761 research outputs found

    NASA Cold Land Processes Experiment (CLPX 2002/03): ground-based and near-surface meteorological observations

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    A short-term meteorological database has been developed for the Cold Land Processes Experiment (CLPX). This database includes meteorological observations from stations designed and deployed exclusively for CLPXas well as observations available from other sources located in the small regional study area (SRSA) in north-central Colorado. The measured weather parameters include air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, short- and long-wave radiation, leaf wetness, snow depth, snow water content, snow and surface temperatures, volumetric soil-moisture content, soil temperature, precipitation, water vapor flux, carbon dioxide flux, and soil heat flux. The CLPX weather stations include 10 main meteorological towers, 1 tower within each of the nine intensive study areas (ISA) and one near the local scale observation site (LSOS); and 36 simplified towers, with one tower at each of the four corners of each of the nine ISAs, which measured a reduced set of parameters. An eddy covariance system within the North Park mesocell study area (MSA) collected a variety of additional parameters beyond the 10 standard CLPX tower components. Additional meteorological observations come from a variety of existing networks maintained by the U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Geological Survey, Natural Resource Conservation Service, and the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research. Temporal coverage varies from station to station, but it is most concentrated during the 2002/ 03 winter season. These data are useful in local meteorological energy balance research and for model development and testing. These data can be accessed through the National Snow and Ice Data Center Web site

    Snow Water Equivalent Retrieval Over Idaho – Part 2: Using L-Band UAVSAR Repeat-Pass Interferometry

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    This study evaluates using interferometry on low-frequency synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images to monitor snow water equivalent (SWE) over seasonal and synoptic scales. We retrieved SWE changes from nine pairs of SAR images, mean 8 d temporal baseline, captured by an L-band aerial platform, NASA\u27s Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR), over central Idaho as part of the NASA SnowEx 2020 and 2021 campaigns. The retrieved SWE changes were compared against coincident in situ measurements (SNOTEL and snow pits from the SnowEx field campaign) and to 100 m gridded SnowModel modeled SWE changes. The comparison of in situ to retrieved measurements shows a strong Pearson correlation (R = 0.80) and low RMSE (0.1 m, n = 64) for snow depth change and similar results for SWE change (RMSE = 0.04 m, R = 0.52, n = 57). The comparison between retrieved SWE changes to SnowModel SWE change also showed good correlation (R = 0.60, RMSD = 0.023 m, n = 3.2 × 106) and especially high correlation for a subset of pixels with no modeled melt and low tree coverage (R = 0.72, RMSD = 0.013 m, n = 6.5 × 104). Finally, we bin the retrievals for a variety of factors and show decreasing correlation between the modeled and retrieved values for lower elevations, higher incidence angles, higher tree percentages and heights, and greater cumulative melt. This study builds on previous interferometry work by using a full winter season time series of L-band SAR images over a large spatial extent to evaluate the accuracy of SWE change retrievals against both in situ and modeled results and the controlling factors of the retrieval accuracy

    Scaling properties and spatial organization of snow depth fields in sub-alpine forest and alpine tundra

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    This paper reports on a study analysing the spatial distribution functions, the correlation structures, and the power spectral densities of high-resolution LIDAR snow depths (∌1 m) in two adjacent 500 m × 500 m areas in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, one a sub-alpine forest the other an alpine tundra. It is shown how and why differences in the controlling physical processes induced by variations in vegetation cover and wind patterns lead to the observed differences in spatial organization between the snow depth fields of these environments. In the sub-alpine forest area, the mean of snow depth increases with elevation, while its standard deviation remains uniform. In the tundra subarea, the mean of snow depth decreases with elevation, while its standard deviation varies over a wide range. The two-dimensional correlations of snow depth in the forested area indicate little spatial memory and isotropic conditions, while in the tundra they indicate a marked directional bias that is consistent with the predominant wind directions and the location of topographic ridges and depressions. The power spectral densities exhibit a power law behaviour in two frequency intervals separated by a break located at a scale of around 12 m in the forested subarea, and 65 m in the tundra subarea. The spectral exponents obtained indicate that the snow depth fields are highly variable over scales larger than the scale break, while highly correlated below. Based on the observations and on synthetic snow depth fields generated with one- and two-dimensional spectral techniques, it is shown that the scale at which the break occurs increases with the separation distance between snow depth maxima. In addition, the breaks in the forested area coincide with those of the corresponding vegetation height field, while in the tundra subarea they are displaced towards larger scales than those observed in the corresponding vegetation height field

