37 research outputs found

    The effect of helicobacter pylori eradication on macrophage migration inhibitory factor, c-reactive protein and fetuin-a levels

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    OBJECTIVES: To determine the effect of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) eradication on blood levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), macrophage migration inhibitory factor and fetuin-A in patients with dyspepsia who are concurrently infected with H. pylori. METHODS: H.pylori infection was diagnosed based on the 14C urea breath test (UBT) and histology. Lansoprazole 30 mg twice daily, amoxicillin 1 g twice daily, and clarithromycin 500 mg twice daily were given to all infected patients for 14 days; 14C UBT was then re-measured. In 30 subjects, migration inhibitory factor, fetuin-A and hs-CRP levels were examined before and after the eradication of H. pylori infection and compared to levels in 30 healthy subjects who tested negative for H. pylori infection. RESULTS: Age and sex distribution were comparable between patients and controls. Migration inhibitory factor and hs-CRP levels were higher, and fetuin-A levels were lower, in H. pylori-infected patients (p<0.05). Following eradication of H. pylori, migration inhibitory factor and hs-CRP levels were significantly decreased, whereas fetuin-A levels were increased. However, eradication of the organism did not change lipid levels (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that H. pylori eradication reduces the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as migration inhibitory factor and hs-CRP and also results in a significant increase in anti-inflammatory markers such as fetuin-A

    Atlantoaksiyal eklemin konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi (KIBT) ile değerlendirilmesi

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    Background: This study aimed to show the osteoarthritic changes of atlanto-axial joint by aging in asymptomatic subjects with CBCT as first in literature.Methods: Study group of 120 patients randomly selected and grouped according to six age categories. In images atlanto-dental joint interval was measured and decreasing of joint space, ankylosis, subchondral sclerosis and cyst, erosion, osteophyte, ligament calcification findings were recorded. Measurements and evaluations were made on software of CBCT system (Romexis 4.3.0V). Data were analyzed with IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0 package programme. For statistical significance, p &lt;0.05 was accepted.Results: Mean atlanto-dental interval (ADI) values were significantly different between age groups (p&lt;0.001). The presence of the decreasing of joint space, ankylosis, subchondral sclerosis and cyst, erosion, osteophyte findings were found significantly different between age groups (for each p&lt;0.05). The mean interval values of patients with ankylosis, subchondral cyst, erosion and ligament calcification were statistically different from patients without these findings (for each, p&lt;0.05).Conclusion: Our study showed increase of osteoarthritic changes and decrease of ADI with age. CBCT provides useful information on the evaluation of hard tissue changes in the cervical spine.KEYWORDS Atlanto-Axial Joint, osteoarthritis, cone-beam computerized tomography, computed tomography, X-Ra

    Intraosseous cavernous hemangioma in the mandible: a case report

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    Intraosseous vascular lesions are rare conditions. They are most commonly seen in the vertebral column and skull; nevertheless, the mandible is a quite rare location. In this report, we present a case of intraosseous cavernous hemangioma in the mandible and discuss the clinical and radiological features. A 28-year-old male patient attended to our clinic with a complaint of painless swelling of mandible. Clinical evaluation revealed a bone-hard, smooth-surfaced, immobile mass in the left mandibular lingual area. The patient was evaluated with panoramic and occlusal radiography and computed tomography. The lesion surgically excised and pathological examination revealed an intraosseous cavernous hemangioma. Follow-up imaging 1 year later with cone beam computed tomography revealed recurrence of the lesion. The conclusion of this paper; when a bone hard, well-shaped mass was seen in the mandible, the possibility of intraosseous hemangioma must be remembered and before surgical procedure detailed radiographic evaluation should be performed

    Does clinical findings correlate with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain? A cross sectional study

