bersalinitas 3 ppt. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober hingga November 2014 di Laboratorium Hatchery dan Teknologi Program Studi Budidaya Perairan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Malikussaleh Aceh Utara. Perlakuan yang diberikan yaitu: perlakuan A (Kontrol), B (1 menit), C (3 menit) dan D (5 menit). Pengambilan data dilakukan setiap 7 hari sekali. Rancangan yang digunakan berupa Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan 3 ulangan dan dilanjutkan dengan Uji Beda Nyata jika terdapat perbedaan. Parameter yang diamati berupa pertambahan bobot, pertambahan panjang, kelangsungan hidup, dan efisiensi pakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ikan patin yang diberi perlakuan 1 menit, 3 menit dan 5 menit mampu merespon medan listrik. Pemberian medan listrik 10 volt selama 3 menit menghasilkan nilai pertambahan bobot, pertambahan panjang, dan efisiensi pakan yang paling baik, yaitu masing-masing sebesar 0,65 gram/ekor, 0,29 cm/ekor, dan 91,09 %. Kelangsungan hidup ikan uji selama penelitian berkisar antara 83,33 % - 100 %, dimana yang terbaik diperoleh pada pemberian paparan listrik selama 3 menit. Selama penelitian ini suhu air yang diperoleh berkisar antara 26,60C sampai 29,30C, dan pH berkisar antara 6,8 sampai 8,5. This study was aimed to know the expoture time effect of electric voltage in saline water 3 ppt. The study was carried out on October until November 2014 at Laboratorium of Hetchery, Major of Aquaculture Malikussaleh University. Several treatments given in this study were A (Control), B (1 Minute), C (3 Minute), D (5 Minute). Data were sampled every 7 day. Reseach design used was completely ran domized design with four treadments and three replications, then it was continued by using LSD test. Parameters observed in this study were weight inerement, length inerement, survival rate, and feed efficiency. Result of this research showed that catfish which were given treadments of 1 minute, 3 minute, and 5 minute could respond electric voltage. Giving voltage 10 volt for 3 minute yielded the best values of weight and length increment and feed efficiency, such as 0,65 gr / fish of weight, 0,29 cm / fish of lenght, and survival rate 91,09 %. Water quality during experiment ranged temperature 26,60C – 29,30C and pH 6,8 – 8,5

    Logotherapy Counseling to Improve Acceptance of Broken Home Child

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    This study aims to increase the enrollment of children of a broken home that life has meaning. Subjects are 100 children in Demak whose families experiencing divorce. Research themes include three things: individual counseling, engineering logotherapy, reception, and a child of a broken home. Data obtained based on interviews, observation, and psychological scale showed that of the 100 children of a broken home has a low acceptance that individual counseling with logotherapy techniques were considered appropriate to increase the enrollment of children of a broken home. Factors - factors that affect the acceptance of a child of a broken home is self-blame, anger and did not have a purpose in life again. In addition the environment is also a significant effect on the enrollment of children of a broken home. Environmental labeling of families experiencing divorce as a family that failed so that children are increasingly stressed with the stamp of the community. Based on the field test results, the level of acceptance of the child of a broken home increases after the individual is given counseling services with logotherapy techniques. Indicated by changes in the level of acceptance of children of a broken home before being given treatment (initial evaluation) and after (final evaluation) of 130 points. The results of effectiveness test statistic t test calculations also showed 0,010 <0.05.It was concluded that counseling individuals with logotherapy effective technique to increase the enrollment of children of a broken hom

    Penciptaan Buku Ilustrasi Legend Reog Ponorogo Sebagai Upaya Mengenalkan Budaya Lokal Kepada Anak-anak

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    Reog Ponorogo is one that is owned by the Indonesian culture that must be preserved and also introduced early to children, because they are the nation\u27s potential successor. But the local culture such as Reog start eroded by modern smelling things, like modern games, other than that the children have fear when seeing the show Reog who still uses magical elements. One of the Reog Ponorogo way to introduce children is through a book with a fun design. The purpose of this research is making legend Reog Ponorogo illustrated book based on the lack of interest in the dance Reog in modern times such as this, because in dance reog still thick with mystical elements and it collides with the modern world as it is today, and the children who will become the nation\u27s next seedlings tend to be afraid when he saw the show reog. This study used qualitative methods, through a process of interviews, literature studies, and observation. Once the data is acquired, it can be concluded that the analysis results are Reog Ponorogo need to be introduced to children from an early age, starting from knowing his legend first, so that the continuity of culture in Indonesia can be maintained. From the analysis, then obtained the key word is "Smart and Fun", which means studying our culture is something that is fun and we will also have to be smart in understanding our culture. Media support is also built like a book Brochures. This book is expected to introduce Reog Ponorogo to children without fear
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