    Topographic, meteorologic, and canopy controls on the scaling characteristics of the spatial distribution of snow depth fields

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    In this study, LIDAR snow depths, bare ground elevations (topography), and elevations filtered to the top of vegetation (topography + vegetation) in five 1-km2 areas are used to determine whether the spatial distribution of snow depth exhibits scale invariance, and the control that vegetation, topography, and winds exert on such behavior. The one-dimensional and mean two-dimensional power spectra of snow depth exhibit power law behavior in two frequency intervals separated by a scale break located between 7 m and 45 m. The spectral exponents for the low-frequency range vary between 0.1 and 1.2 for the one-dimensional spectra, and between 1.3 and 2.2 for the mean two-dimensional power spectra. The spectral exponents for the high-frequency range vary between 3.3 and 3.6 for the one-dimensional spectra, and between 4.0 and 4.5 for the mean two-dimensional spectra. Such spectral exponents indicate the existence of two distinct scaling regimes, with significantly larger variations occurring in the larger-scale regime. Similar bilinear power law spectra were obtained for the fields of vegetation height, with crossover wavelengths between 7 m and 14 m. Further analysis of the snow depth and vegetation fields, together with wind data, support the conclusion that the break in the scaling behavior of snow depth is controlled by the scaling characteristics of the spatial distribution of vegetation height when snow redistribution by wind is minimal and canopy interception is dominant, and by the interaction of winds with features such as surface concavities and vegetation when snow redistribution by wind is dominant

    Vulnerability of Subsistence Systems Due to Social and Environmental Change: A Case Study in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska

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    Arctic Indigenous communities have been classified as highly vulnerable to climate change impacts. The remoteness of Arctic communities, their dependence upon local species and habitats, and the historical marginalization of Indigenous peoples enhances this characterization of vulnerability. However, vulnerability is a result of diverse historical, social, economic, political, cultural, institutional, natural resource, and environmental conditions and processes and is not easily reduced to a single metric. Furthermore, despite the widespread characterization of vulnerability, Arctic Indigenous communities are extremely resilient as evidenced by subsistence institutions that have been developed over thousands of years. We explored the vulnerability of subsistence systems in the Cup’ik village of Chevak and Yup’ik village of Kotlik through the lens of the strong seasonal dimensions of resource availability. In the context of subsistence harvesting in Alaska Native villages, vulnerability may be determined by analyzing the exposure of subsistence resources to climate change impacts, the sensitivity of a community to those impacts, and the capacity of subsistence institutions to absorb these impacts. Subsistence resources, their seasonality, and perceived impacts to these resources were investigated via semi-structured interviews and participatory mapping-calendar workshops. Results suggest that while these communities are experiencing disproportionate impacts of climate change, Indigenous ingenuity and adaptability provide an avenue for culturally appropriate adaptation strategies. However, despite this capacity for resiliency, rapid socio-cultural changes have the potential to be a barrier to community adaptation and the recent, ongoing shifts in seasonal weather patterns may make seasonally specific subsistence adaptations to landscape particularly vulnerable.Les collectivitĂ©s autochtones de l’Arctique sont classĂ©es comme Ă©tant fortement vulnĂ©rables aux incidences du changement climatique. L’éloignement des collectivitĂ©s de l’Arctique, leur dĂ©pendance des espĂšces et des habitats locaux de mĂȘme que la marginalisation historique des peuples autochtones intensifient cette vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©. Toutefois, la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© est le rĂ©sultat de conditions et de processus divers sur le plan historique, social, Ă©conomique, politique, culturel, institutionnel, environnemental et des ressources naturelles. Il est difficile d’attribuer la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© Ă  un seul aspect. MalgrĂ© cette vaste caractĂ©risation de la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©, les collectivitĂ©s autochtones de l’Arctique sont extrĂȘmement rĂ©silientes, comme en attestent les modes de subsistance qui se sont dĂ©veloppĂ©s au fil de milliers d’annĂ©es. Nous avons explorĂ© la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© des systĂšmes de subsistance du village cup’ik de Chevak et du village yup’ik de Kotlik du point de vue des dimensions saisonniĂšres fortes de la disponibilitĂ© des ressources. Dans le contexte des rĂ©coltes de subsistance des villages autochtones de l’Alaska, la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© peut ĂȘtre dĂ©terminĂ©e au moyen de l’exposition des ressources de subsistance aux incidences du changement climatique, de la sensibilitĂ© d’une collectivitĂ© Ă  ces incidences et de la capacitĂ© des institutions de subsistance Ă  absorber ces incidences. Les ressources de subsistance, leur saisonnalitĂ© et les incidences perçues de ces ressources ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es au moyen d’entrevues semi-structurĂ©es et d’ateliers participatifs d’établissement de calendrier. Selon les rĂ©sultats, bien que ces collectivitĂ©s soient aux prises avec des incidences disproportionnĂ©es de changement climatique, l’ingĂ©niositĂ© et l’adaptabilitĂ© des Autochtones pavent le chemin Ă  des stratĂ©gies d’adaptation convenant Ă  leur culture. Cependant, malgrĂ© cette capacitĂ© de rĂ©silience, les changements socioculturels accĂ©lĂ©rĂ©s ont la possibilitĂ© de faire obstacle Ă  l’adaptation collective, sans compter que la variation continue des tendances climatiques saisonniĂšres peut rendre les adaptations de subsistance saisonniĂšres au paysage particuliĂšrement vulnĂ©rables

