88 research outputs found


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    Impor buah melon cukup tinggi karena kebutuhan konsumsi melon meningkat. Untuk mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap buah melon impor ini, maka produksinya perlu ditingkatkan. Selain itu, mutu buah juga perlu diperbaiki karena melon lokal umumnya memiliki kualitas buah rendah dibandingkan melon impor, yaitu ukuran buah yang kecil, daging buah tipis dan tingkat kemanisan rendah. Peningkatan kualitas buah dapat ditempuh dengan meningkatkan ukuran sel-sel buah melalui penggandaan kromosom dari diploid menjadi tetraploid dengan senyawa anti mitotic agent seperti kolkisin dari ekstrak umbi kembang sungsang maupun vincristine dari ekstrak daun tapak dara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menentukan jenis mutagen dengan lama perendaman yang tepat untuk mensubsitusi kolkisin dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman dan kualitas buah melon. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Laboratorium Agronomi dari bulan April sampai dengan Juli 2013 dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan satu faktor dan 5 ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri atas K0 = Benih direndam di dalam akuades, K1 = Benih direndam di dalam larutan kolkisin murni 1.00 g/L (setara dengan 0,1%) selama 8 jam, K2 = Benih direndam di dalam larutan ekstrak etanolik umbi kembang sungsang 165.00 g/L (setara 0,1%) selama 8 jam, K3 = Benih direndam di dalam 0.1% larutan ekstrak etanolik daun tapak dara (setara dengan 2,5 gram serbuk daun tapak dara kering) selama 8 jam, K4 = Benih direndam di dalam larutan kolkisin murni 1.00 g/L (setara dengan 0,1%) selama 16 jam, K5 = Benih direndam di dalam larutan ekstrak etanolik umbi kembang sungsang 165.00 g/L (setara dengan 0,1%) selama 16 jam, K6 = Benih direndam di dalam 0.1% larutan ekstrak etanolik daun tapak dara (setara dengan 2,5 gram serbuk daun tapak dara kering) selama 16 jam, K7 = benih direndam di dalam larutan kolkisin murni 1.00 g/L (setara dengan 0,1%) selama 24 jam, K8 = Benih direndam di dalam larutan ekstrak etanolik umbi kembang sungsang 165.00 g/L (setara dengan 0,1%) selama 24 jam, K9 = Benih direndam di dalam 0.1% larutan ekstrak etanolik daun tapak dara (setara dengan 2,5 gram serbuk daun tapak dara kering) selama 24 jam. Variabel yang diamati meliputi panjang tanaman (cm), jumlah daun, bobot basah ( g ), luas daun (cm2 ), kerapatan stomata, diameter batang (mm), panjang akar (cm ), tingkat kehijauan daun, berat buah (Kg ), diameter buah (cm), bobot seratus biji(g) dan kandungan bahan terlarut. Hasilnya perlakuan perendaman benih dalam mutagen mengakibatkan daun yang terbentuk lebih luas daripada daun perlakuan tanpa mutagen. Selain itu mutagen ini juga menyebabkan kerapatan stomata pada daun lebih tinggi daripada tanpa mutagen. Pada kualitas buah melon bahwa perlakuan mutagen berpengaruh nyata terhadap berat buah, diameter buah, bobot 100 biji namun tidak nyata terhadap kadar gula buah. Pengaruh positif mutagen ekstrak etanolik umbi kembang sungsang dan ekstrak etanolik daun tapak dara dapat mensubstitusi peran mutagen kolkisin murni dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan kualitas buah melon

    Overuse injuries in college and high school populations: occurrence and methodological issues in surveillance