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    Although magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) helps to clearly visualize the disorders in temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the relationship between cross-sectional and clinical findings has not been precisely established. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between clinical symptoms and MRI findings in individuals with TMJ pain. This cross-sectional study, conducted on the clinical and MRI findings of the patients, who applied to U?ak University, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic with TMJ pain between the years 2016-2019. The primary predictor variables were MRI findings; disc position (normal, disc displacement with reduction (DDWR), disc displacement without reduction (DDWOR)), disc structural distortion (normal, folded, lengthened, round, biconvex, thick), condyle degeneration type (normal, moderate, severe) and joint effusion (JE) (absent, present). The primary outcome variable was pain, recorded on a visual analog scale (VAS) (numbered between 0-10). The other variables were demographic variables (age/gender). The relationship between clinical and MRI findings were statistically evaluated. The data were analysed by Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney U test. Chi-square (x2) test was used for categorical variable comparisons. P values < .05 were considered to indicate statistical significance. Clinical and MRI records of 700 TMJ, from 350 patients with the mean age of the 31 (12-65) were evaluated in this study. Statistically significant differences were found between; disc position and pain, disc position and JE; JE and pain; disc structural distortion and pain; and disc structural distortion and disc position. JE was seen more common in DDWOR group. The most common disc distortion, seen in patients with JE, is the folded type. The present study can infer that pain is associated with disc position, JE, disc structural distortion, and DDWOR is associated with JE. Folded type disc is the most common disc type in TMJ with JE

    Retrospective Evaluation of the Gubernacular Tract in Impacted%252FUnerupted Teeth with Cone-Beam Computed Tomography

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    Aim%253A Gubernaculum dentis guides the tooth eruption. This formation, which disappears after teething, continues to exist in impacted teeth. This study aimed to evaluate the gubernacular tract in patients with impacted%252Funerupted teeth who had previously received Cone-beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) for a variety of reasons. Material and Methods%253A In this study, the presence and characteristics of the gubernacular tract were evaluated according to age, gender, tooth groups, root development stages and positions of the teeth. 231 patients were included in this study. A total of 431 teeth were evaluated and the mean age of the patients was 28.0plusmn%253B0.90. Impacted teeth were classified according to their location. The presence and features of the gubernacular tract were evaluated using CBCT. Results%253A In the study, the presence of gubernacular tract was most common in canines. The mesioangular and vertical position of impacted teeth exhibited higher gubernacular tract presence, and these data were statistically significant. (Plt%253B0.05) Conclusion%253A This study stated that the frequency of incidence in the tooth groups was evaluated separately, it was determined that the incidence in canine teeth was significantly higher. Characteristics gubernacular tract such as no change, obliteration or contraction are more common in impacted teeth in vertical and mesioangular positions. This process may affect the impact of permanent teeth, but more studies with clinical follow-up are needed to reach definitive conclusions

    Evaluation of Rosenmuller Fossa with cone beam computed tomography: A retrospective radio-anatomical study

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    Background: Rosenmuller fossa (RF) is known as a lateral pharyngeal recess, is bilaterally located beneath the skull base and behind the torus tubarius. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is most commonly located in the RF. The purpose of this study is to evaluation of RF with cone beam computed tomography&nbsp;Methods: A total of 150 subjects (80 females, 70 males, 6-88 years) were included in the study. Subjects were divided into age groups (6- 20 years, 21-30 years, 31-40 years, 41-50 years, 51-60 years, over 60 years) and gender.&nbsp;Result: There is no statistically significant difference between class (RF type) and gender (p = 0.086). There is a statistically significant association between the categories of age group and class variables (p = 0.015). RF type 1 was more common in the 6-20 age and 21-30 age groups, whereas RF type 3 was more common in the 41-50 age and 51-60 age groups.&nbsp;Conclusion: When the literature was investigated, it was not found a study evaluating RF with cone beam computed tomography. When considering clinical significance, RF should be searched and examined in larger populations.&nbsp;KEYWORDS&nbsp; Cone beam computed tomography, Rosenmuller&nbsp; Fossa, Nasopharyngeal Carcinom

    Derin öğrenme yöntemi ile panoramik radyografiden diş eksikliklerinin tespiti: Bir yapay zekâ pilot çalışması