    Girls\u27 perception of physical environmental factors and transportation: reliability and association with physical activity and active transport to school

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    Background Preliminary evidence suggests that the physical environment and transportation are associated with youth physical activity levels. Only a few studies have examined the association of physical environmental factors on walking and bicycling to school. Therefore, the purpose of this study was (1) to examine the test-retest reliability of a survey designed for youth to assess perceptions of physical environmental factors (e.g. safety, aesthetics, facilities near the home) and transportation, and (2) to describe the associations of these perceptions with both physical activity and active transport to school. Methods Test and retest surveys, administered a median of 12 days later, were conducted with 480 sixth- and eighth-grade girls in or near six U.S. communities. The instrument consisted of 24 questions on safety and aesthetics of the perceived environment and transportation and related facilities. Additionally, girls were asked if they were aware of 14 different recreational facilities offering structured and unstructured activities, and if so, whether they would visit these facilities and the ease with which they could access them. Test-retest reliability was determined using kappa coefficients, overall and separately by grade. Associations with physical activity and active transport to school were examined using mixed model logistic regression (n = 610), adjusting for grade, race/ethnicity, and site. Results Item-specific reliabilities for questions assessing perceived safety and aesthetics of the neighborhood ranged from 0.31 to 0.52. Reliabilities of items assessing awareness of and interest in going to the 14 recreational facilities ranged from 0.47 to 0.64. Reliabilities of items assessing transportation ranged from 0.34 to 0.58. Some items on girls\u27 perceptions of perceived safety, aesthetics of the environment, facilities, and transportation were important correlates of physical activity and, in some cases, active transport to school. Conclusion This study provides some psychometric support for the use of the questionnaire on physical environmental factors and transportation for studying physical activity and active transport to school among adolescent girls. Further work can continue to improve reliability of these self-report items and examine their association of these factors with objectively measured physical activity

    Modification of the Creator recombination system for proteomics applications – improved expression by addition of splice sites

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    BACKGROUND: Recombinational systems have been developed to rapidly shuttle Open Reading Frames (ORFs) into multiple expression vectors in order to analyze the large number of cDNAs available in the post-genomic era. In the Creator system, an ORF introduced into a donor vector can be transferred with Cre recombinase to a library of acceptor vectors optimized for different applications. Usability of the Creator system is impacted by the ability to easily manipulate DNA, the number of acceptor vectors for downstream applications, and the level of protein expression from Creator vectors. RESULTS: To date, we have developed over 20 novel acceptor vectors that employ a variety of promoters and epitope tags commonly employed for proteomics applications and gene function analysis. We also made several enhancements to the donor vectors including addition of different multiple cloning sites to allow shuttling from pre-existing vectors and introduction of the lacZ alpha reporter gene to allow for selection. Importantly, in order to ameliorate any effects on protein expression of the loxP site between a 5' tag and ORF, we introduced a splicing event into our expression vectors. The message produced from the resulting 'Creator Splice' vector undergoes splicing in mammalian systems to remove the loxP site. Upon analysis of our Creator Splice constructs, we discovered that protein expression levels were also significantly increased. CONCLUSION: The development of new donor and acceptor vectors has increased versatility during the cloning process and made this system compatible with a wider variety of downstream applications. The modifications introduced in our Creator Splice system were designed to remove extraneous sequences due to recombination but also aided in downstream analysis by increasing protein expression levels. As a result, we can now employ epitope tags that are detected less efficiently and reduce our assay scale to allow for higher throughput. The Creator Splice system appears to be an extremely useful tool for proteomics