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    Overuse injuries are difficult to define, can have long term effects and are underrepresented in the literature. This dissertation aimed to 1) compare the incidence of overuse injuries between college and high school athletes, 2) compare how overuse injuries are captured in injury surveillance to medical records, and 3) describe variation between clinicians in the assessment of the role of overuse and the assignment of an overuse mechanism of injury to hypothetical injury scenarios. Overuse injury rates and rate ratios calculated from data from the National Collegiate Athletic Association's (NCAA) Injury Surveillance System (ISS) and the High School RIO (Reporting Information Online) indicate that overuse injuries occurred three times more often in college than high school athletes (IRR: 3.28, 95% CI: 3.12, 3.44) and more often in female than male athletes (IRR: 1.55 95% CI: 1.43, 1.68) (Aim 1). A capture-recapture analysis of ISS and medical records for college mens and womens soccer injuries demonstrated that the ISS captured 63.7% (95% CI: 52.8%, 74.5%) of total overuse injuries (Aim 2). A survey which presented hypothetical injury scenarios was conducted among athletic trainers (ATs), the data collectors for injury surveillance (Aim 3). All but one scenario generated some degree of discordance among respondents regarding the role of overuse in the scenario and the probability of reporting an overuse mechanism of injury to surveillance. ATs also reported that nearly 50% of total treated injuries were overuse, and of those, only 62% were reported to surveillance. In summary, the findings demonstrate that overuse injuries comprise a significant proportion of injuries, specifically to college and female athletes (Aim 1). However, overuse injuries can be difficult to assess, which likely contributes to underreporting (Aim 2) and variability (Aim 3) in the reporting of these injuries. Based on these results, it is recommended a consensus definition for overuse injuries be created and adopted, with the goal of improving the capture of overuse injuries in surveillance systems. Improved capture will result in a more complete understanding of the incidence of overuse injuries and may lead to effective and targeted interventions to prevent these debilitating injuries.Doctor of Philosoph

    Rooting of Mini-Cuttings of guava cultivars (Psidium guajava L.) Treated with IBA under Misting Irrigation

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           Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is a plant whose fruit is very popular in Indonesia because it contains high vitamin C and its leaves can be used as herbal medicine. Orchard expansion of selected cultivars and fruit production of guava can be achieved vegetatively through  propagation by using mini-cuttings with the use of Indole Butyric Acids (IBA). A study was conducted to compare rooting success of mini-cuttings of herbaceous stem of four guava cultivars with IBA treatment. Four guava cultivars tested were Bengkulu Round, Getas, Crystal, and Bangkok.  Mini-cuttings were immersed in IBA solution at 0 ppm or 1000 ppm. Cultivar and IBA treatments were arranged factorially in a randomized complete  block design with  3 replications, each consisting of 25 cuttings. Variables observed included percentage of original-leaf shedding, percentage of emerging shoots, percentage of sprouting cuttings, new leaf number, root number, root length, and percent of rooted cuttings. The results demonstrated that cultivars affected rooting percentage, sprouted percentage, percentage of original-leaf fall, and number of root.  Getas had highest rooting and sprouting percentages, and showed lowest number of  original-leaf shedding; whereas, Bangkok demostrated greatest number of root.  IBA treatment increased the number of root and the number of original-leaf shedding, but reducing rooting percentage of mini-cutting. There was no interaction between cultivar and IBA teratment


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    Tomato production in Indonesia is low and fluctuatif. In 2011, tomato production in Bengkulu province was 33.744 ton, and only 33.351 ton in 2012. Low production may be due to unsuitable varieties and inefficient technology practiced by farmers. Most of superior varieties are adapted to highland area. The use of high yielding varieties but only adapted to highland has neglected local adapted varieties that might importance for future varieties improvement for wider adaptation. Character variability occurring in local varieties is important to plant breeders as they might be useful for improving varieties. We studied 10 local accessions of tomato found in Bengkulu for characterizing and grouping them that can be used for future tomato breeding. The 10 accessions namely K-1,K- 2,C-1, C-2, RL-1,RL-2, RL-3,SB, S, and NB were grown in poly bags in October 2013 – January 2014, replicated four times. Observations were done weekly to record qualitative and quantitative characters such as colors of hypocotyl, leaves color, young fruits color, and ripened fruits color, growth type, plant height, flowering and harvesting ages, fruit size (diameter, horizontal cross-section of fruit), fruit hardness, fruit numbers per bunch, number of fruit bunches per plant, fruit numbers per plant, fruit weight of each, and fruit weight per plant. Based on the afore mentioned characters we found six accessions: K-1, K-2, C1, RL 1, RL-2, and NB might be valued for future breeding program on tomato

    Growth and Yield of Corn Plants Against Vermicompost Dosage in Degraded Ultisols

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    Ultisols has prominent weaknesses and problems such as high acidity levels, low water absorption capacity, and low nutrient content such as N, P, K, Ca, and Mg, so it has the potential to inhibit plant growth. One way to overcome Ultisols soil problems is to use vermicompost fertilizer. Corn is one of the plants that is suitable for cultivation using vermicompost fertilizer. The research aims to obtain the best dose of vermicompost for corn growth and yield in degraded Ultisol soil. The research was conducted in Sri Kuncoro Village, Pondok Kelapa District, Central Bengkulu Regency, Bengkulu Province. The design used a single-factor Complete Randomized Block Design (RCBD) consisting of 5 treatment levels and five replications to obtain 25 experimental plots of 0, 7.5, 15, 22.5, and 30 tons ha-1. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at a 5% level and continued with the Least Significant Difference (LSD) test at a 5% level. The research results showed that the dose of vermicompost significantly affected the variables of plant height, number of leaves, number of leaves, and plant dry weight. The best vermicompost treatment dose was 22.5 tons ha-1 with plant height 254.85 cm, number of leaves 13.26, stem diameter 24.90 mm, leaf area 811.49 cm2 , cob length with husk 24, 93 cm, cob length without husk 17.26 cm, cob weight with husk 218.19 g, cob weight without husk 194.26 g, dry seed weight of plant samples 153.33 g and Dry seed weight per ha 9.1 tons


