
Tingkat Pemberdayaan USAha Garam Rakyat (Pugar) Ditinjau Dari Aspek Produksi, Distribusi, Permintaan Pasar Dan Sosial Budaya


PUGAR activities to improve productivity concidered slowly. PUGAR need to be empowered again, to improve the welfare of farmers and the success of self-sufficiency salt industry in 2015. The purpose of this study is to analyze the people's business empowerment (PUGAR) based on aspects of production, distribution, demand for industrial salt in Central Java. Determining the level of empowerment of the salt business people in Central Java. The study was conducted by distributing questionnaires to farmers, conducting FGD and interview. A technical analysis to determine the level and strategy for empowerment. The result is production aspects related to the empowerment of low-level technology, aspects of distribution, and market demand is low, but socio-cultural aspects and sustainability efforts ishigh level. . pro short-term priority is to optimize the technology applied to the production process, improving the distribution chain and sustainable market information so as to create stability salt business people

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