193 research outputs found

    Javanese Philosophy Reflected In Tin Woodman Character In The Wizard Of Oz By L. Frank Baum

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    Kajian  yang  menganalisa  novel  the  Wizard  of  Oz  ini  bertujuan  untuk  menemukan gambaran  falsafah  budaya  jawa  yang  terdapat  pada  salah  satu  tokoh  pendukung  dalam novel ini yaitu Tin Woodman. Dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, teori kajian budaya  serta  pendekatan  filosofi,  kajian  ini  diharapkan  dapat  memberikan  jawaban  atas formulasi  pertanyaan:  falsafah  budaya  jawa  apa  sajakah  yang  tergambar  pada  tokoh  Tin Woodman? Hasil dari kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat enam falsafah budaya jawa yang tergambar pada tokoh Tin Woodman, yaitu: Digdaya tanpa aji, nglurug  tanpa bala, laku hambeging kartika, lila lamun kelangan ora getun, sareh pikoleh, and sing tekun golet teken  bakal  tekan.  nilai-nilai  budaya  yang  ditemukan  pada  tokoh  Tin  Woodman  tersebut membuktikan bahwa falsafah budaya jawa yang sarat dengan nilai moral dapat ditemukan dalam berbagai karya sastra termasuk diantaranya dalam sebuah novel yang berisi tentang cerita rakyat terkenal dari Amerika “The Wizard of Ozâ

    Model Pemulihan Ekonomi Berbasis Komunikasi Pembangunan bagi Masyarakat yang Terkena Bencana di Kawasan Obyek Wisata Pantai

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    There are a lot of difference policies for regional governments in Cilacap and Bantul afterearthquake and tsunami on July, 17 2006. Cilacap government didn’t give any programs to recovereconomical situation to their people except rebuild facilities around tourism at Widarapayungbeach. Also in Bantul government, there is not program for to recover tourism activities becausethere thougt that they have not any victims in that tsunami at Parang Tritis beach. Although theygave relocation program to their people but the program was not purposed to recover after tsunami.They had a plan to relocate trade location before the tsunami was coming. The most reason torelocate for people trading was to rearrange old location to new one and make the beach wasshown clean and comfort for tourism acitivities. It is different if it’s compare to Ciamis governmentpolicy to give recovery programs for their people at Pangandaran Beach. The programswere used to recovery tourism activities. In earlier program, people participation was involved bygovernment. They were participated in economical recovery program planning. However largelypeople in Pangandaran feel this recovery programs although they are not participated in implementationphase. From this data, it is too difficult to try the economical recovery program as amodel at Pangandaran beach to Widarapayung beach and Parang Tritis beach. This researchused qualitative method with indepth interview and observation to collect data


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    This study aims to describe students' spatial-visual ability in solving PISA questions in shape and space content based on visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles. This type of research used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. Subjects in the study were six students from Class X MIPA 3 SMA Negeri 2 Tanggul consisting of two students from each of the visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles. The data collection methods used were questionnaires, tests, and interviews. The instruments used in this study were learning style questionnaires, shape and space content PISA test questions, and interview guidelines. The results showed that the achievement of the characteristics of the sixth spatial-visual abilities of the subjects differed. Students with a visual learning style can meet the characteristics of pattern search, conceptualization, problem-solving, and imagination in full. Students with an auditory learning style can meet the characteristics of conceptualization, problem-solving, and imagination completely but are unable to meet the characteristics of pattern search. Students with kinesthetic learning styles meet the characteristics of problem solving and imagination but are unable to meet indicators on the characteristics of pattern search and conceptualization. This can be seen from the results of solving the questions given and interviews conducted on the research subjects. Keyword: Spatial-Visual Ability, PISA Questions on Shape and Space Content, Learning Styl

    Jangan Sebut Aku Bodoh Kumpulan Cerpen Edukatif Berbasis Realitas Sosial

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    Di usia Lupi yang baru menginjak 10 tahun, ia masih saja menjadi anak yang buta huruf, tak seorangpun mengajarinya membaca. Mak Nyik yang setiap hari bersamanyapun juga tidak bisa membaca. Alhasil di sekolah Lupi dijauhi teman-temannya dan seringkali ia dimarahi guru karena kebodohannya itu

