51 research outputs found

    Detecting groundwater discharge dynamics from point-to-catchment scale in a lowland stream : Combining hydraulic and tracer methods

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    Acknowledgements. We would like to thank members of the Northern Rivers Institute, Aberdeen University, for helpful discussions of data. We also thank Lars Rasmussen, Jolanta Kazmierczak and Charlotte Ditlevsen for help in the field. This study is part of the Hydrology Observatory, HOBE (http://www.hobe.dk), funded by the Villum Foundation and was as well funded by the Aarhus University Research Foundation.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Subsurface nitrate reduction under wetlands takes place in narrow superficial zones

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    This study aims to investigate the depth distribution of the Nitrate Reduction Potential (NRP) on a natural and a re-established wetland. The obtained NRP provides a valuable data of the driving factors affecting denitrification, the Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction to Ammonium (DNRA) process and the performance of a re-established wetland. Intact soil cores were collected and divided in slices for the determination of Organic Matter (OM) through Loss of Ignition (LOI) as well as Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) and NRP spiking nitrate in batch tests. The Nitrate Reduction (NR) was fitted as a pseudo-first order rate constant (k) from where NRPs were obtained. NR took place in a narrow superficial zone showing a dropping natural logarithmic trend along depth. The main driving factor of denitrification, besides depth, was OM. Although, DOC and LOI could not express by themselves and absolute correlation with NRP, high amounts of DOC ensured enough quantity and quality of labile OM for NR. Besides, high concentration of LOI but a scarce abundance of DOC failed to drive NR. DNRA was only important in superficial samples with high contents of OM. Lastly, the high NRP of the re-established wetland confirms that wetlands can be restored satisfactorily.Preprin

    Assessing Seasonal Flow Dynamics at a Lagoon Saltwater–Freshwater Interface Using a Dual Tracer Approach

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    Study region: Eastern shore of Ringkøbing Fjord, a coastal lagoon at the west coast of Denmark Study focus: A dual tracer approach based on salinity and δ18O is used to assess seasonal dynamics at the saltwater-freshwater interface of a coastal lagoon. At the site, salinity is prone to vary on a sub-seasonal or daily frequency due to riverine freshwater inputs to the lagoon. In contrast, δ18O compositions of end-members only vary seasonally. New hydrological insights: The dual tracer approach shows to be valuable in coastal settings where end-member concentrations vary substantially over the seasons and hence, an unambiguous end-member definition does not exist. Calculated mixing fractions using only salinity, deviated from the dual tracer approach on average by 18%, but were as high as 97%. Although, these differences decrease to 6% on average when using only δ18O, our study strongly suggests their simultaneous application. Moreover, we found that seawater intrusion occurs during the summer when salinity in the lagoon is high and fresh submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is low. This process reverses during the winter (wet season) when SGD increases by a factor of 2–3, due to the recession of the saltwater wedge from land. Our findings show that in absence of waves and tides, density-driven dynamics, and particularly the terrestrial freshwater fluxes, create a major impact on saltwater wedge dynamics

    Modelling the fate of oxidisable organic contaminants in groundwater

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    Subsurface contamination by organic chemicals is a pervasive environmental problem, susceptible to remediation by natural or enhanced attenuation approaches or more highly engineered methods such as pump-and-treat, amongst others. Such remediation approaches, along with risk assessment or the pressing need to address complex scientific questions, have driven the development of integrated modelling tools that incorporate physical, biological and geochemical processes. We provide a comprehensive modelling framework, including geochemical reactions and interphase mass transfer processes such as sorption/desorption, non-aqueous phase liquid dissolution and mineral precipitatation/dissolution, all of which can be in equilibrium or kinetically controlled. This framework is used to simulate microbially mediated transformation/degradation processes and the attendant microbial population growth and decay. Solution algorithms, particularly the split-operator (SO) approach, are described, along with a brief résumé of numerical solution methods. Some of the available numerical models are described, mainly those constructed using available flow, transport and geochemical reaction packages. The general modelling framework is illustrated by pertinent examples, showing the degradation of dissolved organics by microbial activity limited by the availability of nutrients or electron acceptors (i.e., changing redox states), as well as concomitant secondary reactions. Two field-scale modelling examples are discussed, the Vejen landfill (Denmark) and an example where metal contamination is remediated by redox changes wrought by injection of a dissolved organic compound. A summary is provided of current and likely future challenges to modelling of oxidisable organics in the subsurface

    The effects of the 2004 tsunami on a coastal aquifer in Sri Lanka

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    On December 26, 2004, the earthquake off the southern coast of Sumatra in the Indian Ocean generated far-reaching tsunami waves, resulting in severe disruption of the coastal aquifers in many countries of the region. The objective of this study was to examine the impact of the tsunami on groundwater in coastal areas. Field investigations on the east coast of Sri Lanka were carried out along a transect located perpendicular to the coastline on a 2.4 km wide sand stretch bounded by the sea and a lagoon. Measurements of groundwater table elevation and electrical conductivity (EC) of the groundwater were carried out monthly from October 2005 to August 2007. The aquifer system and tsunami saltwater intrusion were modeled using the variable-density flow and solute transport code HST3D to understand the tsunami plume behavior and estimate the aquifer recovery time. EC values reduced as a result of the monsoonal rainfall following the tsunami with a decline in reduction rate during the dry season. The upper part of the saturated zone (down to 2.5 m) returned to freshwater conditions (EC < 1000 ?S/cm) 1 to 1.5 years after the tsunami, according to field observations. On the basis of model simulations, it may take more than 15 years for the entire aquifer (down to 28 m) to recover completely, although the top 6 m of the aquifer may become fresh in about 5 years

    Estimation of effective porosity in large-scale groundwater models by combining particle tracking, auto-calibration and <sup>14</sup>C dating

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    Effective porosity plays an important role in contaminant management. However, the effective porosity is often assumed to be constant in space and hence heterogeneity is either neglected or simplified in transport model calibration. Based on a calibrated highly parametrized flow model, a three-dimensional advective transport model (MODPATH) of a 1300&thinsp;km2 coastal area of southern Denmark and northern Germany is presented. A detailed voxel model represents the highly heterogeneous geological composition of the area. Inverse modelling of advective transport is used to estimate the effective porosity of 7 spatially distributed units based on apparent groundwater ages inferred from 11 14C measurements in Pleistocene and Miocene aquifers, corrected for the effects of diffusion and geochemical reactions. By calibration of the seven effective porosity units, the match between the observed and simulated ages is improved significantly, resulting in a reduction of ME of 99&thinsp;% and RMS of 82&thinsp;% compared to a uniform porosity approach. Groundwater ages range from a few hundred years in the Pleistocene to several thousand years in Miocene aquifers. The advective age distributions derived from particle tracking at each sampling well show unimodal (for younger ages) to multimodal (for older ages) shapes and thus reflect the heterogeneity that particles encounter along their travel path. The estimated effective porosity field, with values ranging between 4.3&thinsp;% in clay and 45&thinsp;% in sand formations, is used in a direct simulation of distributed mean groundwater ages. Although the absolute ages are affected by various uncertainties, a unique insight into the complex three-dimensional age distribution pattern and potential advance of young contaminated groundwater in the investigated regional aquifer system is provided, highlighting the importance of estimating effective porosity in groundwater transport modelling and the implications for groundwater quantity and quality assessment and management.</p