137 research outputs found

    Coexistència de cultius transgènics i convencionals

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    La comercialització de cultius transgènics ha determinat que la Unió Europea doni les directrius per a l'elaboració d'estratègies i millores pràctiques per tal de garantir la coexistència dels cultius modificats genèticament (MG) amb els altres sistemes de producció, i ha establert el llindar del 0,9 % de contingut accidental de transgènic perquè la producció s'hagi d'etiquetar com a tal. Cada país ha de fer la seva normativa, basada en dades científiques fiables i adaptada a les pràctiques culturals de cada cultiu. Entre tots els factors que poden incidir en la presència accidental de transgènic en un camp convencional destaca el flux de gens, produït per la pol·linització creuada, ja que és el més difícil de controlar. Es descriuen dos exemples, l'arròs i el blat de moro, en què la investigació portada a terme demostra que la coexistència és possible. En el cas de l'arròs, atès que s'autofecunda, el risc de pol·linització creuada és molt baix, per la qual cosa pràcticament no caldria cap mesura de contenció, encara que caldria establir mesures per controlar l'arròs salvatge. En canvi, en el cas del blat de moro, que es pol·linitza amb el vent, cal establir estratègies de contenció com serien distàncies de seguretat (entorn dels 20 m) o separació de les dates de floració.The marketing of GM crops has determined the European Union to set guidelines for the development of strategies and best practices to ensure coexistence from genetically modified crop with other production systems, and so has established the 0.9% threshold for adventitious GM content for production to be labeled as GM. Each country must make its rules based on reliable scientific data and adapted to the cultural practices of each crop. Among the factors that can determine the adventitious presence of GM in a conventional field, gene flow produced by cross pollination is one of the most important, because it is quite difficult to control. We describe here two examples, rice and maize, in which scientific results show that coexistence is possible. In case of rice, because is a selfpollinating plant, the risk of gene flow is extremely low in practice and so, containment strategies might not be necessary, but wild rice should be controlled. On the other hand, for a wind-pollinated plant such as maize, containment strategies should be set up (separation distances about 20 m or/and flowering delay) to ensure coexistence

    Stress and Growth in Cancer: Mechanisms and Psychotherapeutic Interventions to Facilitate a Constructive Balance

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    Post-traumatic stress and growth are common responses to adverse life events such as cancer. In this article, we establish how cancer becomes a "fertile land" for the emergence of stress and growth responses and analyze the main mechanisms involved. Stress-growth responses on adjusting to cancer is potentially determined by factors like the phase of the illness (e.g., initial phases vs. period of survivorship), patient's coping strategies, meaning-making, and relationships with significant others. We also review the mechanisms of constructive and adaptative stress-growth balances in cancer to study the predictors, interrelated associations, triggering mechanisms, long-term results, and specific trajectories of these two responses to cancer. Finally, we update the evidence on the role of these stress-growth associations in psychologically adjusting to cancer. Together with this evidence, we summarize preliminary results regarding the efficacy of psychotherapeutic interventions that aim to facilitate a constructive psychological balance between stress and growth in cancer patients. Recommendations for future research and gaps in knowledge on stress-growth processes in this illness are also highlighted. Researchers are encouraged to design and use psychotherapeutic interventions according to the dynamic and changeable patients' sources of stress and growth along the illness. Relevant insights are proposed to understand the inconsistency of stress-growth literature and to promote psychotherapeutic interventions to facilitate a constructive balance between these key responses in cancer

    Notes de lectura

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    Impact of changes in the WHO's 2019 update of DDDs on the measurement of adult hospital antibacterial consumption in Catalonia (Spain), 2008-18

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    In 2019 the WHO fully adopted new DDD values. The objective of this study is to analyse their impact on the measurement of consumption of antibacterials in hospitals participating in the Catalan Infection Control and Antimicrobial Stewardship National Program (VINCat-PROA) in Catalonia (Spain) between 2008 and 2018. The anatomical therapeutic chemical/DDD system was used to monitor adult hospital antibacterial consumption expressed in DDD/100 bed-days. Consumption from 2008 to 2018 was calculated using both pre- and post-update DDD values. Differences were calculated as the percentage variation in DDD/100 bed-days and analysed with Student's t -test. Simple linear regressions were performed to evaluate the trends in adult antimicrobial consumption over the study period. The overall consumption according to post-update DDD values decreased by 12.2% (P < 0.001) compared with the pre-update DDD values. Penicillins (−19.6.%; P < 0.001) and carbapenems (−19.0%; P = 0.023) showed the greatest reduction, followed by cephalosporins (−7.7%; P = 0.021) and quinolone antibacterials (−7.7%; P = 0.017). ICU services showed the greatest overall reduction (−13.1%; P < 0.001). From 2008 to 2018 there was a statistically significant decrease in consumption of penicillins and quinolone antibacterials and a statistically significant increase in cephalosporin and carbapenem consumption with both pre- and post-update DDD values. There were no variations in the ranking of consumption between the pre- and post-update DDD values. The WHO's updates of DDDs have had a significant impact on the measurement of antibacterial consumption. In our region, they have corrected an overestimation of penicillin and carbapenem consumption amounting to 19%. It is essential to bear these findings in mind for an accurate assessment of temporal trends and benchmarking