    Jangan Sebut Aku Bodoh Kumpulan Cerpen Edukatif Berbasis Realitas Sosial

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    Di usia Lupi yang baru menginjak 10 tahun, ia masih saja menjadi anak yang buta huruf, tak seorangpun mengajarinya membaca. Mak Nyik yang setiap hari bersamanyapun juga tidak bisa membaca. Alhasil di sekolah Lupi dijauhi teman-temannya dan seringkali ia dimarahi guru karena kebodohannya itu

    Jangan Sebut Aku Bodoh Kumpulan Cerpen Edukatif Berbasis Realitas Sosial

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    Di usia Lupi yang baru menginjak 10 tahun, ia masih saja menjadi anak yang buta huruf, tak seorangpun mengajarinya membaca. Mak Nyik yang setiap hari bersamanyapun juga tidak bisa membaca. Alhasil di sekolah Lupi dijauhi teman-temannya dan seringkali ia dimarahi guru karena kebodohannya itu


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    Slash and burn are commonly practiced in opening new field in tropical peatland. This method, if uncontrolled, may cause peat fires and increase CO2 emissions. Therefore, alternative method of peatland preparation for agriculture is needed. The study aimed to obtain peatland preparation technologies to prevent peat fires and reduce CO2 emissions. The study was conducted at degraded peatland in Kalampangan, Central Kalimantan from June to October 2017. Split plot design with three replications was used. The main plot was the type of land arrangement, i.e. without and with raised beds. The subplot was the type of land preparation, i.e. slash and burn, slash followed by composting the weeds, slash and make the weeds as mulches, and slash followed by composting the weeds and accompanied by plastic mulch. Soil characteristics, fires vulnerability, and CO2 emissions were measured before and after land preparation. Results showed that slash and composting reduced CO2 emission from cultivated peatland. Slash and burn resulted 4.98 t CO2 ha-1 emissions per season, which is four times higher than slash followed by composting that produced 1.20 t CO2 ha-1 per season. Groundwater level, redox potential (Eh), soil pH, and soil water content affected CO2 emissions. Groundwater level and water content negatively correlated with CO2 emissions. The shallow water level and the high water content, the lower is CO2 emissions. The Eh and soil pH positively correlated with CO2 emissions. The high positive value of Eh indicates that the soil was in high oxidative conditions, resulting in high CO2 emissions.

    Jangan Sebut Aku Bodoh Kumpulan Cerpen Edukatif Berbasis Realitas Sosial

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    Di usia Lupi yang baru menginjak 10 tahun, ia masih saja menjadi anak yang buta huruf, tak seorangpun mengajarinya membaca. Mak Nyik yang setiap hari bersamanyapun juga tidak bisa membaca. Alhasil di sekolah Lupi dijauhi teman-temannya dan seringkali ia dimarahi guru karena kebodohannya itu

    Jangan Sebut Aku Bodoh Kumpulan Cerpen Edukatif Berbasis Realitas Sosial

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    Di usia Lupi yang baru menginjak 10 tahun, ia masih saja menjadi anak yang buta huruf, tak seorangpun mengajarinya membaca. Mak Nyik yang setiap hari bersamanyapun juga tidak bisa membaca. Alhasil di sekolah Lupi dijauhi teman-temannya dan seringkali ia dimarahi guru karena kebodohannya itu

    Strengthening Students' Religious Character During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Students need a religious character to deal with changing times and moral degradation. The value of religious character includes three dimensions of relationship: the relationship of the individual with God, family and peers, and the universe. Religious character education that is sourced from religious teachings and muamalah and applicable moral values has been implemented and is firmly embedded in the educational institutions of Indonesia. However, the COVID-19 pandemic forced teachers to keep their distance in educating, accompanying, and controlling students’ worship habits and morals, disrupting the character-building process. Routine activities such as habituation of worship and morals carried out in schools are no longer optimally instilled in students. Therefore, in an educational institution, effective and efficient management is needed so that the implementation of character education can run optimally, effectively, and efficiently during a pandemic. The strengthening of religious character is expected to continue even though teachers and students cannot meet face to face. Several studies have been synthesized with previous research to explain the description of character education management during the pandemic. A systematic literature review has been carried out to overcome this problem by documenting and reviewing all articles related to students’ religious character education from 2019 to 2020. The articles used in this study are 26 national and international accredited journal articles accessed from Lens, Google Scholar, SINTA, DOAJ, and Scopus. The results proved that there is a need for strategically managing religious character education to improve students’ religious character during the pandemic. Keywords: religious character, strengthening, COVID-19 pandemi
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