92 research outputs found

    ÉpidĂ©miologie des accidents domestiques graves de l’enfant admis en rĂ©animation pĂ©diatrique polyvalente Ă  l’hĂŽpital d’enfants de Rabat-Maroc

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    Introduction: les accidents domestiques de l'enfant reprĂ©sentent un vrai problĂšme de santĂ© publique dans les pays industrialisĂ©s. Au Maroc, laprioritĂ© en santĂ© publique est toujours donnĂ©e aux pathologies   infectieuses, et bien qu'elle soit trĂšs peu dĂ©crite, la pathologie accidentelle de l'enfant devient de plus en plus frĂ©quente dans notre pays avec une mortalitĂ© importante. L'objectif est de mettre le point sur la prĂ©valence, lagravitĂ©, les aspects Ă©tiologiques, les facteurs de risque et les circonstances de survenue de ces accidents, ainsi que les moyens de prĂ©ventionactive et passive. MĂ©thodes: enquĂȘte rĂ©trospective descriptive sur une pĂ©riode de douze mois portant sur tous les enfants pris en charge pour accident domestique grave au service de rĂ©animation pĂ©diatrique polyvalente de l'hĂŽpital universitaire d'enfants de Rabat. RĂ©sultats: parmi 698 admissions, 108 cas d'accidents domestiques graves ont Ă©taient colligĂ©s (soit 15,5%), L'Ăąge moyen des enfants Ă©tait de 04ans tout accident confondu, avec un sex-ratio de 1,08 en faveur des garçons. L'Ă©volution gĂ©nĂ©rale Ă©tait marquĂ©e par le dĂ©cĂšs de 16 enfants (soit 14,8%) parmi 164 dĂ©cĂšs toute pathologie confondue au cours de la mĂȘme pĂ©riode d'Ă©tude (soit 9,75% des dĂ©cĂšs) avec une durĂ©e moyenne   d'hospitalisation de 04jours. les brĂ»lures constituaient le premier accident dans notre sĂ©rie par 37cas, et elles Ă©taient la premiĂšre cause de mortalitĂ© par huit cas; par ailleurs, la population la plus Ă  risque de brĂ»lure Ă©tait les nourrissons (67,6%). L'inhalation intrabronchique d'Ă©pingle Ă  foulard  (accident particulier dans notre contexte islamique) Ă  Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ©e chez six cas. Conclusion: les accidents domestiques de l'enfant constituent rarement une prĂ©occupation de premier plan dans la population alors qu'ils sont parfois trĂšs graves et source d'une mortalitĂ© importante. Le meilleur  traitement reste la prĂ©vention active et passive

    Testing different approaches to construct an olive (Olea europaea L.) core subset suitable for association genetic studies

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    Evaluation of genetic diversity is of great interest for the management of germplasm collections and breeding programs. Management can be efficient when the evaluation is focused on a subset of accessions that represents the variability observed in the whole germplasm collection. Most core sets have been developed for seed crops using different approaches and sampling size to select entries on the basis of genetic and/or phenotypic data, while few studies on perennial crops have been published. Here, we proposed a core collection for cultivated olive (Olea europaea L.) using both Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) markers and phenotypic traits by testing different sampling approaches including stratified and non-stratified methods. Twelve SSR markers were used to construct a core subset from an initial collection of 505 single genotypes sourced from 14 Mediterranean countries. Among all the sampling methods, we showed that a sample size of 12.5% was most suitable in capturing all the observed alleles using the M-method approach. Based on both SSR and phenotypic data, we established an initial core set, including the main Mediterranean cultivars, which displayed the highest genetic and phenotypic variability. No obvious genetic structure was indicated when the core subset was analyzed with Principal Coordinate analysis (PCoA). Our results gave an efficient basis as a first step for olive association mapping. The constructed core subset could be further evaluated for traits of agronomic interest, leading to association between the allelic variation and the phenotypic variability

    Testing different approaches to construct an olive ([i]Olea europaea[/i] L.) core subset suitable for association genetic studies

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    Evaluation of genetic diversity is of great interest for the management of germplasm collections and breeding programs. Management can be efficient when the evaluation is focused on a subset of accessions that represents the variability observed in the whole germplasm collection. Most core sets have been developed for seed crops using different approaches and sampling size to select entries on the basis of genetic and/or phenotypic data, while few studies on perennial crops have been published. Here, we proposed a core collection for cultivated olive (Olea europaea L.) using both Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) markers and phenotypic traits by testing different sampling approaches including stratified and non-stratified methods. Twelve SSR markers were used to construct a core subset from an initial collection of 505 single genotypes sourced from 14 Mediterranean countries. Among all the sampling methods, we showed that a sample size of 12.5% was most suitable in capturing all the observed alleles using the M-method approach. Based on both SSR and phenotypic data, we established an initial core set, including the main Mediterranean cultivars, which displayed the highest genetic and phenotypic variability. No obvious genetic structure was indicated when the core subset was analyzed with Principal Coordinate analysis (PCoA). Our results gave an efficient basis as a first step for olive association mapping. The constructed core subset could be further evaluated for traits of agronomic interest, leading to association between the allelic variation and the phenotypic variability