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, panoramik radyografide diş eksikliklerinin değerlendirilmesi için tasarlanmış tanı amaçlı bilgisayar yazılımının işlevini geliştirmek ve değerlendirmektir.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Veri seti eksik diş tespiti için 99 tam diş ve 54 eksik diş olmak üzere 153 görüntüden oluşmaktadır. Tüm görüntüler Ağız, Diş ve Çene Radyolojisi uzmanları tarafından tekrar kontrol edilmiş ve doğrulanmıştır. Veri setindeki tüm görüntüler eğitim öncesinde 971 X 474 piksel olarak yeniden boyutlandırılmıştır. Açık kaynak kodlu python programlama dili ve OpenCV, NumPy, Pandas, ile Matplotlib kütüphaneleri etkin olarak kullanılarak bir rastgele dizilim oluşturulmuştur. Önceden eğitilmiş bir Google Net Inception v3 CNN ağı ön işleme için kullanılmış ve veri setleri transfer öğrenimi kullanılarak eğitilmiştir.Bulgular: Eğitim de kullanılan görüntülerin modeli tahminlendirmesi ile çıkan başarı oranı % 94.7’dir. Eğitimde kullanılmayan test için ayrılan görüntülerin tahminlemesindeki başarı oranı % 75’dir. Sonuç: Derin öğrenme tekniklerinde veri seti arttıkça başarı oranları da artmaktadır. Daha fazla görüntüyle oluşacak veri setininin eğitim modellerinde başarı oranları yükselecektir. Gelecek çalışmalar daha büyük veri setleriyle yapılmalıdır.ANAHTAR KELİMELER Panoramik radyografi, derin öğrenme, yapay zek

    Evaluation of tooth development stages with deep learning-based artificial intelligence algorithm

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    Background: This study aims to evaluate the performance of a deep learning system for the evaluation of tooth development stages on images obtained from panoramic radiographs from child patients. Methods: The study collected a total of 1500 images obtained from panoramic radiographs from child patients between the ages of 5 and 14 years. YOLOv5, a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based object detection model, was used to automatically detect the calcification states of teeth. Images obtained from panoramic radiographs from child patients were trained and tested in the YOLOv5 algorithm. True-positive (TP), false-positive (FP), and false-negative (FN) ratios were calculated. A confusion matrix was used to evaluate the performance of the model. Results: Among the 146 test group images with 1022 labels, there were 828 TPs, 308 FPs, and 1 FN. The sensitivity, precision, and F1-score values of the detection model of the tooth stage development model were 0.99, 0.72, and 0.84, respectively. Conclusions: In conclusion, utilizing a deep learning-based approach for the detection of dental development on pediatric panoramic radiographs may facilitate a precise evaluation of the chronological correlation between tooth development stages and age. This can help clinicians make treatment decisions and aid dentists in finding more accurate treatment options


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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to detect alveolar bone loss from dental panoramic radiographic images using artificial intelligence systems. Material and Methods: A total of 2276 panoramic radiographic images were used in this study. While 1137 of them belong to cases with bone destruction, 1139 were periodontally healthy. The dataset is divided into three parts as training (n=1856) , validation (n=210) and testing set (n= 210). All images in the data set were resized to 1472x718 pixels before training. A random sequence was created using the open-source python programming language and OpenCV, NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib libraries effectively. A pre-trained Google Net Inception v3 CNN network was used for preprocessing and data sets were trained using transfer learning. Diagnostic performance was evaluated with the confusion matrix using sensivitiy, specificity, precision, accuracy and F1 score. Results: Of the 105 cases with bone loss, 99 were detected by the AI system. Sensitivity was 0.94, specificity 0.88, precision 0.89, accuracy 0.91 and F1 score 0.91. Conclusion: The convolutional neural network model is successful in determining periodontal bone losses. It can be used as a system to facilitate the work of physicians in diagnosis and treatment planning in the future