1,192 research outputs found

    Attitudes toward limiting overnight use of the Chilkoot Trail National Historic Site

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    A Game-Theoretic Analysis of the Off-Switch Game

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    The off-switch game is a game theoretic model of a highly intelligent robot interacting with a human. In the original paper by Hadfield-Menell et al. (2016), the analysis is not fully game-theoretic as the human is modelled as an irrational player, and the robot's best action is only calculated under unrealistic normality and soft-max assumptions. In this paper, we make the analysis fully game theoretic, by modelling the human as a rational player with a random utility function. As a consequence, we are able to easily calculate the robot's best action for arbitrary belief and irrationality assumptions

    Quantum dark solitons in Bose gas confined in a hard wall box

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    Schr\"odinger equation for Bose gas with repulsive contact interactions in one-dimensional space may be solved analytically with the help of the Bethe ansatz if we impose periodic boundary conditions. It was shown that in such a system there exist many-body eigenstates directly corresponding to dark soliton solutions of the mean-field equation. The system is still integrable if one switches from the periodic boundary conditions to an infinite square well potential. The corresponding eigenstates were constructed by M. Gaudin. We analyze weak interaction limit of Gaudin's solutions and identify parametrization of eigenstates strictly connected with single and multiple dark solitons. Numerical simulations of detection of particle's positions reveal dark solitons in the weak interaction regime and their quantum nature in the presence of strong interactions.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    A Piece without a Puzzle?: A Fragment of Nikuláss saga erkibiskups in Oslo, NRA 69 – Text, Translation and Commentary

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    In this article, we present a new edition, normalization and translation of a fragment of an otherwise unknown Nikuláss saga erkibiskups (Saga of Bishop Nicholas) transmitted in the manuscript Norrøne Membranfragmenter NRA 69. Written in Iceland in the early fourteenth century, this fragment appears to present a »missing link« between various Nicholas narratives that circulated in the medieval West, and the idiosyncratic spin given to those stories in the North Atlantic world. Moreover, the story presented in this particular fragment, which details the interaction between a Jewish moneylender and a local trader, provides several invaluable clues about the dynamics of trade and money as well as the interaction between Self and Other in the region

    Evaluating machine learning techniques for archaeological lithic sourcing: a case study of flint in Britain

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    The original version of this Article contained errors in the legends of Figure 8 and 9. The legend of Figure 8: “Learning curve shows F1 score for train and test data against number of observations in training data.” now reads: “Box Plot of F1 Scores for each model, showing good equality of variances.

    Sampling for sorghum headworms in Oklahoma using the Headworm Decision Support System

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    The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service periodically issues revisions to its publications. The most current edition is made available. For access to an earlier edition, if available for this title, please contact the Oklahoma State University Library Archives by email at [email protected] or by phone at 405-744-6311

    Evaluation of a Direct Fed Microbial an an Enzymatically Hydrolyzed Yeast Product Fed Alone or in Combination to Beef Steers Administered Ractopamine Hydrochloride 28 Days Prior to Harvest During Summer Months in the Northern Plains

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    Study Description: Single-sourced, newly weaned steers (n=256; initial BW=542 ± 3.7lb; n=64 steers/treatment; 8 steers/pen) were blocked by location in a 2×2 factorial arrangement of DFM (Certillus CP B1801 Dry; Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus plantarum; 28 g/steer·d-1) and YCW (Celmanax; 18 g/steer·d-1). Temperature-humidity index (THI) was calculated as: THI=0.81×ambient temperature+[relative humidity×(ambient temperature-14.40)]+46.40. On d-1 and 2 and d-21 and 22 on RH, respiration rate (RR) and panting scores (PS) were determined before and after AM and PM feedings (0700h, 1100h, 1400h, 1700h). RR (n=3 steers/pen) was calculated from: 600/seconds required for 10 flank movements. PS utilized this scoring system: 0 (not distressed) to 4.5 (severely distressed)

    Evaluation of a Direct Fed Microbial and/or an Enzymatically Hydrolyzed Yeast Product in Diets Containing Monensin Sodium on Feedlot Phase Growth Performance, Efficiency of Dietary Net Energy Utilization, and Carcass Characteristics in Newly Weaned Beef Steers Fed in Confinement for 258 Days

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    Study Description: Single-sourced, newly weaned steers (n = 256; initial body weight (BW) = 542 ± 3.7 lb) were allotted to 32 pens (n = 8 pens/treatment with 8 steers/pen). Steers were blocked by location in a 2x2 factorial treatment arrangement of DFM (Certillus CP B1801 Dry; Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus plantarum; 28 g/steer·d-1) and YCW (Celmanax; 18 g/steer·d-1). Steers were vaccinated and poured at processing and individually weighed on d 1, 14, 42 (end of receiving phase; implanted), 77, 105 (end of growing phase), 133, 161 (implanted), 182, 230 (start ractopamine HCl) and 258. Growth performance and carcass measurements were recorded
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