    PICO Questions and DELPHI Methodology for the Management of Venous Thromboembolism Associated with COVID-19

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    COVID-19; Anticoagulació; Malaltia tromboembòlica venosaCOVID-19; Anticoagulación; Enfermedad tromboembólica venosaCOVID-19; Anticoagulation; Venous thromboembolic diseasePatients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have a higher risk of venous thromboembolic disease (VTE) than patients with other infectious or inflammatory diseases, both as macrothrombosis (pulmonar embolism and deep vein thrombosis) or microthrombosis. However, the use of anticoagulation in this scenario remains controversial. This is a project that used DELPHI methodology to answer PICO questions related to anticoagulation in patients with COVID-19. The objective was to reach a consensus among multidisciplinary VTE experts providing answers to those PICO questions. Seven PICO questions regarding patients with COVID-19 responded with a broad consensus: 1. It is recommended to avoid pharmacological thromboprophylaxis in most COVID-19 patients not requiring hospital admission; 2. In most hospitalized patients for COVID-19 who are receiving oral anticoagulants before admission, it is recommended to replace them by low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) at therapeutic doses; 3. Thromboprophylaxis with LMWH at standard doses is suggested for COVID-19 patients admitted to a conventional hospital ward; 4. Standard-doses thromboprophylaxis with LMWH is recommended for COVID-19 patients requiring admission to Intensive Care Unit; 5. It is recommended not to determine D-Dimer levels routinely in COVID-19 hospitalized patients to select those in whom VTE should be suspected, or as a part of the diagnostic algorithm to rule out or confirm a VTE event; 6. It is recommended to discontinue pharmacological thromboprophylaxis at discharge in most patients hospitalized for COVID-19; 7. It is recommended to withdraw anticoagulant treatment after 3 months in most patients with a VTE event associated with COVID-19. The combination of PICO questions and DELPHI methodology provides a consensus on different recommendations for anticoagulation management in patients with COVID-19.This work was carried out with the institutional support and unconditional financial assistance of Sanofi, which had no role in the design, interpretation, or writing of the manuscript

    Actualització del software de control de presència

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    Aquest projecte tracta de la realització d'una migració tecnològica (en aquest cas una actualització de software) a un programa de gestió de control d'accés i presència. S'ha dut a terme un estudi de què és una migració tecnològica. S'evoluciona un software (IDPresence) per poder aconseguir una versió millorada que supleixi les mancances de la versió original. S'ha implementat una solució al problema duent a terme tots els passos: anàlisi de la problemàtica i requeriments necessaris, implementació d'una solució robusta, moderna i de fàcil manteniment i d'una fase de test final per tal de garantir una qualitat i la funcionalitat necessària per un producte professional. Finalment, s'ha implantat el sistema en diversos clients per tal de valorar la solució i extreure opinions i els resultats de la migració.Este proyecto trata de la realización de una migración tecnológica (en este caso una actualización de software) a un programa de gestión de control de acceso y presencia. Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de qué es una migración tecnológica y se ha evolucionado el software (IDPresence) para poder conseguir una versión mejorada y que supla las carencias de la versión original. Se ha implementado una solución al problema llevando a cabo todos los pasos: análisis de la problemàtica y requisitos necesarios, implementación de una solución robusta, moderna y de fácil mantenimiento y una fase final de test para garantizar una calidad y una funcionalidad necesaria para un producto profesional Finalmente, se ha implantado el sistema en distintos clientes para valorar la solución y extraer los resultados de la migración.This project is about the realization of a technological migration (in this case, a software upgrade) to an acces and presence managing application. There has been an analysis of what is a technological migration and a software upgrade os IDPresence to achieve an improved version make up for the shortcomings of the original version. We have implemented a solution doing all the steps involved in the process: analysis of the problems and required requirements necessaries to implment a robust, modern and attractive solution with easy maintenance and a final test phase to assure the quality and functionality of a professional solution. Finally, the system has been tested into clients' environments to evaluate the solution and extract opinions and results from the migration