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    [THE EFFICACY OF AQUEOUS EXTRACT OF BETEL NUT AGAINST DIAMONDBACK MOTH OF PAKCOY CABBAGES]. The diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella L.) is the most destructive pest on cultivated pakcoy cabbages.  Chemical control using synthetic insecticides may cause pollution to the environment and may contribute to the development of resistance insects.  Therefore, botanical insecticides which are environmentally safe could be used as an alternative pesticide.  The objective of the study was to determine the efficacy of aqueous extract of betel nut to control diamondback moth on pakchoi cabbages (Brassica rapa sub-sp. chinensis). The extracts of betel nut consisted of six concentrations included 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 %, and pure water as a control.  The extracts were sprayed on the pakchoy plants infested by diamondback moth.  The application of betel nut extracts have significantly increased insect’s mortality and decreased the attacked intensity on the cabbages by the insect. The highest mortality of insects was 72.5%, whereas the lowest attack intensity was 6.29% were observed at the concentration of 60% of betel nut extract application. No significant effect was observed on the plant growth and yield.[THE EFFICACY OF AQUEOUS EXTRACT OF BETEL NUT AGAINST DIAMONDBACK MOTH OF PAKCOY CABBAGES]. The diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella L.) is the most destructive pest on cultivated pakcoy cabbages.  Chemical control using synthetic insecticides may cause pollution to the environment and may contribute to the development of resistance insects.  Therefore, botanical insecticides which are environmentally safe could be used as an alternative pesticide.  The objective of the study was to determine the efficacy of aqueous extract of betel nut to control diamondback moth on pakchoi cabbages (Brassica rapa sub-sp. chinensis). The extracts of betel nut consisted of six concentrations included 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 %, and pure water as a control.  The extracts were sprayed on the pakchoy plants infested by diamondback moth.  The application of betel nut extracts have significantly increased insect’s mortality and decreased the attacked intensity on the cabbages by the insect. The highest mortality of insects was 72.5%, whereas the lowest attack intensity was 6.29% were observed at the concentration of 60% of betel nut extract application. No significant effect was observed on the plant growth and yield

    Tingkat Pemberdayaan USAha Garam Rakyat (Pugar) Ditinjau Dari Aspek Produksi, Distribusi, Permintaan Pasar Dan Sosial Budaya

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    PUGAR activities to improve productivity concidered slowly. PUGAR need to be empowered again, to improve the welfare of farmers and the success of self-sufficiency salt industry in 2015. The purpose of this study is to analyze the people's business empowerment (PUGAR) based on aspects of production, distribution, demand for industrial salt in Central Java. Determining the level of empowerment of the salt business people in Central Java. The study was conducted by distributing questionnaires to farmers, conducting FGD and interview. A technical analysis to determine the level and strategy for empowerment. The result is production aspects related to the empowerment of low-level technology, aspects of distribution, and market demand is low, but socio-cultural aspects and sustainability efforts ishigh level. . pro short-term priority is to optimize the technology applied to the production process, improving the distribution chain and sustainable market information so as to create stability salt business people

    Pengujian Berbagai Tipe Tanam Jajar Legowo terhadap Hasil Padi Sawah

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    Planting wetland paddy by setting row space could be a method to increase rice production. Legowo system is row planting method where we are able to apply different row types on paddy field. The objective ofthis research was to identify the best row planting type of ‘Jajar Legowo’ on growth and yield of wetland paddy. Six row plantings, including 2:1 type (means 2 rows are splited by wide space/ legowo), 3:1 type, 4:1 type, 5:1type, 6:1 type, and 7:1 typ, were tested in a Randomized Complete Block Design with 3 replications Results of the experiment revealed that the highest growth and yield as showed by total number of tillers (28), number ofproductive tillers (25), dry-mill rice (66.16 g per plant), and yield difference of dry-mill rice (50.43% per plot) was found at row planting type 2:1. Therefore, row planting type 2:1 can be selected as the best row