2,161 research outputs found

    Endoscopy-assisted removal through combined lower and middle meatotomies of an ectopic upper third molar in the sinus associated with a dentigerous cyst

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    The aim of this case report is to present an original conservative technique for the transnasal endoscopy-assisted extraction of an ectopic upper third molar associated with a dentigerous cyst occupying the whole maxillary sinus by means of combined lower and middle meatotomies. The proposed technique is a viable, minimally-invasive alternative to the Caldwell–Luc operation (with or without the repositioning of a bone lid), and also to endoscopic middle meatal antrostomy in cases where this would be unable to ensure adequate access because of the position and size of the ectopic tooth and associated cyst

    Le continent antarctique au seuil de 1991 : Une perspective canadienne (Note)

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    Dominante cultural y productos televisivos: géneros que homogeinizan preferencias

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    En esta presentación se relacionan características de la sociedad actual, valores imperantes en nuestra cultura y propuestas televisivas. Primeramente se rastrea la irrupción de la juventud en la pantalla, luego el consumo y preferencias televisivas de jóvenes, se relacionan con estudios anteriores y por último se formulan interrogantes y posibles respuestas. Tres ideas ejes atraviesan la presentación: - Hay programas y géneros televisivos consumidos por importantes segmentos de públicos que homogeneizan preferencias que antes estaban diferenciadas por sexo y edad. - Estos programas y géneros televisivos se corresponden con los principales valores de la mentalidad posmoderna. - Estos programas y géneros son parte principal en la programación de la TV por cable. Esta industria massmediática, en pleno período de expansión, es la máxima representante del modelo neoliberal globalizante.The report deals with some aspects of actual society, predominant values and norms in our culture, and television proposal. Let’s us begin with how the young people irrupt into the television screen, then their television use and choose, and finally we propose some ask and answer about these questions. This report contains three main ideas. - Some programs and television genres are choused by an important number of television audience segments. These programs changed preferences that in the past was different between sex and age. - These programs and genres are agree with the most important values in the postmodern mentality. - These programs and genres take one of the principal places in the programmed cable television. The point is that de cable TV is growing in our region

    Book review: Towards a habitat for good living, shared adventures of a pilgrim snail

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    Enrique Ortiz Flores suele hablar de sí mismo como el arquitecto que dejó de serlo el día después de haberse recibido. Haciendo a un lado la remodelación de casas que realizó durante la universidad, en 1965 empezó a dedicarse a cuestiones sociales entrando a hacer parte del Centro Operacional de Vivienda y Poblamiento, la primera organización no gubernamental mexicana enfocada al hábitat popular y la segunda en toda América latina. Al cumplir 78 años de edad, Enrique fue invitado por la Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung a plasmar en un libro las principales experiencias y los aprendizajes de su vida dedicada a luchar por en el reconocimiento y la obtención de una vivienda digna para todos y todas. Lo hizo a través de un recuento dividido en cinco ciclos de once años cada uno. Entre anécdotas, reflexiones sobre la realidad que le tocó vivir y en la que logró incidir y las palabras de colegas y amigos, Enrique nos hace testigos de diversas experiencias transformadoras de producción y gestión social del hábitat que, sin bien en ocasiones permanecen invisibles y desarticuladas entre sí, se han enfrentado y se siguen enfrentando al statu quo, convirtiéndose en cimientos de la esperanza de un futuro diferente.Enrique Ortiz Flores usually talks about himself as an architect who stopped being one the moment he became one. After remodeling housing during his academic career, on November 1965, Enrique began to dedicate himself to social questions as a member of the Operational Center for Housing and Population, the first Mexican nongovernmental organization to focus on social housing and the second such organization in all of Latin America. The Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung invited Enrique, at the age of 78, to write a book on the main experiences of his life, which he had dedicated to fighting for the recognition and obtainment of a dignified life for all. His written account is divided into five periods of eleven years each. Through anecdotes and reflections on the reality which he was forced to live and in which he fought to influence and frequent appeals to the voices of his colleagues and friends, Enrique makes us witnesses of different transformative experiences of the production and social habitat management. While these experiences might sometimes seem invisible or disarticulated from each other, they face and continue to confront the ‘status quo’ and have become foundations of hope for a different future